I have defined a function name in the form
(define (name x y z) (function...))
I call name with the parameters int1 int2 int3 on a new line like this
(define (name int1 int2 int3))
and for some reason, I get the error message:
define: expected a variable, but found a number.
I am new to the language(Racket/Scheme) so I am wondering what made Dr.Racket expect a variable? I have used this exact form many times with integers and had no problem with it.
Here is an example of how to define a function and how to use it after the definition.
(define (add-them x y z) ; note x, y, and, z must me names
(+ x y z))
(add-them 1 2 3) ; no define when add-them is used.
The result is 6.
A bare symbol in code, like i, cons, and +, are variables. They evaluate to values. For +, when not shadowed by a lexical binding, would evaluate to the procedure for addition.
(+ a b) is code with 3 variables. Variable + needs to evaluate to a procedure and a and b needs to evaluate to types that #<procedure:+> expects.
If you have put the parentheses as in C, +(1 2), then that is two expressions. First + that evaluates to a procedure, but the value is not used, and the next expression (1 2) which is clearly an error since 1 is not a procedure.
Even though this is a post from a month ago, here is what I believe is an answer.
First you've defined your function name:
(define (name x y z) (function...))
Now you've tried to call name:
(define (name int1 int2 int3))
what happens here is that racket sees define first and thinks that you are defining something. This could be a function or a variable. (They have their similarities in racket.) Then it moves on to (name int1 int2 int3). Note that this is a function call and it does whatever you have defined above. In this case, I assume you have defined your function name to return a number. So now we are looking at (define some_number). What does this mean? Racket isn't too sure, because it was expecting a variable name.
Either one of the two below should work:
(define some_number (name int1 in2 int3)) //It defines `some_number` as whatever the result of the function call is.
(name int1 int2 int3) // simply calls the function with the arguments int1 int2 int3
I need to complete an assignment for my college course using Scheme. I've never coded in Scheme before so I have no clue what I'm doing. Our assignment is to define an anonymous function that computes the discriminant of a quadratic function. I keep running into the error: "Invalid `define'. Any help would be appreciated.
(define roots (lambda(abc))(
list(/(+(-b) discriminant)(*2a))
(/(-(-b) discriminant)(*2a))
(sqrt - (*bb)(*4ac))
First, you should learn a bit about what Scheme code looks like; find some example code (in your textbook, or online, or in answers here on SO) and notice how parentheses and whitespace are used. Then emulate that. You can't arbitrarily place parentheses or arbitrarily remove whitespace in Scheme (or in any Lisp).
For example, in the posted code (-b) gets two things wrong. First, -b is treated as one symbol, not as the negation of the value of b. Further, placing the symbol in parentheses indicates a procedure call; given an s-expression (f x), f is either a syntactic keyword (in which case (f x) is interpreted as a macro call), or (f x) is interpreted as a procedure call. If it is a procedure call and f is not bound to a procedure, then an exception is raised. So (-b) attempts to call a procedure named -b, which does not exist (unless you have defined it), raising an exception. You can use (- b), with a space between the - procedure and the symbol b; this evaluates to the negation of the value of b.
Similarly, *2a is interpreted as a symbol, not an expression; placing the *2a between parentheses is interpreted as a procedure call. The interpreter (or compiler) is expecting that *2a is a procedure which takes no arguments. You need to add the spaces: (* 2 a); this is interpreted as a call to the procedure * with the arguments 2 and a.
(*bb) and (*4ac) have exactly the same problems. The second case is interesting because when it is correctly written it illustrates one of the advantages of prefix notation. Since * is associative, it does not matter what order multiple values are multiplied in. To express naively 4 * a * c in prefix notation you could write (* 4 (* a c)), explicitly ordering the multiplications. You could also write this as (* (* 4 a) c), multiplying in a different order. It does not matter what order you multiply in, so you might as well just write (* 4 a c), so long as your language supports this notation. It turns out that Scheme and other Lisps do support this notation.
Another problem with s-expression notation in the posted code (after fixing the problems noted above): (sqrt - (* b b) (* 4 a c)). This is attempting to call the sqrt procedure on the arguments -, (* b b), and (* 4 a c). But sqrt is not a higher-order procedure (i.e., it does not take procedures as arguments), and it in fact only takes one argument. It was meant to apply the - procedure to the arguments (* b b) and (* 4 a c), subtracting them before taking the square root: (sqrt (- (* b b) (* 4 a c))).
The first lambda expression has a formal parameter list containing only one parameter: abc. As before, this is a mistake. The intention was to define three parameters: don't skimp on spaces: (lambda (a b c)).
The other significant problem is that there are syntax errors in the lambda expressions: (lambda (a b c)) has no body, but a lambda expression must have at least one expression in its body. This was probably intended to wrap the lambda expression which follows. Similarly, the inner lambda expression is missing its body. It was probably intended to wrap the (list ;;...) form that follows.
With that done, the inner lambda expression is itself inside of a pair of parentheses, taking the expression (sqrt (- (* b b) (* 4 a c))) as its argument. This is the lambda form of a let binding. Thus, the inner lambda takes one argument, discriminant, and evaluates the list form that is its body. Since the inner lambda expression itself occurs in the first position of an s-expression, it is part of a procedure call, and this inner anonymous procedure is then called on its argument, binding discriminant to the value obtained by evaluating that argument, which is (sqrt (- (* b b) (* 4 a c))). This all occurs inside of the outer lambda, which takes the three arguments a, b, and c. So, root is a function taking three arguments, and returning a list of roots, after binding the result of the discriminant calculation to discriminant (as a way of both simplifying the expression of the roots and ensuring that the discriminant need only be calculated one time).
Here is the fixed-up code. Note that I only added some spaces and added or moved a few parentheses; nothing else was changed:
(define roots
(lambda (a b c)
((lambda (discriminant)
(list (/ (+ (- b) discriminant) (* 2 a))
(/ (- (- b) discriminant) (* 2 a))))
(sqrt (- (* b b) (* 4 a c))))))
Pay attention to what this looks like. In Lisps you should almost never leave parentheses hanging on lines by themselves, and you should always place a space between arguments. Remember that everything is a procedure call.
Here is a sample interaction. Notice that you can represent negative numbers as -1 instead of (- 1) (you can do either if you wish). You just can't express a negative value using a variable as -b.
> (roots 1 0 -1)
(1 -1)
> (roots 1 8 15)
(-3 -5)
I am a little confused on how the environment model of evaluation works, and hoping someone could explain.
SICP says:
The environment model specifies: To apply a procedure to arguments,
create a new environment containing a frame that binds the parameters
to the values of the arguments. The enclosing environment of this
frame is the environment specified by the procedure. Now, within this
new environment, evaluate the procedure body.
First example:
If I:
(define y 5)
in the global environment, then call
(f y)
(define (f x) (set! x 1))
We construct a new environment (e1). Within e1, x would be bound to the value of y (5). In the body, the value of x would now be 1. I found that y is still 5. I believe the reason for this is because x and y are located in different frames. That is, I completely replaced the value of x. I modified the frame where x is bound, not just its value. Is that correct?
Second example:
If we have in the global environment:
(define (cons x y)
(define (set-x! v) (set! x v))
(define (set-y! v) (set! y v))
(define (dispatch m)
(cond ((eq? m 'car) x)
((eq? m 'cdr) y)
((eq? m 'set-car!) set-x!)
((eq? m 'set-cdr!) set-y!)
(else (error "Undefined
operation: CONS" m))))
(define (set-car! z new-value)
((z 'set-car!) new-value)
Now I say:
(define z2 (cons 1 2))
Suppose z2 has a value the dispatch procedure in an environment called e2, and I call:
(set-car! z2 3)
Set-car! creates a new environment e3. Within e3, the parameter z is bound to the value of z2 (the dispatch procedure in e2) just like in my first example. After the body is executed, z2 is now '(3 2). I think set-car! works the way it does is because I am changing the state of the object held by z (which is also referenced by z2 in global), but not replacing it. That is, I did not modify the frame where z is bound.
In this second example it appears that z2 in global and z in e3 are shared. I am not sure about my first example though. Based on the rules for applying procedures in the environment model, it appears x and y are shared although it is completely undetectable because 5 does not have local state.
Is everything I said correct? Did I misunderstood the quote?
To answer your first question: assuming that you meant to write (f y) in your first question rather than (f 5), the reason that y is not modified is that racket (like most languages) is a "call by value" language. That is, values are passed to procedure calls. In this case, then the argument y is evaluated to 5 before the call to f is made. Mutating the x binding does not affect the y binding.
To answer your second question: in your second example, there are shared environments. That is, z is a function that is closed over an environment (you called it e2). Each call to z creates a new environment that is linked to the existing e2 environment. Performing mutation on either x or y in this environment affects all future references to the e2 environment.
Summary: passing the value of a variable is different from passing a closure that contains that variable. If I say
(f y)
... the after the call is done, 'y' will still refer to the same value[*]. If I write
f (lambda (...) ... y ...)
(that is, passing a closure that has a reference to y, then y might be bound to a different value after the call to f.
If you find this confusing, you're not alone. The key is this: don't stop using closures. Instead, stop using mutation.
[*] if y is a mutable value, it may be mutated, but it will still be the "same" value. see note above about confusion.
TL;DR: simple values in Scheme are immutable, are copied in full when passed as arguments into functions. Compound values are mutable, are passed as a copy of a pointer, whereas the copied pointer points to the same memory location as the original pointer does.
What you're grappling with is known as "mutation". Simple values like 5 are immutable. There's no "set-int!" to change 5 to henceforth hold the value 42 in our program. And it is good that there isn't.
But a variable's value is mutable. A variable is a binding in a function invocation's frame, and it can be changed with set!. If we have
(define y 5)
(define (foo x) (set! x 42) (display (list x x)))
(foo 5)
--> foo is entered
foo invocation environment frame is created as { x : {int 5} }
x's binding's value is changed: the frame is now { x : {int 42} }
(42 42) is displayed
y still refers to 5 in the global environment
But if foo receives a value that is itself holding mutable references, which can be mutated, i.e. changed "in place", then though foo's frame itself doesn't change, the value to which a binding in it is referring can be.
(define y (cons 5 6)) ; Scheme's standard cons
--> a cons cell is created in memory, at {memory-address : 123}, as
{cons-cell {car : 5} {cdr : 6} }
(define (foo x) (set-car! x 42) (display (list x x)))
(foo y)
--> foo is entered
foo invocation environment frame is created as
{ x : {cons-cell-reference {memory-address : 123}} }
x's binding's value is *mutated*: the frame is still
{ x : {cons-cell-reference {memory-address : 123}} }
but the cons cell at {memory-address : 123} is now
{cons-cell {car : 42} {cdr : 6} }
((42 . 6) (42 . 6)) is displayed
y still refers to the same binding in the global environment
which still refers to the same memory location, which has now
been altered in-place: at {memory-address : 123} is now
{cons-cell {car : 42} {cdr : 6} }
In Scheme, cons is a primitive which creates mutable cons cells which can be altered in-place with set-car! and set-cdr!.
What these SICP exercises intend to show is that it is not necessary to have it as a primitive built-in procedure; that it could be implemented by a user, even if it weren't built-in in Scheme. Having set! is enough for that.
Another jargon for it is to speak of "boxed" values. If I pass 5 into some function, when that function returns I'm guaranteed to still have my 5, because it was passed by copying its value, setting the function invocation frame's binding to reference the copy of the value 5 (which is also just an integer 5 of course). This is what is referred to as "pass-by-value".
But if I "box" it and pass (list 5) in to some function, the value that is copied -- in Lisp -- is a pointer to this "box". This is referred to as "pass-by-pointer-value" or something.
If the function mutates that box with (set-car! ... 42), it is changed in-place and I will henceforth have 42 in that box, (list 42) -- under the same memory location as before. My environment frame's binding will be unaltered -- it will still reference the same object in memory -- but the value itself will have been changed, altered in place, mutated.
This works because a box is a compound datum. Whether I put a simple or compound value in it, the box itself (i.e. the mutable cons cell) is not simple, so will be passed by pointer value -- only the pointer will be copied, not what it points to.
x bound to the value of y means that x is a new binding which receives a copy of the same value that y contains. x and y are not aliases to a shared memory location.
Though due to issues of optimization, bindings are not exactly memory locations, you can model their behavior that way. That is to say, you can regard an environment to be a bag of storage locations named by symbols.
Educational Scheme-in-Scheme evaluators, in fact, use association lists for representing environments. Thus (let ((x 1) (y 2)) ...) creates an environment which simply looks like ((y . 1) (x . 2)). The storage locations are the cdr fields of the cons pairs in this list, and their labels are the symbols in the car fields. The cell itself is the binding; the symbol and location are bound together by virtue of being in the same cons structure.
If there is an outer environment surrounding this let, then these association pairs can just be pushed onto it with cons:
(let ((z 3))
;; env is now ((z . 3))
(let ((x 1) (y 2))
;; env is now ((y . 2) (x . 1) (z . 3))
The environment is just a stack of bindings that we push onto. When we capture a lexical closure, we just take the current pointer and stash it into the closure object.
(let ((z 3))
;; env is now ((z . 3))
(let ((x 1) (y 2))
;; env is now ((y . 2) (x . 1) (z . 3))
(lambda (a) (+ x y z a))
;; lambda is an object with these three pices:
;; - the environment ((y . 2) (x . 1) (z . 3))
;; - the code (+ x y z a)
;; - the parameter list (a)
;; after this let is done, the environment is again ((z . 3))
;; but the above closure maintains the captured one
So suppose we call that lambda with an argument 10. The lambda takes the parameter list (a) and binds it to the argument list to create a new environment:
((a . 1))
This new environment is not made in a vacuum; it is created as an extension to the captured environment. So, really:
((a . 1) (y . 2) (x . 1) (z . 3))
Now, in this effective environment, the body (+ x y z a) is executed.
Everything you need to understand about environments can be understood in reference to this cons pair model of bindings.
Assignment to a variable? That's just set-cdr! on a cons-based binding.
What is "extending an environment"? It's just pushing a cons-based binding onto the front.
What is "fresh binding" of a variable? That's just the allocation of a new cell with (cons variable-symbol value) and extending the environment with it by pushing it on.
What is "shadowing" of a variable? If an environment contains (... ((a . 2)) ...) and we push a new binding (a . 3) onto this environment, then this a is now visible, and (a . 2) is hidden, simply because the assoc function searches linearly and finds (a . 2) first! The inner-to-outer environment lookup is perfectly modeled by assoc. Inner bindings appear to the left of outer bindings, closer to the head of the list and are found first.
The semantics of sharing all follow from the semantics of these lists of cells. In the assoc list model, environment sharing occurs when two environment assoc lists share the same tail. For instance, each time we call our lambda above, a new (a . whatever) argument environment is created, but it extends the same captured environment tail. If the lambda changes a, that is not seen by the other invocations, but if it changes x, then the other invocations will see it. a is private to the lambda invocation, but x, y and z are external to the lambda, in its captured environment.
If you fall back on this assoc list model mentally, you will not go wrong as far as working out the behavior of environments, including arbitrarily complex situations.
Real implementations basically just optimize around this. for instance, a variable that is initialized from a constant like 42 and never assigned does not have to exist as an actual environment entry at all; the optimization called "constant propagation" can just replace occurrences of that variable with 42, as if it were a macro. Real implementations may use hash tables or other structures for the environment levels, not assoc lists. Real implementations may be compiled: lexical environments can be compiled according to various strategies such as "closure conversion". Basically, an entire lexical scope can be flattened into a single vector-like object. When a closure is made at run time, the entire vector is duplicated and initialized. Compiled code doesn't refer to variable symbols, but to offsets in the closure vector, which is substantially faster: no linear search through an assoc list is required.
Learned to code C, long ago; wanted to try something new and different with Scheme. I am trying to make a procedure that accepts two arguments and returns the greater of the two, e.g.
(define (larger x y)
(if (> x y)
(larger 1 2)
(define larger
(lambda (x y)
(if (> x y)
x (y))))
(larger 1 2)
I believe both of these are equivalent i.e. if x > y, return x; else, return y.
When I try either of these, I get errors e.g. 2 is not a function or error: cannot call: 2
I've spent a few hours reading over SICP and TSPL, but nothing is jumping out (perhaps I need to use a "list" and reference the two elements via car and cdr?)
Any help appreciated. If I am mis-posting, missed a previous answer to the same question, or am otherwise inappropriate, my apologies.
The reason is that, differently from C and many other languages, in Scheme and all Lisp languages parentheses are an important part of the syntax.
For instance they are used for function call: (f a b c) means apply (call) function f to arguments a, b, and c, while (f) means apply (call) function f (without arguments).
So in your code (y) means apply the number 2 (the current value of y), but 2 is not a function, but a number (as in the error message).
Simply change the code to:
(define (larger x y)
(if (> x y)
(larger 1 2)
Hello I have some homework that consists of extending a lisp interpreter. We are to build three primitives with pre-evaluated arguments ( for exemple <= ), and three primitives who do their own evaluation ( for example if ).
I went beyond the call of duty and created the only fun function in the bounds of this exercice : (defun) [it's the common lisp keyword for defining a user-function].
I would like to know if my algorithm for managing a user-defined function call is worthwhile.
In pseudo code, here it goes :
get list of parameters # (x y z)
get list of arguments # (1 2 3)
get body of function # (+ x (* y z))
for each parameter, arg # x
body = replace(parameter, argument, body) # (+ 1 (* y z))
# (+ 1 (* 2 z))
# (+ 1 (* 2 3))
eval(body) # 7
Are there better ways to accomplish this?
EDIT: replace() is a function recursing on sub-lists of body.
I never found better, no one proposed better, the question generated no interest whatever, and I'm on a rampage to close my opened questions, so here is the answer :
my algorithm was good enough.
When I evaluate the following expression every time I get the value 10.
(((lambda (x) (lambda () (set! x (+ x 10)) x)) 0))
However I just modify by abstracting the above procedure with a name and call foo every time the value increments by 10!!
(define foo ((lambda (x) (lambda () (set! x (+ x 10)) x)) 0))
Can anybody please explain this?
The function you are calling is a counter that returns a number 10 higher every time it's called.
In the first case, every time, you are creating a new function and then immediately calling it once and then discarding the function. So every time, you are calling a new instance of this counter for the first time, so it should return 10.
In the second case, you create the function once and assign it to a variable and call that same function repeatedly. Since you are calling the same function, it should return 10, 20, ...
newacct is correct, but I would like to go into (a lot) more detail, since this is something that just blew my mind pretty recently.
I'm going to use the terms 'environment' and 'scope' pretty loosely and to mean essentially the same thing. Remember that scheme is a lexical scope language.
When scheme evaluates an expression it will look in its current environment for the values of any variables in the expression. If it doesn't find any in the current environment, it will look in the parent environment. If the value is not in the parent environment then it will look in the next level up and so on until it reaches the top (global) level where it will either find the value or throw an "unbound variable" error.
Anytime you call define you associate a symbol with a value on that environments symbol table. So if you call define on the top-level an entry will be added to the global symbol table. If you call define in the body of a procedure, then an entry will be added to the symbol table of that procedure.
A good way to think about calling define on a procedure is that you are creating an entry in the symbol table that consists of the parameters, body, and environment of that procedure. For example the procedure square would have an entry something like this:
(define a 3)
(define (square x)
(* x x))
| {(* x x)}
| {GLOBAL} ---> All the things defined on the global table
Then if I were to call (square a) the interpreter would first look in the environment in which square is defined and it would find that a is associated with the value 3. Then x -> 3 within the body of square and the procedure returns 9. Cool, makes sense.
Things get a little screwier when we start defining helper procedures within procedures, but all you really need to remember is that if it can't find anything associated with a symbol in the current environment, it will move up levels of scope until it does. Also, it will always stop on the first 'match'. So if there is a local x it will prefer it over the global x (rather it will use the local x without ever looking for a global one).
Next, remember that define just adds names to the symbol table, but set! is a mutator that actually changes the values with which a symbol is associated.
So (define b "blah") puts an entry in the symbol table. b => "blah". Nothing crazy. set! will change the actual value:
(set! b "foo")
b => "foo"
but set! can't add anything to the table. (set! c "bar") => UNBOUND VARIABLE C.
This is the most important difference: set! acts like any other procedure in that if it doesn't find the variable in the current scope, it will check progressively higher levels until it finds a match (or throws an error), but define always adds a binding to the scope in which it is called.
Alright, so you understand the difference between define and set!. Good. Now on to the question.
The expression (((lambda (x) (lambda () (set! x (+ x 10)) x)) 0)), as newacct pointed out, is going to return the same value each time because you are calling a new procedure each time. However if you name it you can keep track of the environment created by calling the procedure.
(define foo <--- associated name on the symbol table
(lambda (x) <--- scope where x is defined
(lambda () \
(set! x (+ x 10)) |--- body
x)) /
0) <--- initial value of x
So the inner lambda exists inside the environment created by the first one where the symbol x exists at an initial value of 0. Then set! looks for an entry in the symbol table for x and finds one in the next level up. Once it finds the entry it changes it, in this case adding 10 to whatever value it finds there. The really cool part is that since you associated the whole thing to a name in the global symbol table, that environment continues to exist after each call! This is why we can do cool things like implement message passing objects to keep track of and manipulate data!
Also, the let special form was created for this purpose, and may be a more intuitive way to structure this. It would look like this:
(define foo <--- associated name
(let ((x 0)) <--- scope where x is defined & initial x value
(lambda () \
(set! x (+ x 10)) |--- body
x))) /