Unable to view Apache log in elasticsearch - elasticsearch

I have installed ELK stack on windows and configured Logstash to read an Apache Log file. I cant seem to see the output in Elasticsearch. I am very new to ELK stack.
Environment Setup
Elasticsearch: http://localhost:9200/
Logstash :
Kibana : http://localhost:5601/
All 3 applications above are running as a service.
I have created a file called "logstash.conf" to read apache logs in "C:\Elk\logstash\conf\logstash.conf" with the following :
input {
file {
path => "C:\Elk\apache.log"
start_position => "beginning"
output {
elasticsearch { hosts => ["localhost:9200"] }
I then restarted my Logstash service and now wish to see if elasticsearch is indexing the content of my log. How do i go about doing this ?

try adding following lines to your logstash conf and let us know if there are any grokparsing failures...which would mean your pattern used in filter section is not correct..
output {
stdout { codec => json }
file { path => "C:/POC/output3.txt" }


ELK - How to use different source in logstash

I have a so far running ELK installation that I want to use to analyse log files from differenct sources:
and so on...
I am using filebeat to collect content from logfiles and sending it to logstash with this filebeat.yml:
- type: log
enabled: true
- /var/log/*.log
- /var/nginx/example_com/logs/
hosts: ["localhost:5044"]
In logstash I alread configured a grok-section, but only for nginx-logs. This was the only working tutorial I found. So this config receives content from filebeat, filters is (that's what grok is for?) and sends it to elasticsearch.
input {
beats {
port => 5044
filter {
grok {
patterns_dir => "/etc/logstash/patterns"
match => { "message" => "%{NGINXACCESS}" }
output {
elasticsearch {
hosts => "localhost:9200"
manage_template => false
index => "%{[#metadata][beat]}-%{[#metadata][version]}-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"
document_type => "%{[#metadata][type]}"
That's the content of the one nginx-pattern file I am referencing:
NGUSERNAME [a-zA-Z\.\#\-\+_%]+
NGINXACCESS %{IPORHOST:clientip} (?:-|(%{WORD}.%{WORD})) %{USER:ident} \[%{HTTPDATE:timestamp}\] "(?:%{WORD:verb} %{NOTSPACE:request}(?: HTTP/%{NUMBER:httpversion})?|%{DATA:rawrequest})" %{NUMBER:response} (?:%{NUMBER:bytes}|-) %{QS:referrer} %{QS:agent} %{QS:forwarder}
But I have trouble understanding how to manage different log-data sources. Because now Kibana only displays log content from /var/log, but there is no log data from my particular nginx folder.
What is it, that I am doing wrong here?
Since you are running filebeat, you already have a module available, that process nginx logs filebeat nginx module
This way, you will not need logstash to process the logs, and you only have to point the output directly to elasticsearch.
But, since you are processing multiple paths with different logs, and because elastic stack don't allow to have multiple output forms (logstash + elasticserach), you can set logstash to only process logs that do not come from nginx. This way, and using the module (that comes with sample dashboards) , your logs will do:
Filebeat -> Logstash (from input plugin to output plugin - without any filtering) -> Elasticsearch
If you really want to process the logs on your own, you are in a good path to finish. But right now, all your logs are being process by the grok pattern. So maybe the problem is with your pattern, that processes logs from nginx, and not from nginx in the same way. You can filter the logs in the filter plugin, with something like this:
#if you are using the module
filter {
if [fileset][module] == "nginx" {
if not, please check different available examples at logstash docs
Another thing you can try, it's add this to you filter. This way, if the grok fails,you will see the log in kibana, but, with the "_grok_parse_error_nginx_error" failure tag.
grok {
patterns_dir => "/etc/logstash/patterns"
match => { "message" => "%{NGINXACCESS}" }
tag_on_failure => [ "_grok_parse_error_nginx_error" ]

Logfile won't apear in elasticsearch

I'm very new to logstash and elasticsearch, I am trying to stash my first log to logstash in a way that I can (correct me if it is not the purpose) search it using elasticsearch....
I have a log that looks like this basically:
2016-12-18 10:16:55,404 - INFO - flowManager.py - loading metadata xml
So, I have created a config file test.conf that looks like this:
input {
file {
path => "/home/usr/tmp/logs/mylog.log"
type => "test-type"
id => "NEWTRY"
filter {
grok {
match => { "message" => "%{YEAR:year}-%{MONTHNUM:month}-%{MONTHDAY:day} %{HOUR:hour}:%{MINUTE:minute}:%{SECOND:second} - %{LOGLEVEL:level} - %{WORD:scriptName}.%{WORD:scriptEND} - " }
output {
elasticsearch {
hosts => ["localhost:9200"]
index => "ecommerce"
codec => line { format => "%{year}-%{month}-%{day} %{hour}:%{minute}:%{second} - %{level} - %{scriptName}.%{scriptEND} - \"%{message}\"" }
And then : ./bin/logstash -f test.conf
I do not see the log in elastic search when I go to: http://localhost:9200/ecommerce OR to http://localhost:9200/ecommerce/test-type/NEWTRY
Please tell me what am I doing wrong.... :\
I found a solution eventually-
I added both sincedb_path=>"/dev/null" (which from what I understood is for testing enviorment only) and start_position => "beginning" to the output file plugin and the file appeared both in elastic and in kibana
Thanks anyway for responding and trying to help!

Logstash got error to send bulk of actions to elasticsearch server at localhost on Windows

I wrote a .conf file as in the example given in the Logstash documentation and tried to run it. Logstash started but when I gave the input it gave the error as mentioned in the title.
I am using Windows 8.1 and the .conf file in saved in the logstash-1.5.0/bin.
Here is the .conf file:
input { stdin { } }
output {
elasticsearch { host => localhost }
stdout { codec => rubydebug }
Here is the screenshot of the command prompt:
Try with this, "logstash" should be the same name of your cluster in Elasticsearch.yml
output {
elasticsearch {
cluster => "logstash"
I found the error. It was because I have not installed elasticsearch before running logstash.
Thanks for trying to helping me out

Logstash not writing output to elasticsearch

The code mentioned is my logstash conf file . I provide my nginx access log file as input and output to elasticsearch .I also write the output to a text file which works fine .. But the output is never been written to elasticsearch.
input {
file {
path => "filepath"
start_position => "beginning"
output {
file {
path => "filepath"
elasticsearch {
host => localhost
port => "9200"
I also tried executing logstash binary from command line using -e option
input { stdin{ } output { elasticsearch { host => localhost } }
which works fine. I get the output written to elasticsearch.. But in the former case i dont . Help me solve this
I tried a few things, I have no idea why your case with just host works. If I try it, i get timeouts. This is the configuration that works for me:
elasticsearch {
protocol => "http"
host => "localhost"
port => "9200"
I tried with logstash 1.4.2 and elasticsearch 1.4.4

Unable to load index to elasticsearch using logstash

I'm Unable to load index to elasticsearch using logstash. The follwing are my logstash.conf settings. To me config settings seems fine. Please help if I'm missing something.
Assume that Logstash & elastic search services are running fine.
input {
file {
type => "IISLog"
path => "C:/inetpub/logs/LogFiles/W3SVC1/u_ex140930.log"
start_postition => "beginning"
output {
stdout { debug => true debug_format => "ruby"}
elasticsearch_http {
host => "localhost"
port => 9200
protocol => "http"
index => "iislogs2"
You can start with checking the following:
Check the logstash log file for errors.
Run the following command:telnet localhost 9200 and verify you are able to connect.
Check elasticsearch log files for errors.
