Category Blog Pagination URL Rewriting in Joomla 3.X - joomla

I have facing two issues in the Joomla 3.X regarding the rewrite the URL of Category Blog pagination.
Problem 1. "?start=6 OR ?limitstart=6" to "/page/6"
Problem 2: By default in category blog pagination url it uses limit value for eg. if i have to set 5 articles in a page then on page 2 the url is ?start=6, I want the URL is /page/2.
Early response is highly appreciated.

Joomla! cannot do this out of the box. You will need an SEO plugin to accomplish this. sh404sef should be able to handle it.


Remove article id from joomla 3.4.8 url

After upgrading my site to Joomla 3.4.8, my URL is showing article id. It was not there before the upgrade.
Can anybody tell me how to fix this problem?
Please help!!
Joomla, by default, includes the article id in the URL in order to avoid problems with articles having the same aliases.
If the previous version of Joomla did not have the article id in the URL, then it might be that you have been using an extension such as sh404SEF and you're not using it anymore.
It might be also that you had a modified core as explained here: , and the modification was overwritten by the update.

Magento translation and url key

I have a Magento website with some pages linked to main navigation.
For example, in my default view (Italian) I have
Then I created another page for English view with url
So, when I am on the italian version of the page and try to switch to english version, this is the url that magento generate: and on click it gives me 404 page.
How can I fix it? I need that this 2 pages should be linked, also if url key is different.
Many thanks!
Out of the box Magento does not support URL Translation, both pages need the same URL key. Check instructions from the Magento Docs on how to translate CMS pages.
To translate a CMS page, you must create a new page that has the same
URL Key as the original, but assigned to the specific store view.
So you will either have to stick to one languages for your URLs or develop/acquire a module to do this for you. The magento-language-roots or CMSRewrites modules both look like they will achieve this for you.
You may also want to consider adding Hreflang tags to your head.phtml as you have a multi-lingual site.

How to forward all the 404 pages to the front page?

I have a simple question...I had an old store and people bookmarked specific product pages in their browsers as well as Google search points to some specific pages. I have now installed a new version of Magento (1.9.1) and some of these URLs will not longer work (they will show the standard 404 not found Magento page).
What would be the best way to forward all these hits to the front page?
Thank you for any suggestions!
Allysin :-*
Login to the admin, go to System>Configuration>Web and change the drop-down value for CMS No Route Page in the Default Pages section. You should be able to select your CMS Home Page.
Here is a reference with images
If manual setting doesnt help,you can try this.

Joomla pagination not working with alias url

I am working on joomla application. I am using SEO url for accessing application page, but some of page use alias. When I use pagination on alias pages it will give page not found error, but with SEO url it's working fine. Anybody have any suggestion for use pagination on joomla alias page.
SEO url:
Alias url:
You should always use the non-url-safe notation in your code and add JRoute to it. This might look like this:
$link = JRoute::_(JURI::base()."index.php?option=com_yourcomponent&view=yourcomponent&Itemid=1&limitstart=20");
Above is a link to the second page in a component view, when displaying 20 items a page. Hope it helps.

Get the SEF URLs for articles in Joomla

I use 'No Editor' in Joomla with SEF URLs enabled. With no SEF enabled it's easy to know the URL by just getting the ID of the article. Something like:
Article 1 would be:
Now if I have SEF switched on, I would get URLs that look like:
Is there a way inside Joomla where I can find out what the SEF URL for a particular page is?
Currently I add these articles to a menu, then from the front-end I get the SEF URL and then use it. I know the process is a little dumb, but I want to find out if there is a better way inside Joomla where you can get the SEF URL (using 'No Editor').
Upload a component, sh404sef or ARTIOsef, to the administrator panel. Here you can manage SEF URLs as well as the old URL and what new name you want to give it.
