Is there any way to modify this tracking.phtml on magento admin? - magento

When we choose one of the option below, the field 'title' automatically filled with selected value from carrier options.
I want to do the same for 'number' field, it would be filled with something when I choose my custom carrier. Is there any way to modify this tracking form? If yes, how?
Thank's in advance

Add following observer in your module's config.xml
Put following code in Observer.php
public function addScript($observer) {
$block = $observer->getEvent()->getBlock();
if (($block instanceof Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Sales_Order_Shipment_View_Tracking) && $block->getType() != 'core/template' /*&& is your carrier active*/) {
$shipment = $block->getShipment();
$_child = clone $block;
$block->setChild('calling_block', $_child);
add following code with required modifications in custom_script.phtml
<?php echo $this->getChildHtml('calling_block');?>
<script type="text/javascript">
/*your custom javascript code to bind onchange event*/

Look in the file app/design/adminhtml/default/default/layout/sales.xml, tracking.phtml is used several times. If this change is for a module then create a layout file 'yourmodule.xml' and enable it from your config file. Otherwise name it 'local.xml'. It's contents will have to be an update something like this:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<reference name="shipment_tracking">
<action method="setTemplate">
Also if you want to minimize number of copypasted layout statements you can use
<update handle="handle_name" /> inside different controller action handles. For example:
<reference name="shipment_tracking">
<action method="setTemplate">
<update handle="my_handle_name"/>


Set Block Status from xml and show if its enabled

Created CMS > Block and display it on product page as tabs following this tutorial
<block type="catalog/product_view_attributes" name="product.sizes" as="sizes" template="catalog/product/view/sizes.phtml">
<action method="addToParentGroup"><group>detailed_info</group></action>
<action method="setTitle" translate="value"><value>Size Guide</value></action>
From the above code, block title is set from admin and it will be shown as product tab even if its disabled from admin end.
How can we show block only if its enabled from admin and check using
some IF condition in xml ?
Also is it possible to show the title given from admin end rather than setting it from XML file ?
Declare an observer of controller_action_layout_load_before event in config.xml.
Define observer.
class Namespace_Module_Model_Observer
public function setHandle(Varien_Event_Observer $observer)
if (!Mage::getModel('cms/block')->load('cms_block_identifier')->getIsActive()) {
Add handle to layout xml file.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<layout version="0.1.0">
<reference name="">
<remove name="product.sizes" />

Set template for block if there are blocks with the same name

I'm trying to change template for 'form' block in such layout:
<reference name="root">
<block type="adminhtml/sales_order_create" name="content">
<block type="adminhtml/sales_order_create_form" template="sales/order/create/form.phtml" name="form">
<block type="adminhtml/sales_order_create_shipping_method" template="sales/order/create/abstract.phtml" name="shipping_method">
<block type="adminhtml/sales_order_create_shipping_method_form" template="sales/order/create/shipping/method/form.phtml" name="form" />
<block type="adminhtml/sales_order_create_billing_method" template="sales/order/create/abstract.phtml" name="billing_method">
<block type="adminhtml/sales_order_create_billing_method_form" template="sales/order/create/billing/method/form.phtml" name="form" />
<block type="adminhtml/sales_order_create_newsletter" template="sales/order/create/abstract.phtml" name="newsletter">
<block type="adminhtml/sales_order_create_newsletter_form" template="sales/order/create/newsletter/form.phtml" name="form" />
I do
<reference name="form">
<action method="setTemplate">
But this does not work. I think because block with name form exist in several places more after. I just want to change it in block type="adminhtml/sales_order_create_form". How can I do this?
Rewrite of block is not the best appoach. It is better to observe 'core_block_abstract_to_html_before' event and change template there I think. Like:
if ($observer->getBlock() instanceof Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Sales_Order_Create_Form) {
This works and is better because you will not get modules conflict if somebody else will rewrite this block. But I thought that may be possible on layout level..
Whilst not the prettiest solution I too do not know of a way of setting a template on a non unique form reference.
Warning this is pretty gross, and I am really not sure of the side affects and for some reason calling setTemplate in the constructor is not enough I guess this is being called at a earlier or later stage than the parents
class My_Module_Block_Adminhtml_Sales_Order_Create_Form extends Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Sales_Order_Create_Form
public function _toHtml()
return parent::_toHtml();
Add the write to your Module
I really hope there is a better solution than this.
your right, thats the reason why its not working.
i can't think of a clean way because of this bad naming.
However there are several options that are not clean but will work:
1 option: copy the whole sales.xml into your own admin layout folder and change the template there directly.
2 option: "rewriting" "Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Sales_Order_Create_Form" and set the template from the code
3 option: subscribe to "adminhtml_block_html_before" and listen for the right block and change the template then.
However if you write a community module non of these options are really good.
if it is your own project i would go for option 1
hope that helps
For overwriting the form name form.phtml file from the billing_method you should do the following:
In the config.xml:
and in your observer:
public function setTemplateFile(Varien_Event_Observer $observer)
if ($observer->getBlock() instanceof Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Sales_Order_Create_Billing_Method_Form) {

getData doesn't work in Mage_Core_Block_Template custom block

I defined a custom block this way:
<categorylist module="mymodule">
Then I defined the block class this way
class Alias_CategoryList_Block_List extends Mage_Core_Block_Template
public $idCategory = NULL;
// Contructor
public function __construct()
echo $this->getData('categoryid');
and the layout this way:
<default translate="label">
<block type="categorylist/list" name="categorylist.list" output="toHtml" after="-" template="mymodule.phtml"/>
I put the block in a CMS this way:
{{block type="categorylist/list" categoryid="10"}}
But sadly the $this->getData('categoryid'); retrieves nothing.
Cannot figure out what's wrong ?
I tryed even $this->getCategoryid; but even nothing.
Anyone can help?
I'm using Magento 1.7
Would it be silly to add a view (phtml) template file that has
<?php echo $this->getCategoryId(); ?>
instead of trying to accomplish that in the constructor? Also then you wouldn't need your own code behind file you could just use core/template.
So your cms would be
{{block type="core/template" template="awesome.phtml" cateogryid="10"}}
The problem was that I assumed that the layout updates configuration will extend the code in the CMS but the code in the CMS should not have block name and template parameters for my purposes. So I fixed it declearing the template in the contructor and removing the layout updates in configuration (since I don't need the block to override existing blocks):
// Contructor
public function __construct()

Magento: Add content block at the end of the structual block "content"

I'm trying to add a content block to Magento, which should be visible on every side below the main content. I want to archive this with a custom extension, so I can copy this extension and it workes without touching core design files.
My extension includes the following layout update:
<reference name="content">
<block type="mymod/blockname" name="myblockname" after="-" template="mymod/block.phtml"/>
My problem is, that the attribute after="-" is not working. The block always showes up at the top of the content block. Seems before and after have no consequence.
If I move the block to i.e. footer, the attributes before and after are working fine.
How can I place my block at the bottom of block "content"
As far as I can see the problem is that you specify your block in the "default" layout handle while most of the content in the "content" block is added by other layout handles which are applied later. That's why the added dependencies in your XML registration file (mentioned by Fabian) are not helping.
Please consider these two options depending on your needs:
1. If you really want to include your block on all frontend pages
In your XML layout file (local.xml or a custom one), add a new layout handle:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<layout version="0.1.0">
<!-- your other adjustments for default, category_product_view and so on go here -->
<reference name="content">
<block type="mymod/blockname" name="myblockname" after="-" template="mymod/block.phtml"/>
Now you create an event observer to inject your layout handle into your layout:
class YourCompany_YourExtension_Model_Observer
* Adds a block at the end of the content block.
* Uses the event 'controller_action_layout_load_before'.
* #param Varien_Event_Observer $observer
* #return YourCompany_YourExtension_Model_Observer
public function addBlockAtEndOfMainContent(Varien_Event_Observer $observer)
$layout = $observer->getEvent()->getLayout()->getUpdate();
return $this;
Then you register the event observer in your XML extension configuration file (config.xml):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!-- declaring your layout xml etc. -->
<!-- declaring your block classes etc. -->
Now your block should end up below the other blocks. I tested this successfully for the homepage, customer login page and category view page. If you have to exclude your block on a few pages, you can check in your event observer if the block should be excluded on that certain page.
2. If you want to include your block only on some pages
Add a layout handle to your XML layout file just as we did before but instead of creating and registering an event observer, just tell your XML layout file to use the custom layout handle in some areas:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<layout version="0.1.0">
<update handle="add_my_block" />
<update handle="add_my_block" />
<update handle="add_my_block" />
<!-- and so on -->
<reference name="content">
<block type="mymod/blockname" name="myblockname" after="-" template="mymod/block.phtml"/>

SetTemplate on specific pages for logged in customers?

I've got an issue with Magento xml layouts. I've been trying to change the page template when a customer is logged in, but only for specific pages in the layout. I've tried using the <customer_logged_in> handle in my xml but I can't get it to reference another handle specifically.
Non-working example of what I'd like it to do:
<reference name="root">
<action method="setTemplate"><template>page/3columns.html</template></action>
<reference name="root">
<action method="setTemplate"><template>page/2columns-left.html</template></action>
Is this possible to accomplish with the XML layout system or should I be looking at another approach?
Unfortunately with Magento layouts, there is no way to filter between two layout handles.
What I would recommend is slightly different and more complex, but I believe that it will give you the flexibility that you need.
You will need to create a module to do this. I am including all code necessary to do this.
Module Definition:
Config XML:
<method> controllerActionLayoutGenerateBlocksAfter</method>
The code that makes it work
Then at this path app/code/local/Your/Module/Model/Observer.php:
class Your_Module_Model_Observer
public function controllerActionLayoutGenerateBlocksAfter ($observer)
$controller = $observer->getAction();
if ($controller->getFullActionName() == 'catalog_product_view') {
$layout = $controller->getLayout();
$rootBlock = $layout->getBlock('root');
if (Mage::getSingleton('customer/session')->isLoggedIn()) {
} else {
(I took a few tips from: update layout programatically in magento event observer)
