mocha-casperjs: sometimes click/waitForXXX don't work immediately with xpath. - mocha.js

I have been using mocha-casperjs for a while now and I noticed that for some reason, sometimes code like:"//a[normalize-space(text())='login']"));
don't work immediately, but it fails saying:
xpath selector: //a[normalize-space(text())='login']" still did not exist 5000ms
After some attempts, it just works, but than it doesn't anymore again.
It is not an asynchronous problem, because I use code like:
console.log('I am here');
to test its presence and this always returns "I am here".
Any idea ?

So, I think the problem I was having is related to this question.
The question I have linked to, led me to further testing and to the solution. All the time my tests were failing, it was because I was actually already logged in, so x("//a[normalize-space(text())='login']") wasn't there obviously.
The fact that the below code returned "I am here", it was because I was doing in the wrong way.
console.log('I am here');
Another thing I did wrongly that it might help someone and that I totally missed, is that I moved casper.start and outside describe("", function(){...}) like:
describe("", function(){
it("...", function(){..})
it("...", function(){..})
I hope this helps someone.


SweetAlert2 does not work properly as I expect

It may be a dumb question, but I just cannot figure out why sometimes works and sometimes it doesn't.
The alert I am using is quite simple -{
title:'Slow response!',
text:'Please indicate the side as quickly and accurately as possible',
But it only works when within a function starts as:
$(document).keydown(function (e) {...})
Since this function is built in a constructor, I add .bind(this) at the end to make use of "this" object. Nevertheless, my sweetalert does not work in this situation. It also does not work if the inner function starts as:
$(document).keydown((e)=> {...})
I did not see any errors in console. Any comments are highly appreciated!

Cypress: Switching from cy.route() to cy.intercept()

It seems that most people I read about experence zero trouble with this. I, on the other hand, have a test suite which someone else wrote, in which I'm trying to replace route() with intercept(). The API intercepts are done to handle button clicks etc., and about 99.9% percent of them fails if I just replace it. So, there's obviously some syntax in/use of intercept() I've not found a description for.
This works:
cy.route('POST', getApiPrefix() + '/prosjektfinansiering/'+ pfId +'/eiendom', result);
This does not work. The button click is not executed:
cy.intercept('POST', getApiPrefix() + '/prosjektfinansiering/'+ pfId +'/eiendom', result);
I've tried adding '**' in front of "/prosjekt...", and I've tried removing 'POST', with no luck.
Any ideas? I'll gladly post more info if necessary.
Futher attempts:
Getting some hints here and there, it seems that this is a more correct way of using intercept():
return cy.intercept('POST', getApiPrefix() + '/prosjektfinansiering/'+ pfId +'/eiendom', {
body: result
This doesn't work, either.
The variables result in these examples is an object describing what is sent back to the frontend of the POST-request in the route matches the api path.
For troubleshooting, I can see that when using intercept(), there is ONE route that is not working when using intercept (the bottom one in the picture). However, I cannot for the life of me see why, and how the route match can be written differently?
Most likely, you're mixing the old use of cy.route() and cy.server(). In my experience, those two won't work well together. It's easier when you're starting fresh with just cy.intercept().
Your update is correct too; You have to encapsulate the return value you want mocked in {body: value}.
from what I am seeing in your circled screenshot, the API is not called after you try to intercept it. (the count under # column is -)
You need to track when the API is to be called and ensure you intercept before the call is made. Cypres can help you with this. You can go through the run steps in the cypress window.
You could also share this if you don't mind.
If you are 100% certain the button makes the call. Steps should be:
In the cypress window, right after the click, you should see the API being called.

How to validate an element is gone using webdriverIO, Mocha and Chai

I'm working on some automated tests, using webdriverIO, Mocha and Chai. I keep running into the same problem when I want to verify if an element is deleted.
I'm working with a shoppingbasket where i delete an item and then verify that it is gone. It takes a while for the item to be gone though, so if I immediately go to the expect, the item is still there.
I have solved this by doing this:
browser.waitForExist(deletedProduct, 5000, true)
expect (boodschappenLijstPage.isProductPresent(SKU), 'the removed item was still there' ).to.equal(false)
The webdriverIO waitfor command waits for the product to dissapear, and after that the chai expect checks if it is gone.
The problem I have with this is that the expect will never fail. If the product is not properly deleted the waitfortimeout will throw an error before I get to the expect part, meaning that the expect part is only reached if the product is gone
I have read through the docs for chai, but I can't seem to find a way of doing this.
Can anyone show be a way of waiting for the product to be gone, without missing the expect (I don't want to use browser.pause for obvious reasons)
Refer this
webElement.waitForDisplayed({ reverse: true });
You can use try catch and basically wait for error. When element disappears from DOM selenium will throw NoSuchElementError and we can use it.
isNotPresent(element) {
try {
return !element.isVisible()
} catch (error) {
return true
// or wait for element to disappear from dom
waitForNotVisible(element) {
browser.waitUntil(() => {
try {
return !element.isVisible()
} catch (error) {
return true
If you're trying to validate that an element is gone, then using expect is the correct solution, but you should use the Webdriver-expect assertions instead of the chai expect assertions. While chai assertions check the state immediately, the WebdriverIO-expect assertions have the waitFor functionality built inside of it. Here is an example:
let deletedProduct = $(/* your xpath/CSS selector/*);
The difference between the assertion and using waitForDisplayed with the reverse flag is that some reporters, such as Allure, will report your test as broken when instead the test should be reported as failed. For example, when we ran tests and had the waitForDisplayed, all of our failing tests were marked in yellow. When we use expect, the tests are marked in red.
Here is the documentation for the WebdriverIO Expect matchers. They didn't document the .not method very clearly, but in my example you can see I added the .not before the toBeDisplayed call.
Again, this expect will wait for the timeout specified in the wdio.conf.js, just like the waitFors will.

Relevant Http Response Code using graphql-js

Ok here's the thing, I'm trying to figure out how to deal with error handling with graphql-js. (In a case without Relay)
Not specific enough !? Ok so, since graphql-js is catching all errors thrown within resolve functions, I'm kind of confuse on how to deal properly with errors and http responses.
So I had few ideas and would like to know what you think about it !
Always return 200 OK with the graphql response even if containing errors. (Don't like that one)
Switch case on the result.errors[0] and return an http response in respect of the error, returning if no errors. (which could end up being a veeeery long switch case)
Deal with the error handling in the resolve function and throw and object (e.g. { httpCode: 404, msg: 'No X found with the requested id' } )
In the express function(or whatever web framework), having something like:'/graphql', function(req, res) {
let result = await graphql(req.body);
if(result.errors.size) {
let e = result.errors[0];
This doesn't currently work because of the way the error object is marshalled... or at least I haven't found how to get it out of graphql yet. I'm thinking of maybe looking into graphql-js source but I thought I better ask you guys first since I might be missing something obvious.
Obviously, a better idea is welcome !
Cheers :D
I am also trying to figure this out.
The best I have managed to come up with is throwing a custom error in my resolver. Check out apollo-errors. I am not sure if this is the best way, but it could work for you.

Adding custom code to mootools addEvent

Even though I've been using mootools for a while now, I haven't really gotten into playing with the natives yet. Currently I'm trying to extend events by adding a custom addEvent method beside the original. I did that using the following code(copied from mootools core)
Native.implement([Element, Window, Document], {
addMyEvent:function(){/* code here */}
Now the problem is that I can't seem to figure out, how to properly overwrite the existing fireEvent method in a way that I can still call the orignal method after executing my own logic.
I could probably get the desired results with some ugly hacks but I'd prefer learning the elegant way :)
Update: Tried a couple of ugly hacks. None of them worked. Either I don't understand closures or I'm tweaking the wrong place. I tried saving Element.fireEvent to a temporary variable(with and without using closures), which I would then call from the overwritten fireEvent function(overwritten using Native.implement - the same as above). The result is an endless loop with fireEvent calling itself over and over again.
Update 2:
I followed the execution using firebug and it lead me to Native.genericize, which seems to act as a kind of proxy for the methods of native classes. So instead of referencing the actual fireEvent method, I referenced the proxy and that caused the infinite loop. Google didn't find any useful documentation about this and I'm a little wary about poking around under the hood when I don't completely understand how it works, so any help is much appreciated.
Update 3 - Original problem solved:
As I replied to Dimitar's comment below, I managed to solve the original problem by myself. I was trying to make a method for adding events that destroy themselves after a certain amount of executions. Although the original problem is solved, my question about extending natives remain.
Here's the finished code:
Native.implement([Element, Window, Document], {
var volatileFn=function(){;
is the name right? That's the best I could come up with my limited vocabulary."clicker").addEvents({
"boobies": function() {"nipple police");"boobies", (this.retrieve("boobies")) ? this.retrieve("boobies") + 1 : 1);
if (this.retrieve("boobies") == 5)
"click": function() {
// original function can callback boobies "even"
// do usual stuff.
adding a simple event handler that counts the number of iterations it has gone through and then self-destroys.
think of events as simple callbacks under a particular key, some of which are bound to particular events that get fired up.
using element storage is always advisable if possible - it allows you to share data on the same element between different scopes w/o complex punctures or global variables.
Natives should not be modded like so, just do:
newMethod: function() {
// this being the element
return this;
unless, of course, you need to define something that applies to window or document as well.
