Hapijs avoid json validation when Content-type: application/json is present - elasticsearch

I'm trying to receive a json payload on a hapijs server, that json may not be valid, since is some custom format that i need to manually proxy the request to an elasticsearch cluster, cannot use the proxy option for hapijs because i need to do multiple requests to different clusters, for that i use nodejs http library.
Elasticsearch doesn't receive a valid json when doing bulk actions, it receives new lines instead of commas, to separate json objects:
Hapijs tries to validate the json payload when it gets application/json header in the request and it responds "Invalid request payload JSON format", as i cannot remove that header i need to look for another method to allow that invalid json in the route, even if the header is present.

I would look at the docs, in particular http://hapijs.com/api#route-configuration. If you set payload.output.parse to false you will receive the raw buffer inside handler which can then be parsed by yourself as opposed to by the framework.


How to send a post from twillio webhook using the body instead the params in the request?

There is a way to config the Twilio webhooks in the conversation product to send a post request to an endpoint and in the body send the information instead in the params?
You would pass a payload of the JSON you want to send in your post body and then pass in a header called x-www-form-urlencoded which tells Twilio that you want the parameters to be sent in the body as form data. I'm not sure if it's limited to only a few parameters or not but I know that it works with \"To\" and \"From\" (as they need to be URL encoded). It would definitely work with MessageSid.
You could also use the \"Bulk\" post body format, which is just JSON. This would allow you to pass more parameters since it's just JSON. (You don't need to url encode them if you do this, so no need to have x-www-form-urlencoded header.)
\"To\": \"+15551235555\",
\"From\": \"+15551234567\",
\"Body\": \"A text message\",
...: ...
You should be able to send the information you want, along with the headers, from your endpoint and have it pass through Twilio.
Looks like this:
curl -X POST https://api.twilio.com/2010-04-01/Accounts/{AccountSid}/Messages -d 'From=%2B15551234567&To=%2B15551235555&Body=Test' -u '{AccountSid}:{AuthToken}'
You can pass any JSON you want as a body using this option but make sure you've set your \"Content-Type\" header to \"application/x-www-form-urlencoded\". This is pretty straightforward and makes it easy to pass in whatever parameters you want.
This isn't limited to text messages! This is exactly how I push data back into a Conversation or Action resource too so it'll work for things like card pushes too! You can use this to programmatically create a response that Twilio will process and then act on in your Conversation or Action instance.
And yeah … if you're going to support a webhook that takes form data then I would suggest adding some basic security checks since anyone could just post random stuff as form data if they wanted and get access to your endpoint. I'd recommend checking the Request Method as well to make sure it's POST.
If you're worried about someone passing in a bad value then you can just check the request body against some regex. I'd recommend checking the Twilio-To and Twilio-From params as well. You could also use the request header too, which is passed along with all webhooks:
header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');
header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods: POST');
header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers: xxx');

How to get JSON data (body application/json) from a GET Request?

How can I get the json data from a GET request to a Django Rest route. I am making a GET request to a url and have data in the body of Postman as JSON(application/json). How do I get the data from this request in Django Rest Framework, in my view.
My view sends back data based on what is passed in the JSON data.
I do not want to put the data in the url as a query_param. I will be sending a lot of parameters in the JSON data body, so concatenating to the url is not what I want.
It is not possible to send json format with get request you have to use post request to send data else use query param with get request.
For more info see this django request and response tutorial

Can I make my OData request in JSON format?

I know OData supports responding in JSON format when it's given the appropriate Accept header:
Accept: application/json
Some articles say you'll need to specify odata verbosity otherwise you'll get the default xml format, but I have not seen this to be actually true. But let me mention it anyway:
Accept: application/json;odata=verbose
But (how) can I make my request using JSON instead of a querystring?
OData doesn't provide a way to specify the query in a request body, it only supports the query in the URL. So the answer is that there's no way to do that in JSON. Note that it applies to GET requests. Modification requests (POST/PUT/...) do accept JSON as the payload (typically representing an entity for example), in which case simply specify the content type of the request in its Content-Type header.
There are java script libraries which let you build the query string using more structured code (as compared to just strings). For example the datajs http://datajs.codeplex.com/.

Checking the type of POST data received in Sinatra

In my sinatra app i have a form which is used to submit data via a POST request to a url.The url also accepts json sent in a POST request.
Is there any way to determine in the handler if json data was received in the post or the data submitted was sent from the form ?
Thank You
When you send data via a Post request you will have data in your params Hash. So if there is a key there is a value, even if it's empty. So you can check for example via params[:json] if you have received something via json (assuming you call that parameter :json). The same goes for data. But then I'm not entirely sure if that's what you're asking for. Either way all data you get is handled via the params variable.
Assuming that JSON is sent via XHR call, you can make use of request.xhr? to check if the request is xhr.

Overwriting HTTP response headers

Is there a way to overwrite the http response headers returned in Jmeter? I'm testing a web service that returns JSON and when an invalid request is sent, the JSON response returned doesn't contain application/json (or any for that matter) in the response header. If I save the response to a file, I see the actual JSON returned, but looking at the response in a Results tree doesn't show a response. Unless there is a way to load the response from file and parse the error message from the file, I'm hoping to somehow overwrite the HTTP response header and force jmeter to treat the response as JSON.
Any suggestions are welcome!
Using a beanshell post processor, you can write some script that would force the value for the header, or write out to a file.
You can also add a listener that would write the results to file for you. Granted - this is less convenient for debugging then Tree View.
As it turns out JMeter does not support response header overloading. While the response isn't displayed in the Results tree, it is actually available to other assertions. I was able to still provide assertions to validate responses even though the response was missing from the GUI.
