Spring Data Rest & projections - spring

I want to return only a subset of my data to the client. i.e. use a projection. Some docs imply that a query can return a projection but I get the error shown below. If I change the query to return the supplier entity it all works fine.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: PersistentEntity must not be null!
The query:
findByApSupplierCodeContainsIgnoreCaseOrAdminAddressContainsIgnoreCaseOrderByApSupplierCodeAsc(Pageable pageable, #Param("code") String code, #Param("description") String description);
The repository:
public interface SupplierRepository extends PagingAndSortingRepository<Supplier, Long>

Without looking at how SupplierLookupProjection is implemented, I believe you might have missed defining SupplierLookupProjection as projection interface.
If so, do define SupplierLookupProjection as projection interface with the getters for the fields the you are interested in.
For ex: hypothetically, if you want only name and location field of Supplier the you can define projection interface with only those getters as below:
interface SupplierLookupProjection {
String getName();
String getLocation();
You can refer to Spring Data JPA projections for more examples.


Mapping a DTO to Entity with #Verion column-Spring Boot Hibernate

I have a DTO which need to be mapped to Entity with a #Version column in DB, and then to do update.
Before mapping I get the Entity from database (I need it because of some validations and comparations) and then use the mapper.
So, the code is like this:
Entity fromDB = getEntity(eDto.getId());
Entity forUpdate = mapper.toEntity(fromDB, eDto);
Entity toEntity(#MappingTarget Entity e, EntityDto eDto);
In EntityDto I have few columns and Version also. But after getting the Entity from DB it is in PersistenceContext and the version can not be changed, so even if I use the wrong Version number, I never get the Optimistic Lock Failure exception.
Any suggestion how can I resolve this issue?
(here is an example)
user1 get the entity with id 1 and version 1 on UI
user1 make some changes on entity
in the meantime some other user have changed and saved the object to DB (now version is 2)
user1 call updateEntity with version 1 and it comes to my method for update
I take the entity from DB (and now the version is 2)
I map it to forUpdate (BUT HERE VERSION IS NOT MAPED because fromDB is in PersistenceContext and it is not allowed to change version)
the changes are made, and they should NOT be made because versions are not the same!
Not sure how helpful this is for you, but I think Blaze-Persistence Entity Views would be the perfect fit for your situation.
I created the library to allow easy mapping between JPA models and custom interface or abstract class defined models, something like Spring Data Projections on steroids. The idea is that you define your target structure(domain model) the way you like and map attributes(getters) via JPQL expressions to the entity model.
A DTO model for your use case could look like the following with Blaze-Persistence Entity-Views:
public interface EntityDto {
Long getId();
String getName();
Set<SubDto> getRoles();
interface SubDto {
Long getId();
String getName();
Querying is a matter of applying the entity view to a query, the simplest being just a query by id.
EntityDto a = entityViewManager.find(entityManager, EntityDto.class, id);
The Spring Data integration allows you to use it almost like Spring Data Projections: https://persistence.blazebit.com/documentation/entity-view/manual/en_US/index.html#spring-data-features
Page<EntityDto> findAll(Pageable pageable);
The best part is, it will only fetch the state that is actually necessary!
With the Spring WebMvc integration you can even materialize the entity view like this:
#RequestMapping(path = "/my-endpoint", method = RequestMethod.POST, consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
public ResponseEntity<String> updateCat(#RequestBody EntityDto dto) {
return ResponseEntity.ok(dto.getId().toString());
It will be persisted/updated just as you would expect it!

How to pass pageable for native query?

I was doing a project and there i had a requirement of using pageable object and recieved page object from JPA.
Does anyone have any idea on how to use this?
public interface CustomerRepository extends JpaRepository<Customer,Long>{
#Query("SELECT * FROM WHERE name=?1 AND surname=?2 ", nativeQuery = true)
List<Customer> findAllByNameAndSurname(String name,String surname);
I want a page List for result fetch from this query.
Spring Data JPA and native queries with pagination is not supported in Spring. According to documentation , Spring Data JPA repositories can be used with native queries and pagination. But, in real life Spring Data JPA (1.10.2.RELEASE) requires some additional fix.
You have to use this if you want pagination support.
List<Customer> customers = customerRepository.findAllByNameAndSurname(name,username);
PagedListHolder<Customer> pages = new PagedListHolder(customers);
pages.setPage(currentPageNumber); //set current page number
pages.setPageSize(pageSize); // set the size of page
pages.getPageList(); // return the list of items(or in your case List<Customer> ) of current page
Try this:
public interface CustomerRepository extends JpaRepository<Customer, Long> {
Page<Customer> findAllByNameEqualsAndSurnameEquals(String name, String surname, Pageable pageable);
I am pretty sure JpaRepository can handle your Pageable parameter.
Also, method name has to be as I mentioned as spring creates queries based on method name (uses reflection).
If you really need to execute NATIVE QUERY you will have to find other solution but I do not recommend the one provided by Dasari Swaroop Kumar as it just queries all objects from database and then kinda filters it in memory.
Also to that native query solution - you can extend your method definition to additional 2 parameters for page and pageSize and append them to your native query and leave repository to return plain List and then create PageImpl object in the layer that calls your CustomerRepository object.

Spring Data JPA DistinctBy projections

Good day fellow hibernators!
I have a question on how the DistinctBy clause works in conjunction with Spring Data's projection
Assume I have 3 classes:
public class Task {
Long id;
#ManyToOne(fetch = LAZY)
#JoinColumn(name = "project_id")
private Project project;
#JoinColumn(name = "contact_id")
private Contact assigned;
Boolean deleted;
// ...
public class Contact {
Long id;
// ...
public class Project {
Long id;
#OneToMany(fetch = LAZY, mappedBy = "project")
private Set<Task> tasks;
// ...
These would be my domain classes. Notice, Project does have a "One2Many" to Tasks, Contact does not. Now, I have 2 interfaces for my projections and the basic TaskRepo with 2 methods:
public interface JustProject {
Project getProject();
public interface JustAssignee {
Contact getContact();
public class TaskRepo extends CrudRepository<Task, Long>, JpaSpecificationExecutor<Task> {
List<JustAssignee> findDistinctByDeletedFalse();
List<JustProject> findDistinctByDeletedFalseAndDeletedFalse();
The way it works for me right now is that, findDistinctByDeletedFalse returns as many instances as there are distinct contacts for tasks (e.g. if there are 10 tasks but only 3 contacts, the method will return just 3 objects containing all the 3 distinct contacts). Same for findDistinctByDeletedFalseAndDeletedFalse but on project level.
Now I have a few questions here and would love to get some help in understanding how this works exactly.
is the distinct clause applied after the search is done?
my initial assumption was that this behavior would not work as it does now. I assumed that the distinct clause is applied before the result is fetched, meaning that it would be DISTINCT based on the underlying task model, not the returned JustContact or JustProject model.
is there any way I could somehow not abuse the ...AndDeletedFalse redundant appendix? I need both the two methods from the repo but I feel like I had to cheat just to obtain that result...
... am I doing something wrong? I wanted to get "all distinct contacts/projects assigned to all tasks" as elegant of a way as possible. I ended up thinking about this distinctby exactly because I was unsure on how it works and wanted to try mu luck out. I really didn't think it would work this way, but now that it does I would really want to understand why it does!
Many thanks <3
The DISTINCT keyword is applied to the query and therefore it's effect depends on the select list which in turn is controlled by the projection. Therefore if you have only project or only contact in your projection the DISTINCT will get applied to those values only. Note though, that this relies somewhat on the boundaries of the JPA specification and I wouldn't be surprised if you see different behaviour with different implementations. See https://github.com/eclipse-ee4j/jpa-api/issues/189 and https://github.com/eclipse-ee4j/jpa-api/issues/124 for somewhat related issues raised against the specification.
In oder to differentiate methods that otherwise only differ in the return value you might add any additional string between find and By in the method name. For example you might want to rename your methods to findDistinctContactsByDeletedFalse and findDistinctProjectsByDeletedFalse
I guess this is the best that you can get with Spring Data JPA. You might be able to use just a single method by using the dynamic projections approach, but I think this is a perfect use case for Blaze-Persistence Entity Views.
I created the library to allow easy mapping between JPA models and custom interface or abstract class defined models, something like Spring Data Projections on steroids. The idea is that you define your target structure(domain model) the way you like and map attributes(getters) via JPQL expressions to the entity model.
A DTO model for your use case could look like the following with Blaze-Persistence Entity-Views:
public interface TaskAggregateDto {
// A synthetic "id" to get a grouping context on object level
int getGroupKey();
Set<ProjectDto> getProjects();
Set<ContactDto> getContacts();
interface ProjectDto {
Long getId();
String getName();
interface ContactDto {
Long getId();
String getName();
The Spring Data integration allows you to use it almost like Spring Data Projections: https://persistence.blazebit.com/documentation/entity-view/manual/en_US/index.html#spring-data-features
public interface TaskRepo extends CrudRepository<Task, Long>, JpaSpecificationExecutor<Task> {
TaskAggregateDto findOneByDeletedFalse();

How to Define Dynamic Model in Spring Framework

I am using Spring Framework as my back end
I have define know as Entity class The Entity class know contain 5 Fields
Below is the class , The code below dose not have setter getter part to make shorter and cleaner
public class Know {
private Double idKnow;
private String SubjectKnow;
private String BodyKnow;
private String ImgKnow;
private double CountView;
In JpaRepository interface i want to only query two column not all of columns.
public interface KnowRepository extends JpaRepository<Know,Double> {
#Query("SELECT idKnow,SubjectKnow FROM Know")
public Page<Know> findCByOrderByIdKnowDesc(Pageable pageable);
Problem: i try to run but i get below exception
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot create TypedQuery for query with more than one return using requested result type [java.lang.Long]
But if i use without below query it is fine
public Page<Know> findAllByOrderByIdKnowDesc(Pageable pageable);
You can create a custom constructor and use that to select only some fields in JPA query.
public Know(Double idKnow, String SubjectKnow) {
this.idKnow = idKnow;
this.SubjectKnow = SubjectKnow;
And the use this constructor in JPA query. Make sure you use complete path of class with package.
#Query("SELECT NEW packagePath.Know(idKnow,SubjectKnow) FROM Know")
query :
public Page<Know> findAllByOrderByIdKnowDesc(Pageable pageable);
works dut to you select Know objects with fields that are mapped correct into Know class (and after wrapped into Page).
with query :
#Query("SELECT idKnow,SubjectKnow FROM Know")
public Page<Know> findCByOrderByIdKnowDesc(Pageable pageable);
returns some custome bean/object that spring data can't map in correct way into Know class (as you declared it as expected return class wrapped into Page). add counstructor into Know with idKnow,SubjectKnow fields , or you can wrap it into some DTO with idKnow,SubjectKnow fields.

Spring data JPA for returning specific fields

Does Spring Data have a mechanism for returning specific fields?
I'm familiar with the syntax:
Invoice findByCode(String code);
How about this:
Integer findIdByCode(String code);
which returns the id field only. Or
Tuple findIdAndNameByCode(String code);
which returns a tuple. Or
Invoice findIdAndNameByCode(String code);
which returns an entity only populated with specific fields. Can use a constructor taking only those field if defined - else construct empty and populate the fields.
To qualify some more, I'm aware of solutions like #Query, constructor expressions and now, #NamedEntityGraph. My question is simply - does Spring data support such a shorthand syntax as I'm suggesting?
If not, perhaps this is a cool enhancement for a later version...
I'm not looking for workarounds.
You can use JPQL Constructor Expressions:
SELECT NEW com.company.PublisherInfo(pub.id, pub.revenue, mag.price)
FROM Publisher pub JOIN pub.magazines mag WHERE mag.price > 5.00
The constructor name must be fully qualified
If you want to return just 1 field from table and it's primitive(or autoboxing), you can use next:
#Query("select distinct t.locationId from Table t")
List<Long> findAllWashroomLocationId();
Table - name of class which represent your table
t - alias
locationId - name of field(in your Table object)
Long - type of locationId (Integer, String, ...)
Not sure if what you're trying to achieve is the same as using multiple projections on the same JPA generated query (where method name are the same). I have posted an answer in this post.
So I've managed to figure out how to use multiple projections with a
single query.
<T> T getByUsername(String username, Class<T> projection) This allows the method caller to specified the type of projection to be
applied to the query.
To further improve this so it is less prone to error, I made a blank
interface that the projection will have to extend in order to be able
to insert class into the parameter.
public interface JPAProjection {
public interface UserRepository extends CrudRepository<UserAccount, Long> {
<T extends JPAProjection > T getByUsername(String username, Class<? extends JPAProjection> projection);
Projection Interface
public interface UserDetailsProjection extends JPAProjection{
String getUsername();
String getFirstname();
String getLastname();
Then I can call the query method by
getByUsername("...", UserDetailsProjection.class)
i have a nativequery,
this is a insert and i going to return all fields after insert whit "RETURNING *"
this query return all fields of my database, and this data going to save in my entity
"Perfil Detalles"
my entity have all configurations of my fields of my database
value= "INSERT INTO \"USUARIO\".\"PERFIL_CONFIGURACION\" (id_perfil, id_group, id_role) VALUES(:id_perfil, :id_group, :id_role) returning *",
nativeQuery = true)
public PerfilDetalles insertPerfilDetalles(
#Param("id_perfil") Long id_perfil,
#Param("id_group") int id_group,
#Param("id_role") int id_role);
