Split Laravel 5.3 app in packages - laravel

How do I split an app into different modules/packages?
At the moment I plan the following packages:
Common (models, services, ... used in other packages)
Web (Frontend for users)

You can split your laravel app using a specific package called Lpackager.
Easy to use.
Generate your package via an artisan command php artisan lpackager:package <PackageName> <PackagePath> <"NameSpace">
Ability to generate CRUD for your packages/modules using scaffold-interface.


I search faker-avatar for php 8

I want to use avatar in my faker users seeding and I try to use https://github.com/ottaviano/faker-gravatar
But I got error trying to install it :
Package ottaviano/faker-gravatar has a PHP requirement incompatible with your PHP version, PHP extensions and Composer version:
- ottaviano/faker-gravatar 0.1.2 requires php ^7.1 which does not match your installed version 8.1.0.
Looks like it does not support php 8...
Are there similar pluging supporting php 8 ?
Or maybe I can tune this plugin to work under php 8?
Thanks in advance!
You could create an issue on the repo and request that the maintainer update the package to support PHP 8. Alternatively you could fork the repo and either maintain that fork yourself, or create a pull request once you've updated the package.
With the above in mind though, something to note is that package is using an abandoned faker library. There is a new fork that is recommended for use but does not have a gravatar provider.
You could write your own provider for the newer faker library or alternatively go down the very simple route of just implementing a statement to generate a gravatar yourself.
'https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/' . md5(strtolower(trim($faker->email()))) . '?d=identicon';
The above will look for an existing gravatar for the provided email address and return that if it finds one, otherwise will return a default gravatar image which in my example is a geometric pattern based on the email hash.
Whilst this solution might not be as flexible as the package in your question, if all you're after is a gravatar and don't care whether it's isometric or a robot (see default images in the API docs for changing the default image generated) then something simple like this might be all you need.

How to create modular in laravel?

I want to create a modular to create a controller and a model.
Of course, the model is pre-created.
php artisan module:make-controller Admin\ReportController Report --model=Report
I see this message
The "--model" option does not exist.
I assume you used nWidart Modules, so the answer is you can not use --model option because nWidart Modules doesn't support that option/parameter. You need run another command to create a model, an example:
php artisan module:make-model Report Admin
Report is model name, and Admin is module name
check it out for more module commands

How do you extend a view from a package in Laravel?

So i integrated this package to my application, https://github.com/thekordy/ticketit and this package has its own view and i want to modify the views like the create.blade.php,.. how would i do this appropriately?
because my current solutions is just to copy the view from the package change the return view('create'); in my controller?
You will notice many packages include in its instalation proccess this command:
php artisan vendor:publish
What it does behind the scenes is it looks for all package's service providers instructions in order to figure out it anything should be "published" (meaning copying from vendor folder to config/, views/ etc)
I looked at your package's service provider:
https://github.com/thekordy/ticketit/blob/0.2/src/TicketitServiceProvider.php and from line 179 to 182, the package seems to have the correct "publish" instructions.
Which means probably that the documentation skiped this part.
So, you should just basically hit the command php artisan vendor:publish and it will copy views, translations, public and migrations folder to your own apps folders.
Then you will see inside your resources/views a vendor folder, which will now have the ticketit views inside it.
Laravel figure it out when you say "view('ticketit.form.index')" and it will first look inside your own resources folder, if it don't find the content, it will try to look inside the package's folder.
For more, read the docs:https://laravel.com/docs/5.4/packages#views
Just to add one more thing, you can choose which type of resources to publish by using the tags for the publish command
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Kordy\Ticketit\TicketitServiceProvider" --tag="views"
Publish only ticketit views (destination: base_path/resources/views/vendor/ticketit)
If for any reason, found extending views is not enough and want to extend functionalities or controllers themselves, ticketit allows using of custom routes file, you can use that to point to your own custom controllers.
Other supported vendor publish tags:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Kordy\Ticketit\TicketitServiceProvider" --tag="lang"
Publish only ticketit translation files (destination: base_path/resources/lang/vendor/ticketit)
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Kordy\Ticketit\TicketitServiceProvider" --tag="db"
Publish only ticketit migration files (destination: base_path/database/migrations)
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Kordy\Ticketit\TicketitServiceProvider" --tag="public"
Publish only ticketit web resources (js, css, ..) files (destination: public_path/vendor/ticketit)
For anyone facing this issue the solution is Laravel default convention, as shown in documentation: https://laravel.com/docs/5.4/packages#views (publishing views topic)
In short, you need to use the resource path as:
'__DIR__.'/path/to/views' => resource_path('views/vendor/view_namespace)'
where view_namespace is the second parameter inside your loadViewsFrom method.
So given the file: https://github.com/thekordy/ticketit/blob/0.2/src/TicketitServiceProvider.php
If line 102 is $this->loadViewsFrom($viewsDirectory, 'ticketit');
Line 103 should be:
$this->publishes([$viewsDirectory => base_path('views/vendor/ticketit')], 'views');

Best practice to modular programming in Laravel 5+

I'm starting a new project and I want to reuse some parts of it, mainly the stuff related to user registration and authentication. I can copy and paste all of the code but I want to use again. I know there is Package Development in Laravel but it's not easy and feel like there must be a better way.
Some days ago I find a pingpong/modules but I don't know about it. It's third party plugin and don't trust it.
Use this plugin is true? Is this plugin is updated later? What's different between Embedd Package Laravel and pingpong/modules? or Do you have any suggestion?
Pingpong modules seems to be build for the earlier version of Laravel 5 and in how far they are compatible with future versions (and maybe current 5.1.11) I cannot say.
There isn't much activity going look the commit history for 2.1, as of today(18 dec) the last commit was over 6 months ago.
But is the package specifically designed for Laravel? It seems to. They offer a bunch of features which are useful for development. The only unfortunate thing is you get a LOT of code within your own git environment (is it a good thing? I don't know, what do you prefer).
Personally I don't like it in this way for development, I prefer them in the vendor/ folder else it's a pain to update it to newer a version.
Since Laravel 5 Taylor wanted to make package development not too specific anymore, like in Laravel 4. The only thing what you can do (but not have to) to make your package using Laravel is using the ServiceProvider's. The ServiceProvider is the bootstrap into the Laravel application.
If you want to extend or implement your own functionality, fork the repo and build it yourself on top off it and host it (through github/packagist or a private repo using Satis).
Pingpong modules (2.1) is build for Laravel 5 and they you described (Embedded Laravel Package) is more for Laravel 4, because the more specific way you have to write the package.
But, there is alternative?
Whenever you want a more active project/package for development you should tryout Asgard CMS. They are pretty modular and I thought I read somewhere it was inspired by this package (totally not sure).
How about building yourself?
Of course you can build your own packages to achieve the same result. And create it as modular as you want. I created a lot modules for my company and we can create pretty easy a entire system and using and extending/overriding modules. Even small parts from a module can be overwritten to project specific needs.
We have chosen for almost the same structure as the app/ folder which Laravel projects, in case of CMS/API modules.
A packages look like:
Module.php // contains some specifc calculations for example
In the composer.json file we autoload: "Module\\": "src/"
And in the config/app.php we register the ModuleServiceProvider. Now we injected the functionality into Laravel's container and can we use it through the app() instance.
But whenever we only want to use the Models with in another project or standalone, we can still use it because the autoloaded features from composer and the way we build the package. Possible to use:
require_once __DIR__ .'/vendor/autoload.php';
use Module\Models\Module;
$module = new Module;
The package structure we like to use, to have a section for API or CMS stuff:
Module.php // contains some specifc calculations for example
CmsServiceProvider.php // includes `ModuleServiceProvider`
ApiServiceProvider.php // includes `ModuleServiceProvider`
ModuleServiceProvider.php // contains global stuff like commands etc.
and instead of registering ModuleServiceProvider in config/app.php we register the ApiServiceProvider or CmsServiceProvider depending on the wishes of the client/project.
To reuse your classes simply use php namespaces or use to call back your clases.
Using the namespace
namespace Acme\Tools;
class Foo
echo "me";
You can the call class foo
$foo = new \Acme\Tools\Foo();
Using Use.
You can also use use Statement as below :
use \Acme\Tools\Foo;
$foo = new Foo();
Use Middleware
You should also use middleware to filter who should use the scripts ie the Auth middle-ware , which will help you in filtering users , registrations , logins READ MORE http://laravel.com/docs/5.1/middleware
Use Eloquent
Use ORM to create REST apis to your models , its very simple , always let your controller class extend eloquent use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model; ie as :
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model; .Read More http://laravel.com/docs/5.1/eloquent
Lastly Use Laravel In built Helper functions
There are numerous Laravel In built Helper functions , to use simply go over the documentation to help you
I've used pingpong modules. It a pretty cool package. I'm not sure if it's updated much. But it's a very simple package. The only thing it does is create a folder with almost the same structure as in the app folder + views. But these are modules. You can reuse it if you program them right. The same goes for the other answer from jimmy if you have a good structure you can reuse anything.
In the image below you'll see an example of pingpong modules. As you it's pretty much the same structure as the app folder. Maybe more the root folder. Normally it runs start.php and you have a routes.php file int he Http folder. I customized mine a bit. And load the frontend and backend routes within the RouteServiceProvider. This is build with laravel 5.1.

How to run package in laravel 5?

How to run package in laravel 5?
I have downloaded one chat package from INTERNET. And, I have run command vendor:publish and it successfully published.
Now I don't know how to run that.
First you need to check whether the package ships with any service provider and facade. If so, add them in your config/app.php file. Package's service provider should go under providers array and facade should go under aliases array.
As soon as you specify providers under providers array, Laravel now know that you have called an external package, so it will load them. Thus, the package now will be available for your usage.
The easy way to run a package in laravel is:
add the package to composer.json file
then in terminal write composer dump-autoload
