Objective-C++ executable file compilation (with .mm) - xcode

Intro. I am facing a strange error with Objective-C++. All my files are of the correct type (.h/.mm instead of .hpp/.cpp). I use clib++ (built into xCode of latest version on macOS Sierra, but it was the same way on El Capitan) instead of libstd++ (that is older and doesn't fully support even C++11).
The problem. I can't compile template classes with both header and executable files. Only in case if entire code is written in header!
However, if I make a non-template class it works just fine even when split into 2 files. Header:
class TempClass {
TempClass(int x);
~TempClass() {};
TempClass::TempClass(int x) {}
Template class code. Header:
template <typename T> class TempClassTemplate {
TempClassTemplate(T v);
~TempClassTemplate() {};
T val;
template<typename T> TempClassTemplate<T>::TempClassTemplate(T v) : val(v) {};
Usage example, that causes crash:
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
auto obj = new TempClass(5);
printf("temp size is %lu\n", sizeof(obj));
auto objV = new TempClassTemplate<int>(10);
printf("temp size is %lu, val is %i\n", sizeof(objV), objV->val);
#autoreleasepool {
return UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil, NSStringFromClass([AppDelegate class]));

The problem isn't with Objective-C or Objective-C++. Its pure C++ known issue, but the compiler gives not enough info.
You can only make a template class - header only. But there are some walkarounds. Read this article for full answer: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/48575/How-to-define-a-template-class-in-a-h-file-and-imp
But the short and simple solution is to write all the possible template class usages in the end of .cpp/.mm file like this:
template class TempClassTemplate<int8_t>;
template class TempClassTemplate<int16_t>;
template class TempClassTemplate<int32_t>;


Intellisense PCH Warning: Header stop not at file scope. An intellisense PCH file was not generated

When I open my file on MSVS 2017, I get this error from intellisense:
Intellisense PCH Warning: Header stop not at file scope. An intellisense PCH file was not generated
I don't know why I'm getting this error, I turned off precompiled headers, and I have #pragma once at the beginning. The end of file is at the global scope and not in a macro. I have added the /clr switch to my compilation options. My code:
#pragma once
// v0.2
namespace marshal {
template <typename Out, typename In>
static Out cast(In val) {
return In::operator Out(val);
static std::string cast(System::String^ val) {
using namespace System::Runtime::InteropServices;
const char* chars =
(const char*)(Marshal::StringToHGlobalAnsi(val)).ToPointer();
std::string os = chars;
return os;
static System::String^ cast(std::string val) {
return gcnew System::String(val.c_str());
I'm getting this error at the last bracket. (line 27)

CRTP why is member lookup runtime?

Or at least I think it is.
Consider the following code
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
struct BaseBase {
virtual void foo() = 0;
virtual ~BaseBase(){}
template <typename Derived>
struct Base : BaseBase{
void foo() override{
struct D1 : Base<D1> {};
struct Unrelated {};
// no runtime polymorphism
template <typename SDerived>
struct SBase{
void foo() {
struct SD1 : SBase<SD1> {};
template <typename T, typename ...Args>
void doFoo(Args&&... args){
T* t = new T(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
int main(){
doFoo<Unrelated>(); //compile time error, foo not found in unrelated
doFoo<SD1>(); //runtime crash
doFoo<D1>(); //runtime crash
return 0;
I was hoping the compiler would be nice enough to check for the existence of fooat compile time in doFoo but in both cases, with virtual in base, and without virtual in base the code compiles just fine but crashes at runtime.
Why is this?
Edit: clang setup
clang version 4.0.1 (tags/RELEASE_401/final)
Target: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
with doFoo<Unrelated>() commented out compiles.
and g++ setup
gcc version 7.1.1 20170630 (GCC)
compiles with doFoo<Unrelated>() commented out.
This is because both of the classes have a function called foo. It's present in the base class for each class.
However, all that function does is call itself, which will eventually result in a stack overflow.

c++11 template metaprogramming construct a std::unorderer_map at compile time

i trying to develop a Finite State Machine with template meta programming techniques, but i getting stuck with a map that it has to be fill at compile time, this the code(gcc 4.8 c++11):
#include <functional>
#include <type_traits>
#include <iostream>
#include <unordered_map>
namespace NSStateMachine {
//Definicion de estado unidad
template<class FSM, class From, class Event, class TO, bool(FSM::* transicion_fn)(const Event &)>
struct Transition
using FROM_STATE= From;
using EVENT_TYPE= Event;
using EVENT_BASE_TYPE = typename Event::BASE_TYPE;
static bool do_transition(FSM_TYPE& currenState, EVENT_BASE_TYPE const& aEvent)
return (currenState.*transicion_fn)(static_cast<EVENT_TYPE const&>(aEvent));
template<class Transition, const Transition * const TransitionPtr, class ... Args>
class StateMachine
StateMachine():transitionMap{{static_cast<typename Transition::TransitionID>(*TransitionPtr::TransitionID_Value),nullptr}}
template<class Event>
bool evalEvent(const Event & aEvent)
std::cout<<"evento recibido"<<std::endl;
std::unordered_map<typename Transition::TransitionID, const Transition * const > transitionMap ;
int main()
//it doesnt compile, i canoot create the state machine
return 0;
The compile error:
error: 'TransitionPtr' is not a class, namespace, or enumeration
StateMachine():transitionMap{{static_cast<typename Transition::TransitionID>(*TransitionPtr::TransitionID_Value),nullptr}}
The problem seem to be in the line
transitionMap{{static_cast<typename Transition::TransitionID>(*TransitionPtr::TransitionID_Value),nullptr}}
i will try to init the unorderer_map with the automatic constructor.
i have defined this Transition::TransitionID as a class variable defined in the class represented by the template argument
I will really appreciate any help.
i have already test with default types , it compile and work this
The error message is pretty clear. TransitionPtr is a pointer, not a type, so you can't use it to the left of :: in TransitionPtr::TransitionID_Value.
Also, I don't think you'll find a way to initialize an unordered_set at compile time, since it doesn't have constexpr constructors and in general almost certainly uses heap allocations.

Why is Visual Studio using std::iterator<> instead of mine::iterator<>

I've been trying to figure out this problem for a couple days now and finally figured it out after striping everything down to the code below. You'll see in the code below three different attempts at a constructor for const_iterator, along with the errors I get on two of them. It appears to me that the compiler is trying to use std::iterator instead of the locally declared mine::iterator. Is it supposed to be that way?
Other tidbits that have given clues:
If I name mine::iterator something else, like mine::B, then const_iterator(const B &rhs) works.
If I derive const_iterator from a class other than std::iterator, then const_iterator(const iterator<T> &rhs) works.
Thanks for any info. Here's the code:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iterator>
namespace mine
template <class T>
class iterator : public std::iterator<std::random_access_iterator_tag, T, ptrdiff_t, T*, T&>
iterator() {}
template <class T>
class const_iterator : public std::iterator<std::random_access_iterator_tag, T, ptrdiff_t, const T*, const T&>
const_iterator() {}
const_iterator(const mine::iterator<T> &rhs) {} // works
//const_iterator(const iterator &rhs) {} // error C2440: initializing: cannot convert from 'mine::iterator<T>' to 'mine::const_iterator<T>'
//const_iterator(const iterator<T> &rhs) {} // error C2976: std::iterator: too few template arguments
}// namespace mine
using namespace mine;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
iterator<int> y;
const_iterator<int> x = y;
return 0;
First of all 'using namespace' is evil, use typedef for ease of use. for example instead of saying iterator use mine::iterator.
Also your second point gives the answer of your question. "If I derive const_iterator from a class other than std::iterator, then const_iterator(const iterator<T> &rhs) works."
Here the nearest iterator belongs to std not mine, as std::iterator is the base class of your const_iterator.

Why does GCC not find my non-template function? ("no matching function for call to...")

In MSVC 2008, I have the following code:
class Foo {
// Be a little smarter about deriving the vertex type, to save the user some typing.
template<typename Vertex> inline void drawVertices(
Elements vCount, RenPrim primitiveType, PixMaterial *mtl, Vertex const *vertices)
this->drawVertices(vCount, primitiveType, mtl, vertices, Vertex::VertexType);
virtual void drawVertices(
Elements vCount,
RenPrim primitiveType,
PixMaterial *mtl,
void const *vertices,
uint vertexType) = 0;
I use it something like:
struct RenFlexibleVertexPc
enum { VertexType = RenVbufVertexComponentsPc };
float x;
float y;
float z;
GraVideoRgba8 c; // Video format, not external!
PixMaterial *material;
struct Pc : RenFlexibleVertexPc
void set(Triple t, uint cl) { x = (float)t.x_; y = (float)t.y_; z = (float)t.z_; c = cl; }
} vpc[4];
Foo *renderer;
renderer->drawVertices(4, RenPrimTriangleFan, material, vpc);
This works fine in MSVC 2008 SP1. However, GCC (3.4 and 4.1,2) throws a "no matching function for call to function" error, apparently not seeing the template when there is a non-template function with more arguments.
Is GCC broken, or is my code broken, and if so, why?
There is no problem with overloading or inheritance:
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
namespace {
struct A {
virtual void f()
std::cout<<"inside A's f()\n";
template <typename T> void f(T t)
struct B : A {
void f()
struct C {
static const unsigned int i = 5;
struct D {
enum { i = 6 };
int main()
std::auto_ptr<A> b(new B());
Works correctly. On the other hand, the smallest example I can find that exhibits your problem does not have inheritance or overloading:
#include <iostream>
namespace {
struct A {
template<class C> void print(C c)
int main()
struct B {
void print()
std::cout << "whee!\n";
A a;
B b;
Note that if struct B is defined in a namespace (whether it's an unnamed namespace, or a completely different namespace, or the global namespace) instead of inside main() that this compiles without error.
I don't know enough of the standard to say if this is a bug, but it appears to be one. I've gone ahead and reported it to the GCC bug database.
And here's your answer from the GCC developers (from the link above): "Local classes cannot be template arguments."
So the code is broken. Not that it's a bad idea. In fact, C++0x removes this restriction.
I noticed the line
Note that the code works in GCC if I explicitly cast vpc to (RenFlexibleVertexPc *)
And since RenFlexibleVertexPc is not a local class this makes sense. However Pc is a local class/struct, so it is not allowed.
#OP: Specifying the template parameter is a valid approach.
renderer->drawVertices<RenFlexibleVertexPc>(4, RenPrimTriangleFan, material, vpc);
With Pete's additions, you code also compiles on Apple's GCC 4.0.1, so I suspect there's something your posted code is missing that's causing the problem.
#Max: GCC's treatment of your source is standard. Struct B is local to main(), so B (and thus main()::B::print()) is not visible outside main(). As you're probably aware, moving the definition of B outside of main() and it will compile.
The definition of VertexType is already in the code (an enum). Elements is an unsigned long. Note that the code works in GCC if I explicitly cast vpc to (RenFlexibleVertexPc *)
If it's an enum why pass an object of type array 4 of struct? What is RenFlexibleVertexPc? The last argument to drawVertices should either be a constant pointer to a Vertex object or a const* to an object of a class derived from Vertex.
Foo *renderer;
renderer->drawVertices(4, RenPrimTriangleFan, material, vpc);
You are calling a function on an uninitialized pointer. I hope this is not the real code. \
