Oracle Forms and Reports for Windows 10 - oracle

While installing forms and reports for Oracle 11g R2 I am facing the following error:
Checking operating system certification status failed.
I am using Windows 10 x64, forms and reports version is During the web search, I found that Windows 10 is not included in any Certification Matrix of forms and reports. Is there any solution or I must switch to some other OS version ?

You should have an oraparam.ini or param.ini file in the installation directory. Within that file, there should be a Certified Versions section with something like:
You can try adding ,10.0* or just ,10.0 to the end, save the file, and restart the installation and it should finish installing. But that doesn't necessarily mean it'll work. I never had much success getting Forms Builder to work on Windows 7 and always had to revert to XP Mode.


Error PRVF-7536 Installing Oracle ODAC 12c Release 4 (

I'm trying to install the Oracle ODAC 12c Release 4 ( on my Windows 10 Pro x64 machine but I'm facing a very weird error in the "Perform Prerequisites Checks" step, AFAIK the error is telling me I'm using the wrong package for my machine's architecture, but I'm pretty sure my machine is x64 and the Oracle package is also for x64.
I've tried running the installer as an Administrator also ignoring the sys prerequisites executing this from an elevated cmd Setup.exe -ignoreSysPrereqs and also selecting the checkbox to ignore the prereqs in the wizard, but can't get it working.
My Machine Info:
I downloaded the installer from here, second option:
The error:
I'll appreciate your help
Update 1: As suggested by #JuanK I checked the ram memory and hard drive space available at the moment of trying to install, It does not seem to be the problem:
I guess You should execute the installer running on windows 8 compatibility mode
File, properties, compatibility
Anyway I've just tested the full installation without problems, from the steps the installer followed and based on your screenshot I guess you haven't enough free space in your hard disk or even in memory.
This is my success screenshot
Have you clicked on Ignore All checkbox and tried pressing Next/Install ?

Oracle Developer Tools 12 install fails claiming I have Windows XP. I have Windows 7

I got ODTwithODAC121021 here It installs the Oracle Client, ODAC, and ODT bits.
When I run the installer, the prerequisite check fails with this:
Reference data is not available for release "12.1" on the operating system distribution "Windows XP5.1".
I actually have Windows 7 Professional SP1
My intent is to get the ODT bits into Visual Studio 2010 so I can use Server Explorer and Entity Framework. I don't really need a new Oracle Client, I've already got one installed to match our 11g server version, but it seems I can't pick and choose with this installer, which won't run.
Suggestions? thanks.
This is a bug in this specific version of the Oracle Installer. Here is the workaround:
After making sure the installer is not running, please open up this file in the staging area where you unzipped ODAC:
And in that file change the CV_ASSUME_DISTID value that is there to 6.1
Then save the changes and run the installer again.
This will force the installer to assume you have Windows 7.

Installer package targeting Windows Installer 3.1 fails when Windows Installer 4.5 has been installed

We have an installer package authored with InstallShield 2009, targeting Windows Installer 3.1.
Recently, we started to notice that sometime, when installing on some Windows 2003 R2 x86 based hosts, the installation fails, and the installer log report a 1603 error code (which by the way, doesn't really help much, as it means ERROR_INSTALL_FAILURE, that is a very generic "A fatal error occurred during installation.").
As the installation is still working on some other hosts on that very same platform, after further investigation we found out it was happening on hosts where Sql Server 2008 R2 was already installed, which leaded us to find out the issue is really with Windows Installer 4.5.
Whenever Windows Installer 4.5 was installed by an installer package, our installer package is failing with 1603. So far, we found as a work around: if we manually uninstall Windows Installer 4.5 (running something like "C:\WINDOWS\$NtUninstallKB942288-v4$\spuninst\spuninst.exe"), we can then run our installer package successfully, but this has various drawbacks:
the user who uninstall Windows Installer 4.5 is prompted with a dialog listing all the various software products installed using that, and effectively the link between those products and Windows Installer 4.5 is lost after uninstalling that, even if we reinstall it after successfully installing our application;
as Microsoft released various version of Windows Installer 4.5, the location of the utility to uninstall that is not strictly the one given above;
It is awkward to ask customers to perform such a work around.
I suppose upgrading the installer package to target Windows Installer 5 may solve the issue, but if possibile I would like to avoid it, and continuing to use InstallShield 2009 to author this specific package.
I have scoured the Microsoft and Flexera Knowledge Bases (and I am continuing my investigation), with no avail so far.
Does anyone knows if Microsoft or Flexera, or any other third party, have published an hotfix, or some further info, about this issue?
Some info about the 1603 error code failure
We got verbose logs for this issue, from at least 3 different servers, and we have investigated that in depth, to not avail so far. Most actions return 1, some 0 (specifically IsolateComponents, MigrateFeatureStates, IsolateComponents, SetODBCFolders, MigrateFeatureStates, UnpublishComponents, UnregisterComPlus, UnregisterTypeLibraries, UnregisterMIMEInfo, RemoveShortcuts, RemoveFiles, CreateShortcuts, RegisterMIMEInfo, InstallODBC, RegisterTypeLibraries, RegisterComPlus and PublishComponents, but nothing has yet came out investigating those), the installer package seems actually to be almost able to install (perform all the sequence down to "INSTALL. Return value 1.", it even prints "Product: [Our Product] -- Installation operation completed successfully."), only then it starts to rollback everything, and as there are various errors on the rollback, I think some of those will cause the 1603 (probably some 1607 returned by MsiProvideAssembly on ISChainPackagesCleanup), but the point is that it shouldn't rollback, and with Windows Installer 3.1 (or 5.x for that matter) it doesn't, it does rollback only when there is Windows Installer 4.5 installed on a Windows 2003 x86 environment.
Most likely your package has an action which fails, either custom or standard. Try creating a verbose log of the installation which fails (it's very important to be verbose). After the failure, open the log with a text editor and search for the error code (1603) to see what triggers it.
As a side note, don't try to blame Windows Installer. There's nothing wrong with version 4.5 and there are no hotfixes or something like that. The problem is in your package. It does something which is either incorrect or unsupported.
From your post update it looks like a failed chained installation. No errors are shown in the log because the error occurs in a different installer process.
If you are not using chained packages, try looking for errors in the Event Viewer.
If you are using chained packages, you can try enabling the Windows Installer logging policy and check for logs generated by them. Most likely one of the packages is encountering a problem.

Getting a Crystal Report Viewer error on a Windows 7 machine

We've got an old VB6 app which uses Crystal Reports XI Release 2 to run reports against a SQL Server 2005 database. This has worked well over the years. Also, for the last upteen years we've used Windows XP. Well, we're beginning to migrate to Windows 7. Well, now one of the users on Windows 7 cannot run the report. It gives him an error of “Logon failed. Details: [Database Vendor Code: 6]”. All of the Crystal Reports used in this application use an system ODBC connection. I've verified, twice, that the system DNS properly authenticates against the SQL Server database. However, when the user attempts to run any of the reports in the VB6 app, they all give that same error. The weird thing is we've got another old VB6 app, which also uses Crystal Reports, and that app's reports work fine. But that app runs against a local Microsoft Access database, not against SQL Server.
So the question is, are there any known issues involving SQL Server, Crystal Reports XI Release 2 and Windows 7?
Something else we just noticed. On the 2 user machines that are exhibiting this problem, both are 64-bit Windows 7 machines. So, could it instead be an issue of a 64-bit version of Windows, SQL Server and Crystal Reports XI Release 2?
Crystal Report 11.5 does run on 64 bit windows. Minimum req.ment is CR11 R2 SP6 to run on 64 bit.

Installing Oracle 10 ODP.NET on Microsoft Windows 2008 Server 64bit

I've tried to install "Oracle10g Release 2 ODAC (64-bit) for Windows x64" from:
on Windows 2008 server 64bit, but it crushes right after i run the setup.exe with the following error:
Problem signature: Problem Event
Name: APPCRASH Application
Name: javaw.exe Application
Version: Application
Timestamp: 42a019e4 Fault Module
Name: StackHash_5c81 Fault Module
Version: 6.0.6001.18000 Fault Module
Timestamp: 4791adec Exception
Code: c0000374 Exception
Offset: 00000000000a6e97 OS
Version: 6.0.6001. Locale
ID: 1037 Additional Information
1: 5c81 Additional Information
2: fa1981fc0da3377cbbec45e762388188
Additional Information 3: 7698
Additional Information
4: 7defb6f15001721d919a359fb7888c17
Read our privacy statement:
can anyone direct me to a version that i can install the latesr version of ODP.NET for Windows 2008 server 64bit?
Best regards,
Guy Bertental
It's a really tricky. Before installing ODP.NET you need to already have working connection setup to oracle database. That means:
Step 1:
Oracle install client (never succeeded with that, not recommended) or Oracle client (succeeded on Win7 ultimate 64bit, file, installed with "Runtime" option selected). After client install make sure you can connect. From command line try "tnsping yourtnanamesentry" to check if tnsnames is ok, and after that "sqlplus username/pwd#yourtnsnamesentry" to check if you know valid user and password and really can connect. Memorize or write down oracle home name and path you choosed during install.
Step 2:
Install ODP.NET (I did with file Use exactly the same oracle home name, but different path during installation.
Step 3: try connecting with visual studio. For "server name" I used this: "oraclexe:1521/xe". That means I have machine called "oraclexe" which has oracle listener on port 1521, and database with instance name "xe". It's so-called "EZCONNECT" name.
I'm not sure if Step 1 is really needed or not, because maybe step3 really uses just oracle instant client.
I know, it is real pain, but this works. It took me 2 days to connect to oracle, and I had to install almost 1GB of downloaded oracle software. They could and should make that much, much, much, much easier. Like one-click install that just works. This is shame how complicated client install is.
Donwload and install Oracle Database 11g Release 2 Client ( for Microsoft Windows (32-bit) on your development computer.
Delete former references to Oracle.DataAccess on your project.
Add the new reference pointing to this new version.
In Visual Studio, after adding the reference select it, then choose properties to check the setting. Set “Specific Version” true , then check that “Copy Local” is false.
Build your solution using ANY CPU target.
Next, prepare your server. Install Oracle Database 11g Release 2 Client ( for Microsoft Windows (x64) . When installing, select the RUNTIME OPTION.
Finally, deploy your solution to your server, as you always use to do. This time it should work.
The trick is to have the same ODAC version ( on both the development and deployment enviroments. This ODAC contains the Oracle.DataAcces.Client which you should reference on your code to access classes like OracleConnection, OracleDataReader, etc.
I had problems because I had developed using ODAC (32 bits, latest at this time) but there's no x64 version for this ODAC.
So, always use the latest stable ODAC version which has 32 bits and 64 bits version if you are going to develop on 32 bits and deploy on 64 bits.
Hi Ran into your problem, solution is get a copy of ( run this & it will install the client.
Unpack then go to All Programs->OracleHome->Oracle Installation Products & run the Universal Installer. When the installer runs at the Specify Source Location browse to the Stage directory created when you unpacked then install as normal.
There is a but this will not talk to Oracle 9 dB's so the above will resolve talking to legacy dB's.
Guy- have a look at this, it may help. Getting Oracle client working is a pain at the best of times, x64 must make it harder.
I had unexpected crashes in my application using Instant Client on Windows Server 2008 x64. After reading a few posts about the lack of support for this platform, I upgraded the client to and it works like a charm !
So I would be surprised if ODP .NET would be stable on Windows Server 2008 x64, if you ever managed to install it. IMHO, your options are :
use another provider (Microsoft+client v11.1, or DataDirect...).
go with the beta version if you dare...
