.getField() returning empty result - rethinkdb

Using the RethinkdbDash package for Node.js and Rethink, I'm able to use this ReQL:
...to get the desired object out of the database with the following format...
"address": "<ADDRESS>" ,
"createdAt": Thu Sep 15 2016 02:08:54 GMT+00:00 ,
"email": <EMAIL>,
"firstName": "<FIRST NAME>" ,
"fullName": "<FULL NAME>" ,
"lastName": "<LAST NAME>" ,
"middleName": "<MIDDLE NAME>" ,
"phone": "<PHONE NUMBER>" ,
"prescriptions": [
"expiresOn": Thu Sep 15 2016 00:00:00 GMT+00:00 ,
"hasExpired": false ,
"name": "<MEDICATION NAME>" ,
"prescribedBy": "<DOCTOR NAME>" ,
"prescribedOn": Thu Sep 15 2016 02:54:52 GMT+00:00 ,
"startOn": Thu Sep 15 2016 02:54:52 GMT+00:00 ,
"uuid": "f11fed84-30dc-4cf9-af36-b715f303bed1"
] ,
"uuid": "bd4d6d44-3af3-4224-afef-d7e9a876025b"
The problem comes when I try to add the pluck or getField function to the query to isolate and retrieve just the 'prescriptions' array. This is the function in my controller for the call...
export function all(req, res) {
let id = req.params.id
r.table('Patients').get(id).pluck('prescriptions').run() //Also tried .getField('prescriptions') and .get(id)('prescriptions')
.then((results) => {
return res.json({ status: 200, data: results })
.catch((error) => {
return res.json({ status: 400, message: 'There was an error finding the medication of patient ' + id, data: error })
When I call the API path the access this data and execute the all function, I get the following response...
status: 200,
data: []
The exact same query, however, works as expected within the Rethink admin console's data explorer.
Any idea or help as to why this is happening is greatly appreciated!

Problem solved.
Issue was actually with my routes specified with Express and nothing to do with rethinkdb!


"Date has wrong format" Angular 10 Rest Django

Hi I'm new to these two frameworks and I need your help !
So I'm using Rest Django for backend and Angular for Frontent , I'm also using Angular material for the DatePicker , although I changed the format of the date to YYYY-MM-DD to the DatePicker I still receive an error message "Date has wrong format. Use one of these formats instead: YYYY-MM-DD." by the server when sending the api !
to change the date format in Angular I used this code into app.module
import { DateAdapter, MAT_DATE_FORMATS, MAT_DATE_LOCALE } from '#angular/material/core';
import { MomentDateModule, MomentDateAdapter } from '#angular/material-moment-adapter';
export const DateFormats = {
parse: {
dateInput: ['YYYY-MM-DD']
display: {
dateInput: 'YYYY-MM-DD',
monthYearLabel: 'MM YYYY',
dateA11yLabel: 'LL',
monthYearA11yLabel: 'MM YYYY',
providers: [
{ provide: DateAdapter, useClass: MomentDateAdapter, deps: [MAT_DATE_LOCALE] },
{ provide: MAT_DATE_FORMATS, useValue: DateFormats }
After console.log('date',this.date) to see the date object entered by the datepicker I received
_d: Date Tue Aug 18 2020 00:00:00 GMT+0100 (UTC+01:00)
_i: Object { year: 2020, month: 7, date: 18 }
_isAMomentObject: true
_isUTC: false
_isValid: true
_locale: Object { _calendar: {…}, _longDateFormat: {…}, _invalidDate: "Invalid date", … }
_pf: Object { empty: false, overflow: -1, charsLeftOver: 0, … }
<prototype>: Object { add: createAdder(val, period), calendar: calendar$1(time, formats), clone: clone(), … }
Do you know how can I solve the problem please ?
u should create a method to trim ur date removing the timezone & other inform then call the method in ur date input field
something like this
yourDateApp.component.ts file
let strDate = JSON.stringfy(myDate.value)
let newDate = strDate.substring(1, 11)
//assign the new trimmed date to date value in ur form
yourDateApp.component.html file
//call your function in the html file like this
<input matInput (dateChange)="trimDate($event)">
this will accept the date trim it to a way django will recognize it

Get total NetworkOut bytes per month for EC2 instance by instance-id using Boto3

I am not getting any metric after running the code , I wantto get total NetworkOut of an EC2 instance for a particular period of time.
I tried the below code:
import boto3
import datetime
client= boto3.client('cloudwatch')
response = client.get_metric_statistics(
'Name': 'InstanceId',
'Value': 'i-instanceid'
StartTime=datetime.datetime.strptime("2019-01-12 00:00:00", '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'),
EndTime=datetime.datetime.strptime("2019-01-12 23:59:59", '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'),
OutPut Json:
u 'Datapoints': [],
'ResponseMetadata': {
'RetryAttempts': 0,
'HTTPStatusCode': 200,
'RequestId': 'aefec967-16ad3732d23633c',
'HTTPHeaders': {
'x-amzn-requestid': 'aac-11e9-9aa7-732d23633c',
'date': 'Sat, 12 Jan 2019 20:57:33 GMT',
'content-length': '333',
'content-type': 'text/xml'
}, u 'Label': 'NetworkOut'
Getting no value in datapoints

Spring mvc | Mongo query returns null [duplicate]

I've been playing around storing tweets inside mongodb, each object looks like this:
"_id" : ObjectId("4c02c58de500fe1be1000005"),
"contributors" : null,
"text" : "Hello world",
"user" : {
"following" : null,
"followers_count" : 5,
"utc_offset" : null,
"location" : "",
"profile_text_color" : "000000",
"friends_count" : 11,
"profile_link_color" : "0000ff",
"verified" : false,
"protected" : false,
"url" : null,
"contributors_enabled" : false,
"created_at" : "Sun May 30 18:47:06 +0000 2010",
"geo_enabled" : false,
"profile_sidebar_border_color" : "87bc44",
"statuses_count" : 13,
"favourites_count" : 0,
"description" : "",
"notifications" : null,
"profile_background_tile" : false,
"lang" : "en",
"id" : 149978111,
"time_zone" : null,
"profile_sidebar_fill_color" : "e0ff92"
"geo" : null,
"coordinates" : null,
"in_reply_to_user_id" : 149183152,
"place" : null,
"created_at" : "Sun May 30 20:07:35 +0000 2010",
"source" : "web",
"in_reply_to_status_id" : {
"floatApprox" : 15061797850
"truncated" : false,
"favorited" : false,
"id" : {
"floatApprox" : 15061838001
How would I write a query which checks the created_at and finds all objects between 18:47 and 19:00? Do I need to update my documents so the dates are stored in a specific format?
Querying for a Date Range (Specific Month or Day) in the MongoDB Cookbook has a very good explanation on the matter, but below is something I tried out myself and it seems to work.
name: "example",
created_at: ISODate("2010-04-30T00:00:00.000Z")
created_at: {
$gte: ISODate("2010-04-29T00:00:00.000Z"),
$lt: ISODate("2010-05-01T00:00:00.000Z")
=> { "_id" : ObjectId("4c0791e2b9ec877893f3363b"), "name" : "example", "created_at" : "Sun May 30 2010 00:00:00 GMT+0300 (EEST)" }
Based on my experiments you will need to serialize your dates into a format that MongoDB supports, because the following gave undesired search results.
name: "example",
created_at: "Sun May 30 18.49:00 +0000 2010"
created_at: {
$gte:"Mon May 30 18:47:00 +0000 2015",
$lt: "Sun May 30 20:40:36 +0000 2010"
=> { "_id" : ObjectId("4c079123b9ec877893f33638"), "name" : "example", "created_at" : "Sun May 30 18.49:00 +0000 2010" }
In the second example no results were expected, but there was still one gotten. This is because a basic string comparison is done.
To clarify. What is important to know is that:
Yes, you have to pass a Javascript Date object.
Yes, it has to be ISODate friendly
Yes, from my experience getting this to work, you need to manipulate the date to ISO
Yes, working with dates is generally always a tedious process, and mongo is no exception
Here is a working snippet of code, where we do a little bit of date manipulation to ensure Mongo (here i am using mongoose module and want results for rows whose date attribute is less than (before) the date given as myDate param) can handle it correctly:
var inputDate = new Date(myDate.toISOString());
'date': { $lte: inputDate }
Python and pymongo
Finding objects between two dates in Python with pymongo in collection posts (based on the tutorial):
from_date = datetime.datetime(2010, 12, 31, 12, 30, 30, 125000)
to_date = datetime.datetime(2011, 12, 31, 12, 30, 30, 125000)
for post in posts.find({"date": {"$gte": from_date, "$lt": to_date}}):
Where {"$gte": from_date, "$lt": to_date} specifies the range in terms of datetime.datetime types.
db.collection.find({"createdDate":{$gte:new ISODate("2017-04-14T23:59:59Z"),$lte:new ISODate("2017-04-15T23:59:59Z")}}).count();
Replace collection with name of collection you want to execute query
MongoDB actually stores the millis of a date as an int(64), as prescribed by http://bsonspec.org/#/specification
However, it can get pretty confusing when you retrieve dates as the client driver will instantiate a date object with its own local timezone. The JavaScript driver in the mongo console will certainly do this.
So, if you care about your timezones, then make sure you know what it's supposed to be when you get it back. This shouldn't matter so much for the queries, as it will still equate to the same int(64), regardless of what timezone your date object is in (I hope). But I'd definitely make queries with actual date objects (not strings) and let the driver do its thing.
Use this code to find the record between two dates using $gte and $lt:
db.CollectionName.find({"whenCreated": {
'$gte': ISODate("2018-03-06T13:10:40.294Z"),
'$lt': ISODate("2018-05-06T13:10:40.294Z")
Using with Moment.js and Comparison Query Operators
var today = moment().startOf('day');
// "2018-12-05T00:00:00.00
var tomorrow = moment(today).endOf('day');
// ("2018-12-05T23:59:59.999
// find in today
created: { '$gte': today, '$lte': tomorrow }
// Or greater than 5 days
// created: { $lt: moment().add(-5, 'days') },
}), function (err, docs) { ... });
##In case you are making the query directly from your application ##
You can also check this out. If you are using this method, then use the parse function to get values from Mongo Database:
createdOn: {
$gt: ISODate("2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"),
$lt: ISODate("2020-03-01T00:00:00.000Z")
Save created_at date in ISO Date Format then use $gte and $lte.
created_at: {
$gte: ISODate("2010-05-30T18:47:00.000Z"),
$lte: ISODate("2010-05-30T19:00:00.000Z")
use $gte and $lte to find between date data's in mongodb
var tomorrowDate = moment(new Date()).add(1, 'days').format("YYYY-MM-DD");
db.collection.find({"plannedDeliveryDate":{ $gte: new Date(tomorrowDate +"T00:00:00.000Z"),$lte: new Date(tomorrowDate + "T23:59:59.999Z")}})
$match: {
userId: mongoose.Types.ObjectId(userId)
$project: {
dataList: {
$filter: {
input: "$dataList",
as: "item",
cond: {
$and: [
$gte: [ "$$item.dateTime", new Date(`2017-01-01T00:00:00.000Z`) ]
$lte: [ "$$item.dateTime", new Date(`2019-12-01T00:00:00.000Z`) ]
For those using Make (formerly Integromat) and MongoDB:
I was struggling to find the right way to query all records between two dates. In the end, all I had to do was to remove ISODate as suggested in some of the solutions here.
So the full code would be:
"created": {
"$gte": "2016-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"$lt": "2017-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
This article helped me achieve my goal.
Another way to achieve the above code in Make (formerly Integromat) would be to use the parseDate function. So the code below will return the same result as the one above :
"created": {
"$gte": "{{parseDate("2016-01-01"; "YYYY-MM-DD")}}",
"$lt": "{{parseDate("2017-01-01"; "YYYY-MM-DD")}}"
⚠️ Be sure to wrap {{parseDate("2017-01-01"; "YYYY-MM-DD")}} between quotation marks.
Convert your dates to GMT timezone as you're stuffing them into Mongo. That way there's never a timezone issue. Then just do the math on the twitter/timezone field when you pull the data back out for presentation.
Why not convert the string to an integer of the form YYYYMMDDHHMMSS? Each increment of time would then create a larger integer, and you can filter on the integers instead of worrying about converting to ISO time.
With joda DateTime and BSON syntax (reactivemongo):
val queryDateRangeForOneField = (start: DateTime, end: DateTime) =>
"created_at" -> BSONDocument(
"$gte" -> BSONDateTime(start.millisOfDay().withMinimumValue().getMillis),
"$lte" -> BSONDateTime(end.millisOfDay().withMaximumValue().getMillis)),
where millisOfDay().withMinimumValue() for "2021-09-08T06:42:51.697Z" will be "2021-09-08T00:00:00.000Z"
where millisOfDay(). withMaximumValue() for "2021-09-08T06:42:51.697Z" will be "2021-09-08T23:59:99.999Z"
i tried in this model as per my requirements i need to store a date when ever a object is created later i want to retrieve all the records (documents ) between two dates
in my html file
i was using the following format mm/dd/yyyy
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
$("#select_date").click(function() {
type: "post",
url: "xxx",
datatype: "html",
data: $("#period").serialize(),
success: function(data){
} ,//success
}); //event triggered
<form id="period" name='period'>
from <input id="selecteddate" name="selecteddate1" type="text"> to
<input id="select_date" type="button" value="selected">
in my py (python) file i converted it into "iso fomate"
in following way
date_str1 = request.POST["SelectedDate1"]
SelectedDate1 = datetime.datetime.strptime(date_str1, '%m/%d/%Y').isoformat()
and saved in my dbmongo collection with "SelectedDate" as field in my collection
to retrieve data or documents between to 2 dates i used following query
db.collection.find( "SelectedDate": {'$gte': SelectedDate1,'$lt': SelectedDate2}})

rethinkdb join: Cannot reduce over an empty stream

I have two simple tables:
Users Table:
"activated": true ,
"created": Wed Jun 22 2016 15:22:32 GMT+00:00 ,
"email": email#email.com, »
"id": "5071f620-576a-49c0-ae84-e9f32db2a034" ,
"roles": [
] ,
"sso": "123456789"
Roles Table:
"id": "f62b1d29-84d1-4bad-a359-dacb8678f607" ,
"permissions": [
"add" ,
] ,
"role": "Admin"
I am running a query to get the permissions of a given user. I am doing the following:
return r.object(
'permissions', user('roles').eqJoin(function(id){
return id
}, r.db('content').table('roles')).zip()('permissions')
.reduce(function(left, right){
return left.merge(right)
But I am getting an error:
Server error:
e: Cannot reduce over an empty stream
What am I doing wrong and why? My desired output will give me a user with their permissions.
The problem is that it's trying to look for a document in the roles table with an id of Admin rather than a role of Admin. Assuming you have an index on role in the roles table (if you don't you can add one by writing r.db('content').table('roles').indexCreate('role')), you should be able to fix it by adding {index: 'role'} to the eqJoin call.
return r.object(
'permissions', user('roles').eqJoin(function(id){
return id
}, r.db('content').table('roles'), {index: 'role'}).zip()('permissions')
.reduce(function(left, right){
return left.merge(right)

Rethinkdb query for data between 2 dates

I would like to run a query that gets all the documents that have a lastUpdateDate from a date provided until today.
lastUpdateDated is defined like
lastUpdateDate = new Date() -> Tue Jan 19 2016 20:45:32 GMT+00:00
The following works in the RethinkDB Admin console
r.db('water').table('ground_water').filter(function (test) {
return test("lastUpdateDate").during(r.time(2015,1,1, 'Z'), r.now().date())
But here is the actual code (I have to do some processing on the date)
.filter(function(test) {
return test("lastUpdateDate").during(
r.time(2016,1,19, 'Z'),
.then((results) => {
done(null, results);
.catch((err) => {console.log(err); });
This returns no errors or results. I obviously like to not hardcode the date there so I have some logic to make a new r.time(yyyy,dd,mm) but that gives me the same results as this hardcoded one.
I think your query may contains some pitfalls.
First, I suggest you add rightBound: "closed" to option. Because you are comparing on date() and you don't care about time at all.
Second, I suggest you to change test("lastUpdateDate") -> test("lastUpdateDate").date() because you're removing time with date and it become Wed Jan 20 2016 00:00:00 GMT+00:00 while as your test("lastUpdateDate") is Wed Jan 20 2016 18:00:00 GMT+00:00 for example.
So let's try this:
.filter(function(test) {
return test("lastUpdateDate").date().during(
r.time(2016,1,19, 'Z'),
}, {rightBound: "closed"})
.then((results) => {
done(null, results);
.catch((err) => {console.log(err); });
I tried using NodeJS with official drive:
var r = require('rethinkdb')
r.connect().then(function(conn) {
.filter((test) => {
return test("lastUpdateDate").date().during(r.time(2015,1,1, 'Z'), r.now().date(), {rightBound: "closed"})
.then((cursor) => { return cursor.toArray() })
.then((data) => { console.log(data) })
On this date set:
"id": "4917c8a1-1639-400c-964c-458d58b5bfcc" ,
"lastUpdateDate": Wed Jan 20 2016 21:12:51 GMT+00:00
The query returns properly data.
