couchDB- complex query on a view - view

I am using cloudantDB and want to query a view which looks like this
function (doc) {
if( !== undefined){
emit([, doc.age], doc);
what should be the correct way to get a result if I have a list of names(I will be using option 'keys=[]' for it) and a range of age(for which startkey and endkey should be used)
example: I want to get persons having name "john" or "mark" or "joseph" or "santosh" and lie between age limit 20 to 30.
If i go for list of names, query should be keys=["john", ....]
and if I go for age query should use startkey and endkey
I want to do both :)

Unfortunately, you can't do so. Using the keys parameter query the documents with the specified key. For example, you can't only send keys=["John","Mark"]&startkey=[null,20]&endkey=[{},30]. This query would only and ONLY return the document having the name John and Mark with a null age.
In your question you specified CouchDB but if you are using Cloudant, index query might be interesting for you.
You could have something like that :
"selector": {
"$and": [
"name": {
"year": {
"$gt": 20,
"$lt": 30
"fields": [
As for CouchDB, you need to either separate your request (1 request for the age and 1 for the people) or you do the filtering locally.


Match keys with sibling object JSONATA

I have an JSON object with the structure below. When looping over key_two I want to create a new object that I will return. The returned object should contain a title with the value from key_one's name where the id of key_one matches the current looped over node from key_two.
Both objects contain other keys that also will be included but the first step I can't figure out is how to grab data from a sibling object while looping and match it to the current value.
"key_one": [
"name": "some_cool_title",
"id": "value_one",
"key_two": [
"node": "value_one",
This is a good example of a 'join' operation (in SQL terms). JSONata supports this in a path expression. See
So in your example, you could write:
key_one#$k1.key_two[node = $].{
"title": $
You can then add extra fields into the resulting object by referencing items from either of the original objects. E.g.:
key_one#$k1.key_two[node = $].{
"title": $,
"other_one": $k1.other_data,
"other_two": other_data
I seem to have found a solution for this.
[key_two].$filter($$.key_one, function($v, $k){
$ = node
}).{"title": name ? name : id}
"title": "value_one"
"title": "value_two"
"title": "value_three"
Leaving this here if someone have a similar issue in the future.

Count Unique Objects

My index looks like this:
"_source": {
"ProductName": "Random Product Name",
"Views": {
"Washington": [
{ "4nce5bbszjfppltvc": "2018-04-07T18:25:16.160Z" },
{ "4nce5bba8jfpowm4i": "2018-04-07T18:05:39.714Z" },
{ "4nce5bbszjfppltvc": "2018-04-07T18:36:23.928Z" },
I am trying to count the number of unique objects in Views.Washington.
In this case, the result would be 2, since two objects have the same key names. ( first and third object in the array ).
Obviously, my first thought was to use aggregations, but I am not sure how to use them with nested objects, like these.
Can this be done with normal aggregations?
Will I need to use a script?
Yes this can be done with Aggregations:

Get the first document from every Elasticsearch route

I have an Elasticsearch index with route key of day in the following format "yyyyMMdd". Each day a lot of new documents are added. At the end of the month I would like to query if there are any days when for some reason a document haven't been added by a source. There is a source_id field representing the source.
I got it so far that I need to give all the routekeys, like 20160101,20160102 etc. and filter by the source_id. But this can return hundreds of thounsands of documents, I may need to paginate through them all.
Is there a way to only know if there is a routing key which doesn't have matching document with the given source_id, so essentially I would only return 31 documents or less to my application code, so it would be easy to iterate through and check if there is a day without document.
Any ideas?
You can use Terms Aggregation on the _routing field to know what all routing values have been used. See the query below:
POST <index>/<type>/_search
"size": 0,
"query": {
"term": {
"source_id": {
"value": "VALUE" <-- Value of source_id to filter on
"aggs": {
"routings": {
"terms": {
"field": "_routing",
"size": 31 <-- We don't expect to get more than 31 unique _routing values
Corresponding Nest code is as under:
var response = client.Search<object>(s => s
.Index("<index name>")
.Query(q => q
.Term("source_id", "<source value>"))
.Aggregations(a => a
.Terms("routings", t => t
var routings = response.Aggs.Terms("routings").Items.Select(b => b.Key);
routings will contain the list of routing values you need.

Scope Elasticsearch Results to Specific Ids

I have a question about the Elasticsearch DSL.
I would like to do a full text search, but scope the searchable records to a specific array of database ids.
In SQL world, it would be the functional equivalent of WHERE id IN(1, 2, 3, 4).
I've been researching, but I find the Elasticsearch query DSL documentation a little cryptic and devoid of useful examples. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Here is an example query which might work for you. This assumes that the _all field is enabled on your index (which is the default). It will do a full text search across all the fields in your index. Additionally, with the added ids filter, the query will exclude any document whose id is not in the given array.
"bool": {
"must": {
"match": {
"_all": "your search text"
"filter": {
"ids": {
"values": ["1","2","3","4"]
Hope this helps!
As discussed by Ali Beyad, ids field in the query can do that for you. Just to complement his answer, I am giving an working example. In case anyone in the future needs it.
GET index_name/_search
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"match": {
"field": "your query"
"ids" : {
"values" : ["0aRM6ngBFlDmSSLpu_J4", "0qRM6ngBFlDmSSLpu_J4"]
You can create a bool query that contains an Ids query in a MUST clause:
By using a MUST clause in a bool query, your search will be further limited by the Ids you specify. I'm assuming here by Ids you mean the _id value for your documents.
According to es doc, you can
Returns documents based on their IDs.
GET /_search
"query": {
"ids" : {
"values" : ["1", "4", "100"]
With elasticaBundle symfony 5.2
$query = new Query();
$IdsQuery = new Query\Ids();
$this->finder->find($query, $limit);
You have two options.
The ids query:
GET index/_search
"query": {
"ids": {
"values": ["1, 2, 3"]
The terms query:
GET index/_search
"query": {
"terms": {
"yourNonPrimaryIdField": ["1", "2","3"]
The ids query targets the document's internal _id field (= the primary ID). But it often happens that documents contain secondary (and more) IDs which you'd target thru the terms query.
Note that if your secondary IDs contain uppercase chars and you don't set their field's mapping to keyword, they'll be normalized (and lowercased) and the terms query will appear broken because it only works with exact matches. More on this here: Only getting results when elasticsearch is case sensitive

How to define document ordering based on filter parameter

Hi Elasticsearch experts.
I have a problem which might be realted to the fact I am indexing DB relational data.
My scenario is the following:
I have two entities:
documents and meetings.
Documents and meetings are independent entities. Although it is possible to assign documents to meetings in a given order.
We are using a join table for this in the DB.
In elasticsearch I am indexing the documents_id as NESTED property of the meeting
meeting example:
id: 25
documents: [22,12,24,55]
I will fetch the meeting, after this I would like to send a request to the documents filtering on and asking elasticsearch to return the list in the same order I passed in the list of ids to the filter.
What is the best way to implement this ?
Nice Question,
I've spent some time figuring a solution for you and come up with a solution, It might be tricky one but works.
Lets have a look to my query,
I've used script score, for sorting by user defined list.
POST index/type/_search
"query": {
"function_score": {
"functions": [
"script_score": {
"script": "ar.size()-ar.indexOf(doc['docid'].value)",
"params": {
"ar": [
"filter": {
"terms": {
"docid": [
The thing you have to take care is,
send, same value for filter and in params. Like in the above query.
This returns me hits with doc ids, 1, 2, 4, 3 .
You have to change field name inside script and in filter, and you can use termQuery inside query object.
I've tested the code, Hope this helps!!
