packaging maven project with external jar - maven

I've been trying to make a runnable jar from my project (in Intellij IDEA) which has a dependency to an oracle (driver -> ojdbc6) jar. When I package the project with all of the dependencies, the only one what will be excluded is the jar. Which means my db queries are going to fail when I run it.
I've found several similar questions*, but I've failed the execution of them, because I don't know the groupid and artifact id of the oracle's jar.
*like this one: build maven project with propriatery libraries included
p.s.: the jar wad added through the IDEA's feature (project structure -> modules), and with this solution the project could run without failure. The problem starts with the packaging.

Short Solution: Try using the below:
<systemPath>${basedir}/WebContent/WEB-INF/lib/YOUR_LIB.jar</systemPath> // give the path where your jar is present
Make sure that the groupId, artifactID and the version number are unique.
Long Solution:
Download the jar file to your machine.
Navigate using the prompt to the folder where you downloaded the jar.
Run the following command to install the jar to your local repository.
mvn install:install-file -DartifactId=ojdbc6 -Dversion= -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=ojdbc6.jar -DgeneratePom=true
Finally, add the dependency to the pom.xml.
Also, don't forget to use -U option while running the project.


Dependency on a local maven project?

Is it possible to have a dependency on a project that is only on my local machine and not in any repository?
If so, how do I specify it in my POM, would I use the following format below?
Install that dependency to your local maven repository using mvn install. Then your local projects can use it as a dependency. Of course that will only work on that one machine.
If you use Eclipse/NetBeans/IntelliJ and have the dependency as well as the project using that dependency opened, you don't need to install it as those IDEs resolve this without involving the local maven repo.
If your dependency is not a maven project, you simply have to reference the jar file. Or you assign artifactId and groupId and install the jar file to your repo.
Both ways are shown here.
install the dependency using mvn install like take a example of oracle ojdbc6 or ojdbc14 jar we cannot find this jar in central or remode repository so to use this we need to install this jar in maven local repository
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=<path-to-file> -DgroupId=<group-id> -DartifactId=<artifact-id> -Dversion=<version> -Dpackaging=<packaging>
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=C:/oraclexe/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/server/jdbc/lib/ojdbc6.jar -DartifactId=ojdbc6 -Dversion=11.2.0 -Dpackaging=jar
note:- Cmd should be opened in location of jar only i.e- mvn install:install-file command must run at jar location only
Configuring POM.XML(in program)
<!-- ORACLE database driver -->
even one project developed in maven can be added as jar in another

FlinkMLTools NoClassDef when running jar built with maven

I'm working on a recommender system using Apache Flink. The implementation is running when I test it in IntelliJ, but I would like now to go on a cluster. I also built a jar file and tested it locally to see if all was working but I encountered a problem.
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/flink/ml/common/FlinkMLTools$
As we can see, the class FlinkMLTools used in my code isn't found during the running of the jar.
I built this jar with Maven 3.3.3 with mvn clean install and I'm using the version 0.9.0 of Flink.
First Trail
The fact is that my global project contains other projects (and this recommender is one of the sub-project). In that way, I have to launch the mvn clean install in the folder of the right project, otherwise Maven always builds a jar of an other project (and I don't understand why). So I'm wondering if there could be a way to say explicitly to maven to build one specific project of the global project. Indeed, perhaps the path to FlinkMLTools is contained in a link present in the pom.xml file of the global project.
Any other ideas?
The problem is that Flink's binary distribution does not contain the libraries (flink-ml, gelly, etc.). This means that you either have to ship the library jar files with your job jar or that you have to copy them manually to your cluster. I strongly recommend the first option.
Building a fat-jar to include library jars
The easiest way to build a fat jar which does not contain unnecessary jars is to use Flink's quickstart archetype to set up the project's pom.
mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.flink \
-DarchetypeArtifactId=flink-quickstart-scala -DarchetypeVersion=0.9.0
will create the structure for a Flink project using the Scala API. The generated pom file will have the following dependencies.
You can remove flink-streaming-scala and instead you insert the following dependency tag in order to include Flink's machine learning library.
When you know build the job jar with mvn package, the generated jar should contain the flink-ml jar and all of its transitive dependencies.
Copying the library jars manually to the cluster
Flink includes all jars which are located in the <FLINK_ROOT_DIR>/lib folder in the classpath of the executed jobs. Thus, in order to use Flink's machine learning library you have to put the flink-ml jar and all needed transitive dependencies into the /lib folder. This is rather tricky, since you have to figure out which transitive dependencies are actually needed by your algorithm and, consequently, you will often end up copying all transitive dependencies.
How to build a specific sub-module with maven
In order to build a specific sub-module X from your parent project you can use the following command:
mvn clean package -pl X -am
-pl allows you to specify which sub-modules you want to build and -am tells maven to also build other required sub-modules. It is also described here.
In cluster mode, Flink does not put all library JAR files into the classpath of its workers. When executing the program locally in IntelliJ all required dependencies are in the classpath, but not when executing on a cluster.
You have two options:
copy the FlinkML Jar file into the lib folder of all Flink TaskManager
Build a fat Jar file for you application that includes the FLinkML dependencies.
See the Cluster Execution Documentation for details.

Installed Jar is not picked up in compilation

I successfully installed a local jar to my repo using this command
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=myjar.jar -DgroupId=com.mygroup -DartifactId=art -Dversion=1.3 -DlocalRepositoryPath=/home/me/.m2/repository -Dpackaging=jar
This then created the jar file and pom in my repo correctly, so I can find it under com/mygroup/artifact/1.3/
but when I try to reference it in my project pom using (exactly what is defined in the installed pom)
I get errors when trying to compile. It fails to find the installed jar.
Failed to execute goal on project myproject: Could not resolve dependencies for project com.myproject:war:1.0: Failure to find com.mygroup:artifact:jar:1.3 in was cached in the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update interval of central has elapsed or updates are forced -> [Help 1]
Im struggling to understand why it is failing to pick up my installed jar. What am I doing wrong?
In your mvn install:install-file you are publishing an artifactID of "art", and later you talk about it being "artifact". I assume this is just a typo in the obfuscation you made after running into the error.
It's hard to see what's going on without more details. I would suggest you blow away your local repo, redeploy the local file, and try again. Also, don't specify a localRepositoryPath (the default is what you want and this is one more potential source of error). Make sure you do this as the same user, preferably from the same shell to be sure.
I used the below ...
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=C:\Autus1\Autus1_Practice\bundle\target\Autus1_Service-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar -DgroupId=com.autus1.cq5 -DartifactId=Autus1_Service -Dversion=1.3 -DlocalRepositoryPath=C:\Users\manish_ranjan\.m2\repository -Dpackaging=jar
instead of....
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=C:\Autus1\Autus1_Practice\bundle\target\Autus1_Service-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar -DgroupId=com.autus1.cq5 -DartifactId=Autus1_Service -Dversion=1.0-SNAPSHOT -DlocalRepositoryPath=C:\Users\manish_ranjan\.m2\repository -Dpackaging=jar
and it worked. :)
The only change was version "1.3" instead of "1.0-SNAPSHOT" which gave me the solution and my project2 started recognizing this dependency from my project1
Thanks for the clue!

How to attach JavaFX2 javadoc jar automcatically with maven?

I have in my pom.xml the dependency to jfxrt.jar, as a system scope one:
The problem is I would also like to attach the javadoc for this jar. So I went and downloaded the javafx2 javadoc,packed it into a jar, installed it in maven using install file and using javadoc as a classifier. The resulted jar has name javafx-2.2.4-javadoc.jar. As you know the main jar has name jfxrt.jar.
When I call mvn dependency:resolve -Dclassifier=javadoc I get:
[INFO] The following files have NOT been resolved:
What am I missing?
Well, you don't want the javadoc as dependency, I guess, you probably just want the IDE to show the JavaDoc. I just tried the following in NetBeans and it worked:
select a referenced JavaFX class and hit CTRL+SPACE to show the JavaDoc
The pop-up provides links to configure the JavaDoc
don't use the system dependency for binary, just install:install-file it into local repo as you did with the javadoc.. then it should start working

Jenkins and maven multi module Projects missing artifacts

This is a simplified example of an ear project, the parent pom aggregates the EAR, the EJBs, and the jars.
I have this structure in a Maven project, stored in SVN:
|- pom.xml
|- modulA/
| |- pom.xml
|- modulB/
| |- pom.xml
modulB has a Dependency of modulA
The pom.xml have the modules section
And a Dependency Management section
The sub-modules reference the parent
in my PC when I compile for the first time with maven 2.2.1 (windows)
mvn clean compile
I don't have any problems
but.... when Jenkins try to compile for first time (Maven 2.2.1 Linux RedHat)
1) modulA:jar:0.0.2-SNAPSHOT
Try downloading the file manually from the project website.
Then, install it using the command:
mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=group -DartifactId=modulA -Dversion=0.0.2- SNAPSHOT -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/path/to/file
Alternatively, if you host your own repository you can deploy the file there:
mvn deploy:deploy-file -DgroupId=group -DartifactId=modulA -Dversion=0.0.2-SNAPSHOT -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/path/to/file -Durl=[url] -DrepositoryId=[id]
Path to dependency:
1) modulB:ejb:0.0.2-SNAPSHOT
2) modulA:jar:0.0.2-SNAPSHOT
1 required artifacts are missing.
After that if I deploy the project from my pc to Artifactory, Jenkins doesn't have problems, because Jenkins downloads the artifact from the repository... but why does Jenkins depend on the artifacts in the repository?
Thanks in Advance
I thought the dependencyManagement section only "defines" the dependencies, but if a submodule doesn't use the dependency, the dependency isn't added to the submodule.
I drop the dependencyManagement section and the problem in Jenkins still occurs.
It works on my PC without problems.
I hope above dependency management section is inside the parent pom. According to your requirement modulB has a Dependency of modulA. So I suggest you to include dependency in moduleB instead of having it in the parent pom. I think when it runs in first time maven is looking for both dependencies since you have mentioned in in the parent pom.Look at your project build order. First it builds module A and then B. In your case I hope you have include all other dependencies in moduleA's pom file and once it built it will deploy a jar file in to m2 repository. And then moduleB start to build and since your dependency is already in the m2 repository it wont shout and project will build successfully.
The first time you build parent project, your Jenkins user's maven repository won't have modulA installed. clean compile is then run successfully in modulA, but nothing is installed. When it is run in modulB, the dependency on modulA can't be resolved.
If your Jenkins job's goal was clean install instead of clean compile, then modulA's artifacts would be installed to the Jenkins user's repository before the modulB build begins, and all would work.
Presumably this worked on your own machine because either you had run mvn install at least once in modulA, or because your IDE's classpath resolved the problem for you.
