Aurelia 2 custom elements (already sharing a view via #) doing almost the same thing, how to refactor? - refactoring

Here is my problem:
Aurelia app:
a few custom elements (already sharing a view via #UseView) doing almost the same thing (specific func shoud be defined by every element itself), how to manage shared code (inkl #bindable)?
How to refactor this:

The "shared" code you refer to in your question is lifecycle-related stuff in your custom elements, which isn't really suited for sharing. You would need to do inheritance, and with custom elements that's setting yourself up for a lot of headaches.
Rather than sharing code, why not focus on the things which are variable and try to make them configurable? By looking at your gist, that seems by far the most straightforward solution here.
Say you have a custom element that calls a function when a property changes. This function needs to be different for some instances of the element. You could accomplish that with a bindable function, and use the .call behavior, like so:
import { bindable } from 'aurelia-framework';
export class SomeElement {
#bindable value;
#bindable processValue;
valueChanged(newValue, oldValue) {
if (this.processValue) {
this.processValue({ val: newValue });
<some-element value.bind="myValue""myFunc(val)"></some-element>
<some-element value.bind="anotherValue""anotherFunc(val)"></some-element>
myFunc(val) {
console.log("val: " + val);
anotherFunc(val) {
console.log("val: " + val);


Is It Possible For Parent And Child Views To Reference Each Other By Injection/Find Before Init Finishes?

I want an embedded view to be able to call a function from the parent view, so I'm trying to have the child reference its parent by injection. This seems to work fine as long as the embedded view is created onDock:
class TestView : View() {
override val root = vbox {
label("Parent Label")
init {
println("Parent is instantiating.")
override fun onDock() {
val child = find(TestView2::class)
fun doThing() {
println("Parent is doing a thing.")
class TestView2 : View() {
val parentClass: TestView by inject()
override val root = hbox {
label("Sub-view label 1")
label("Sub-view label 2")
init {
println("Sub-view is instantiating.")
I'd like it to be cleaner though. I'd prefer it if I was able to use the find function while creating the parent root. That's a problem, as calling the child view within any part of the init process creates a circular instantiation loop. Any way to avoid this or will I just have to settle for onDock and deal with it?
Just to note, I tried the onDock method again in a real, more complicated application and I got a cycle detection error. So even that method is not guaranteed to work.
You can create cyclic dependencies, but you can't call functions in both component's init block, as that would be impossible to resolve. The main takeaway here is that you're probably doing something you shouldn't. Views should not communicate with each other directly. This creates a tight coupling and prevents reuse. Instead you should communicate with one of the following:
State from a ViewModel
Controller function calls
Events using the EventBus
Since your code example is made up, it's not known what exactly you're trying to achieve in your actual app, but you will find the correct approach in the list above.
I see the urge to call functions in views and setting data directly into ui components instead of using bindings a lot, and in absolutely every case there is a much better way to solve the problem :)

Passing parameters from Command to Converter

I defined a new type of model element as a plug-in; let's refer to it as Foo. A Foo node in the model should translate to a section element in the view. So far, so good. I managed to do that by defining simple conversion rules. I also managed to define a new FooCommand that transforms (renames) selected blocks to Foo.
I got stuck trying to have attributes on those Foo model nodes be translated to attributes on the view elements (and vice-versa). Suppose Foos have an attribute named fooClass which should map to the view element's class attribute.
<Foo fooClass="green-foo"> should map to/from <section class="green-foo">
I can successfully receive parameters in FooCommand, but I can't seem to set them on the blocks being processed by the command:
execute(options = {}) {
const document = this.editor.document;
const fooClass = options.fooClass;
document.enqueueChanges(() => {
const batch = options.batch || document.batch();
const blocks = (options.selection || document.selection).getSelectedBlocks();
for (const block of blocks) {
if (!'foo')) {
batch.rename(block, 'foo');
batch.setAttribute(block, 'fooClass', fooClass);
Below is the code for the init function in the Foo plugin, including the model→view and view→model conversions:
init() {
const editor = this.editor;
const doc = editor.document;
const data =;
const editing = editor.editing;
editor.commands.add('foo', new FooCommand(editor));
doc.schema.registerItem('foo', '$block');
buildModelConverter().for(data.modelToView, editing.modelToView)
.toElement(modelElement => {
const fooClass = modelElement.item.getAttribute('fooClass'));
return new ContainerElement('section', {'class': fooClass});
.toElement(viewElement => {
let classes = Array.from(viewElement.getClassNames());
let modelElement = new ModelElement('foo', {'fooClass': classes[0]});
return modelElement;
When I try to run the command via
editor.execute('foo', { fooClass: 'green-foo' })
I can see that the green-foo value is available to FooCommand, but the modelElement in the model→view conversion, on the other hand, has no fooClass attribute.
I'm sure I'm missing the point here and misusing the APIs. I'd be really thankful if someone could shed some light on this issue. I can provide more details, as needed.
Follow-up after initial suggestions
Thanks to #Reinmar and #jodator for their suggestion regarding configuring the document schema to allow for the custom attribute. I really thought that would have taken care of it, but no. It may have been a necessary step anyway, but I'm still unable to get the attribute value from the model element during the model→view conversion.
First, let me add an important piece of information I had left out: the CKEditor5's version I'm working with is 1.0.0-alpha2. I am aware several of the APIs are bound to change, but I would still like to get things working with the present version.
Model→view conversion
If I understand it correctly, one can either pass a string or a function to the toElement call. A question about using the latter: what exactly are the parameters passed to the function? I assumed it would be the model element (node?) to be converted. Is that the case? If so, why is the attribute set on that node via batch.setAttribute (inside a document.enqueueChanges) not available when requested? Should it be?
A sequencing problem?
Additional testing seems to indicate there's some kind of order-of-execution issue happening. I've observed that, even though the attribute is not available when I first try to read it from the modelElement parameter, it will be so if I read it again later. Let me try to illustrate the situation below. First, I'll modify the conversion code to make it use some dummy value in case the attribute value is not available when read:
buildModelConverter().for(data.modelToView, editing.modelToView)
.toElement(modelElement => {
let fooClass = modelElement.item.getAttribute('fooClass') || 'naught';
let viewElement = new ContainerElement('section');
viewElement.setAttribute('class', fooClass);
return viewElement;
Now I reload the page and execute the following instructions on the console:
c = Array.from(editor.document.getRoot().getChildren());
c[1].is('paragraph'); // true
// Changing the node from 'paragraph' to 'foo' and adding an attribute
// 'fooClass' with value 'green-foo' to it.
editor.document.enqueueChanges(() => {
const batch = editor.document.batch();
batch.rename(c[1], 'foo');
batch.setAttribute(c[1], 'fooClass', 'green-foo');
return batch;
c[1].is('paragraph'); // false
c[1].is('foo'); // true
c[1].hasAttribute('fooClass'); // true
c[1].getAttribute('fooClass'); // 'green-foo'
Even though it looks like the expected output is being produced, a glance at the generated view element shows the problem:
<section class="naught"/>
Lastly, even if I try to reset the fooClass attribute on the model element, the change is not reflected on the view element. Why is that? Shouldn't changes made via enqueueChanges cause the view to update?
Sorry for the very long post, but I'm trying to convey as many details as I can. Here's hoping someone will spot my mistake or misunderstanding of how the CKEditor 5's API actually works.
View not updating?
I turned to Document's events and experimented with the changesDone event. It successfully addresses the "timing" issue, as it consistently triggers only after all changes have been processed. Still, the problem of the view not updating in response to a change in the model remains. To make it clear, the model does change, but the view does not reflect that. Here is the call:
editor.document.enqueueChanges(() => editor.document.batch().setAttribute(c[1], 'fooClass', 'red-foo'));
To be 100% sure I wrote the whole feature myself. I use the 1.0.0-beta.1 API which is completely different than what you had.
Basically – it works. It isn't 100% correct yet, but I'll get to that.
How to convert an element+attribute pair?
The thing when implementing a feature which needs to convert element + attribute is that it requires handling the element and attribute conversion separately as they are treated separately by CKEditor 5.
Therefore, in the code below you'll find that I used elementToElement():
editor.conversion.elementToElement( {
model: 'foo',
view: 'section'
} );
So a converter between model's <foo> element and view's <section> element. This is a two-way converter so it handles upcasting (view -> model) and downcasting (model -> view) conversion.
NOTE: It doesn't handle the attribute.
Theoretically, as the view property you could write a callback which would read the model element's attribute and create view element with this attribute set too. But that wouldn't work because such a configuration would only make sense in case of downcasting (model -> view). How could we use that callback to downcast a view structure?
NOTE: You can write converters for downcast and upcast pipelines separately (by using editor.conversion.for()), in which case you could really use callbacks. But it doesn't really make sense in this case.
The attribute may change independently!
The other problem is that let's say you wrote an element converter which sets the attribute at the same time. Tada, you load <section class=ohmy> and gets <foo class=ohmy> in your model.
But then... what if the attribute will change in the model?
In the downcast pipeline CKEditor 5 treats element changes separately from attribute changes. It fires them as separate events. So, when your FooCommand is executed on a heading it calls writer.rename() and we get the following events in DowncastDispatcher:
remove with <heading>
But then the attribute is changed too (writer.setAttribute()), so we also get:
The elementToElement() conversion helper listens to insert:section event. So it's blind to setAttribute:class:selection.
Therefore, when you change the value of the attribute, you need the attributeToAttribute() conversion.
I didn't want to reply to your question before we released 1.0.0-beta.1 because 1.0.0-beta.1 brought the Differ.
Before 1.0.0-beta.1 all changes were converted immediately when they were applied. So, rename() would cause immediate remove and insert:section events. At this point, the element that you got in the latter one wouldn't have the class attribute set yet.
Thanks to the Differ we're able to start the conversion once all the changes are applied (after change() block is executed). This means that the insert:section event is fired once the model <foo> element has the class attribute set already. That's why you could write a callback-based converters... bur you shouldn't :D
The code
import { downcastAttributeToAttribute } from '#ckeditor/ckeditor5-engine/src/conversion/downcast-converters';
import { upcastAttributeToAttribute } from '#ckeditor/ckeditor5-engine/src/conversion/upcast-converters';
class FooCommand extends Command {
execute( options = {} ) {
const model = this.editor.model;
const fooClass = options.class;
model.change( writer => {
const blocks = model.document.selection.getSelectedBlocks();
for ( const block of blocks ) {
if ( ! 'foo' ) ) {
writer.rename( block, 'foo' );
writer.setAttribute( 'class', fooClass, block );
} );
class FooPlugin extends Plugin {
init() {
const editor = this.editor;
editor.commands.add( 'foo', new FooCommand( editor ) );
editor.model.schema.register( 'foo', {
allowAttributes: 'class',
inheritAllFrom: '$block'
} );
editor.conversion.elementToElement( {
model: 'foo',
view: 'section'
} );
editor.conversion.for( 'upcast' ).add(
upcastAttributeToAttribute( {
model: 'class',
view: 'class'
} )
editor.conversion.for( 'downcast' ).add(
downcastAttributeToAttribute( {
model: 'class',
view: 'class'
} )
// This should work but it does not due to :(((
// EDIT: The above issue is fixed and will be released in 1.0.0-beta.2.
// editor.conversion.attributeToAttribute( {
// model: {
// name: 'foo',
// key: 'class'
// },
// view: {
// name: 'section',
// key: 'class'
// }
// } );
This code works quite well, except the fact that it converts the class attribute on any possible element that has it. That's because I had to use very generic downcastAttributeToAttribute() and upcastAttributeToAttribute() converters because of a bug that I found (EDIT: it's fixed and will be available in 1.0.0-beta.2). The commented out piece of code is how you it should be defined if everything worked fine and it will work in 1.0.0-beta.2.
It's sad that we missed such a simple case, but that's mainly due to the fact that all our features... are much more complicated than this.

Which ReactJS syntax to use; React.createClass or ES6 extends?

I'm beginner of ReactJS. I learned and studied a lot of documents and ebooks on various websites. I realize there are two syntaxes for ReactJS. Example:
displayName: 'Counter',
getDefaultProps: function(){
return {initialCount: 0};
getInitialState: function() {
return {count: this.props.initialCount}
propTypes: {initialCount: React.PropTypes.number},
tick() {
this.setState({count: this.state.count + 1});
render() {
return (
<div onClick={this.tick}>
Clicks: {this.state.count}
And this version is written by ES6:
class Counter extends React.Component {
static propTypes = {initialCount: React.PropTypes.number};
static defaultProps = {initialCount: 0};
constructor(props) {
this.state = {count: props.initialCount};
state = {count: this.props.initialCount};
tick() {
this.setState({count: this.state.count + 1});
render() {
return (
<div onClick={this.tick.bind(this)}>
Clicks: {this.state.count}
What is the better way to use ReactJS? But I found these libraries, application on github used to perform a lot ES6.
The second approach is probably the correct one to adopt going forward as Facebook have said they will ultimately deprecate the React.createClass approach.
From the React v0.13 release notes:
Our eventual goal is for ES6 classes to replace React.createClass completely, but until we have a replacement for current mixin use cases and support for class property initializers in the language, we don't plan to deprecate React.createClass
Personally I think the second approach also makes for easier to read code, but that is obviously a more subjective reason.
However, as stated above, it's important to note that the ES6 format does not support Mixins, so if you need a mixin you need to use the createClass format for that component.
This post "React.createClass versus extends React.Component" by Todd Motto has some good information on the difference between the two syntaxes. It's worth reading that for a discussion of how the this keyword behaves differently between the two syntaxes.
Edit: Dan Caragea's post below makes some excellent points that should definitely be considered too.
A third alternative...
There is a also a third way of defining a React component, called 'Stateless Functions' in the React Documentation and often called 'Stateless Functional Components' or 'Functional Stateless Components'. This is the example from the docs:
function HelloMessage(props) {
return <div>Hello {}</div>;
Defining the component as a function means it is effectively created anew each time and so has no ongoing internal state. This makes the component easier to to reason about, and to test, as the component's behaviour will always be identical for a given set of properties (props), rather than potentially varying from run-to-run due the values of the internal state.
This approach works particularly well when using a separate State management approach such as Redux and ensures that Redux's time-travel will produce consistent results. Functional Stateless Components also make implementing features like undo/redo simpler.
I have done React.createClass for work and ES6 classes for my pet project. I do find the latter easier to read too but I often miss the simplicity/peace of mind I have with the former.
With the class based approach, do note that, technically, the statically defined propTypes and defaultProps are ES7, not ES6 - which might change until ES7 is finalized.
A pure ES6 approach would be to declare propTypes/defaultProps like
class Counter extends React.Component {
Counter.propTypes = {...};
Counter.defaultProps = {...};
You also have to remember to bind onClick in render (or any other method where you need to use this). It's almost certain you will forget to in some places. While with createClass all calls are auto-bound by React.
Another ES7 proposal could make things easier but you'd still need to remember to write it everywhere:
<div onClick={::this.tick}> which binds this to tick.
Of course, you'd have to opt in to stage 0 in babel config to make use of all these ES7 proposals.
About mixins...there are acceptable ways of using mixins with classes. A brilliant approach is mixWith.js but you could also try ES7 decorators, HOCs, even Object.assign() :)
At the end of the day, I feel that the class approach doesn't bring anything of real value and you could go the old and paved way of createClass until you have a good understanding of React. Then you can toy around with classes and ES6/7/100. It will be a long while before they deprecate createClass.
I started with React ES6 + staging style and it sounds nice when you say in React everything is a component. I like this class organization.
Because only methods can be defined inside ES6 class if you want to define properties in pure ES6 they have to be outside of the class. Like for instance in here:
export class Counter extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {count: props.initialCount};
tick() {
this.setState({count: this.state.count + 1});
render() {
return (
<div onClick={this.tick.bind(this)}>
Clicks: {this.state.count}
Counter.propTypes = { initialCount: React.PropTypes.number };
Counter.defaultProps = { initialCount: 0 };
This is why in ES6 propTypes section is outside of the class definition.
But if you use ES7 you can define static and non-static properties without a problem inside of the class.
// ES7
export class Counter extends React.Component {
static propTypes = { initialCount: React.PropTypes.number };
static defaultProps = { initialCount: 0 };
state = { count: this.props.initialCount };
tick() {
this.setState({ count: this.state.count + 1 });
render() {
return (
<div onClick={this.tick.bind(this)}>
Clicks: {this.state.count}
With ES7 you can use implicit binding tips for methods also as demonstrated in here:
return (
<button onClick={(e) => this.handleClick(e)}>
Click me
The old pre React v0.13 style or ES5 style was like this.
In React.createClass all methods are bound this automatically.
This can be a little confusing for JavaScript developers because this is not native JavaScript behavior.
This is whe write:
class Counter extends React.Component {
constructor() {
this.tick = this.tick.bind(this);
tick() {
or use some tricks to accomplish the same using property initializer syntax.
class Counter extends React.Component {
tick = () => {
For the newcomers, I think the latest style is a better choice.
About Mixins
As stated here:
ES6 launched without any mixin support. Therefore, there is no support for mixins when you use React with ES6 classes.
We also found numerous issues in codebases using mixins, and don't recommend using them in the new code.
This section exists only for the reference.

Is it possible to provide UI selectable options to custom msbuild tasks?

I have built a custom msbuild task that I use to convert 3D models in the format I use in my engine. However there are some optional behaviours that I would like to provide. For example allowing the user to choose whether to compute the tangent array or not, whether to reverse the winding order of the indices, etc.
In the actual UI where you select the Build action for each file, is it possible to define custom fields that would then be fed to the input parameters of the task? Such as a "Compute Tangents" dropbox where you can choose True or False?
If that is possible, how? Are there any alternatives besides defining multiple tasks? I.e. ConvertModelTask, ConvertModelComputeTangentTask, ConvertModelReverseIndicesTask, etc.
Everything in a MsBuild Custom Task, has to have "settable properties" to drive behavior.
Option 1.
Define an ENUM-esque to drive you behavior.
From memory, the MSBuild.ExtensionPack.tasks and MSBuild.ExtensionPack.Xml.XmlFile TaskAction="ReadElementText" does this type of thing.
The "TaskAction" is the enum-esque thing. I say "esque", because all you can do on the outside is set a string. and then in the code, convert the string to an internal enum.
See code here:
Option 2: You can still use OO on the tasks. Create a BaseTask (abstract) for shared logic), and then subclass it, and make the other class a subclass, and the msbuild task that you call.
SvnExport does this. SvnClient is the base class. And it has several subclasses.
See code here:
You can probably dive deep with EnvDTE or UITypeEditor but since you already have a custom task why not keep it simple with a basic WinForm?
namespace ClassLibrary1
public class Class1 : Task
public bool ComputeTangents { set { _computeTangents = value; } }
private bool? _computeTangents;
public override bool Execute()
if (!_computeTangents.HasValue)
using (var form1 = new Form1())
_computeTangents = form1.checkBox1.Checked;
Log.LogMessage("Compute Tangents: {0}", _computeTangents.Value);
return !Log.HasLoggedErrors;

ViewModels and IsolatedStorageSettings

Im working on a MVVM Windows phone app that displays weather info.
When the app loads up it opens MainPage.xaml. It makes a call the the service to get weather info and binds that data to the UI. Both Fahrenheit and Celcius info are returned but only one is displayed.
On the setting page, the user can select to view the temp in either Fahrenheit or Celcius.
The user can change this setting at any time and its stored in IsolatedStorageSettings.
The issue Im having is this:
when the user navigates to the Settings page and changes their preference for either Fahrenheit or Celcius, this change is not reflected on the main page.
This issue started me thinking about this in a broader context. I can see this being an issue in ANY MVVM app where the display depends on some setting in IsolatedStorage. Any time any setting in the IsoStore is updated, how does the ViewModels know this? When I navigate back in the NavigationStack from the settings page back to MainPage how can I force a rebind of the page?
The data in my model hasnt changed, only the data that I want to display has changed.
Am I missing something simple here?
Thanks in advance.
Probably you have code like this:
public double DisplayTemperature
get { return (IsCelsium) ? Celsium : Fahrenheit; }
And IsCelsium is:
public double IsCelsium
get { return (bool)settings["IsCelsium"]; }
set { settings["IsCelsium"] = value; }
So you need to add NotifyPropertyChanged event to notify UI to get new values from DisplayTemperature property:
public double IsCelsium
get { return (bool)settings["IsCelsium"]; }
settings["IsCelsium"] = value;
Take a look at Caliburn Micro. You could implement something similar or use CM itself. When using CM I don't even think about this stuff, CM makes it so simple.
When your ViewModel inherits from Screen there are life-cycle events that fire that you can override. For example, OnInitialize fires the very first time the ViewModel is Activated and OnActivate fires every time the VM is activated. There's also OnViewAttached and OnViewLoaded.
These methods are the perfect place to put logic to populate or re-populate data.
CM also has some special built in features for allowing one to easily tombstone a single property or an entire object graph into Iso or phone state.
ok, so Ive come up with a solution. Before I get to it, let me provide some background. The app that Im working on uses both MVVM Light and WP7Contrib. That being the case, I am using Funq for DI and the MVVMLight Toolkit. After I posted my initial question, I gave the question a bit more thought. I remembered a video that I watched a while back from MIX2011 called Deep Dive MVVM with Laurent Bugnion
In it, he talks about just this problem (view models not living at the same time) on Windows Phone. The part in question starts around the 19 minute mark.
Anyway, after I remembered that and realized that the ViewModel locator is exposed in App.xaml, this became a trivial problem to solve. When the user changes the Fahrenheit/Celcius option on the setting page, I simply get a reference to the MainViewModel via the ViewModelLocator and reset the collection that is bound to the UI thus causing the bindings to update.
public bool AddOrUpdateValue(string Key, Object value)
bool valueChanged = false;
// If the key exists
if (settings.Contains(Key))
// If the value has changed
if (settings[Key] != value)
// Store the new value
settings[Key] = value;
valueChanged = true;
// Otherwise create the key.
settings.Add(Key, value);
valueChanged = true;
return valueChanged;
public bool ImperialSetting
return GetValueOrDefault<bool>(ImperialSettingKeyName, ImperialSettingDefault);
if (AddOrUpdateValue(ImperialSettingKeyName, value))
var vml = new ViewModelLocator();
vml.MainViewModel.Cities = (App.Current as App).Cities;
It was a mistake on my part not to realize that I could get access to the viewModel via the ViewModelLocator. Hopefully this post saves someone else the time I burned on this issue.
