Swift 3.0 quick help option key - macos

I'm a total beginner in Swift, so I always find the quick help in Swift 2.2, Xcode 7 very useful(You hold down option key and click on something and the Xcode would give you a pop-up window containing all sorts of information about the variable you are clicking on). However, after I updated to Swift 3.0 the pop-up window becomes blank and a message "No Quick help". I'm wondering if someone could tell me how to bring the quick help back, thank you!

This is an Xcode question. Quick Help only works with Swift when you don't have any errors before or in the current line you want to open the Quick Help from.
I also experienced this and it seems this feature worked much better with older Xcode versions. But I guess this has to do with Swift because it is such a fast growing programming language. The integrated interpreter of Xcode isn't able to keep up with it.
To work around it, just comment out all failing lines of code and then comment in one line by one while fixing the errors. Sometimes it is helpful to also clean up the generated project files. And if this also doesn't work, just restart Xcode.
The last step is often necessary when you're in a Playground.


AppDelegate unknown issue that allows to build app but then crashes it, how to fix?

I'm really new at coding with Swift language and developing for iOS and OS X languages in general. So I was writing a simple program, just to get to know some basic features, syntax, etc of the language, and then I got this weird problem in the AppDelegate.swift file of my project:
Then I just tried to make a empty app, and then reinicialize Xcode, but neither of these worked. So I started a blank new project and I just kept having this error. Then I reinstalled Xcode and create new projects, but the same problem hasn`t let me work since then!!
Can anyone help me please? I know it might be ridiculous to fix, but I really don`t know how.
Any help would be great.
I also had same problem once and I guess it is some kind of bug in Xcode. I just disabled global breakpoints by toggle global breakpoint state(blue arrow like symbol in lower pane) and then press continue execution.

Xcode assistant editor won't show some of the code

First of all, I would like you to know that the class IS set to the correct file in each ViewController - I know that because it did work before, but then I got a "crash" in Xcode that blinked quickly without me being able to read it before it went off again.
I have a lot of ViewControllers in my Xcode, everything was working fine, I was making some more features to the ViewControllers.
Then I got the "crash" as mentioned above, and it would not show any of the files/classes related to their ViewController in assistant editor.
Assistant editor just said: No Assistant Results. Then I read that I could just show the files inside my XCode project and delete project.xcworkplace and xcuserdata. And I thought it worked at first, but it did not work on every viewcontroller unfortunately - only on some of them.
Now, I still have plenty of ViewControllers left to edit that aren't working, and I would hate if I had to recreate every single one.
Does anyone have a better solution to this? I really hope you do :-)
Make sure you set Automatic not Manual.
There was some related answer but I can't find it. Anyhow: what I do to fix it is to uncheck the Target Membership in the File Inspector for the XIB and then turn it on again. That fixes the issue (in most cases) for me.
Also try restarting/clearing the different caches of XCode.
I was similarly not able to view code/classes relating to the View Controller. In my particular case, it appears i might have caused the issue- I turned OFF Indexing because Xcode was running terribly slow and around that time I started getting the issue and the message “No assistant results”.
To resolve this in my case, I turned indexing back ON and set the Assistant editor to “Automatic”.
To turn Indexing On or Off, open up the Terminal using either of the below commands-
Turn Indexing OFF:
defaults write com.apple.dt.XCode IDEIndexDisable 1
Turn Indexing ON :
defaults write com.apple.dt.XCode IDEIndexDisable 0
From accepted answer regarding Indexing: Stopping xcode from indexing
xcode 9.0
Open project.
Click on "Show the assistant editor".(top right side middle button - circle shape)
Code was show after do second step.
I cloned a project and found that I have the same problem. But all I did to fix it was to just sign the app at Signing and Capabilities and the option for the right View Controller pops up in the top bar of the Assisntant in my View

What does this icon mean in Xcode 4.5?

I have seen this icon on Xcode 4.5 whenever I run a project. I have also seen this possibly on older versions of Xcode also, though I can't remember distinctly.
What could this possibly mean?
EDIT: The image was not previously loaded, have uploaded it now
EDIT 2: I wanted to know about the number 3 which is coming in the left side of the image. I understand the "114" denotes the warnings". Apologies for the ambiguous explanation in the question before.
It means you have warnings.
In this case you have 114 compiler warnings!
Click on it and you'll be taken to the correct tab in the project explorer where you can start working on correcting them.
As for the number 3, again, click on it - it shows you the number of tasks it is running.
Just try clicking on things in Xcode, you'll find a lot more information about it that way.

Xcode Code Completion "flicker"

I've recently upgraded from Xcode 4.3 to 4.4 and I'm about to bash my screen in with frustration.
The problem I'm having is with the code completion. As I type a variable or method name, the completion window pops up with the suggestions like it's supposed to. But if I attempt to use the cursor keys to scroll between the suggestions, the suggestions disappear and the cursor moves in the code, not between the suggestions. If I press enter to accept the default suggestion, it again dismisses the suggestions and inserts a return into the code taking the cursor to the next line.
This doesn't happen every time I attempt code completion, but it does occur more often than not. For a given name I'm trying to complete, it either works or it doesn't (e.g. if I press escape to get the suggestions back, it will disappear just as quickly as the first time it disappeared for that line/name I was trying to complete). When I get to the next line of code, it's a whole new bet whether it will work or not. It seems that the closer to the actual completion of the name I am, the more likely it is to actually work and accept the suggestion or move between the suggestions. Sometimes, if I act quickly enough, I can move the highlighted suggestion one or two lines before the suggestions disappear. I'm aware that if you don't select a suggestion quickly enough that it's supposed to eventually remove the suggestions (on the order of several seconds), but this behavior is not what I'm describing. I'd be VERY happy at this point if I had a single second to actually respond and select a suggestion from the pop-up.
So far I've tried a clean of the project, deleting all of the project's derived data, and restarting xcode. All of which don't seem to affect the behavior. Any ideas? I've searched stackoverflow and google and haven't found any other people reporting this problem ...
Thanks for any ideas,
After upgrading to the XCode 4.6 release version (and 4.5 somewhere in the middle there), this problem is still present ... and making edits in the left/main editor window is still a work-around.
I am seeing the same with Xcode 4.4.1. It seems to be related to where the completion window pops up. Debugger pane open or closed does not change anything here.
When in the Assistant Editor trying in the right pane the completion windows flickers. Same line of code in the left window works fine. Single editor works, too.
Try upgrading to Xcode 4.4.1. I used to have this problem, but I don't seem to have it after upgrading.
If this doesn't solve the problem, a crude workaround seems to be to put a lot of blank lines at the bottom of each file - the problem seems to occur from frequently when the file is scrolled all the way to the bottom.
There is a fix (at least Xcode 4.6.3): re-create the affected file by deleting it. Now create a new file and copy the content to it and drag it into the project - done. Fixes the issue here. It seems to be tied to certain files.

How can you go forward/backward at the file level with Xcode 3.2?

Xcode 3.2 has implemented cursor-level history for the "Go Forward", "Go Backward" commands. Previously these worked at the file level, so you could navigate back and forth through recent files you've been editing. Now they navigate at a more fine-grained level, through the places within files where you have been editing.
The downside to this is if you navigate backwards through the files and make a minor edit, all of your forward history is wiped out, whereas in the past it used to be easy to return to the file you were working on. It also means issuing a lot more commands if you just want to move through files, since you have to skip through all the edit points within each file.
I can't find anything in the release notes or documentation about this new behavior, so does anyone know if it's possible to get the old 'go back/forward by file' commands in 3.2? If not, does anyone have any tips on other ways of easily navigating recent files in Xcode?
Hold down the option key while you click the forward/backward arrows at the top of the code view, this will use the Xcode 3.0 behavior and go back a file at a time.
I had the same question as well and and Rob's answer on holding Option while clicking the forward/backward arrows works well.
I needed a keyboard shortcut though and I've found that Shift-Option-Cmd-left/right works.
From the comments on this blog entry:
Hold down the Option key to get the old file-based Go Forward/Go Back behavior. We rarely change established behavior like this when adding new options, but in this case, the majority of users considered file-level navigation Broken and location-based navigation Correct, based on their experience in browsers and other IDEs. We chose to give what more people considered the “obvious” behavior the pride of place on the keyboard shortcut, but the old way is still there.
-- Chris Espinosa
But like you guys have said, after every keyboard edit, the forward file history is lost. This is incredibly frustrating to me, as this is a feature I have heavily relied on for years, which is now broken. Is there still no fix?
There are Next File and Previous File commands, however their history is also wiped out after an edit. That seems like a bug to me.
This is plain stupid! What's the reason for suddenly change this ? Shift-Option-Cmd-left/right... great, more stupid shortcuts from Apple. I guess I soon have to use Shift-Option-Cmd-Left-Alt-Enter-N for something I use all the time. Can't they just implement a recent file list on ctrl-tab or something, like the Cmd-tab and the app switcher. Why would I want to grab for the mouse when I'm coding ? Still I have to use it lots in Xcode.
Sorry for my rant :)
