What is the meaning of clean test -P? - maven

For one of the project, we are supporting I see the Maven
clean test -P DEV,CI
inside the Goals and Options for the build option of Jenkins. Its is causing the Sonar analysis of the test jobs behave incorrectly.
I tried to find the meaning of -P option, but did not get any solutions so far.

The Maven CLI Options Reference documents what -P means:
-P,--activate-profiles <arg> Comma-delimited list of profiles to activate
It is related to profiles. Read more at Introduction to Build Profiles.


Jenkins: Pass multiple MAVEN profiles via user selection

following situation: I want to build a maven project via jenkins and also be able to select multiple maven profiles (to be precise it has to build with two profiles, one of those is a fixed value called 'dev', so basically I want to be able to select the second profile from a list of profiles) before building, so a parameterized build. I add the selectable profile as a option-list and now I'm able to select it from a dropdown, so far, so good.
BUT: It seems the problem is the multiple profile part.
In the maven goal-field I type
clean install -Pdev,$Client
with 'Client' being the parameter for the build which contains the selected value.
But if I start the build, the command line says e.g.
mvn clean install "-Pdev,test"
with the problem being it wrapping the Profiles in apostrophes. If I test it with a single parameter it works as expected:
clean install -P$Client
Based on the following explanation, try some of these:
#1 mvn install -P profile1,profile2
#2 mvn install -Pprofile1 -Pprofile2
#3 mvn install -P 'profile1,profile2'
According to official documentation
The correct multi profile invocation is :
mvn groupId:artifactId:goal -P profile1,profile2
And some variations are allowed:
mvn install -Pprofile1 -Pprofile2
Ans as always :s an special treatment for windows:
mvn install -P 'profile1,profile2'

Set up Jenkins to run a specific maven command

I’m new to Jenkins and currently working on a maven project.
I am able to run a simple Jenkins job using maven commands.
mvn clean install
However, the extended requirement requires me to us an additional parameter in the maven command
mvn clean install -DfileName=file1
Is it possible to have a drop down with file names (e.g. file1, file2 ..) and have the user selected one append to the maven command.
mvn clean install -DfileName = {selected filename from dropdown}.
Could some one please assist with this along with what plugin and how can I setup.
Parameterize your jenkins job see https://wiki.jenkins.io/plugins/servlet/mobile?contentId=34930782#content/view/34930782.
Use choice parameter to add your file name choices
Active Choices Plugin - https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/Active+Choices+Plugin
The user selected choice can be used in your maven command using "{params.param_name}".

Difference between mvn -U clean compile and mvn clean compile

I used both the commands to resolve dependency issues in my project. mvn -U clean compile resolved issues. But I don't know difference between them. Please explain difference between those commands and when do I Use mvn clean compile and mvn -U clean compile.
-U, --update-snapshots
Forces a check for updated releases and snapshots on remote repositories
see here (6.1.11. Downloading and Verifying Dependencies):
-clean will clean (remove all compiled and copied resources) of your maven project target directory.
-install will do almost a full maven lifecycle like testing, compiling AND copying the new builds to your local repository.
-U you will tell maven to update your local repository's remote dependencies (usually third party dependencies) as well
-U,--update-snapshots Forces a check for updated
releases and snapshots on remote
For your information,if you execute mvn -h command in the command prompt then it will display all the options just like below. So if you need to know about any option details, you can use mvn -h command.
usage: mvn [options] [<goal(s)>] [<phase(s)>]
-am,--also-make If project list is specified, also
build projects required by the
-amd,--also-make-dependents If project list is specified, also
build projects that depend on
projects on the list
-B,--batch-mode Run in non-interactive (batch)
-C,--strict-checksums Fail the build if checksums don't
-c,--lax-checksums Warn if checksums don't match
-cpu,--check-plugin-updates Ineffective, only kept for
backward compatibility
-D,--define <arg> Define a system property
-e,--errors Produce execution error messages
-emp,--encrypt-master-password <arg> Encrypt master security password
-ep,--encrypt-password <arg> Encrypt server password
-f,--file <arg> Force the use of an alternate POM
file (or directory with pom.xml).
-fae,--fail-at-end Only fail the build afterwards;
allow all non-impacted builds to
-ff,--fail-fast Stop at first failure in
reactorized builds
-fn,--fail-never NEVER fail the build, regardless
of project result
-gs,--global-settings <arg> Alternate path for the global
settings file
-h,--help Display help information
-l,--log-file <arg> Log file to where all build output
will go.
-llr,--legacy-local-repository Use Maven 2 Legacy Local
Repository behaviour, ie no use of
_maven.repositories. Can also be
activated by using
-N,--non-recursive Do not recurse into sub-projects
-npr,--no-plugin-registry Ineffective, only kept for
backward compatibility
-npu,--no-plugin-updates Ineffective, only kept for
backward compatibility
-nsu,--no-snapshot-updates Suppress SNAPSHOT updates
-o,--offline Work offline
-P,--activate-profiles <arg> Comma-delimited list of profiles
to activate
-pl,--projects <arg> Comma-delimited list of specified
reactor projects to build instead
of all projects. A project can be
specified by [groupId]:artifactId
or by its relative path.
-q,--quiet Quiet output - only show errors
-rf,--resume-from <arg> Resume reactor from specified
-s,--settings <arg> Alternate path for the user
settings file
-T,--threads <arg> Thread count, for instance 2.0C
where C is core multiplied
-t,--toolchains <arg> Alternate path for the user
toolchains file
-U,--update-snapshots Forces a check for updated
releases and snapshots on remote
-up,--update-plugins Ineffective, only kept for
backward compatibility
-V,--show-version Display version information
WITHOUT stopping build
-v,--version Display version information
-X,--debug Produce execution debug output

Skip tests in Jenkins

I've set up a build on Jenkins for a Maven project, and I would like to build it without running any of the tests. I've tried entering "clean install -DskipTests" in the goals field, like this:
But it doesn't work. What am I doing incorrectly?
Note: I want to skip the tests without touching the pom. I have a separate build that DOES run the tests.
The problem is that I omitted =true. I was able to build without running tests by entering:
clean install -DskipTests=true
Just to extend the answer, maven has 2 options for skipping tests:
-DskipTests=true — The one that was mentioned. With this parameter, maven ignores tests completely.
-Dmaven.test.skip=true — With this option maven compiles the tests but doesn't launch them.
So you may want to use the second option instead as fast code compile validation. E.G.: if you develop some library or module that will be used by some one else you must be sure that you don't brake contract with the client. Tests compilation can help you with this.
Use either of these parameters depending on your needs.
use "Goals and options" value is "clean install -DskipTests=true".
it works like a Charm. I saved hours of time using this Option. :-)
I use option "-DskipTests=true" in "Invoke top-level Maven target" -> "JVM Options" and it works fine.

Which Maven goal to use as no-op (for scripting purposes)?

I have a script on Jenkins CI which optionally does dependency:go-offline. The other option should be to do nothing. But I can't put "" in there - it must be a goal.
So - which one would you pick? It should:
Be in central, always reachable
Take minimum time
Have minimal output
Have no side effects
I was thinking of some help:... goal but those tend to have a lot of output. Any better?
You can use this goal and option:
mvn --quiet help:help
the -q,--quiet option causes the output to only show errors.
Note that Jenkins allows you to add options like --quiet as diplayed in the usage: mvn [options] [<goal(s)>]. You configure these in the Jenkins job’s “Goals and options” field.
Check mvn --help output for further information.
I know this is an old question, but I came across it when I had the same requirement and it's still unanswered, so I'm posting for anyone who needs it in future.
This still depends on the current project, but could be useful if you don't want to hardcode a specific plugin for some reason:
mvn -pl ./ validate
-pl ./ means only current project, ignore submodules. Alternatively you could specify specific project by relative path or [groupId]:artifactId.
validate is the first phase of the Default Lifecycle. Doesn't change or build anything.
Alternatively, if you don't have a maven project at all, some maven plugins, or rather specific plugin goals, can be executed without it. E.g.:
mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:2.1:help
It would still scan projects if it sees a POM in the current directory. And of course you still need to have the plugin in your local repository.
