Specific Big O Questions - algorithm

We're getting into Big O in my CS degree and am having a difficult time understanding it. There's two problems I'd like to post, one I tried to complete on my own and another I'm not sure how to start. Would it be possible for a member to tell me if my first one is correct or incorrect and maybe point me in a direction for understanding the second one? Any help is greatly appreciated.
E(n) ≤ 5n^2 + 9n^3, then E(n) = O(?)
Guess: O(n^3)
9n^3 + 5n^2 <= c*n^3, where c = 10 and n > 1,
Therefore, E(n) = O(n^3)
E(n) ≤ 8n*sqrt(n) + 100n log2(n), then E(n) = O(?) .

For n = 2,
9*8 + 5*4 = 92 > 10 * 8 = 80. (n > 1 is incorrect)
You should solve for an n explicitly.
Should be order of O(n^3/2). Check with a large number such as 2^50. log(n) grows much more slowly than n^1/2.


does 2^2n implies 2^n?

I am learning algorithm analysis. In a book I read that 2^2n = O(2^n) is not true. though I know that means we can't find a c such that : 2^2n<=c(2^n). but if we put n=5 and c=10^6 the equation will be right. can you please give me hint. what am I doing wrong?
For 2^2n = O(2^n) to hold you would have to find one c such that 2^2n<=c(2^n) for all n > n0. Your example works only for small n. Once n reaches a point where 2^n > c the inequality does no longer hold.
Let's just work out the math: 2^2n = (2^2)^n = 4^n, since a^bc = (a^b)^c.
The question is not what happens for specific values, but what is the effect when n gets one larger, or even twice as large.
If we replace n with n + 1, you get 2^2(n + 1) = 2^(2n + 2) = 2^2 * 2^2n = 4 * 2^2n. So the result becomes 4 times larger.

solving the recurrence T(floor[n/2]) + T(ceil[n/2]) + n - 1

I have the following recurrence:
T(n) = c for n = 1.
T(n) = T(floor[n/2]) + T(ceil[n/2]) + n - 1 for n > 1.
It looks like merge sort to me so i guess that the solution to the recurrence is Θ(nlogn). According to the master method i have:
a) Θ(1) for n = 1 (constant time).
b) If we drop the floor and ceil we have: (step1)
T(N) = 2T(N/2) + n - 1 => a = 2, b = 2.
logb(a) (base b) = lg(2) = 1 so n^lg(2) = n^1 = n
Having a closer look we know that we have case 2 of master method:
if f(n) = Θ(log(b)a) our solution to the recurrence is T(n) = Θ(log(b)a log(2)n)
The solution is indeed T(n) = Θ(nlogn) but we are off my a constant factor 1.
My first question is:
at step 1 we dropped of ceil and floor. Is this correct ? The second question is how do i get rid of the constant factor 1 ? do i drop it ? or should i name it d and prove that n - 1 is indeed n (if so how do i prove it ?). Lastly is it better to prove it with the substitution method ?
Edit: if we use the substitution method we get:
We guess that the solution is O(n). We need to show that T(n) <= cn.
Substitutting in the recurrence we obtein
T(n) <= c(floor[n/2]) + c(ceil[n/2]) + n/2 - 1 = cn + n/2 - 1
So it is not merge sort ? What do i miss?
It was long time ago, but here goes
Step 1 we dropped of ceil and floor. Is this correct ?
I would rather say
T(floor(n/2)) + T(floor[n/2)) <= T(floor(n/2)) + T(ceil[n/2))
T(floor(n/2)) + T(ceil[n/2)) <= T(ceil(n/2)) + T(ceil[n/2))
in case they are not equal they differ by 1 (and you can ignore any constant)
The second question is how do i get rid of the constant factor 1 ?
You ignore it. Reasoning behind it is : even if constant is huge 10^100 it will be small compared to the size when n grows larger. In real life you can't really ignore really big constants, but that is how real life and theory differs. In any case 1 makes smallest amount of difference.
Lastly is it better to prove it with the substitution method
You can prove how you like, some are just simpler. Simpler are usually better, but other then that 'better' has no meaning. So my answer is no.

How to find the asymptotically upper bounds for T(n) in the recurrences?

I am wonder how to exactly find the tight upper bound for T(n)?
for one example below:
T(n)=T( n/2 + n(1/2)) + n.
I am not that sure how to use the domain or range transform here.
I use the domain transform here.
n = 22k ==> n/2 = 22k-1
and n1/2 = 22k-1
After that, i do not know how to solve this kind of problem with addition in T(n).
Hope someone can tell me how to solve these kind recurrences.
Thanks Ali Amiri,
As what you said, I approximately consider.
T(n)=T( n/2 ) + n.
and let,
n = 2k,
==> T(2k)= T(2k-1)+ 2k
suppose ak = T(2k)
using domain transform, I get:
ak = 2kc1 + c2
T(n) = O(n).
Am I right? or still wrong?
Ali Amiri's intuition is correct, but it's not a formal argument. Really there needs to be a base case like
T(n) = 1 for all 0 ≤ n < 9
and then we can write
n ≤ n/3 for all n ≥ 9
and then guess and check a nondecreasing O(n) solution for the recurrence
T'(n) = T'(n/2 + n/3) + n
and argue that T = O(T') = O(n).

Big O Proof by Induction With Summation

I've been ripping my hair out trying to solve this:
Σ(k=0,n)3k = O(3n)
I've been looking through various things online but I still can't seem to solve it. I know it involves the formal definition of Big O, where
|f(x)| <= C*|g(x)|, x>=k
Since they are the same, I am assuming C is some value I have to find through induction to prove the original statement, and that k=0.
Thanks for your help with this.
= 30 + 31 + ... + 3n
= (1 - 3n+1) / (1 - 3) ; sum of geometric series
= (3/2)*3n - k
<= c*3n ; for c >= 3/2
= O(3n)
Induction is not needed here; that sum is a geometric series and has closed form solution
= 1(1-3^(n + 1))/(1-3) = (3^(n + 1) - 1)/2
= (3*3^n - 1)/2
Pick C = 3/2 and F = 3/2*3^n - 1/2, G = 3^n, and this satisfies the requirement for O(3^n), but really in practice, though it might be thought informal and sloppy, you don't really worry much about an exact constant since any constant will do for satisfying Big-O.
You can rewrite it as 3n * ( 1 + 1/3 + 1/9 + ....1/3n).
There is an upper bound for that sum. Calculate the limit of that infinite series.
From there, it's easy to get a good C, eg: 2.

Big oh notation running time

How do you work this out? do you get c first which is the ratio of the two functions then with the ratio find the range of n ? how can you tell ? please explain i'm really lost, Thanks.
Example 1: Prove that running time T(n) = n^3 + 20n + 1 is O(n^3)
Proof: by the Big-Oh definition,
T(n) is O(n^3) if T(n) ≤ c·n^3 for some n ≥ n0 .
Let us check this condition:
if n^3 + 20n + 1 ≤ c·n^3 then 1 + 20/n^2 + 1/n^3 <=c .
the Big-Oh condition holds for n ≥ n0 = 1 and c ≥ 22 (= 1 + 20 + 1). Larger
values of n0 result in smaller factors c (e.g., for n0 = 10 c ≥ 1.201 and so on) but in
any case the above statement is valid.
I think the trick you're seeing is that you aren't thinking of LARGE numbers. Hence, let's take a counter example:
T(n) = n^4 + n
and let's assume that we think it's O(N^3) instead of O(N^4). What you could see is
c = n + 1/n^2
which means that c, a constant, is actually c(n), a function dependent upon n. Taking N to a really big number shows that no matter what, c == c(n), a function of n, so it can't be O(N^3).
What you want is in the limit as N goes to infinity, everything but a constant remains:
c = 1 + 1/n^3
Now you can easily say, it is still c(n)! As N gets really, really big 1/n^3 goes to zero. Hence, with very large N in the case of declaring T(n) in O(N^4) time, c == 1 or it is a constant!
Does that help?
