Netcool/Omnibus Active Event List Summary - tivoli

I use Netcool OMNIbus to forward alerts from IBM Tivoli Monitoring (ITM). There are active event lists and summaries in there. How can I change the summary value with my own default information to get easier read reason?

I recommend modifying the alert summary value close to the source of the alert, in this case the IBM Tivoli Monitoring (ITM) Situation. ITM situations are mapped to Netcool/OMNIbus alerts using the Event Integration Facility (EIF).
The ITM to Netcool/OMNIbus integration is described in 'Setting up event forwarding to OMNIbus'
In particular look at the section 'Default mapping of situation events to OMNIbus events'
Which shows that the EIF msg attribute is mapped to the Summary field of the alert. It depends on what you are trying to do, but one solution would be to modify the ITM Situation so that the message attribute contains the summary that you require.
Another approach may be to modify the Summary field in the OMNIbus EIF probe rules file. Changes made here would be appropriate if you wanted to make a change that affected all Situations forwarded from ITM, e.g. if you wished to add a prefix string to the summary. See the 'Netcool/OMNIbus EIF Probe User guide' for more detail on the probe and rules file.


InvokeHttp processor showing invalid

I am using Apache Nifi using Docker image that i downloaded.
I am trying to configure a REST API "POST" for login using InvokeHttp processor.
I have configured all necessary steps in the configuration but still the processor shows "invalid".
Can you please help identify the issue. Here are my steps
If you close the configuration dialog and hover the mouse over the "⚠️" icon on that processor, you will see a popup which enumerates the issues to be resolved. For the InvokeHTTP processor, it's likely that you have not specified a destination for all relationships -- you probably want a destination for Response (the response from the external web service), and possibly Retry and Failure. For any relationships you do not care about (Original, No Retry, etc.), you can "auto-terminate" those relationships from the "Settings" tab of the processor configuration dialog.
You can always see the required relationships from the Settings tab or by looking at the processor documentation (available online or embedded in the application by right clicking the processor and selecting "View Usage" from the context menu).

JMeter Reports - Is there a way to graph how many of a certain response code over time?

I have a resource that returns a 202 until a queue is full. Is there any way to graph the different response codes over time?
You have at least 2 options:
There is Response Codes per Second listener available via JMeter Plugins project, it can be installed using JMeter Plugins Manager - you will need 5 Additional Graphs
There is a similar graph you can get as a part of the HTML Reporting Dashboard
General answer: no with the JMeter just out of the box - "graph" listeners are kinda very basic.
Although there are options.
E.g. you can add more advanced listener plugin (like GraphsGeneratorListener, here's one of the tutorials).
Or you can stream your results using Backend Listener & Graphite protocol, to some time-series capable DB (like, Influx) and then feed an advanced graphic visualizer (like, Grafana) from there - and show literally whatever you want.
Check this as a starting point

How to use While activity and Replicator Activity on Shareponit Workflows

I have developed a document approval workflow which I needed to use the Replicator Activity to solve the need for many people who can elaborate, review and Approve a document.
The workflow is performed on a sequence model as the state machine will not let me use the Replicator Activity.
For an idea of ​​the workflow I follow this example.
The problem is that I can't restart the workflow if someone rejects the document.
I was doing some tests using the While Activity to solve the problem but tasks are empty (Asigando to: is empty, title: is empty) for some issue generates error to the Replicator Activity.
Is there a known solution to this problem? or that otherwise could make the restart of my workflow.
You need to create an additional custom activity and put the contents of the replicator in the activity and add the activity to the replicator. When you are putting tasks directly in the replicator activity, they won't work somehow because they are having same tokens.
Also make sure you give different tasks different ids and tokens.
Thanks Paiman,
I appreciate your help.
I comment you that to provide a solution to my problem, I use the workflow of state machines and discard the initial idea of using Replicator Activity.
For the problem of assigning more than one task in the same state, ie if there is more than one user for the same state that it is for example the "revision of the document". for the first user after complete review task sends flow to the next state would be "document approval" before create a task to approval wonder if there is more than one user to the "state review" and if is true workflow return to the previous state which would be the Revision and create the new task and change the following user assign to review.

Client-Side API for TFS / MTM TestRunner?

Does anyone know for a fact whether or not the microsoft test manager for tfs 2010 throws any client side events like OnFinished/OnSaved etc? I am asking because our business process requires certain minimum amount of information in each test run/result to be provided prior to closing the testrun (e.g. in case of a failed step a reason and or defect id has to be provided at the affected steps' comment field).
Postprocessing / report-driven checks etc makes basically means the tester can make 'errors' and we'll have to re-test the whole tc instead of having a prompt process check which allows fixing the tc immediately..
Possibly, by developing a Custom Diagnostic Data Adapter you could implement this.
Using perhaps the TestCaseEnd event, you can get to the TestElement via the TestCaseEndEventArgs and do your processing.

How to get notification of workflow errors?

I am having issues were a workflow is stalled because there is an issue with sending an email (send email activity). Typically, this is simply solved by resuming the workflow. I'm wondering if there any way to react to a workflow error, so the user knows they need to go in and resume the workflow.
I'm also wondering about this relative to a workflow that is attempting to assign a task to a user who no longer exists in the CRM or one that has an invalid email address, which I'm assuming would cause errors in workflows as well.
Any other suggestions related to this sort if issue would be welcome.
My point of view, is that monitoring can't be done inside CRM, because all CRM processes could be problematic (what happen if a workflow fails to monitor another workflow?)
The way I already done that, was by adding a SQL query (that check the workflow instance state) to a monitoring tool (such as Nagios with the check_mssql_health) or you can just create a small service that will send emails using SMTP.
Off the top of my head, I can't think of an automated way to do it (you could try attaching a workflow to a workflow instance record, but I'm not sure if that will do it).
I'd probably try to build a utility to query workflow instance records, and then notify users if necessary based on their status.
