Alloy : pre-order traversal of binary tree in required ordering - data-structures

I want a "pre-order" traversal of the nodes in BinaryTree visits them in
this order [N0,N1,N2,N3]
What should I do with the following structure?
one sig Ordering { // model a linear order on nodes
first: Node, // the first node in the linear order
order: Node -> Node // for each node n, n.(Ordering.order) represents the
// node (if any) immediately after n in order
fact LinearOrder { // the first node in the linear order is N0; and
// the four nodes are ordered as [N0, N1, N2, N3]
pred SymmetryBreaking(t: BinaryTree) { // if t has a root node, it is the
//first node according to the linear order; and
// a "pre-order" traversal of the nodes in t visits them according
//to the linear order

Your question has 2 part. First, define ordering for N0, N1....... Second, define symmetry break using Linear ordering.
First, you can define ordering by list all the valid relationship, like
`N0.(Ordering.order) = N1`
Second, define the predicate that pre-order of tree follow linear ordering. Basically, there are 2 cases, and the first one is trivial , no t.root . However when the root is not NULL, the tree must has following 3 property.
For all node n, if h = n.left, h.val = n.val.(Ordering.order)
For all node n, if h = n.right, h.val = (one node in n's left-sub-tree or n).(Ordering.order)
t.root = N0
If you translate the whole description into alloy, it will be something like
no t.root or
t.root = N0 // 3
all h : t.root.^(left+right) | one n : t.root.*(left+right) |
(n.left = h and n.(Ordering.order) = h ) or //1
( one l :( n.left*(left+right) + n)| n.right = h and l.(Ordering.order) = h)//2
Note : there may be many alternative solution, and this one is definitely not a simple one.


Construct a binary tree from permutation in n log n time

The numbers 1 to n are inserted in a binary search tree in a specified order p_1, p_2,..., p_n. Describe an O(nlog n) time algorithm to construct the resulting final binary search tree.
Note that :-
I don't need average time n log n, but the worst time.
I need the the exact tree that results when insertion takes place with the usual rules. AVL or red black trees not allowed.
This is an assignment question. It is very very non trivial. In fact it seemed impossible at first glance. I have thought on it much. My observations:-
The argument that we use to prove that sorting takes atleast n log n time does not eliminate the existence of such an algorithm here.
If it is always possible to find a subtree in O(n) time whose size is between two fractions of the size of tree, the problem can be easily solved.
Choosing median or left child of root as root of subtree doesn't work.
The trick is not to use the constructed BST for lookups. Instead, keep an additional, balanced BST for lookups. Link the leaves.
For example, we might have
Constructed Balanced
3 2
/ \ / \
2 D 1 3
/ \ / | | \
1 C a b c d
/ \
where a, b, c, d are pointers to A, B, C, D respectively, and A, B, C, D are what would normally be null pointers.
To insert, insert into the balanced BST first (O(log n)), follow the pointer to the constructed tree (O(1)), do the constructed insert (O(1)), and relink the new leaves (O(1)).
As David Eisenstat doesn't have time to extend his answer, I'll try to put more details into a similar algorithm.
The main intuition behind the algorithm is based on the following statements:
statement #1: if a BST contains values a and b (a < b) AND there are no values between them, then either A (node for value a) is a (possibly indirect) parent of B (node for value b) or B is a (possibly indirect) parent of A.
This statement is obviously true because if their lowest common ancestor C is some other node than A and B, its value c must be between a and b. Note that statement #1 is true for any BST (balanced or unbalanced).
statement #2: if a simple (unbalanced) BST contains values a and b (a < b) AND there are no values between them AND we are trying to add value x such that a < x < b, then X (node for value x) will be either direct right (greater) child of A or direct left (less) child of B whichever node is lower in the tree.
Let's assume that the lower of two nodes is a (the other case is symmetrical). During insertion phase value x will travel the same path as a during its insertion because tree doesn't contain any values between a and x i.e. at any comparison values a and x are indistinguishable. It means that value x will navigate tree till node A and will pass node B at some earlier step (see statement #1). As x > a it should become a right child of A. Direct right child of A must be empty at this point because A is in B's subtree i.e. all values in that subtree are less than b and since there are no values between a and b in the tree, no value can be right child of node A.
Note that statement #2 might potentially be not true for some balanced BST after re-balancing was performed although this should be a strange case.
statement #3: in a balanced BST for any value x not in the tree yet, you can find closest greater and closest less values in O(log(N)) time.
This follows directly from statements #1 and #2: all you need is find the potential insertion point for the value x in the BST (takes O(log(N))), one of the two values will be direct parent of the insertion point and to find the other you need to travel the tree back to the root (again takes O(log(N))).
So now the idea behind the algorithm becomes clear: for fast insertion into an unbalanced BST we need to find nodes with closest less and greater values. We can easily do it if we additionally maintain a balanced BST with the same keys as our target (unbalanced) BST and with corresponding nodes from that BST as values. Using that additional data structure we can find insertion point for each new value in O(log(N)) time and update this data structure with new value in O(log(N)) time as well.
Init "main" root and balancedRoot with null.
for each value x in the list do:
if this is the first value just add it as the root nodes to both trees and go to #2
in the tree specified by balancedRoot find nodes that correspond to the closest less (BalancedA, points to node A in the main BST) and closest greater (BalancedB, points to node B in the main BST) values.
If there is no closest lower value i.e. we are adding minimum element, add it as the left child to the node B
If there is no closest greater value i.e. we are adding maximum element, add it as the right child to the node A
Find whichever of nodes A or B is lower in the tree. You can use explicit level stored in the node. If the lower node is A (less node), add x as the direct right child of A else add x as the direct left child of B (greater node). Alternatively (and more cleverly) you may notice that from the statements #1 and #2 follows that exactly one of the two candidate insert positions (A's right child or B's left child) will be empty and this is where you want to insert your value x.
Add value x to the balanced tree (might re-use from step #4).
Go to step #2
As no inner step of the loop takes more than O(log(N)), total complexity is O(N*log(N))
Java implementation
I'm too lazy to implement balanced BST myself so I used standard Java TreeMap that implements Red-Black tree and has useful lowerEntry and higherEntry methods that correspond to step #4 of the algorithm (you may look at the source code to ensure that both are actually O(log(N))).
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;
public class BSTTest {
static class Node {
public final int value;
public Node left;
public Node right;
public Node(int value) {
this.value = value;
public boolean compareTree(Node other) {
return compareTrees(this, other);
public static boolean compareTrees(Node n1, Node n2) {
if ((n1 == null) && (n2 == null))
return true;
if ((n1 == null) || (n2 == null))
return false;
if (n1.value != n2.value)
return false;
return compareTrees(n1.left, n2.left) &&
compareTrees(n1.right, n2.right);
public void assignLeftSafe(Node child) {
if (this.left != null)
throw new IllegalStateException("left child is already set");
this.left = child;
public void assignRightSafe(Node child) {
if (this.right != null)
throw new IllegalStateException("right child is already set");
this.right = child;
public String toString() {
return "Node{" +
"value=" + value +
static Node insertToBst(Node root, int value) {
if (root == null)
root = new Node(value);
else if (value < root.value)
root.left = insertToBst(root.left, value);
root.right = insertToBst(root.right, value);
return root;
static Node buildBstDirect(int[] values) {
Node root = null;
for (int v : values) {
root = insertToBst(root, v);
return root;
static Node buildBstSmart(int[] values) {
Node root = null;
TreeMap<Integer, Node> balancedTree = new TreeMap<Integer, Node>();
for (int v : values) {
Node node = new Node(v);
if (balancedTree.isEmpty()) {
root = node;
} else {
Map.Entry<Integer, Node> lowerEntry = balancedTree.lowerEntry(v);
Map.Entry<Integer, Node> higherEntry = balancedTree.higherEntry(v);
if (lowerEntry == null) {
// adding minimum value
} else if (higherEntry == null) {
// adding max value
} else {
// adding some middle value
Node lowerNode = lowerEntry.getValue();
Node higherNode = higherEntry.getValue();
if (lowerNode.right == null)
// update balancedTree
balancedTree.put(v, node);
return root;
public static void main(String[] args) {
int[] input = new int[]{7, 6, 9, 4, 1, 8, 2, 5, 3};
Node directRoot = buildBstDirect(input);
Node smartRoot = buildBstSmart(input);
Here's a linear-time algorithm. (I said that I wasn't going to work on this question, so if you like this answer, please award the bounty to SergGr.)
Create a doubly linked list with nodes 1..n and compute the inverse of p. For i from n down to 1, let q be the left neighbor of p_i in the list, and let r be the right neighbor. If p^-1(q) > p^-1(r), then make p_i the right child of q. If p^-1(q) < p^-1(r), then make p_i the left child of r. Delete p_i from the list.
In Python:
class Node(object):
__slots__ = ('left', 'key', 'right')
def __init__(self, key):
self.left = None
self.key = key
self.right = None
def construct(p):
# Validate the input.
p = list(p)
n = len(p)
assert set(p) == set(range(n)) # 0 .. n-1
# Compute p^-1.
p_inv = [None] * n
for i in range(n):
p_inv[p[i]] = i
# Set up the list.
nodes = [Node(i) for i in range(n)]
for i in range(n):
if i >= 1:
nodes[i].left = nodes[i - 1]
if i < n - 1:
nodes[i].right = nodes[i + 1]
# Process p.
for i in range(n - 1, 0, -1): # n-1, n-2 .. 1
q = nodes[p[i]].left
r = nodes[p[i]].right
if r is None or (q is not None and p_inv[q.key] > p_inv[r.key]):
print(p[i], 'is the right child of', q.key)
print(p[i], 'is the left child of', r.key)
if q is not None:
q.right = r
if r is not None:
r.left = q
construct([1, 3, 2, 0])
Here's my O(n log^2 n) attempt that doesn't require building a balanced tree.
Put nodes in an array in their natural order (1 to n). Also link them into a linked list in the order of insertion. Each node stores its order of insertion along with the key.
The algorithm goes like this.
The input is a node in the linked list, and a range (low, high) of indices in the node array
Call the input node root, Its key is rootkey. Unlink it from the list.
Determine which subtree of the input node is smaller.
Traverse the corresponding array range, unlink each node from the linked list, then link them in a separate linked list and sort the list again in the insertion order.
Heads of the two resulting lists are children of the input node.
Perform the algorithm recursively on children of the input node, passing ranges (low, rootkey-1) and (rootkey+1, high) as index ranges.
The sorting operation at each level gives the algorithm the extra log n complexity factor.
Here's an O(n log n) algorithm that can also be adapted to O(n log log m) time, where m is the range, by using a Y-fast trie rather than a balanced binary tree.
In a binary search tree, lower values are left of higher values. The order of insertion corresponds with the right-or-left node choices when traveling along the final tree. The parent of any node, x, is either the least higher number previously inserted or the greatest lower number previously inserted, whichever was inserted later.
We can identify and connect the listed nodes with their correct parents using the logic above in O(n log n) worst-time by maintaining a balanced binary tree with the nodes visited so far as we traverse the order of insertion.
Let's imagine a proposed lower parent, p. Now imagine there's a number, l > p but still lower than x, inserted before p. Either (1) p passed l during insertion, in which case x would have had to pass l to get to p but that contradicts that x must have gone right if it reached l; or (2) p did not pass l, in which case p is in a subtree left of l but that would mean a number was inserted that's smaller than l but greater than x, a contradiction.
Clearly, a number, l < x, greater than p that was inserted after p would also contradict p as x's parent since either (1) l passed p during insertion, which means p's right child would have already been assigned when x was inserted; or (2) l is in a subtree to the right of p, which again would mean a number was inserted that's smaller than l but greater than x, a contradiction.
Therefore, for any node, x, with a lower parent, that parent must be the greatest number lower than and inserted before x. Similar logic covers the scenario of a higher proposed parent.
Now let's imagine x's parent, p < x, was inserted before h, the lowest number greater than and inserted before x. Then either (1) h passed p, in which case p's right node would have been already assigned when x was inserted; or (2) h is in a subtree right of p, which means a number lower than h and greater than x was previously inserted but that would contradict our assertion that h is the lowest number inserted so far that's greater than x.
Since this is an assignment, I'm posting a hint instead of an answer.
Sort the numbers, while keeping the insertion order. Say you have input: [1,7,3,5,8,2,4]. Then after sorting you will have [[1,0], [2,5], [3,2], [4, 6], [5,3], [7,1], [8,4]] . This is actually the in-order traversal of the resulting tree. Think hard about how to reconstruct the tree given the in-order traversal and the insertion order (this part will be linear time).
More hints coming if you really need them.

What is the optimal way to find common nodes in two BST

I am looking for the most optimal in terms of complexity(space and time).
My approach until now is:
Traverse one tree in-order and for each nodeId, search that nodeId in second tree.
Node structure:
struct node{
long long nodeId;
node *left;
node *right;
Please let me know if any doubts about the question.
Assuming one tree is n long and the other is m long, your approach is O(n*m) long, while you could do it in O(n+m).
Let us say you have to pointers to where you are in each tree (location_1 and location_2). Start going through both trees at the same time, and each time decide which pointer you want to advance. Lets say location_1 is pointing at a node with nodeId = 4 and location_2 is at nodeId = 7. In this case location_1 moves forwards since any node before the one it is looking at has a smaller value then 4.
By "moves forwards" I mean an in-order traverse of the tree.
You can do this with a standard merge in O(n+m) time. The general algorithm is:
n1 = Tree1.Root
n2 = Tree2.Root
while (n1 != NULL && n2 != NULL)
if (n1.Value == n2.Value)
// node exists in both trees. Advance to next node.
n1 = GetInorderSuccessor(n1)
n2 = GetInorderSuccessor(n2)
else if (n1.Value > n2.Value)
// n2 is not in Tree1
n2 = GetInorderSuccessor(n2)
// n1 is smaller than n2
// n1 is not in Tree2
n1 = GetInorderSuccessor(n1)
// At this point, you're at the end of one of the trees
// The other tree has nodes that are not in the other.
while (n1 != NULL)
// n1 is not in Tree2. Output it.
// and then get the next node.
n1 = GetInorderSuccessor(n1)
while (n2 != NULL)
// n2 is not in Tree1. Output it.
// and then get the next node.
n2 = GetInorderSuccessor(n2)
The only hard part here is that GetInorderSuccessor call. If you're doing this with a tree, then you'll need to maintain state through successive calls to that function. You can't depend on a standard recursive tree traversal to do it for you. Basically, you need a tree iterator.
The other options is to first traverse each tree to make a list of the nodes in order, and then write the merge to work work with those lists.
Slightly modified Morris Traversal should solve the solution with movement similar to merge part of merge sort. Time Complexity: O(m + n), Space Complexity: O(1).

Algorithm to find ancestors

This was asked in an exam. Can you please help me find a solution?
Design an algorithm to find the number of ancestors of a given node (of a tree or a graph) using:
O(m) memory
Unlimited memory size
Assuming no cycles in graph (in which case the ancestors make no sense) DFS-loop can be used to calculate ancestors of any node k,just mark counted nodes in each iteration and donot count visited nodes twice.
for i in graph visited[i] = false // for DFS
for i in graph counted[i] = false // for ancestors
int globalcount = 0; // count the no of ancestors
for i in graph DFS(i,k) //DFS-loop
def bool DFS(u,k) { //K is the node whos ancestors want to find
if(!visited[u]) {
visited[u] = true // prevent re-entering
totalret = false // whether there is path from u to k
for each edge(u,v) {
retval = DFS(v)
if(retval&&!counted[u]&&u!=k) { //there is path from u to k & u is not counted
counted[u] = true
totalret = true
if(u == k) return true
else return totalret
return counted[u] // if visited already and whether ancestor(k)?
print globalcount // total ancestor(k)
space complexity : O(V) V : no of vertices
time complexity : O(E) E : no of edges in graph
The algorithm will be dependent on the design of the tree. The simplest example is for nodes containing their parent in which case it reduces to
int ancestors = 0;
while( node = node->parent) ancestors++;
Constraints does not pose an issue in any reasonable implementation.
If the node does not contain a parent it depends on the structure of the tree.
In the most complex case for an unordered tree it entails a full tree search, counting ancestors.
For a search tree all you need is to do a search.

Construct tree with pre-order traversal given

A special type of tree is given where all leaves are marked with L and others are marked with N. Every node can have 0 or at most 2 nodes. The preorder traversal of the tree is given.
Give an algorithm to build the tree from this traversal.
This is the preorder traversal algorithm:
if (T is not null)
print T.label
Let's try to find an algorithm for an input of NNLLNL.
Obviously the label of the root is printed first. So you know the root has label N. Now the algorithm recurses on the left subtree. This is also N according to the input. Recurse on the left subtree of that, which is L. Now you have to backtrack, because you've reached a leaf. The next position in the input is also L, so the current node has a right child labeled with L. Backtrack once. Backtrack again, because you've added all the children of the current node (max 2 children). Now you're at the root again. You have to go right, because you already went left. According to the input, this is N. So the right child of the root is N. The left child of that will be L. This is your tree:
/ \
/ \ /
Note that the solution is not necessarily unique, but this will get you a possible solution.
k = 0
input = ... get preorder traversal vector from user ...
if input[k] == N
T = new node with label N
k = k + 1
T = new node with label L
T.left = T.right = null
k = k + 1
Call with a null node.
Follow-up question: given both the preorder and the inorder traversal of a binary tree containing distinct node labels, how can you uniquely reconstruct the tree?
Here is my golang version which was used to solve many problems about tree in leetcode.
// NewPreorderTree returns preorder tree relate to nums, nums must has not Ambiguity.
// -1 in nums represents child is null.
// Example 1:
// Input: [1, 2, 3]
// Generate:
// 1
// /
// 2
// /
// 3
// Example 2:
// Input: [1, 2, -1, -1, 3] or [1, 2, -1, -1, 3, -1, -1]
// Generate:
// 1
// / \
// 2 3
func NewPreorderTree(nums *TreeNode {
return (&preorderTree{nums}).constructTree()
type preorderTree struct {
nums []int
func (p *preorderTree) constructTree() *TreeNode {
if len(p.nums) == 0 {
return nil
if p.nums[0] == -1 {
p.nums = p.nums[1:]
return nil
root := &TreeNode{Val: p.nums[0]}
p.nums = p.nums[1:]
root.Left = p.constructTree()
root.Right = p.constructTree()
return root

Generating uniformly random curious binary trees

A binary tree of N nodes is 'curious' if it is a binary tree whose node values are 1, 2, ..,N and which satisfy the property that
Each internal node of the tree has exactly one descendant which is greater than it.
Every number in 1,2, ..., N appears in the tree exactly once.
Example of a curious binary tree
/ \
5 2
/ \
1 3
Can you give an algorithm to generate a uniformly random curious binary tree of n nodes, which runs in O(n) guaranteed time?
Assume you only have access to a random number generator which can give you a (uniformly distributed) random number in the range [1, k] for any 1 <= k <= n. Assume the generator runs in O(1).
I would like to see an O(nlogn) time solution too.
Please follow the usual definition of labelled binary trees being distinct, to consider distinct curious binary trees.
There is a bijection between "curious" binary trees and standard heaps. Namely, given a heap, recursively (starting from the top) swap each internal node with its largest child. And, as I learned in StackOverflow not long ago, a heap is equivalent to a permutation of 1,2,...,N. So you should make a random permutation and turn it into a heap; or recursively make the heap in the same way that you would have made a random permutation. After that you can convert the heap to a "curious tree".
Aha, I think I've got how to create a random heap in O(N) time. (after which, use approach in Greg Kuperberg's answer to transform into "curious" binary tree.)
edit 2: Rough pseudocode for making a random min-heap directly. Max-heap is identical except the values inserted into the heap are in reverse numerical order.
struct Node {
Node left, right;
Object key;
constructor newNode() {
N = new Node;
N.left = N.right = null;
N.key = null;
function create-random-heap(RandomNumberGenerator rng, int N)
Node heap = Node.newNode();
// Creates a heap with an "incomplete" node containing a null, and having
// both child nodes as null.
List incompleteHeapNodes = [heap];
// use a vector/array type list to keep track of incomplete heap nodes.
for k = 1:N
// loop invariant: incompleteHeapNodes has k members. Order is unimportant.
int m = rng.getRandomNumber(k);
// create a random number between 0 and k-1
Node node = incompleteHeapNodes.get(m);
// pick a random node from the incomplete list,
// make it a complete node with key k.
// It is ok to do so since all of its parent nodes
// have values less than k.
node.left = Node.newNode();
node.right = Node.newNode();
node.key = k;
// Now remove this node from incompleteHeapNodes
// and add its children. (replace node with node.left,
// append node.right)
incompleteHeapNodes.set(m, node.left);
// All operations in this loop take O(1) time.
return prune-null-nodes(heap);
// get rid of all the incomplete nodes.
function prune-null-nodes(heap)
if (heap == null || heap.key == null)
return null;
heap.left = prune-null-nodes(heap.left);
heap.right = prune-null-nodes(heap.right);
