Is there a decision algorithm with time complexity of Ө(n²)? - algorithm

Is there a decision problem with a time complexity of Ө(n²)?
In other words, I'm looking for a decision problem for which the best known solution has been proven to have a lower bound of N².
I thought about searching for the biggest number in matrix but the problem is that matrix is an input of O(n²) so the solution is linear.
It doesn't need to be known problem, a hypothetical one would suffice as well.

Does a close pair exist?
In any "difficult" metric space, given n points, does a pair exist in distance less than r, where r is an input parameter?
Intuitively proof:
Given that r is an input parameter, you have to search every point.
For a point, you have compute the distance to every other point, that's Θ(n).
For n points, you have n*Θ(n) = Ө(n²).
Time complexity: Ө(n²)


How does Kruskal and Prim change when edge weights are in the range of 1 to |V| or some constant W?

I'm reading CLRS Algorithms Edition 3 and I have two problems for my homework (I'm not asking for answers, I promise!). They are essentially the same question, just applied to Kruskal or to Prim. They are as follows:
Suppose that all edge weights in a graph are integers in the range from 1 to |V|. How fast can you make [Prim/Kruskal]'s algorithm run? What if the edge weights are integers in the range from 1 to W for some constant W?
I can see the logic behind the answers I'm thinking of and what I'm finding online (ie sort the edge weights using a linear sort, change the data structure being used, etc), so I don't need help answering it. But I'm wondering why there is a difference between the answer if the range is 1 to |V| and 1 to W. Why ask the same question twice? If it's some constant W, it could literally be anything. But honestly, so could |V| - we could have a crazy large graph, or a very small one. I'm not sure how the two questions posed in this problem are different, and why I need two separate approaches for both of them.
There's a difference in complexity between an algorithm that runs in O(V) time and O(W) time for constant W. Sure, V could be anything, as could W, but that's not really the point: one is linear, one, is O(1). The question is then for which algorithms could having a restricted range of edge-weights impact complexity (based, as you suggest on edge-weight sort time and choice in data-structure), and what would the actual new optimal complexity be for linearly bounded edge-weights vs. for edge-weights bounded by a constant, W.
Having bounded edge-weights could open up new possibilities for sorting algorithms for Kruskal's, and might change the data structure you'd want to use to implement the queue for Prim's along with the most optimal way you could implement extract-min and update-key operations for that queue. The extent to which edge-weights are bounded can impact whether a particular change in data structure or implementation is even beneficial to make in terms of final complexity.
For example, knowing that the n elements of a list are bounded in value by a constant W makes it so that a switch to radix sort would improve the asymptotic complexity of sorting them, but if I instead only knew that they were bounded in value by 2^n there would be no advantage in changing to radix sort over the traditional methods and their O(n*logn) sorting complexity.

Closest pair of points brute-force; Why O(n^2)?

I feel stupid for asking this question, but...
For the "closest pair of points" problem (see this if unfamiliar with it), why is the worst-case running time of the brute-force algorithm O(n^2)?
If say n = 4, then there would only be 12 possible pair of points to compare in the search space, if we also consider comparing two points from either direction. If we don't compare two points twice, then it's going to be 6.
O(n^2) doesn't add up to me.
The actual number of comparisons is:
, or .
But, in big-O notation, you are only concerned about the dominant term. At very large values of , the term becomes less important, as does the coefficient on the term. So, we just say it's .
Big-O notation isn't meant to give you the exact formula for the time taken or number of steps. It only gives you the order of the complexity/time so you can get a sense of how it scales for large inputs.
Applying brute force, we are forced to check all the possible pairs.Assuming N points,for each point there are N-1 other points for which we need to calculate the distance. So total possible distances calculated = N points * N-1 other points. But in process we double counted distances. Distance between A to B remains whether A to B or B to A is calculated. Hence N*(N-1)/2. Hence O(N^2).
In big-O notation, you can factor out multiplied constants, so:
O(k*(n^2)) = O(n^2)
The idea is that the constant (1/2 in the OP example, since distance comparison is reflective) doesn't really tell us anything new about the complexity. It still gets bigger with the square of the input.
In the brute-force version of the algorithm you compare all possible pairs of points. For each of n points you have (n - 1) other points to compare and if we take every pair once we end up with (n * (n - 1)) / 2 comparisons. The pessimistic complexity of O(n^2) means that the number of operations is bound by k * n^2 for some constant k. Big O notation can't tell you the exact number of operations but a function to which it is proportional when the size of data (n) increases.

Minimum Cut in undirected graphs

I would like to quote from Wikipedia
In mathematics, the minimum k-cut, is a combinatorial optimization
problem that requires finding a set of edges whose removal would
partition the graph to k connected components.
It is said to be the minimum cut if the set of edges is minimal.
For a k = 2, It would mean Finding the set of edges whose removal would Disconnect the graph into 2 connected components.
However, The same article of Wikipedia says that:
For a fixed k, the problem is polynomial time solvable in O(|V|^(k^2))
My question is Does this mean that minimum 2-cut is a problem that belongs to complexity class P?
The min-cut problem is solvable in polynomial time and thus yes it is true that it belongs to complexity class P. Another article related to this particular problem is the Max-flow min-cut theorem.
First of all, the time complexity an algorithm should be evaluated by expressing the number of steps the algorithm requires to finish as a function of the length of the input (see Time complexity). More or less formally, if you vary the length of the input, how would the number of steps required by the algorithm to finish vary?
Second of all, the time complexity of an algorithm is not exactly the same thing as to what complexity class does the problem the algorithm solves belong to. For one problem there can be multiple algorithms to solve it. The primality test problem (i.e. testing if a number is a prime or not) is in P, but some (most) of the algorithms used in practice are actually not polynomial.
Third of all, in the case of most algorithms you'll find on the Internet evaluating the time complexity is not done by definition (i.e. not as a function of the length of the input, at least not expressed directly as such). Lets take the good old naive primality test algorithm (the one in which you take n as input and you check for division by 2,3...n-1). How many steps does this algo take? One way to put it is O(n) steps. This is correct. So is this algorithm polynomial? Well, it is linear in n, so it is polynomial in n. But, if you take a look at what time complexity means, the algorithm is actually exponential. First, what is the length of the input to your problem? Well, if you provide the input n as an array of bits (the usual in practice) then the length of the input is, roughly said, L = log n. Your algorithm thus takes O(n)=O(2^log n)=O(2^L) steps, so exponential in L. So the naive primality test is in the same time linear in n, but exponential in the length of the input L. Both correct. Btw, the AKS primality test algorithm is polynomial in the size of input (thus, the primality test problem is in P).
Fourth of all, what is P in the first place? Well, it is a class of problems that contains all decision problems that can be solved in polynomial time. What is a decision problem? A problem that can be answered with yes or no. Check these two Wikipedia pages for more details: P (complexity) and decision problems.
Coming back to your question, the answer is no (but pretty close to yes :p). The minimum 2-cut problem is in P if formulated as a decision problem (your formulation requires an answer that is not just a yes-or-no). In the same time the algorithm that solves the problem in O(|V|^4) steps is a polynomial algorithm in the size of the input. Why? Well, the input to the problem is the graph (i.e. vertices, edges and weights), to keep it simple lets assume we use an adjacency/weights matrix (i.e. the length of the input is at least quadratic in |V|). So solving the problem in O(|V|^4) steps means polynomial in the size of the input. The algorithm that accomplishes this is a proof that the minimum 2-cut problem (if formulated as decision problem) is in P.
A class related to P is FP and your problem (as you formulated it) belongs to this class.

Grouping set of points to nearest pairs

I need an algorithm for the following problem:
I'm given a set of 2D points P = { (x_1, y_1), (x_2, y_2), ..., (x_n, y_n) } on a plane. I need to group them in pairs in the following manner:
Find two closest points (x_a, y_a) and (x_b, y_b) in P.
Add the pair <(x_a, y_a), (x_b, y_b)> to the set of results R.
Remove <(x_a, y_a), (x_b, y_b)> from P.
If initial set P is not empty, go to the step one.
Return set of pairs R.
That naive algorithm is O(n^3), using faster algorithm for searching nearest neighbors it can be improved to O(n^2 logn). Could it be made any better?
And what if the points are not in the euclidean space?
An example (resulting groups are circled by red loops):
Put all of the points into an (time O(n log(n))) then for each point calculate the distance to its nearest neighbor. Put points and initial distances into a priority queue. Initialize an empty set of removed points, and an empty set of pairs. Then do the following pseudocode:
while priority_queue is not empty:
(distance, point) = priority_queue.get();
if point in removed_set:
neighbor = rtree.find_nearest_neighbor(point)
if distance < distance_between(point, neighbor):
# The previous neighbor was removed, find the next.
priority_queue.add((distance_between(point, neighbor), point)
# This is the closest pair.
found_pairs.add(point, neighbor)
The slowest part of this is the nearest neighbor searches. An R-tree does not guarantee that those nearest neighbor searches will be O(log(n)). But they tend to be. Furthermore you are not guaranteed that you will do O(1) neighbor searches per point. But typically you will. So average performance should be O(n log(n)). (I might be missing a log factor.)
This problem calls for a dynamic Voronoi diagram I guess.
When the Voronoi diagram of a point set is known, the nearest neighbor pair can be found in linear time.
Then deleting these two points can be done in linear or sublinear time (I didn't find precise info on that).
So globally you can expect an O(N²) solution.
If your distances are arbitrary and you can't embed your points into Euclidean space (and/or the dimension of the space would be really high), then there's basically no way around at least a quadratic time algorithm because you don't know what the closest pair is until you check all the pairs. It is easy to get very close to this, basically by sorting all pairs according to distance and then maintaining a boolean look up table indicating which points in your list have already been taken, and then going through the list of sorted pairs in order and adding a pair of points to your "nearest neighbors" if neither point in the pair is in the look up table of taken points, and then adding both points in the pair to the look up table if so. Complexity O(n^2 log n), with O(n^2) extra space.
You can find the closest pair with this divide and conquer algorithm that runs in O(nlogn) time, you may repeat this n times and you will get O(n^2 logn) which is not better than what you got.
Nevertheless, you can exploit the recursive structure of the divide and conquer algorithm. Think about this, if the pair of points you removed were on the right side of the partition, then everything will behave the same on the left side, nothing changed there, so you just have to redo the O(logn) merge steps bottom up. But consider that the first new merge step will be to merge 2 elements, the second merges 4 elements then 8, and then 16,.., n/4, n/2, n, so the total number of operations on these merge steps are O(n), so you get the second closest pair in just O(n) time. So you repeat this n/2 times by removing the previously found pair and get a total O(n^2) runtime with O(nlogn) extra space to keep track of the recursive steps, which is a little better.
But you can do even better, there is a randomized data structure that let you do updates in your point set and get an expected O(logn) query and update time. I'm not very familiar with that particular data structure but you can find it in this paper. That will make your algorithm O(nlogn) expected time, I'm not sure if there is a deterministic version with similar runtimes, but those tend to be way more cumbersome.

Which complexity is better?

Assume that a graph has N nodes and M edges, and the total number of iterations is k.
(k is a constant integer, larger than 1, independent of N and M)
Let D=M/N be the average degree of the graph.
I have two graph-based iterative search algorithms.
The first algorithm has the complexity of O(D^{2k}) time.
The second algorithm has the complexity of O(k*D*N) time.
Based on their Big O time complexity, which one is better?
Some told me that the first one is better because the number of nodes N in a graph is usually much larger than D in real world.
Others said that the second one is better because k is exponentially increased for the first one, but is linearly increased for the second one.
Neither of your two O's dominate the other, so the right approach is to chose the algorithm based on the inputs
O Domination
The first it better when D<1 (sparse graphs) and similar.
The second is better when D is relatively large
Algorithm Selection
The important parameter is not just the O but the actual constant in front of it.
E.g., an O(n) algorithm which is actually 100000*n is worse than O(n^2) which is just n^2 when n<100000.
So, given the graph and the desired iteration count k, you need to estimate the expected performance of each algorithm and chose the best one.
Big-O notation describes how a function grows, when its arguments grow. So if you want to estimate growth of algorithm time consumption, you should estimate first how D and N will grow. That requires some additional information from your domain.
If we assume that N is going to grow anyway. For D you have several choices:
D remains constant - the first algorithm is definitely better
D grows proportionally to N - the second algorithm is better
More generally: if D grows faster than N^(1/(2k-1)), you should select the first algorithm, otherwise - the second one.
For every fixed D, D^(2k) is a constant, so the first algorithm will beat the second if M is large enough. However, what is large enough depends on D. If D isn't constant or limited, the two complexities cannot be compared.
In practice, you would implement both algorithms, find a good approximation for their actual speed, and depending on your values pick the one that will be faster.
