Connecting JIRA and MS Dynamics - dynamics-crm

I am .NET developer and new to both JIRA and MS Dynamics API development. Recently I got a task to integrate JIRA and MS Dynamics. Basically I need to update JIRA Issue time tracking Information to Dynamics. And also need to share some Dynamics Information on JIRA.
Possible approaches to solve this problem.
Write JIRA plugin to Connect with Dynamics via WEB API. (This approach need Java development Experience)
Write Dynamics extension to communicate with JIRA through JIRA web service
Write Scheduled task to synchronize JIRA and Dynamics using JIRA and Dynamics web services
Develop ASP.NET web site and use JIRA and Dynamics Webhooks to synchronize
I am thinking of write a scheduled task or use Webhooks to achieve this task. Is there any other way to achieve this task? What is the best possible approach to sync JIRA and MS Dynamics.

If you are updating issues only one way (JIRA to CRM) then you can't do this with CRM plugin. Also I don't see how you could do this with ASP.NET website (I mean without any user action on this site). If you need most current data in CRM then best option would be JIRA plugin if not then sheduled task.

I've more or less always seen people go with #3 when having to sync CRM (usually with ERPs like NAV or SAP). We too code custom programs to be scheduled in order to do the syncing.
Or you could buy Scribe, which allegedly syncs anything with anything... No hands-on experience on that, but I know it's used by big companies so it should work.


Utilizing Workflow to Automatically Resolve a Case in Microsoft CRM (No User Input)

I have a logic question regarding the capabilities of automatically resolving Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM (or similar platforms) cases. I utilize an Access database to create emails to send to customers with specific data, while copying my team email to keep track of communications in Microsoft CRM. This action creates a new case in my CRM, which I then need to "Work On" case, add my specific operational catalogs and affected contacts, then finish case as Resolved just to ensure tracking in the CRM system.
My team is currently testing out the capabilities of XML coding in the email which allows the CRM to automatically capture the case specifics described above, however they still need to go in and resolve each case at the end of the day.
After some research, I see that a workflow may be able to do this job of automatically Resolving cases. Is this a possible function for a workflow or plugin to do? Alternatively I have been told by my IT department that we need to have a robot built to complete this task, but I would like to keep this as efficient (and cost savvy) as possible. Any input or suggestions are greatly valued and appreciated.
Thank you!
There are two ways you can solve your problem.
If you want to close all the "CASES" by the day end you can schedule
a "System Workflow" that will execute daily at a specific time and
"Close/Resolve" all the open CASES in your system. Please find below
link on how to setup a "Schedule Workflow" in Dynamics CRM Create
Recursive or Scheduled Workflows in CRM
You can resolve specific cases on Dynamics CRM using C#. Please find below link on how to resolve case using C#.How to close cases in crm 2011 programmatically
Yes. Workflows can be used to close Case records in CRM
If you have the resources (staff) available to write CRM code, you can do it via Code (C#) as well

Does ExecuteMultipleRequest work in Outlook offline mode?

I have a plugin ex:which updates all its child records when that is updated.
This plugin is registered to execute in offline mode as well.
I have done this using ExecuteMultipleRequest. This is working fine when I am updating the parent record from CRM instance.
When I go offline and try to update the parent record its throwing business process error "executemultiplemaxbatchsize".
I checked the exception with Debugging it is as below.
System.NotImplementedException: Microsoft Dynamics CRM has experienced an error. Reference number for administrators or support: #ABA895C7
Does ExecuteMultipleRequest work in Outlook offline mode?
As per MSDN link
it says
This message works regardless whether the caller is connected to the server or offline.
Per the SDK documentation it should but I think that is typo in the documentation. You can open a ticket with Microsoft and they'll probably correct the documentation but not change the functionality.
The reason I believe it's a documentation is is that there is NO reason to use ExecuteMultipleRequest in a plugin. Since there is no SOAP overhead or latency - because the plugin is running on the server and does not use the Organization.svc endpoint - you don't gain any benefit from using ExecuteMultipleRequest in a plugin. ExecuteMultipleRequest is intended for use in client applications to improve performance, not for plugins and workflows.

Webhooks with Microsoft Dynamics CRM?

We have started to use Microsoft CRM for all our client information however we would like to have the most up to date information from CRM for internal tools.
The way we could do this is by running a tool that looks at the data every x minutes and keeps all updated records in the database.
Could someone give a explination on how we could use webhooks for this and if it actually is possible. This would be a lot more efficient to be notified when there is a change rather than checking all the time.
I have researched and found a few projects but they were all in beta - invite only or not available.
In Dynamics CRM Webhooks are not available as intended in the normal definition.
But you can use plugins to implement your notifications. From MSDN:
Another way to think about plug-ins is that they are handlers for
events fired by Microsoft Dynamics CRM. You can subscribe, or
register, a plug-in to a known set of events to have your code run
when the event occurs.

Integrating with Dynamics CRM - REST vs. XML vs. SDK

I put together some code for accessing CRM using the DLL's provided in the SDK download and tried out both the early binding approach and late binding approach.
What I'd like to do is in addition to having some custom entities that my users will access in Dynamics (through the Dynamics UI in the cloud), I also want to build some Android apps that talk to Dynamics.
My understanding is that I can talk to Dynamics from Android via REST (assuming I properly handle the authentication and getting tokens using ADAL libraries since my Dynamics instances run on the Microsoft cloud) or I can use the SDK with .NET as a middle-tier.
What's the recommended approach? Is there a best practice? When would I use the DLL's provided in the SDK and maybe wrap them in my own Web API vs. connecting to Dynamics directly via REST?
Please help this noob.
Kind of hard to say, depends on your talents and needs. Here is a great website link to get started though:
Just a note on the Rest calls, you can only perform CRUD operations by default, and will need to jump through some hoops to perform the other calls.

Data exchange between two Organization in MS CRM

Is there any way through which I can exchange data between two organization.
I want to do my coding in Plugin only. Can we write a code in plugin by which it accesses/manipulates the data of a different org through web services only and not directly hitting its database.
In know the orgs are different worker groups. Just wanted to know if its possible or if there is any other technique.
Thanks in advance.
The data for each CRM organisation is exposed via web services which differ slightly for CRM 2011 and CRM 4. The best thing to do is download the latest version of the SDK for the target platform as there are several examples in there for plugins and service based operations.
From your plugin you will be able to access the other organisation via this service and a connection to the service for the "local organisation in which the plugin is running will be available from the IExecutionContext parameter passed to your plugin. Any operations you carry out across both orgs will not be transactional though.
Also be sure to take a look at the sync and async options available for the plugins. If their use is appropriate for your scenario consider using an async plugin for the updates to the target org to minimise their effect on the source org.
Plug-ins will work. Hitting the database directly is actually not a supported model anyways. You can also think of using BizTalk as the middleware.
