Ruby script won't execute - ruby

New to Ruby. I have created a very simple script called "hello.rb":
name = "Frederik"
puts = "Hello #{name}"
It will not execute (there is no output) in my terminal when I run "ruby hello.rb". I have checked that my editor (atom) is creating EOL's using "cat -e hello.rb" as suggested by "mu is too short" here: Why won't my Ruby script execute?. What could be causing this? I have attached a screenshot for reference.
Thank you!

puts = "Hello #{name}"
You're assigning "Hello #{name}" to a variable named puts, not writing it to STDIO.
remove the assignment operator and your output should display normally.


Simple Ruby program does not produce output

I wrote a basic ruby program with TextMate in Mac OS:
def hello
puts " This works!"
name it Check-it.rb
I open a Terminal session, cd to the directory where the program is stored.
Then I type
ruby Check-it.rb
And nothing appears.
ruby -v
shows me the version, so it's there.
But with this and every other Ruby program, nothing appears.
As others already pointed out. The code in your file
def hello
puts " This works!"
defines a method called hello that outputs a string. But that method is never called. To actually call that method and run it change your code in the file to
def hello # this block defines the `hello` method
puts " This works!"
hello # this line calls the method `hello`
I think you are not calling this method at all. Call this method and then run your code, it will work.

Not able to get result for def using ruby on mac osx

This is just a sample method I have created for testing purpose using Ruby on Mac OSX 10.12 but I don't get the desired output: Can anyone suggest please? I tried getting the result using both paranthesis and without (). It doesn't even throw any error.
def hi
puts "Hello World"
hi("Hello Matz")`
Try this:
def hi
puts "Hello World"
And this:
def greet(greeting)
puts greeting
greet("Hello Matz")
Note that in this line:
hi("Hello Matz")`
you have a tick mark at the end, so that is an error:
1.rb:5: syntax error, unexpected tXSTRING_BEG, expecting end-of-input
It doesn't even throw any error.
Then you aren't running that program.
I suggest you open a Terminal window (Applications/Utilities/, and type in:
$ vimtutor
vim is a free computer programming editor that comes with your Mac. Do the tutorial and learn how to use vim. To run a ruby program, you enter your code into a file, then save it as, say, my_prog.rb. Then you need to give that file to ruby to execute it. You execute a ruby program like this:
$ ruby my_prog.rb
You can create a directory for all your ruby programs like this:
$ mkdir ruby_programs
$ cd ruby_programs
To create a new file inside that directory, use vim:
~/ruby_programs$ vi my_prog.rb
Once you are done typing in your code, save the file, which will put you back at the prompt in Terminal, then you can run your program:
~/ruby_programs$ ruby my_prog.rb
Once you get comfortable with vim, and you feel confident running your ruby programs, consider installing macvim with the vivid chalk color scheme:
It's nicer to look at than plain vim.
Try editing your file so that it reads:
def hi
puts "Hello World"
Some important differences to note: def and end are both case-sensitive. The inside of the function definition is indented by two spaces. Since the function takes no arguments, no parentheses are necessary on the call to hi on line 4.
Depending on your filename, enter the command ruby FILENAME and you should see the output Hello World
Ruby keywords are case sensitive. Your code uses End and you probably wanted to use end to mark the end of the hi method.
Because End is not the same as end (and End is not a keyword), irb keeps waiting for input and treats the other three lines as part of the hi method. As far as it can tell, its definition is not complete until it reaches the end keyword (all non-capital letters.)
The correct way to define the method is:
def hi
puts "Hello World"
Then you can call it using either hi or hi().
Calling it as hi("Hello Matz") (or hi "Hello Matz") throws an ArgumentError exception with the message wrong number of arguments (given 1, expected 0) because it is called with one argument but the definition of method hi doesn't specify anything about arguments (by its definition, the method hi doesn't accept any argument).

Get output from program into Ruby processing

I am using the Ruby processing library.
I would like to pipe output from a program into my code. For example, echo "hello" | rp5 run receiver.rb.
In a normal program, I know I can accomplish this with
while $stdin.gets
puts $_
puts "Receiving!"
And I know that in processing, the program loops through the draw function continuously. So I tried this code, but it did not work, since it freezes on the line puts $stdin.gets. So I know it must be a problem with the pipes not matching up, so I'm going to try using named pipes so that there is no confusion.
def setup
puts "setting up"
def draw
puts "drawing"
puts $stdin
puts $stdin.gets
puts "after gets"
while $stdin.gets
puts $_
puts "Receiving!"
puts "done drawing"
Any suggestion would be appreciated. I'm running Ubuntu 12.04.
Yep, the name pipes worked. Check out this example to get you started and make sure you have the latest version of JRuby loaded.

rspec test ruby script

say we have a ruby file.rb like:
if __FILE__ == $0 then
if ARGV[0] == 'foo'
puts "working"
# Dir.chdir(../)
v =
it suppose to print working only if the file was triggered like ruby file.rb foo.
My question: how can that kind of stuf be tested within rspec?
My try is below. The file ran but not in the scope of rspec test:
Dir expected :chdir with (any args) once, but received it 0 times
it 'should work' do
FILE = File.expand_path('file.rb')
RUBY = File.join(Config::CONFIG['bindir'], Config::CONFIG['ruby_install_name'])
#v =
Someclass.should_receive(:new).and_return #v
`#{RUBY} #{FILE} foo`
Backticks runs new shell, executes command, and returns result as a string. Thats why it runs outside your scope. Backticks does not care about contents of your script: ruby, bash, or something else.
chdir, of course, applied only to this new shell, so there seems no way to check you sample script for directory changing (except of tracing system calls). Maybe some 'real' script will do something, output more, thus providing more possibilities to check it.

Creating interactive ruby console application

I want make interactive application where user launches it and can do various task by typing commands (some kind of shell)
App says Hi
help - display help about command
open - open task
do - do action
Start>help open
open <TaskName>
opens specified task
Start>open Something
Something>do SomeAction
Something> (blinking cursor here)
I searched but couldn't find any ruby gems that I could use specially for console interaction, so I'm about to my make my own...
I looked at Thor, but that's not exactly as I want, maybe I could use it, but not sure...
it could look something like:
class Tasks
attr_reader :opened_task
desc "open <TaskName>", "opens specified task"
def open(params)
desc "do <ActionName>", "do specified action"
def do(params)
tasks =
# theoretical Console class
console =
console.addCommand("open",tasks.method(:open),"open task")
console.addCommand("do",tasks.method(:do),"do action")
so my question is, what gems I could use to make such console class? maybe someone have already made something similar?
I plan using HighLine for input/output, but any other suggestion what could I use?
What you want is a REPL – Read → Evaluate → Print Loop.
IRB, for example, implements a REPL for the Ruby language.
Here's a very simple implementation of your application's REPL:
loop do
input = gets.chomp
command, *params = input.split /\s/
case command
when /\Ahelp\z/i
puts Application::Console.help_text
when /\Aopen\z/i params.first
when /\Ado\z/i
Application::Action.perform *params
else puts 'Invalid command'
\A and \z match the start of the string and the end of the string, respectively.
You could also try ripl. (from the documentation):
Creating and starting a custom shell is as simple as:
require 'ripl'
# Define plugins, load files, etc...
There is a comprehensive list of plugins for ripl as well as list of console applications using ripl on the projects website.
ok, so I made this library for creating console applications in ruby. Actually it was some while ago, but only just decided to release it. It does support auto-completion if used with HighLine and Readline.
When I wrote it there wasn't any documentation nor tests/specs, but now I made some. Still not much but for beginning should be ok.
So gem cli-console and
code is at GitHub, here's usage example
TTY is a really good gem for easily doing this sort of things. You have plenty of tools which can work alone or with the full toolKit. You can use colors, prompts, execute shell natives, interact with the screen, print tables, progressbars and many other useful elements of command lines whith the easy of a goop api.
Particularly tty-prompt is really useful for asking for user input.
A brief example for the case you proposed:
require 'tty-prompt'
require 'pastel'
prompt =
loop do
cmd, parms* = prompt.ask('user#machine$ ').split /\s/
case cmd
when "hola"
puts "Hola amigo " parms
when "exit"
break if prompt.yes?('Do you really want to exit?')
Take a look at cliqr ruby gem. It looks like exactly what you need. Here is the github link with a descriptive readme:
It can execute the commands directly or within a inbuilt shell.
Here is a test case from its git repo:
it 'can execute a sub action from shell' do
cli = Cliqr.interface do
name 'my-command'
handler do
puts 'base command executed'
action :foo do
handler do
puts 'foo executed'
action :bar do
handler do
puts 'bar executed'
with_input(['', 'my-command', 'foo', 'foo bar', 'foo bar help']) do
result = cli.execute %w(my-command shell), output: :buffer
expect(result[:stdout]).to eq <<-EOS
Starting shell for command "my-command"
my-command > .
base command executed
my-command > my-command.
base command executed
my-command > foo.
foo executed
my-command > foo bar.
bar executed
my-command > foo bar help.
my-command foo bar
my-command foo bar [actions] [options] [arguments]
Available options:
--help, -h : Get helpful information for action "my-command foo bar" along with its usage information.
Available actions:
[ Type "my-command foo bar help [action-name]" to get more information about that action ]
help -- The help action for command "my-command foo bar" which provides details and usage information on how to use the command.
my-command > exit.
shell exited with code 0
class MyAPI
def self.__is__(text)
#__is__ = text
def self.method_added(method)
#__help__ ||= {}
#__help__[method.to_s] = #__is__
#__is__ = nil
__is__ "open file <file>"
def open(file)
__is__ "do X"
def do(*params)
__is__ "calls help, use help <command>"
def help(*args, &block)*args, &block)
Or you could use pry commands, but that defeats the
turing-completeness. Help might be implemented using commands, as I'm
not sure how well my approach works out. Those methods need to be
coded defensive. I can't remember how to use class variables :-/
