I want to play my wav on percussion background image area with my pushbutton, so i need my pushbutton invisible on my figure window.
My script:
% --- Executes on button press in pushbutton1.
function pushbutton1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject handle to pushbutton1 (see GCBO)
% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
To make your push button invisible when you click it, set visibleto off in the callback function
set(hObject, 'Visible', 'off')
To make it invisible from other parts/functions in your GUI, just replace hObject with the handle of your push button.
You could make a clickable image and play different sounds for different click positions. Use the callback 'ButtonDownFcn' to trigger at a click event in the image. You can the retrive the position of the click by using the axes property 'CurrentPoint'. This return as 2x3 matrix with x-y-z projected coordinates. But as you are using a 2D plot you could simply pick the first 2 values, read more here.
Then use the x/y coordinates to find out what in the image that the user clicked on and play the sound for that.
A simple example:
% Draw an image
imHandle = image(imread(figPath));
% Set callback function (target function could have any name)
set(imHandle,'ButtonDownFcn', #ImgClickCB);
And the callback function (displays the x and y coord.)
function ImgClickCB(hObject, ~)
clickPoint = get( get(hObject,'Parent'), 'CurrentPoint');
fprintf('Clicked at x: %0.f y: %0.f \n', clickPoint(1,1), clickPoint(1,2));
The following example hides, and shows a pushbutton.
I created a sample, without using guide.
You can copy and paste the code into Matlab m file for execution.
Creating GUI without guide tool, better suit Stack Overflow site, because there is no need to attach a fig file.
You better use guide tool, because creating a GUI without it is complicated.
The following code sample hide (and show) pushbutton:
%Create GUI with two buttons, without using GUIDE.
function TestNoGuideHideButton()
%Create figure.
h.fig = figure('position', [800 400 260 80]);
%Add button, with callback function Button1
h.buttonOne = uicontrol('style', 'pushbutton',...
'position',[10 20 100 40], ...
'string' , 'Button1', ...
'callback', {#Button1});
%Add button, with callback function hideButton
h.buttonTwo = uicontrol('style', 'pushbutton', ...
'position',[150 20 100 40], ...
'string' , 'Hide Button1', ...
'callback', {#hideButton});
function Button1(hObject, eventdata)
%Modify color of Button1 to random color.
set(h.buttonOne, 'BackgroundColor', rand(1, 3));
function hideButton(hObject, eventdata)
is_visible = isequal(get(h.buttonOne, 'Visible'), 'on');
if (is_visible)
%Hide buttonOne if Visible.
set(h.buttonOne, 'Visible', 'off');
set(h.buttonTwo, 'string', 'Show Button1'); %Replace string.
%Restore buttonOne if hidden.
set(h.buttonOne, 'Visible', 'on');
set(h.buttonTwo, 'string', 'Hide Button1'); %Replace string.
For the problem you described above, you obviously can't add a button for showing and hiding the other button.
You can restore the button when playing finishes.
You can also add a callback function for the background figure (look for WindowButtonDownFcn in guide).
Pressing anywhere on the figure, triggers the callback, were you can restore the hidden button.
You might want to have a look at this blog entry where I discussed how to manipulate the CData property of uicontrols.
I've added some code below to show a simple example:
f = figure(); % create a figure with an axes on it
pb = uicontrol('Style','checkbox', 'Units','pixels', 'Position',[10 10 300 200], ...
'Callback',#(a,b)msgbox('play clown!'));
% read some data
data = load ( 'clown' );
% extract out the image
img = data.X;
% convert image to RGB for displaying on checkbox
img = ind2rgb(img,colormap(f));
% Set the cdata property of the checkbox to be the image of interest
set(pb, 'CData', img )
The above code creates a figure with an image of a clown which you can click on (this could be your drum). The "button" stays there the whole time you don't need to make it invisible
Note: I use a checkbox instead of a button -> because sometimes a button can have a "border" when its in focus which can detract from the image whereas a checkbox doesn't.
I've copied the image produced below (after I clicked on the button):
excuse my noobness, but this is my first post.
i generated this gui in matlab, and i want to plot an image on one of the axis from an update function.
i know in Matlab you can just do something like
hold on
hold off
but how can one do this with the gui?
here is a segment of the update function
%get a handle to the GUI's 'current state' window
deflectionx = findobj('Tag','deflectionx_display');
deflectiony = findobj('Tag','deflectiony_display');
depth = findobj('Tag','depth_display');
Graph = findobj('Tag','Graphical_display');
UltraS = findobj('Tag','UltraS_image');
%update the gui
%% above works fine. below does not
%i want this to plot those points on top of the image in the large graph panel of the gui
hold on
hold off
%this should plot the second image on the UltraS panel
Please and thanks in advance!
So figured it i had to write the handles of the GUI to the workspace in the opening function of the gui
% --- Executes just before VR_gui is made visible.
function VR_gui_OpeningFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles, varargin)
% This function has no output args, see OutputFcn.
% hObject handle to figure
% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
% varargin command line arguments to VR_gui (see VARARGIN)
% Choose default command line output for VR_gui
handles.output = hObject;
% Update handles structure
guidata(hObject, handles);
%setting axis
needle_plot = handles.Graphical_display;
US_plot = handles.US_image;
%write handle to workspace
assignin ('base','needle_plot',needle_plot);
assignin ('base','US_plot',US_plot);
then read the workspace variables from the update function
needle_plot = evalin('base','needle_plot');
US_plot = evalin('base','US_plot');
I have been trying to show an image after browsing it. However, I have been getting errors like:
??? Reference to non-existent field 'axes1'.
Error in ==> ImGui>Browse_Callback at 19
??? Error while evaluating uicontrol Callback
I have tried working with both predefined axes [like 'axes(handles.axes1);'] as well as with post-defined [like 'imshow(imgorg, 'Parent', handles.axes1);']. Unfortunately, both techniques have not worked out for me and I am consistently stuck with axes. I also tried making a customized axes and work with that but it also failed to show my image on the figure. Can anyone please identify/ rectify the problem in my code:
function ImGui
f =figure('Visible','on','Position',[460,200,700,385]);
BrowseBt = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton',...
dispnames = uicontrol('Style','text','String','',...
function Browse_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
handles.output = hObject;
[FileName,PathName] = uigetfile('*.jpg;*.png','Select an image file',...
fpname = strcat(PathName,FileName);
dispnames = uicontrol('Style','text','String',fpname,...
imgorg = imread(fpname);
handles.output = hObject;
guidata(hObject, handles);
% ImAxes = axes('Parent', f, ...
% 'Units', 'normalized', ...
% 'position',[50 50 400 250]);
% 'HandleVisibility','callback', ...
% imshow(imgorg, 'Parent', handles.axes1);
% imshow(imgorg, 'Parent', handles.ImAxes);
Use the guidata function.
and reorganize your code a little bit
You define all your uicontrols (button, textbox, axes etc ...) and you assign their handle to a structure (called handles here). Then when you GUI is fully defined, call guidata to store this handle structure in a place where any callback can access it.
Then in your callback function, call guidata again to retrieve this handle structure and get access to your objects (you axes and your textbox).
function ImGui
f =figure('Visible','on','Position',[460,200,700,385]);
handles.BrowseBt = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton',...
handles.dispnames = uicontrol('Style','text','String','',...
handles.ImAxes = axes('Parent', f, ...
'Units', 'pixels', ...
'position',[30 30 640 300],...
guidata(f,handles) ;
function Browse_Callback(hObject, eventdata)
handles = guidata(hObject);
[FileName,PathName] = uigetfile('*.jpg;*.png','Select an image file');
fpname = strcat(PathName,FileName);
imgorg = imread(fpname);
set(handles.ImAxes,'visible','on') ;
imshow(imgorg, 'Parent', handles.ImAxes);
guidata(hObject, handles);
In this specific case you don't really need to call guidata again at the end of the callback to store the values again but it is good practice, in case you modified something you want the changes to be saved.
After loading an image into a Matlab GUI, how can I pass that image using pushbutton to another Matlab file? When I push the button in my GUI, the image should be passed to my Matlab code.
Here is my GUI code
% --- Executes on button press in pushbutton1.
function pushbutton1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject handle to pushbutton1 (see GCBO)
% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
'image file(*.jpg,*.gif,*.png,*.bmp)';'*.*','all files(*.*)'},...
'open the image file to be verified');
fullimagefilename = fullfile(pathname,filename);
axes1 = imread(fullimagefilename);
%imshow('E:\degraded images\3.jpg')
% --- Executes on button press in pushbutton2.
function pushbutton2_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject handle to pushbutton2 (see GCBO)
% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
-pushbutton 1 is used to browse file .
-and by pushbutton2 i want to pass the browsed file to my base file and its code is
im=imread('E:\degraded images\3.jpg');
hsv = rgb2hsv(im);
hueImage = hsv(:,:, 1);
meanHue = mean2(hueImage);
figure, imshow(im);
%figure , imshow(im);
%im = imresize(im, 0.5);
%im2 = imread('E:\degraded images\3.jpg') ;
im2= im;
sigmaMax=max([sigmaA sigmaB]);
fsz=[sigmaMax, sigmaMax];
If I understand correctly, the GUI uses pushbutton1 to allow the user to choose a file and display it in the axes. When the user presses the other button, pushbutton2, which is presumably on the same GUI, you want the callback for that button to have access to the selected (or browsed) image.
This can be done by creating a field in the handles structure for the selected image data, then storing this data using the guidata function.
In your first callback, do something like the following
function pushbutton1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
'image file(*.jpg,*.gif,*.png,*.bmp)';'*.*','all files(*.*)'},...
'open the image file to be verified');
% need to handle the case where the user presses cancel
if filename~=0
fullimagefilename = fullfile(pathname,filename);
% create an img field in handles for the image that is being loaded
handles.img = imread(fullimagefilename);
% save the application data
Now in your second callback, you can access this file through the handles struct
function pushbutton2_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% check to ensure that img exists in handles
if isfield(handles,'img')
% copy the image from the handles structure
% continue with your code
hsv = rgb2hsv(im);
% etc.
And that is it - the first callback saves the image to the handles structure as a field within it, and the second callback retrieves that image from handles via the img field.
Try it out and see what happens!
I have created two textboxes via annotation(.) in a figure. Most of their properties have been defined; and the callback function enables drag and drop motion in the window. I created a uicontextmenu for the boxes. On right click a list of functions can be chosen from for subsequent action.
One of the actions I am trying to add involves swapping strings between the two boxes. I need to get the string of the box I currently right-clicked, which should swap with the string in the box I subsequently left-click. Can I get advice on how to go about extending the uimenu function so that it registers the subsequent left-click?
You will need to manually store the last clicked box. If you are using GUIDE to design your GUI, use the handles structure which gets passed around to callback functions. Otherwise if you programmatically generate the components, then nested callback functions have access to variables defined inside their enclosing functions.
Here is a complete example: right-click and select "Swap" from context menu, then choose the other textbox to swap strings with (left-click). Note that I had to disable/enable the textboxes in-between the two steps to be able to fire the ButtonDownFcn (see this page for an explanation)
function myTestGUI
%# create GUI
hLastBox = []; %# handle to textbox initiating swap
isFirstTime = true; %# show message box only once
h(1) = uicontrol('style','edit', 'string','1', 'position',[100 200 60 20]);
h(2) = uicontrol('style','edit', 'string','2', 'position',[400 200 60 20]);
h(3) = uicontrol('style','edit', 'string','3', 'position',[250 300 60 20]);
h(4) = uicontrol('style','edit', 'string','4', 'position',[250 100 60 20]);
%# create context menu and attach to textboxes
hCMenu = uicontextmenu;
uimenu(hCMenu, 'Label','Swap String...', 'Callback', #swapBeginCallback);
set(h, 'uicontextmenu',hCMenu)
function swapBeginCallback(hObj,ev)
%# save the handle of the textbox we right clicked on
hLastBox = gco;
%# we must disable textboxes to be able to fire the ButtonDownFcn
set(h, 'ButtonDownFcn',#swapEndCallback)
set(h, 'Enable','off')
%# show instruction to user
if isFirstTime
isFirstTime = false;
msgbox('Now select textbox you want to switch string with');
function swapEndCallback(hObj,ev)
%# re-enable textboxes, and reset ButtonDownFcn handler
set(h, 'Enable','on')
set(h, 'ButtonDownFcn',[])
%# swap strings
str = get(gcbo,'String');
set(gcbo, 'String',get(hLastBox,'String'))
set(hLastBox, 'String',str)
I have designed a group of three uitabpanels objects.
htab = uitabgroup('v0');
th1 = uitab('v0',htab,'title','Panel 1','ButtonDownFcn',...
th2 = uitab('v0',htab,'title','Panel 2','ButtonDownFcn',...
th3 = uitab('v0',htab,'title','Panel 3','ButtonDownFcn',...
My intention is having a smooth transition between them when I change the selected uipanel through the mouse click. I pretend to achieve it changing the 'Visible' property of the elements contained inside them using the ButtonDownFcn function ( I got this idea based on the description section of this page).
function th1_ButtonDownFcn(hObject, eventdata)
handles = guidata(fh);
function th2_ButtonDownFcn(hObject, eventdata)
handles = guidata(fh);
function th3_ButtonDownFcn(hObject, eventdata)
handles = guidata(fh);
fh: handle of the figure where they are contained the uitabpanels.
handles.th1, handles.th2, handles.th3: handles of the elements contained into each uitabpanel respectively.
However, it has not worked (I click on each one of uitabpanel's tabs and the visibility of them do not change) and I do not understand why.
In conclusion, the ButtonDownFcn and SelectionChangeFcn functions of an UITAB are already active when you click in the tabĀ“s label. So it is not possible to achieve the desired target (smooth optical transition) because the obtained result (modifying the mentioned functions) is the same that doing nothing.