Docker machine create another client side only config - docker-machine

I have just created (or provisioned is maybe the correct word) a Docker Engine instance using Docker Machine. It was almost painless. ;-)
Because of the side effects of docker-machine create --driver generic ... we cannot have multiple users of the machine run this since it will
Turn of Docker Engine on that machine.
Cause potential problems with a production environment.
How can we run only the client side part of docker-machine create --driver generic ...? That is, create a configuration, and install the certificates? Is there a way or should we just copy the folder ~/.docker/machine/machines/* folders around and make changes to the json data adapted for the different administrators?


How to setup multiple visual studio solutions working together using docker compose (with debugging)

Lots of questions seem to have been asked about getting multiple projects inside a single solution working with docker compose but none that address multiple solutions.
To set the scene, we have multiple .NET Core APIs each as a separate VS 2019 solution. They all need to be able to use (as a minimum) the same RabbitMQ container running locally as this deals with all of the communication between the services.
I have been able to get this setup working for a single solution by:
Adding 'Container orchestration support' for an API project.
This created a new docker-compose project in the solution I did it for.
Updating the docker-componse.yml to include both a RabbitMQ and MongoDb image (see image below - sorry I couldn't get it to paste correctly as text/code):
Now when I launch all new RabbitMQ and MongoDB containers are created.
I then did exactly the same thing with another solution and unsurprisingly it wasn't able to start because the RabbitMQ ports were already in use (i.e. it tried to create another new RabbitMQ image).
I kind of expected this but don't know the best/right way to properly configure this and any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.
I have been able to compose multiple services from multiple solutions by setting the value of context to the appropriate relative path. Using your docker-compose example and adding my-other-api-project you end up with something like:
<as you have it currently>
image: ${DOCKER_REGISTRY-}my-other-api-project
context: ../my-other-api-project/ <-- Or whatever the relative path is to your other project
dockerfile: my-other-api-project/Dockerfile
- <your port mappings>
- some-mongo
- some-rabbit
<as you have it currently>
<as you have it currently>
So I thought I would answer my own question as I think I eventually found a good (not perfect) solution. I did the following steps:
Created a custom docker network.
Created a single docker-compose.yml for my RabbitMQ, SQL Server and MongoDB containers (using my custom network).
Setup docker-compose container orchestration support for each service (right click on the API project and choose add container orchestration).
The above step creates the docker-compose project in the solution with docker-compose.yml and docker-compose.override.yml
I then edit the docker-compose.yml so that the containers use my custom docker network and also specifically specify the port numbers (so they're consistently the same).
I edited the docker-compose.override.yml environment variables so that my connection strings point to the relevant container names on my docker network (i.e. RabbitMQ, SQL Server and MongoDB) - no more need to worry about IPs and when I set the solution to startup using docker-compose project in debug mode my debug containers can access those services.
Now I can close the VS solution and go to the command line and navigate to the solution folder and run 'docker-compose up' to start the container.
I setup each VS solution as per steps 3-7 and can start up any/all services locally without the need to open VS anymore (provided I don't need to debug).
When I need to debug/change a service I stop the specific container (i.e. 'docker container stop containerId' and then open the solution in VS and start it in debug mode/make changes etc.
If I pull down changes by anyone else I re-build the relevant container on the command line by going to the solution folder and running 'docker-compose build'.
As a brucey bonus I wrote PowerShell script to start all of my containers using each docker-compose file as well as one to build them all so when I turn on my laptop I simply run that and my full dev environment and 10 services are up and running.
For the most part this works great but with some caveats:
I use https and dev-certs and sometimes things don't play well and I have to clean the certs/re-trust them because kestrel throws errors and expects the certificate to be trusted, have a certain name and to be trusted. I'm working on improving this but you could always not use https locally in dev.
if you're using your own nuget server like me you'll need to a Nuget.config file and copy that as part of your docker files.

Docker runs old container instead of new one that I'm pulling (AWS)

I recently deployed a Springboot application to AWS using Docker.
I'm going crazy trying to update my image/container. I've tried deleting everything, used and unused containers, images, tags, etc. and pushing everything again. Docker system prune, docker rm, docker rmi, using a different account too... It still runs that old version of the project.
It all indicates that there's something going on at the server level. I'm using PuTTY.
Help is much appreciated.
What do you mean by old container ? Is it some changes you did from some version control then didn't update on the container ?or just do docker restart container I'd
There's a lot to unpack here, so if you can provide more information - that'd be good. But here's a likely common denominator.
If you're using any AWS service (EKS, Farget, ECS), these are just based on the docker image you provide them. So if your image isn't correctly updated, they won't update.
But the same situation will occur with docker run also. If you keep pointing to the same image (or the image is conceptually unchanged) then you won't have a change.
So I doubt the problem is within Docker or AWS.
Most Likely
You're not rebuilding the spring application binaries with each change
Your Dockerfile is pulling in the wrong binaries
If you are using an image hosting service, like ECR or Nexus, then you need to make sure the image name is pointing to the correct image:tag combination. If you update the image, it should be given a unique tag and then that tagged image referenced by Docker/AWS
After you build an image, you can verify that the correct binaries were copied by using docker export <container_id> | tar -xf - <location_of_binary_in_image_filesystem>
That will pull out the binary. Then you can run it locally to test if it's what you wanted.
You can view the entire filesystem with docker export <container_id> | tar -tf - | less

Docker based development environment for multiple projects

I am wondering about the best architecture for a Docker based development environment with a LAMP stack.
Working on multiple projects in parallel
Most projects are using the same LAMP stack (for simplicity let's assume that all projects are sharing the same stack and configuration)
The host is running Windows + VBox + Docker Toolbox (i.e. Boot2Docker)
Current architecture
One shared development environment running multiple containers (web, db, persistent data..) with vhosts configuration per site
Using scripts / Jenkins container to setup new project (new DB, vhost configuration..)
Running custom Samba container to share the data with the Windows machine (IDE is running on Windows)
As always there are pros. and cons., while this is quite easy for maintenance, we are unable to really deploy a specific project with a dedicated docker-compose.yml file, and we are also unable to get all the benefits of "micro services" like replacing PHP / MySQL version for a specific site.
The question is how can we use a per project docker-compose.yml file, but still have multiple projects running simultaneously (since all projects are using port 80).
Will it be better (and is it even possible?) to use random ports per project and run a proxy layer on top of those web containers?
Any other options or common design patterns for this use case?
The short answer is yes. Docker by default assigns random ports if no port it is specified. For mapping I would use:
You can have something like project1.yml project2.yml .... and to start the containers would be something like:
docker-comppse -f project1.yml up
However, I'm not sure why would you try to do that. You could use something like Rancher and split my development host into multiple small development environments.

Unable to remote SSH to my docker container on Jelastic

I created my custom image based on Centos and deployed it to Jelastic but I found I can't SSH into my container.
After some troubleshooting I found SSH was not installed in my container so added open-ssh to my container but it was still not working, I can't run "service" command in my container, then I tried different ways trying to get around of it but I still can't get it through.
I want to know am I on the right track? what is the best way to remote SSH to my container created based my custom image? Is SSH required?
Many thanks!
I founder an easier way - using the image(lemonbar/centos6-ssh) which already has SSH installed. It is working, but I don't know the difference, but at least I can move forward!
You can't just launch a process in the background as the only task in the container, something must keep running in the foreground to keep it alive, even if it is a non-deamonized server.
Besides that, in Centos 6.x to be able to login to openash you should disable PAM in sshd_config.
A better option could be not sshing right into the container, but to the host, and from there use docker exec -i -t to run a shell in the container.
Due to latest versions of ubuntu/debian/centos use systemd system daemon which have problems running inside Odin Containers without proper patching such a most recent versions of these OS'es won't work when created with Jelastic. Jelastic is aware of the issue and working on solution which will solve it. ETA ~2 weeks.
Also, please could you provide me with the DockerHub project page that you wants to deploy?

best way to bundle update on server while booting

I have an AMI which has configured with production code setup.I am using Nginx + unicorn as server setup.
The problem I am facing is, whenever traffic goes up I need to boot the instance log in to instance and do a git pull,bundle update and also precompile the assets.Which is time consuming.So I want to avoid all this process.
Now I want to go with a script/process where I can automate whole deployment process, like git pull, bundle update and precompile as soon as I boot a new instance from this AMI.
Is there any best way process to get this done ? Any help would be appreciated.
You can place your code in /etc/rc.local (commands in this file will be executed when server will be loaded).
But the best way is using (capistrano). You need to add require "capistrano/bundler" to your deploy.rb file, and bundle update will be runned automatically. For more information you can read this article:
An alternative approach is to deploy your app to a separate EBS volume (you can still mount this inside /var/www/application or wherever it currently is)
After deploying you create an EBS snapshot of this volume. When you create a new instance, you tell ec2 to create a new volume for your instance from the snapshot, so the instance will start with the latest gems/code already installed (I find bundle install can take several minutes). All your startup script needs to do is to mount the volume (or if you have added it to the fstab when you make the ami then you don't even need to do that). I much prefer scaling operations like this to have no dependencies (eg what would you do if github or rubygems have an outage just when you need to deploy)
You can even take this a step further by using amazon's autoscaling service. In a nutshell you create a launch configuration where you specify the ami, instance type, volume snapshots etc. Then you control the group size either manually (through the web console or the api) according to a fixed schedule or based on cloudwatch metrics. Amazon will create or destroy instances as needed, using the information in your launch configuration.
