Learning hadoop programming from scratch.
I have written above line of code in eclipse.
it is showing error as "import cannot be resolved.".
I have already added external jar file "Hadoop-mapreduce-client-core-2.7.3,jar"
Is there anything else to add ?
In your all the dependents jar needs to be added, a single jar file wont help.
Try Using Maven.
Dependency is available on below link.
1) Convert the project to a maven project if it's not yet.Project>Configure>Convert to maven project.
2)Add this dependency :
This should resolve your errors. This worked for me!
I having trouble getting to first base with SAX XML parsing. I'm using Maven for my java coding.I'm trying to parse a mitochondrial haplotree.
I have this dependency in my pom.xml:
<!-- -->
However, in my code I get errors with
import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler;
I've tried several other pom and import options found on the internet, but cannot get the code to recognize the imports.
What am I missing?
In my pom.xml file, I have added
and I have downloaded the jar file from and added it to my build path.
Eclipse recognizes the import, as it does not give an error on the import line which is import;.
However, when I run mvn package, I get package does not exist even after cleaning the project.
Is there something else I am missing?
I think you forgot to add <scope>system</scope> and <systemPath>path</systemPath>
I am trying to get embedded-cassandra in my scala/play project which uses sbt instead of maven. (
I translated the following maven dependency into sbt.
<!-- Core API -->
<!-- Test Extensions (Spring, JUnit, etc.) -->
SBT conversion
"com.github.nosan"%"embedded-cassandra" % "2.0.1" % "test"
But I am getting compilation error when I try to import embedded-cassandra in my unit test.
import com.github.nosan.embedded.cassandra.Cassandra
Error:(7, 12) object github is not a member of package com
import com.github.nosan.embedded.cassandra.Cassandra
What am I doing wrong?
Turns out, the issue was that SBT hadn't downloaded the dependency. I re-imported the project and things worked. I made another change. I removed the % test from the sbt entry though to be honest I don't know if that had any implications.
But when I tried to import a library from it, it says can't resolve the symbol.
Specifically, in IntelliJ, it shows that "can't resolve symbol 'data'".
I restarted IntelliJ, but the problem persists.
I want use org.yaml.snake.Yaml in my springboot application. Since the spring-boot-starter has already included the snakeYML. thus I don't need import the org.yaml.snake.Yaml again in my pom.xml file.
when I type import org.yaml.snake.Yaml in source code, eclipse can exactly import it. However, when I use the Intellij it can't import the package.
As I edit the pom.xml and add below:
It works fine!
I wander is this a bug of intellij?