Add Open Search Description with multiple URLs based on language - opensearchdescription

The website I want to add OpenSearchDescription to has a language parameter in the URL path to define the vistors language. This means that the search URL will be different for every language, e.g. and
The below snippet will allow to add a search URL, but for a specific language (e.g. English).
<OpenSearchDescription xmlns="">
<ShortName>Example Site</ShortName>
<Description>Search Example Site</Description>
<Image width="16" height="16" type="image/x-icon"></Image>
<Url type="application/x-suggestions+json" method="GET" template="{searchTerms}" />
<Url type="text/html" method="GET" template="{searchTerms}" />
The OSD documentation is not clear to me about adding multi language support. Could it be like this?
<Url type="text/html" method="GET" template="{language}/search?search_query={searchTerms}" />

I'm try another way but don't working
<Url type="text/html" method="GET" language="tr" template="{searchTerms}"/>
<Url type="text/html" method="GET" language="en" template="{searchTerms}"/>
Chrome acccept only last url;
Acccepted-language request header tr-TR,tr;q=0.9,en-US;q=0.8,en;q=0.7
Result why /en it has to be a solution.
<Url type="text/html" method="GET" template="{language}/search?q={searchTerms}"/>
This look like good. But i change my OS default language Tr to En
this unexpected, i dont't have this url and can't apply all language - country specification.
documentation for practical application is insufficient.
When I was researching what other people were doing in this matter, I noticed that no one was dealing with it.
The most convenient method is to use only one search path and user will be redirect with the 302 http code to other language search page for browser language (or saved preferences etc:lang cookies).
This is not the answer to the problem but it more realizable. (etc:pinterest)
example code:
Alternative solution parse GET data and redirect another page:
<Url type="text/html" method="GET" template="{searchTerms}&lang={language}"/>
And handle any server-side language
if lang == "en" OR "en-US" OR en-UK ....
redirect "" + searchTerms
else if lang == "xx" OR "yy"
redirect "" + searchTerms
this method is not different from http header read.


HTML:Image won’t display

My image won’t display for no reason. I am a noob but I can’t figure it out. The image loads from the url so I know it’s not that. So I’m pretty sure it’s my problem with the coding.
<img src=
Your URL is pointing to non-image resource. It's actually pointing to an HTML document.
In URL, change www by dl and remove ?dl=0.
This is valid image URL :
Alternatively, you can replace dl=0 to raw=1. This is also valid image URL:
Not always required but as a good practice I'll suggest using quotes for values. Also as mentioned in comments seperate attributes from each other with white space.
<img src=""
height="300" width="250"/>
<img src="" height="300" width"250"/>
source : Mickel's Tutorial
I hope, you must use the url of image, But you are referring the url preview pane of dropbox.
It is the actual url for image.
You also need some improvisation with your code, as below
<img src="" height="300" width="250" />
It will work without any issue. You are not referring proper url that the actual issue.
Also, keep tag properties in quote "" if required.
<img src="url" height="200" width="300" />

How to use <br> instead of <br /> in CKeditor

It's 2017 and it's the age of HTML5! In HTML5, the line break is <br>, NOT <br />. But for the life of it, I can't get CKeditor to ditch <br /> in favor of <br>.
The incorrect <br />'s are giving me all sorts of problems. Among them:
Failed code validation
(In Firefox) Using JavaScript's innerHTML on a code block that was created with <br />'s, returns <br>'s instead - which messes up comparisons about changes.
I found this old forum entry about the issue (in a related program, not in CKeditor itself):
But the suggested fix (changing config.docType in the config file) does NOT WORK!
I tried a bunch of different docTypes's, in both the top-level config.js and in core/config.js .
In top-level config.js , I tried:
config.docType = '<!DOCTYPE html>';
In core/config.js, I tried:
docType: '<!DOCTYPE html>',
But nothing works! :(
I also tried to hunt down instances of <br /> in the multitudes of files, but didn't find any in the core part of CKeditor. I presume that the <br /> string gets created dynamically??
How can I get CKeditor to spit out <br> rather than <br /> ?
Yay, it took some hardcore Googling (hard to phrase the search), but I found the answer! I hope this will help others.
Simply add:
CKEDITOR.on( 'instanceReady', function( ev ) {
// Output self-closing tags the HTML5 way, like <br>
ev.editor.dataProcessor.writer.selfClosingEnd = '>';
What it does, from what I understand, is to wait for the core plugin "HTML Output Writer" to be loaded - and when it is, it modifies the "writer", which is a property of each editor instance. The above way applies the change to all editors, but it could also be done to individual editor instances (though I find it hard to imagine why anyone would want to do the latter.)
For more info, from the CKEditor4 documentation:
How Do I Output HTML Instead of XHTML Code Using CKEditor?
All right, CKEditor rocks! :D

How to mix href within jstl code

When I use the below jstl code
<a href=""<c:out value="${myid}"/>/><c:out value="${myid}"/></a>
the output is :
The value 1234 corresponds to the variable value of myid but the url being generated is
"" so no value for myid is being generated as part of the href.
How can I amend the href so that entire href is displayed :
instead of :
Ultimately, JSP/JSTL generates HTML. You're familiar with basic HTML, right?
Look closer at the generated HTML output by rightclick, View Source in browser. You'll see:
<a href=""1234/>1234</a>
Is that valid HTML? No, you're closing the attribute value too soon with " at wrong place and you're closing the tag too soon with />. Look, the Stack Overflow HTML syntax highlighter also got confused. Instead, it should have been:
Fix the HTML generator (i.e. the JSP/JSTL code) accordingly so that it generates the desired HTML:
<c:out value="${myid}"/>
Unrelated to the concrete problem, the <c:out> is only helpful in preventing XSS attack holes when redisplaying user-controlled input and actually the wrong tool to inline URL parameters. If you can guarantee that ${myid} is always a number (because it's a Long or Integer), you can even just leave it entirely out, making the code prettier to read:
If the ${myid} is however not a guaranteed to be a number (because it's a String), then you should use <c:url> and <c:param> to properly URL-encode it:
<c:url value="" var="myURL">
<c:param name="id" value="${myid}" />
<c:out value="${myid}" />
<c:url> tag is used to create an url. It is helpful in the case when cookies is turned off by the client, and you would be required to rewrite URLs that will be returned from a jsp page.
<c:param> tag may used as a subtag of to add the parameters in the returned URL. Using these parameters encodes the URL.
<c:url value="" var="myURL">
<c:param name="id" value="${myid}" />
<a href="${myURL}" />${myURL}</a>
Read more from here.

Get an absolute URL in Spring MVC

In a JSP page, I need to have an absolute URL of on of my page in order to do some integration with twitter.
This is what I have
<spring:url value="/blog/article1" var="articleUrl" />
<spring:url value="" var="twitter" >
<spring:param name="url" value="${articleUrl}"/>
My problem is that it generates :
And of course, twitter do not like relative URL...
Is there a simple way to have the absolute URL (with spring:url or c:url or other...)?
Try to explore more about context attribute in <spring:url/> tag. I think it would be helpful to you.
Hope this helps you. Cheers.
I found my response on StackOverflow :
<c:set var="baseURL" value="${fn:replace(pageContext.request.requestURL, pageContext.request.requestURI, pageContext.request.contextPath)}" />

Image Pathing and Absolute Paths?

I'm developing a website in ASP .NET MVC 2 using C#.
I have a partial view, Header.ascx. In there I have an image for my website, MainImage.png.
When I use one of the primary Views I've created, the image shows up fine. For instance, I hit the Index ActionResult of my News Controller. (
However, when I dig deeper, I seem to lose my image, even though the Partial view is being displayed from the Master page. i.e., if I try going to
Are there any suggestions for keeping my image fully intact, such as a way to do absolute pathing?
The code I currently have in my partial view is here:
<div align="center"><img src="../Content/images/MainImage.png" style="border:none" /></div>
I've tried changing the src to ~/Content/images/MainImage.png but that breaks it all over the site.
Use the Url.Content helper method.
<img src="<%: Url.Content("~/content/images/imagename.png") %>" />
Same applies for when you want to include javascript files or css
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<%= Url.Content("~/content/site.css") %>" type="text/css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="<%= Url.Content("~/content/scripts.js") %>"></script>
Whenever possible, make the path (href or src) to resource files, like images, CSS and JS relative to the web server root. That is, your URLs should begin with a slash:
<img src="/images/imagename.png" />
That format retains the current server address (which may be an IP address, an internal network address or any of a number of public web addresses), protocol and port, and doesn't depend on the apparent path of the page the user is looking at (which can change, depending on whether the user is accessing the page by its canonical location or by a URL rewrite).
