Nativescript mapserver maps - nativescript

Any ideas how to start with MapServer with NativeScript. I don't have necessary skills yet to make own plugin but I must try if nothing else is found.
Does anyone know any resources to get started implementing mapserver maps for nativescript. Plugin, code anything.

I assume you have an application using NativeScript framework and you want to include some map services from MapServer.
If that is the case, you may not need to write your own plugin but you still do some level of coding to achieve the goal.
My recommendation would be :
1) At your front end, choose a GIS map library such as Google maps API, Leaflet or OpenLayers API. The GIS library would handle a lot of critical tasks in the process such as handling communication with GIS server, user interface function etc. So that you don't have to reinvent the wheels again.
2) Based on your system requirement, you may or may not need a GIS server such as MapServer. Data could come from directly from clients for example. But since you mentioned it i would think you may need a GIS server to publish some data for the application to consume the services.
MapServer services via OGC standard protocols are easy to integred with most of the popular GIS libraries mentioned earlier. So once you publish Map service (wms) for example, it would be as easy as add one layer in such GIS library point to the service endpoint you published via Http request and by passing some parameters you would be able to get the GIS contents.
This is the link about how to consume MapServer service on the client side:


CoAP support for twitter heron

I'm working on IoT project where I receive datastream in CoAP protocol.
I want to process the data in Heron by doing some transformations on top of it.
Is it possible to integrate CoAP protocol objects to heron?
I think it is not very important from the CoAP endpoint's view where do you put the received data.
Use this link as a initial point:
There you can find brief descriptions for implementations for several languages/platforms.
Unfortunately, I am not familiar with Twitter Heron and don't know which language is best for implementing a Heron data provider.
If such language is Java or Heron is language-agnostic (say, has a REST API as a primary interface) - I'd consider the as a very mature implementation. That way (sure in 5000ft view as I don't know the details) you could write an app which uses Californium and CoapHandlers might push data to Heron.

replacing with telepat for real time updates

How does telepat-io differ from socket-io and other socket based real time sytems ? what is the underlying technology - is it a wrapper on top of socket-io ?
Reading through their website, you can see references to
Reading through their code, for example, their client code, you can also find references to
It seems to me that the word wrapper doesn't fit, as they focus on creating an optimized design for meshing different technologies to create a real-time application backend... I would go with the word framework if I had to put a name on it. If you like their approach, you'll probably enjoy simplified scaling as this is one of their main concerns.
As Myst pointed out, Telepat is more of a framework, a full stack software. This framework uses for the notification part of the system: clients manipulate application resources -> API -> workers -> subscribed clients get notified of the changes through various means (Apple Push Notifications, Google Cloud Messaging and web sockets for any other client).
So in short: Telepat uses for client notifications.

On AWS SWF, what is the good approach to publish the user interface (html css js)?

To start with, please be sorry, I just start developping applications on AWS and I have some question that could be easy for you but not really for me... But impossible to find any response about web integration of a java website on SWF...
I'm also a new user of the spring framework, I need to do some tutorials about it (or not? SWF documentation can be enough?). But my questions are for those who have already passed time on it and can say what is the best aproach in my case. (And why?)
What is the good approach in UI design to have a web based application with ui dynamic changes? (like content slide, menu, etc... the most scalable choice)
Having the view (GWT web interface running on Elastic Beanstalk for example, or a CloudFront PHP interface using a good MVC PHP Framework?) separated from the model running on SWF? All linked by the API's.
Or having my complete web application using Flow FrameWork and GWT? (or another technology? For now I chosed this even if I have to work tutorials too, but why not using the new Dart Google's solution?)
What is the easiest approach to do it efficiently?
I understood the SWF logical approach, and I have all my project's architecture (so the scalable SWF Model) in my head, but clearly, if I want to add a new service in my project and if this service wants to get a list of existing objects (stocked in DynamoDB for example), i'd like to show this information easily because I already did it for this object.
And so, with a copy of the model on the PHP interface, I imagine I could associate methods to show this object, and so concentrate the PHP projet for showing my objects and start workflows with PHP (search and read-only?), and SWF to have a good working model launching those WF. Is it a good approach? Is there a PHP framework really adapted to do this? Rather, I do it on a non-swf java UI application?
Finally I found what I was searching about. To connect an UI interface, we have just to use good classes of the SDKs :
My question was really simple, but I wasn't able to understand the entire SWF architecture.
So the solution is to implement the application's MODEL-CONTROLER with the SWF Flow FrameWork, and after that, we can connect the VIEWs with any of the SDK to start workflows. We can also connect an Android or iPhone application easily with the good SDK.

Implementing Real-Time Collaboration On A Page?

I would like to create a web page which would allow multiple users to work together on a page, Imagine a web based editor that allowed to users to change the documents as an example of this type of feature.
How would more experienced programmers go about implementing this as i really cant seem to formulate any way to even begin going about this task. Would there be any programming librarys that make implementing this feature easier or is it just too complex to even think about?
I am creating this webapp primarily using GWT and SmartGWT if that helps.
Thanks for any input you may have.
There is indeed a cometd-like library for gwt -
In web development, Comet is a neologism to describe a web application model in which a long-held HTTP request allows a web server to push data to a browser, without the browser explicitly requesting it. Comet is an umbrella term for multiple techniques for achieving this interaction. All these methods rely on features included by default in browsers, such as JavaScript, rather than on non-default plugins.
In practice:
In normal way client can receive resources by request->responce. It is no possible to send data directly to client without request. With comet you can hold realtime connection between client and server and exchange data in realtime.
Check out: They are using comet. is a service that used to do this. It has been since bought by Google, and the code released as open-source. You can see several links on the page for the source download and related information.

Google Visualization API

I want a real and honest opinion what do you think of Google Visualization API?
Is it reliable to use becasue when i was reading the documentation i noticed that there are alot of issues and defects to overcome and can i use it to retrieve data from mysql database.
Thank you.
I am currently evaluating it. As compared to other javascript data visualization frameworks, i think it has a lot going for it:
dynamic loading is built-in
diverse, many things to choose from.
looks really great!
framework mostly takes care of picking whatever implementation fits the current browser
service based, you don't need to download anything in advance
unified data source: just create one data table, and have multiple visalizations draw from that data.
As a disadvantage, I'd like to mention security. I mean, because it's all service based, it is not so transparent what happens when you pass data into these API calls. And as far as I know, the API is free, but not open source, so I can't really check what is going on behind the covers.
I think the Google visualization API really shines if you want to very quickly whip up a visualization gadget for use in a blog or so, and you are not interested in deploying all kinds of plugins and libraries (for eaxmple, with jQuery based frameworks, you need may need to manage multitple javascript libraries that work together to deliver the goods). If on the other hand you are creating an application that you want to sell, you might want to keep more control over what components you are using, and I would probably consider using something like Flot
But like I said, I am only evaluation atm, I am not using this in production.
Works really great for me. Can be customized fairly easily. Haven't seen any scaling issues. No data is exposed so security should not be an issue. - Arunabh Das
One point I want to add here is that, Google Visualization API cannot be downloaded, its not available for offline usage. So application which is going to use it must be always connected to internet, otherwise I think it wont be able to render charts. Due
to this limitation, this API cannot be used in some applications for which internet connection is not available.
I am currently working on a web based application that will have the Google Visualization API added to it and from the perspective of a developer the Google Visualization API is very limited in what you can do with each individual Chart and if I had a choice I would probably look at dojox charting just because of the extra flexibility that the framework gives you.
If you are doing any kind of large web application that will use charting extensively then I would not recommend the Google Visualizations API it does not have enough flexibility for a large web application.
I am using Google Visualization API and I want to stress that they still won't let you download it, which means if their servers are down, your app will be down if you depend on it. I have been using it for about 4 months, and they have crashed once me once so I'd say they pretty reliable and their documentation is really nice.
