Fast and furious random reading of huge files - performance

I know that the question isn't new but I haven't found anything useful. In my case I have a 20 GB file and I need to read random lines from it. Now I have simple file index which contains line numbers and corresponding seek offsets. Also I disabled buffering when reading to read only the needed line.
And this is my code:
def create_random_file_gen(file_path, batch_size=0, dtype=np.float32, delimiter=','):
index = load_file_index(file_path)
if (batch_size > len(index)) or (batch_size == 0):
batch_size = len(index)
lines_indices = np.random.random_integers(0, len(index), batch_size)
with, 'rb', buffering=0) as f:
for line_index in lines_indices:[line_index])
line = f.readline(2048)
yield __get_features_from_line(line, delimiter, dtype)
The problem is that it's extremely slow: reading of 5000 lines takes 89 seconds on my Mac(here I point to ssd drive). There is code I used for testing:
features_gen = tedlium_random_speech_gen(5000) # just a wrapper for function given above
i = 0
for feature, cls in features_gen:
if i % 1000 == 0:
print("Got %d features" % i)
i += 1
print("Total %d features" % i)
I've read something about files memory mapping but I don't really understand how it works: how the mapping works in essence and will it speed up the process or no.
So the main question what are the possible ways to speed up the process? The only way I see now is to read randomly not every line but blocks of lines.


reading in parallel from" generator in Keras

I have a big dataset divided in files.
I would like to read and process my data one file at the time and for this I have this keras generator:
def myGenerator():
while 1:
rnd = random.randint(1,200)
strRnd = str(rnd)
lenRnd = len(strRnd)
rndPadded = strRnd.rjust(5, '0')
nSearchesInBatch = 100
f = "path/part-" + rndPadded + "*" #read one block of data
data =
imax = int(data.shape[0]/nSearchesInBatch) #number of batches that will be created sequentially from the generator
for i in range(imax):
data_batch = data[i*nSearchesInBatch:(i+1)*nSearchesInBatch]
features = data_batch['features']
output = data_batch['output']
yield features, output
The problem is that the reading takes the biggest part (each file is around 200mb), and in the meanwhile the GPU sits waiting, it is possible to pre-read the next batch while the GPU is traning on the previous one?
At the moment one file is read and split in steps (the inner loop), the CPUs are hidden and the GPU training, as soon as the epoch finishes, the GPU goes idle and the cpu start reading (which takes 20/30 seconds).
Any solution to parallelize this?

what does it mean files overflow_xxxx.bin while training glove

I'm training a word embedding model based on Glove method. While the algorith shows a logger like:
$ build/cooccur -memory 4.0 -vocab-file vocab.txt -verbose 2 -window-size 8 < /home/ignacio/data/GUsDany/corpus/GUs_regulon_pubMed.txt > cooccurrence.bin
window size: 8
context: symmetric
max product: 13752509
overflow length: 38028356
Reading vocab from file "vocab.txt"...loaded 145223095 words.
Building lookup table...table contains 228170143 elements.
Processing token: 5478600000
The home directory of Glove is filled with files caled overflow_0534.bin. Can someone tell whether all is going well?
Everything is OK.
You can view the source code of Glove cooccur program at Github.
At the line 57 of the file:
long long overflow_length; // Number of cooccurrence records whose product exceeds max_product to store in memory before writing to disk
If your corpus has too many co-occurrence records, then there will be some data to be written into some temp bin disk files.
while (1) {
if (ind >= overflow_length - window_size) { // If overflow buffer is (almost) full, sort it and write it to temporary file
qsort(cr, ind, sizeof(CREC), compare_crec);
foverflow = fopen(filename,"w");
ind = 0;
The variable overflow_length depends on your memory settings.
Line 463:
if ((i = find_arg((char *)"-memory", argc, argv)) > 0) memory_limit = atof(argv[i + 1]);
Line 467:
rlimit = 0.85 * (real)memory_limit * 1073741824/(sizeof(CREC));
Line 470:
overflow_length = (long long) rlimit/6; // 0.85 + 1/6 ~= 1

Working with very big data faster in Matlab?

I have to deal with very big data (Point clouds generally more than 30 000 000 points) using Matlab. I can read ascii data using textscan function. After reading, I need to detect invalid data (points with 0,0,0 coordinates) and then I need to do some mathematical operations on each point or each line in the data. In my way, first I read data with textscan and then I assign this data to a matrix. Secondly, I use for loops for detecting invalid points and doing some mathematical operations on each point or line in the data. A sample of my code is shown as below. According to profile tool of Matlab textscan takes 37% and line
transformed_list((i:i),(1:4)) = coordinate_list((i:i),(1:4))*t_matrix;
takes 35% of all computation time.
I tried it with another point cloud (stores around 5 500 000) and profile tool reported same results. Is there a way of avoiding for loops, or is there another way of speeding up this computation?
fileID = fopen('C:\Users\Mustafa\Desktop\ptx_all_data\dede5.ptx');
original_data = textscan(fileID,'%f %f %f %f %f %f %f', 'delimiter',' ');
column = original_data{1}(1);
row = original_data{1}(2);
t_matrix = [original_data{1}(7) original_data{2}(7) original_data{3}(7) original_data{4}(7)
original_data{1}(8) original_data{2}(8) original_data{3}(8) original_data{4}(8)
original_data{1}(9) original_data{2}(9) original_data{3}(9) original_data{4}(9)
original_data{1}(10) original_data{2}(10) original_data{3}(10) original_data{4}(10)];
coordinate_list(:,1) = original_data{1}(11:length(original_data{1}));
coordinate_list(:,2) = original_data{2}(11:length(original_data{2}));
coordinate_list(:,3) = original_data{3}(11:length(original_data{3}));
coordinate_list(:,4) = 0;
coordinate_list(:,5) = original_data{4}(11:length(original_data{4}));
transformed_list = zeros(length(coordinate_list),5);
for i = 1:length(coordinate_list)
if coordinate_list(i,1) == 0 && coordinate_list(i,2) == 0 && coordinate_list(i,3) == 0
transformed_list(i,:) = NaN;
%transformed_list(i,:) = coordinate_list(i,:)*t_matrix;
transformed_list((i:i),(1:4)) = coordinate_list((i:i),(1:4))*t_matrix;
transformed_list(i,5) = coordinate_list(i,5);
Thanks in advance
for loops with conditional statements like those will take ages to run. But what Matlab lacks in loop speed it makes up with vectorization and indexing.
Let's try some logical indexing like this to solve the first step:
coordinate_list(coordinate_list(:,1) == 0 .* ...
coordinate_list(:,2) == 0 .* ...
coordinate_list(:,3) == 0)=nan;
And then vectorize the second statement:
transformed_list(:,(1:4)) = coordinate_list(:,(1:4))*t_matrix;
As EBH mentioned above this might be a bit heavy on your RAM. If it's more than your computer can handle asks yourself if the coordinates really have to be doubles, maybe single precision will do. If that still doesn't do, try slicing the vector and performing the operation in parts.
Small example to give you an idea because I had a 2million element point cloud around here:
In R2015a
transformed_list = zeros(length(coordinate_list),5);
for i = 1:length(coordinate_list)
if coordinate_list(i,1) == 0 && coordinate_list(i,2) == 0 && coordinate_list(i,3) == 0
transformed_list(i,:) = NaN;
%transformed_list(i,:) = coordinate_list(i,:)*t_matrix;
transformed_list((i:i),(1:3)) = coordinate_list((i:i),(1:3))*t_matrix;
transformed_list(i,5) = 1;
Returns Elapsed time is 10.928142 seconds.
coordinate_list(coordinate_list(:,1) == 0 .* ...
coordinate_list(:,2) == 0 .* ...
coordinate_list(:,3) == 0)=nan;
transformed_list(:,(1:3)) = coordinate_list(:,(1:3))*t_matrix;
Returns Elapsed time is 0.101696 seconds.
Rather than read the whole file, you'd be better off using a loop with
fscanf(fileID, '%f', 7)
and processing input as you read it.

Python: Can I grab the specific lines from a large file faster?

I have two large files. One of them is an info file(about 270MB and 16,000,000 lines) like this:
The other is a standard FASTQ format(about 27G and 280,000,000 lines) like this:
#ST-E00126:65:H3VJ2CCXX:7:1101:1416:1801 1:N:0:5
The FASTQ file uses four lines per sequence. Line 1 begins with a '#' character and is followed by a sequence identifie. For each sequence,this part of the Line 1 is unique.
1101:1416:1801 and 1101:10003:75641
And I want to grab the Line 1 and the next three lines from the FASTQ file according to the info file. Here is my code:
import gzip
import re
count = 0
with open('info_path') as info, open('grab_path','w') as grab:
for i in info:
sample = i.strip()
with'fq_path') as fq:
for j in fq:
count += 1
if count%4 == 1:
line = j.strip()
m =,j)
if m != None:
count = 0
And it works, but because both of these two files have millions of lines, it's inefficient(running one day only get 20,000 lines).
UPDATE at July 6th:
I find that the info file can be read into the memory(thank #tobias_k for reminding me), so I creat a dictionary that the keys are info lines and the values are all 0. After that, I read the FASTQ file every 4 line, use the identifier part as the key,if the value is 0 then return the 4 lines. Here is my code:
import gzip
dic = {}
with open('info_path') as info:
for i in info:
sample = i.strip()
dic[sample] = 0
with'fq_path') as fq, open('grap_path',"w") as grab:
for j in fq:
if j[:10] == '#ST-E00126':
line = j.split(':')
match = line[4] +':'+line[5]+':'+line[6][:-2]
if dic.get(match) == 0:
This way is much faster, it takes 20mins to get all the matched lines(about 64,000,000 lines). And I have thought about sorting the FASTQ file first by external sort. Splitting the file that can be read into the memory is ok, my trouble is how to keep the next three lines following the indentifier line while sorting. The Google's answer is to linear these four lines first, but it will take 40mins to do so.
Anyway thanks for your help.
You can sort both files by the identifier (the 1101:1416:1801) part. Even if files do not fit into memory, you can use external sorting.
After this, you can apply a simple merge-like strategy: read both files together and do the matching in the meantime. Something like this (pseudocode):
entry1 = readFromFile1()
entry2 = readFromFile2()
while (none of the files ended)
if ( ==
record match
else if ( <
entry1 = readFromFile1()
entry2 = readFromFile2()
This way and are always close to each other and you will not miss any matches. At the same time, this approach requires iterating over each file once.

Parallel Reading/Writing File in c

Problem is to read a file of size about 20GB simultaneously by n processes. File contains one string at each line and Length of the strings may or may not be same. String length can be at-most 10 bytes long.
I have a cluster of having 16 nodes. Each node are the uni-processor and having 6GB RAM.I am using MPI to write Parallel codes.
What are the efficient way to partition this big file so that all resources can be utilized ?
Note: The constraints to the partitions is to read file as a chunk of fixed number of lines.
Assume file contains 1600 lines(e.g. 1600 strings). then first process should read from 1st line to 100th line, second process should do from 101th line to 200th line and so on....
As i think that one can't read a file by more than one processes at a time because we have only one file handler that point to somewhere only one string. then how other processes can read parallely from different chunks?
So as you're discovering, text file formats are poor for dealing with large amounts of data; not only are they larger than binary formats, but you run into formatting problems like here (seaching for newlines), and everything is much slower (data must be converted into strings). There can easily be 10x difference in IO speeds between text-based formats and binary formats for numerical data. But we'll assume for now you're stuck with the text file format.
Presumably, you're doing this partitioning for speed. But unless you have a parallel filesystem -- that is, multiple servers serving from multiple disks, and a FS that can keep those coordinated -- it's unlikely you're going to get a significant speedup from having multiple MPI tasks reading from the same file, as ultimately these requests are all going to get serialized anyway at the server/controller/disk level.
Further, reading in large blocks of data is going to be much faster than fseek()ing around and doing small reads looking for newlines.
So my suggestion would be to have one process (perhaps the last) read all the data in as few chunks as it can and send the relevant lines to each task (including, finally, itself). If you know how many lines the file has at the start, this is fairly simple; read in say 2 GB of data, search through memory for the end of the N/Pth line, and send that to task 0, send task 0 a "completed your data" message, and continue.
You don't specify if there are any constraints on the partitions, so I'll assume there are none. I'll also assume that you want the partitions to be as close to equal in size as possible.
The naïve approach would be to split the file into chunks of size 20GB/n. The starting position of chunk i wouild be i*20GB/n for i=0..n-1.
The problem with that is, of course, that there's no guarantee that chunk boundaries would fall between the lines of the input file. In general, they won't.
Fortunately, there's an easy way to correct for this. Having established the boundaries as above, shift them slightly so that each of them (except i=0) is placed after the following newline.
That'll involve reading 15 small fragments of the file, but will result in a very even partition.
In fact, the correction can be done by each node individually, but it's probably not worth complicating the explanation with that.
I think it would be better to write a piece of code that would get line lengths and distribute lines to processes. That distributing function would work not with strings themselves, but only their lengths.
To find an algorythm for even distribution of sources of fixed size is not a problem.
And after that the distributing func will tell other processes what pieces they have to get for work. Process 0 (distributor) will read a line. It already knows, that the line num. 1 should be worked by the process 1. ... P.0 reads line num. N and knows what process has to work with it.
Oh! We needn't optimize the distribution from the start. Simply the distributor process reads a new line from input and gives it to a free process. That's all.
So, you have even two solutions: heavily optimized and easy one.
We could reach even more optimalization if the distributor process will reoptimalize the unread yet strings from time to time.
Here is a function in python using mpi and the pypar extension to read the number of lines in a big file using mpi to split up the duties amongst a number of hosts.
def getFileLineCount( file1 ):
import pypar, mmap, os
uses pypar and mpi to speed up counting lines
file1 - the file name to count lines
(line count)
p1 = open( file1, "r" )
f1 = mmap.mmap( p1.fileno(), 0, None, mmap.ACCESS_READ )
#work out file size
fSize = os.stat( file1 ).st_size
#divide up to farm out line counting
chunk = ( fSize / pypar.size() ) + 1
lines = 0
#set start and end locations
seekStart = chunk * ( pypar.rank() )
seekEnd = chunk * ( pypar.rank() + 1 )
if seekEnd > fSize:
seekEnd = fSize
#find start of next line after chunk
if pypar.rank() > 0: seekStart )
l1 = f1.readline()
seekStart = f1.tell()
#tell previous rank my seek start to make their seek end
if pypar.rank() > 0:
# 'Sending to %d, seek start %d' % ( pypar.rank() - 1, seekStart ) )
pypar.send( seekStart, pypar.rank() - 1 )
if pypar.rank() < pypar.size() - 1:
seekEnd = pypar.receive( pypar.rank() + 1 )
# 'Receiving from %d, seek end %d' % ( pypar.rank() + 1, seekEnd ) ) seekStart ) 'Calculating line lengths and positions from file byte %d to %d' % ( seekStart, seekEnd ) )
l1 = f1.readline()
prevLine = l1
while len( l1 ) > 0:
lines += 1
l1 = f1.readline()
if f1.tell() > seekEnd or len( l1 ) == 0:
prevLine = l1
if pypar.rank() == 0: 'Receiving line info' )
for p in range( 1, pypar.size() ):
lines += pypar.receive( p )
else: 'Sending my line info' )
pypar.send( lines, 0 )
lines = pypar.broadcast( lines )
return ( lines )
