Is it Linux or window hosting? - hosting

I Don't know much about server things.
But my client says his server is Apache version2.2, .php files run asPHP5 FastCGI
So is it Linux hosting server or Window hosting server.
Thank you.

You can run Apache on Linux and Windows so you can't really say what operating system is running on that server.


How to setup the chat server online not local?

I've completed programming my site with Ratchet locally and I usually run the server file by
php server.php
now Idk how to actually make it work on the host?
I have Vps too but cant even fighre out how to connect it with the host , etc? what is the idea actually
In your VPS you should install a webserver for example Apache or Nginx and config them to serve requests, but actually is far more easier to use preconfigured servers with server software management like Cpanel or directadmin that most of web hostings offer now days,
Then copy local files to remote server and adjust a database in server using a ftp client and config php web server settings, in general your webserver should point to your index.php file and thats it. You can learn other settings by exploring directadmin or Cpanel...

PHP, node, python Hosting Server

I want to run php, node files on a hosting server. And the node file runs the python script. it means the hosting server should have the python interpreter. Which hosting server supports all these? Can anyone help me?
Shared hosting may not offer all these services at one place. You can easily use VPS and Cloud Servers like DigitalOcean, Linode, AWS and GCE they have smaller plans like 10$/ mon which you can easily avail to host any applications. The best thing is you can create complete stack according to your requirements.
This is not talking about products, like digitaloecel, linode, aws,, and etc.
But this is talking about the additional features that are support on your server.
The easiest way is, you install OS CloudLinux + cPanel on your server whether it's a vps or a dedicated server, then you can activate the Python, nodeJS, CageFS, and others features via WHM (cPanel admin panel).

Deploy Python/Flask on a robust web server on windows

I have a windows machine which is running Python 3.4 with Flask.
But of course the Flask development server is slow and sometimes I need to host my applications locally for local usage so I need to host it on a more robust web server on windows.
How to do that ?
Thanks in advance.
I already got it. used This Guide Here to setup apache with mod_wsgi.

Accessing a remote APE server

I am a newbie in APE. I have a linux machine that runs the APE server. I would like my .NET program running in another windows machine to connect to the APE server. How do i do it ? Both the machines are on LAN. I tried to do it by
And i modified my httpd.conf file to give a vhost for And i modified my hosts file to map the IP of the linux machine to
What is happening is that i get an error that i dont have the permission to access APE. I have set the permissions in the remote linux machine too. Has anyone else gone through this situation before ? Any help will be appreciated
If you are running APE on a separate machine than your web server, both webserver and APE must be in the same top-level domain. This is required if you are using XHR streams, long polling, or any other transport method that relies on Ajax same-origin policy.
APE server:
APE is a standalone server. In the default config, it runs on port 6969 of your machine.
This means, it is not part of your (Apache?) web server and you won't have to update your httpd.conf
Maybe try to connect to http://yourmachine:6969/ ?

Can xampp be used as a full server?

I want to use xampp as a server (not local server but more like a server with a dedicated ip.) Can xampp be used for a server besides local? Maybe I'm just thinking backwards.
If You have Windows server, it is good option but if You are on Linux, it's not the best idea.
