Compiling a Gluon project to an APK - apk

I just started using the (new) version of Gluon, had been using an older one by mistake and on the older version you just clicked "Run as.." then went to Gradle build options then you know the rest, but now that isn't an option so I'm not sure if theres an alternate method now or I just didn't install it correctly.
How do I compile a singleview project?


SpriteBuilder - how to update Cocos2d

It has been awhile since I have used SpriteBuilder with Cocos2d. I am trying to create a new project from SpriteBuilder that I can modify in Xcode. From SpriteBuilder I go to 'File > Open Project in Xcode". This opens Xcode with the new project. When I build the project I get over 40 errors (e.g. 'UIAccelerometer' is deprecated: first deprecated in iOS 5.0 - UIAccelerometer has been replaced by the CoreMotion framework.). It looks like I need to update my Cocos2d. So I went to the repo here and found this statement in the README: "SpriteBuilder also allows you to update the Cocos2D version in your project, to newest version, making it trivial to always keep you project updated to latest Cocos2D version." So it looks like it should be easy to do it, but I can't figure it out. Any ideas?
Xcode Version: 7.1 (7B91b)
SpriteBuilder Version: 1.4.9
SpriteBuilder Revision: eea568a5c7
I'm not sure how you can update cocos2d directly from Spritebuilder, but rather than rely on SpriteBuilder to perform the update, you can do it manually.
You can get the most up to date version of cocos2d by downloading the project straight from its repository on Github. If you want to clone the repository from the command line, the command is:
git clone --recursive
This will download the latest version of Cocos2D (and its dependencies). Now to update the project. Navigate to the new version and copy three folders: cocos2d, cocos2d-ui and external. These three folders contain the changes that need to be moved into your project.
The next part is finding the location of Cocos2D in your project—it's located in the folder named cocos2d-iphone inside the project. Pasting the new folders will prompt a warning that you are trying to replace folders that exist already. For the current updated version of cocos2d, this shouldn't be a problem.
Then, you'll want to "Clean" your project and set your iOS Deployment Target to 8.0.
As a safety precaution, you should then clean the project build folder. You can find the "Clean Build Folder..." by holding the option key (⌥) while selecting the "Product" drop down. (Note that this is different from just using "Clean".)

Moving AndroidStudio project - gradle problems

I'm attempting to move an AndroidStudio project from the default workspace location to another location (as part of moving this project to version control).
I'm new to AndroidStudio ( this is my first "real" project in it ) but when poking around the documentation I found that should be left out of version control, and so I got rid of that. That fixed my first errors when attempting to import.
However, now when I attempt to import the project from the new location, I get the following error:
The project is using an unsupported version of Gradle.
Please point to a supported Gradle version in the project's Gradle settings or in the project's Gradle wrapper (if applicable.)
This project was created just a few days ago in AndroidStudio, using AndroidStudio's default built-in gradle install. In fact, after selecting the project, but for importing it, I can see AndroidStudio is using it's built-in gradle:
AndroidStudio has also disabled the "Use default gradle wrapper" setting.
I'm using AndroidStudio 1.0.2, on Mac OS X, 10.10.1
To explain why I'm moving my project, I started the project as an experiment, and it went well, so I made a new repo for it (private github for work), cloned it to where I do my real work, copied over my project to the local clone, and then attempted to import it to AndroidStudio.
So, it turns out I hadn't copied over .gradle or .idea when I copied the project to the new location.

How do I Compile a Framework in Xcode?

Ever since I switched to Yosemite, I have been getting an Xcode quit unexpectedly error whenever I try to run SDL2. I can't even get a "hello world" to run.
I am trying the fix it by following the directions on this page:
Xcode 5 crashes when running an app with SDL 2
But I don't know how to "Compile the "Framework" target in Xcode/SDL/SDL.xcodeproj" I tried just simply building it but that doesn't seem to work because I don't see any framework file showing up.
Can someone help me figure out how to get rid of this error?
I assume you have got the latest version of the code either by doing hg clone or by downloading the latest snapshot from
This should give you a directory called SDL which contains the source and all of the projects. You will want to open 'Xcode/SDL/SDL.xcodeproj'
Then ensure the following is set as your build target - Framework > My Mac (64-bit) You can change it by clicking on it.
Then hit CMD+B (or select Product->Build from the menu) to build the framework. You will then be able to find the SDL2.framework in the following location:
Copy the framework to /Library/Frameworks

Failed to build project with Android studio

Can anyone tell me why I'm getting this error with AndroidStudio?
Execution failed for task ':sampleapp:preBuild'.
> Build Tools Revision 19.0.0+ is required.
I have installed Android Build-tools 19.0.1 from the Android SDK manager
Check all your build.gradle files whether they are using the 19.0.x version or not.
buildToolsVersion will be defined under the android tag inside the build.gradle file, like this:
android {
compileSdkVersion 19
buildToolsVersion '19.0.3'
// Other Configuration
You can find a list of versions for the Android Build Tools here as well as in the SDK Manager.
Go to Window->Android SDK Manager and run it
You will see Android Build-Tools version installed...
Change build.gradle to reflect the installed version of build tools
This worked for me
Install the version which is shown in error
This seemed to work for me. I had to update the Default settings then restart the IDE:
File->Other Settings->Default Project Structure
Under Project Settings: Project, set Project SDK as Android SDK.
Click Edit button
For Android SDK, set Build target to Android 4.4.2
Click Ok.
Restart IDE
Then rebuild. Seemed to work after that..
This is assuming you've already installed Android-19 and still having difficulties.
If you have installed the required version of the build tools and it does not work:
Eclipse and the Android Studio likely use two different copies of the SDK, and you have updated the other copy.
Edit your project level build.gradle file and set gradle version to the latest version now it is 3.2.1
dependencies {
classpath ''
// NOTE: Do not place your application dependencies here; they belong
// in the individual module build.gradle files
It's helpful to remember that you will have build.gradle files for each module in your Android Studio Project.
I kept hitting my head against the wall - "Where the heck is that line everyone's telling me to change?!" - until I looked in the ~/dev/AndroidProjects/xxprojectnamexx/app folder and looked at the build.gradle file there.

Why am I unable to run this iOS example project in Xcode?
That library includes an example. When I open the example project, "Run" is greyed out under the Product menu. If I switch the scheme to the last one, it crashes with a clang error.
I'm running the Xcode 5.1 DP1, is that why?
You need to git clone the project with its submodule: git clone --recursive…
Do not use the "download source code" feature of Github as it doesn't retrieve project dependencies for you. You may also disable WebP by linking the demo project with "SDWebImage" target instead of "SDWebImage+WebP".
