Where can I load the user information to the session in ASP.NET MVC 5 with windows authentication? - session

I want to use the ASP.NET MVC 5 for my web app. I need use the windows authentication.
If I use the windows authentication where is the best place for reading user information (userid and roles) and store its to the Session?
I have the method for getting the user information by username from the database like this:
public class CurrentUser
public int UserId { get; set; }
public string UserName { get; set; }
public Roles Roles { get; set; }
public enum Roles
public class AuthService
public CurrentUser GetUserInfo(string userName)
var currentUser = new CurrentUser();
//load from DB
return currentUser;

You've asked two questions (1) the best place to obtain user information and (2) how to store it in the Session. I'll answer (1) and in so doing perhaps show that you need not put any additional information in the session.
You've stated that your application is using Windows Authentication, so that means the hard work of authenticating the user has already been done by IIS/HttpListener before your app receives the request. When you receive the request there will be a WindowsPrincipal in HttpContext.User. This will have the windows username and AD roles already established, but you wish to use additional roles stored in the database...
You could access your AuthService from anywhere in your application, but probably the best approach is to register an IAuthorizationFilter and do the work there. By following this approach, the additional roles and other information you fetch from the database will be available in your controller methods and, perhaps more importantly, from any additional library code that needs to check user credentials.
Prior to .Net 4.5, if you wanted to add additional information to the WindowsPrincipal I think your only choice was to replace the system-provided User with another object that implemented the IPrincipal interface. This approach is still available (and what I recommend), but since the introduction of Windows Identity Foundation (WIF) in .Net 4.5, WindowsPrincipal is derived from  System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentityClaimsIdentity, which supports adding additional roles (and other useful information) to the system-provided principal. However, as several people have found, there is a bug/feature in Windows which can cause an exception The trust relationship between the primary domain and the trusted domain failed to be thrown when checking roles that have been added programmatically. We have found that a simple and reliable way to avoid this is to replace the User with a GenericPrincipal.
Steps required:
(1) create an IAuthorizationFilter.
class MyAuthorizationFilter : IAuthorizationFilter
AuthService _authService;
public MyAuthorizationFilter(AuthService authService)
_authService = authService;
public void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationContext filterContext)
var principal = filterContext.HttpContext.User;
if (principal.Identity != null && principal.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
// Add username (and other details) to session if you have a need
filterContext.HttpContext.Session["User"] = principal.Identity.Name;
// get user info from DB and embue the identity with additional attributes
var user = _authService.GetUserInfo(principal.Identity.Name);
// Create a new Principal and add the roles belonging to the user
GenericPrincipal gp = new GenericPrincipal(principal.Identity, user.RoleNames.ToArray());
filterContext.HttpContext.User = gp;
(2) Register your filter. This can be registered at the controller level or globally. Typically you will do this in App_Start\FilterConfig.cs:
public class FilterConfig
public static void RegisterGlobalFilters(GlobalFilterCollection filters)
filters.Add(new MyAuthorizationFilter(new AuthService()));
(3) Use the provided GenericPrincipal in your application code to answer questions about the user identification and other credentials. e.g. in your controller method you can access the username or any other "claims" (e.g. email address) stored in the GenericPrincipal by your filter.
public ActionResult Index()
ViewBag.Name = HttpContext.User.Identity.Name;
// some role-specific action
return View();
Because you've used the built-in mechanism to record Principal roles, you can access user details from anywhere using HttpContext.User or System.Threading.Thread.CurrentPrincipal. Also you can use the AuthorizeAttribute in you controller methods to declare which actions are available to certain roles or users. e.g.
public class HomeController : Controller
[Authorize(Roles = "Administrator")]
public ActionResult Admin()
return View();
See MSDN for further details about ClaimsIdentity
I hope this helps

First and foremost: never, never, never store user details in the session. Seriously. Just don't do it.
If you're using Windows Auth, the user is in AD. You have use AD to get the user information. Microsoft has an MSDN article describing how this should be done.
The long and short is that you create a subclass of UserIdentity and extend it with the additional properties you want to return on the user:
public class InetOrgPerson : UserPrincipal
// Inplement the constructor using the base class constructor.
public InetOrgPerson(PrincipalContext context) : base(context)
// Implement the constructor with initialization parameters.
public InetOrgPerson(PrincipalContext context,
string samAccountName,
string password,
bool enabled)
: base(context,
InetOrgPersonSearchFilter searchFilter;
new public InetOrgPersonSearchFilter AdvancedSearchFilter
if ( null == searchFilter )
searchFilter = new InetOrgPersonSearchFilter(this);
return searchFilter;
// Create the mobile phone property.
public string MobilePhone
if (ExtensionGet("mobile").Length != 1)
return null;
return (string)ExtensionGet("mobile")[0];
ExtensionSet( "mobile", value );
In the example code above, a property is added to bind to the AD's user's mobile field. This is done by implementing the property as shown utilizing ExtensionSet, and then annotating the property with the DirectoryProperty attribute to tell it what field it binds to.
The DirectoryRdnPrefix and DirectoryObjectClass attributes on the class need to line up with how your AD is set up.
Once this is implemented, then you will be able to get at the values simply by referencing them off User.Identity. For example, User.Identity.MobilePhone would return the mobile field from AD for the user.


ASP NET Boilerplate, Login saved in ABPSession

I'm new on the asp net boilerplate framework, and i created a new mvc project multipage web application, without module zero.
I would like to use the AbpSession class that from what I understand has inside the user id that is taken over Thread.CurrentPrincipal.
However, I do not understand how to do after login, to save the user id in the Thread.CurrentPrincipal.
I've searched in the network and found several solutions, but in the AbpSession class the user id is always null.
The most optimal solution I found was this:
IList<Claim> claimCollection = new List<Claim>
new Claim(AbpClaimTypes.UserId, "5")
ClaimsIdentity claimsIdentity = new ClaimsIdentity(claimCollection);
var principal = new ClaimsPrincipal(claimsIdentity);
Thread.CurrentPrincipal = principal;
It's the first time I use principal and identity and despite being documented I did not quite understand how to use them with asp net boilerplate, and I did not find sample codes.
Do you know how to tell me the right way or tell me where to find some functional codes?
Start expanding AbpSession
The last section has cleared the way of thinking. Let's roll up our sleeves and expand in this section.
AbpSession attributes have been injected into three base classes: Application Service, AbpController and ABP ApiController.
So we need to extend AbpSession at the domain level, which is the project at the end of. Core.
Now suppose we need to extend an Email attribute.
Extending IAbpSession
Locate the project at the end of. Core, add the Extensions folder, and then add the IAbpSession Extension interface inherited from IAbpSession:
namespace LearningMpaAbp.Extensions
public interface IAbpSessionExtension : IAbpSession
string Email { get; }
Implementing IAbpSession Extension
Add the AbpSession Extension class, which is based on Claims AbpSession and implements the IAbpSession Extension interface.
namespace LearningMpaAbp.Extensions
public class AbpSessionExtension : ClaimsAbpSession, IAbpSessionExtension, ITransientDependency
public AbpSessionExtension(
IPrincipalAccessor principalAccessor,
IMultiTenancyConfig multiTenancy,
ITenantResolver tenantResolver,
IAmbientScopeProvider<SessionOverride> sessionOverrideScopeProvider) :
base(principalAccessor, multiTenancy, tenantResolver, sessionOverrideScopeProvider)
public string Email => GetClaimValue(ClaimTypes.Email);
private string GetClaimValue(string claimType)
var claimsPrincipal = PrincipalAccessor.Principal;
var claim = claimsPrincipal?.Claims.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Type == claimType);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(claim?.Value))
return null;
return claim.Value;
//Override CreateAsync method to add your custom claim
public override async Task<ClaimsPrincipal> CreateAsync(User user)
var claim = await base.CreateAsync(user);
claim.Identities.First().AddClaim(new Claim(ClaimTypes.Email, user.EmailAddress));
return claim;
Replace the injected AbbSession attribute
First replace the injected ABP Session in AbpController
Locate. ApplicationxxxControllerBase:AbpController. CS and inject IAbpSession Extension with attributes. Add the following code:
//AbpSession Hiding Parent Class
public new IAbpSessionExtension AbpSession { get; set; }
Replace the injected ABP Session in Application Service
Locate. ApplicationxxxAppServiceBase.cs. Introduce IAbpSession Extension with attributes, and add the following code as well:
//AbpSession Hiding Parent Class
public new IAbpSessionExtension AbpSession { get; set; }
Chaneg the injected ABP Session in Views AbpRazorPage
Locate. ApplicationxxxRazorPage.cs. Introduce IAbpSession Extension with attributes, and add the following code as well:
public IAbpSessionExtension AbpSession { get; set; }
Altough the question is very general, i would like to share you some code about how to add custom field to AbpSession in ASP.NET Core.
//Define your own session and add your custom field to it
//Then, you can inject MyAppSession and use it's new property in your project.
public class MyAppSession : ClaimsAbpSession, ITransientDependency
public MyAppSession(
IPrincipalAccessor principalAccessor,
IMultiTenancyConfig multiTenancy,
ITenantResolver tenantResolver,
IAmbientScopeProvider<SessionOverride> sessionOverrideScopeProvider) :
base(principalAccessor, multiTenancy, tenantResolver, sessionOverrideScopeProvider)
public string UserEmail
var userEmailClaim = PrincipalAccessor.Principal?.Claims.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Type == "Application_UserEmail");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userEmailClaim?.Value))
return null;
return userEmailClaim.Value;
//Override CreateAsync method to add your custom claim
public override async Task<ClaimsPrincipal> CreateAsync(User user)
var claim = await base.CreateAsync(user);
claim.Identities.First().AddClaim(new Claim("Application_UserEmail", user.EmailAddress));
return claim;

WebApi External Bearer Authentication and Injecting User into respositories

I have a webapi project and a repositories project.
I have configured to use oauth, which uses owin middleware bearer token authentication.
I have a unitofwork with multiple repositories.
Inside the repositories I want to filter data based on the logged on user.
I would like all repositories to get the logged in user via dependency injection.
I can access the logged on user in the webapi action, but I am struggling to work out if/how I can inject the current user using DI; because the authorization is happening via the webapi Authorize?:
[Authorize(Roles = "User")]
public IQueryable<Folder> Folders()
// return UnitOfWork.FolderRepository.All().OrderBy(o=>o.FolderId).Skip(10).Take(50);
var test = HttpContext.Current.GetOwinContext().Authentication;
//test is populated with the logged on user here, but I don't want to set the user details of the UOW in every action in my controllers
return UnitOfWork.FolderRepository.All();
So in the action Folders the Authorize annotation logs the user on. But I have already instantiated the unit of work in the controller constructor with DI:
public FolderController(IUnitOfWork uow, UserManager<IdentityUser,int> usermanager)
UnitOfWork = uow;
UserManager = usermanager;
IOC container:
public static IContainer Initialize()
ObjectFactory.Initialize(x =>
x.Scan(scan =>
.Use(() => new HttpContextWrapper(HttpContext.Current));
() => new UnitOfWork(new BreezeValidator
(new UserManager<AspNet.Identity.SQLServer.IdentityUser, int>(new UserStore(new SqlDatabase()))))
I had tried to pass in HttpContext.Current.GetOwinContext(), but at that point the authorization hasn't taken place and so the Principal has not been set.
I have looked at actionfilters (which are run after the authorization filter), but can't figure out how I would return a new unit of work instance with the logged on user set, back to the controller.
...Or whether I can set a property on the controller from an action filter?
So the question is really, how can I set the user details in all my controller's unitofwork, without lots of duplication?
EDIT: I have a working solution, but still not sure it's the right way to go:
I created an action filter and then from there get the controller and set a UserPrincipal property on the controller's unitOfWork property.
using Project1.Web.Controllers;
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web.Http.Controllers;
using System.Web.Http.Filters;
namespace Project1.Web.Filters
public class InjectUserAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
public override void OnActionExecuting(HttpActionContext actionContext)
var action = actionContext.ControllerContext.Controller;
UowApiController ctrl = (UowApiController)actionContext.ControllerContext.Controller;
ctrl.UnitOfWork.UserPrincipal = actionContext.RequestContext.Principal;
Then, in my UnitOfWork setter of the UserPrincipal I set the UserPrincipal in the contained repositories:
public IPrincipal UserPrincipal
return this.userPrincipal;
this.userPrincipal = value;
((Repository<Folder>)FolderRepository).UserPrincipal = value;
This works now, but it doesn't achieve dependency injection.
Also I would like to know if this is a "right" way to do it, or what would be a better approach?
I was searching for the same thing and decided on this. I think this answer will be relevant to you as well.
Proper way to dependency inject authenticated user to my repository class
I've just added a getter to the service classes that accesses the user identity at request time.
public class MyService
public IEnumerable<Results> GetResults()
return _ResultRepository.GetResultsByUser(UserIdentity);
IIdentity UserIdentity
get { return Thread.CurrentPrincipal.Identity; }

SimpleMembershipProvider vs WebSecurity

I have a WebAPI project with a Repository layer. For methods related to accounts, I'm not sure which method to use here:
public class RepositoryService : IRepositoryService
private readonly SimpleMembershipProvider _membership;
public RepositoryService()
_membership = (SimpleMembershipProvider)Membership.Provider;
To check if a user exists:
public bool UserExists(string userName)
return WebSecurity.UserExists(userName);
public bool UserExists(string userName)
return _membership.GetUser(userName, true) != null;
I'm wondering because in other places I think I have to use _membership (to get a specific user, for example):
public MembershipUser GetUser(string userName)
return _membership.GetUser(userName, false);
But it seems odd that I have to use _membership and WebSecurity. Is there anything "smelly" about using both?
The following seems to suggests that you are OK:
From the MSDN docs http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg547905%28v=vs.111%29.aspx on the WebSecurity class:
Behind the scenes, the WebSecurity class interacts with an ASP.NET
membership provider that in turn performs the lower-level work that is
required in order to perform security tasks. The default membership
provider in ASP.NET Web Pages is the SimpleMembershipProvider class.

AuthorizeAttribute with Roles but not hard-coding the Role values

Is it possible to add the Roles but not hard-coding the values like:
[Authorize(Roles="members, admin")]
I would like to retrieve these roles from a database or configuration file where I wouldn't need to rebuild the application if I needed to add/remove Roles for a Controller Action.
I know with the enums it can be done...
but even this is still not flexible enough for my needs; it's still somewhat of a hard-code, even though it is cleaner.
You can create your custom authorization attribute, that will compare user roles and roles from your configuration.
public class ConfigAuthorizationAttribute: AuthorizeAttribute
private readonly IActionRoleConfigService configService;
private readonly IUserRoleService roleService;
private string actionName;
public ConfigAuthorizationAttribute()
configService = new ActionRoleConfigService();
roleService = new UserRoleService();
protected override void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationContext filterContext)
actionName = filterContext.ActionDescription.ActionName;
protected override bool AuthorizeCore(HttpContextBase httpContext)
var availableRoles = configService.GetActionRoles(actionName); // return list of strings
var userName = httpContext.User.Identity.Name;
var userRoles = roleService.GetUserRoles(userName); // return list of strings
return availableRoles.Any(x => userRoles.Contains(x));
I hope it helps you.
One solution would be to create an intermediate entity called "Group" where users are added to groups (eg: Admin, Support) and groups have set of Roles. (eg: Create users). This way you can hard code the Roles and configure the relationships between users and groups.
You would need to implement a custom Role Provider. Go through Implementing a Role Provider On MSDN
public ActionResult Create()

AD Roles based Authorization in MVC3

In our MVC3 based Intranet app, one AD User may belong to many roles and during login, they will choose the role they want to login as. We are currently authenticating the user using the following approach: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/system/everythingInAD.aspx#35
Once the user is authenticated and found to belong to the role they are trying to login as, we would like to authorize access to specific Controllers and Actions based on their Role. We would prefer to use the Authorize attribute of the MVC.
Since we are not using any providers to autnenticate, can we still somehow use the Authorize attribute to restrict access?
You can use the Authorize attribute as long as your custom membership provider inherits from the asp.net MemberShipProvider class.
But if you decide to have an entirely new provide which doesn't inherit from asp.net MembershipProvider class than you can't use the Authorize attirbute.
#Pankaj is right but You can define you'r custom Attribute for exam: class MyAuthorizationAttribute : FilterAttribute, IAuthorizationFilter and override OnAuthorization method of it. then decorate each action with this custom attribute and calculate authorization in body of OnAuthorization. this is a sample:
public class MyAuthorizationAttribute : FilterAttribute, IAuthorizationFilter
public string _name;
public MyAuthorizationAttribute(string name)
this._name = curPerm.name;
public void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationContext filterContext)
// Calculate permissions...
if (!permit)
Exception e = new MethodAccessException("Access to partial denied!");
throw new Exception("Can't access via address bar!", e);
and use in action
[MyAuthorizationAttribute ("Add")]
public ActionResult Index()
ViewBag.Message = "About page";
return View();
Hope this useful.
Good luck.
