Get all fields from an interface - go

How do I know the fields I can access from the reply object/interface? I tried reflection but it seems you have to know the field name first. What if I need to know all the fields available to me?
// Do sends a command to the server and returns the received reply.
Do(commandName string, args ...interface{}) (reply interface{}, err error)

You can use the reflect.TypeOf() function to obtain a reflect.Type type descriptor. From there, you can list fields of the dynamic value stored in the interface.
type Point struct {
X int
Y int
var reply interface{} = Point{1, 2}
t := reflect.TypeOf(reply)
for i := 0; i < t.NumField(); i++ {
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", t.Field(i))
{Name:X PkgPath: Type:int Tag: Offset:0 Index:[0] Anonymous:false}
{Name:Y PkgPath: Type:int Tag: Offset:4 Index:[1] Anonymous:false}
The result of a Type.Field() call is a reflect.StructField value which is a struct, containing the name of the field among other things:
type StructField struct {
// Name is the field name.
Name string
// ...
If you also want the values of the fields, you may use reflect.ValueOf() to obtain a reflect.Value(), and then you may use Value.Field() or Value.FieldByName():
v := reflect.ValueOf(reply)
for i := 0; i < v.NumField(); i++ {
Try it on the Go Playground.
Note: often a pointer to struct is wrapped in an interface. In such cases you may use Type.Elem() and Value.Elem() to "navigate" to the pointed type or value:
t := reflect.TypeOf(reply).Elem()
v := reflect.ValueOf(reply).Elem()
If you don't know whether it's a pointer or not, you can check it with Type.Kind() and Value.Kind(), comparing the result with reflect.Ptr:
t := reflect.TypeOf(reply)
if t.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
t = t.Elem()
// ...
v := reflect.ValueOf(reply)
if v.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
v = v.Elem()
Try this variant on the Go Playground.
For a detailed introduction to Go's reflection, read the blog post: The Laws of Reflection.


Calling interface method after reflection & type switching in golang

I have struct
type ChartOpts struct {
Name mypakage.MyType
Repo mypakage.MyType
Ι want to iterate over its fields and if a type assertion is satisfied, called the method on that (asserted) type.
func (chartOpts ChartOpts) BindFlags(cobCom *cobra.Command) {
fields := reflect.TypeOf(chartOpts)
values := reflect.ValueOf(chartOpts)
num := fields.NumField()
fmt.Println(fields, values, num)
for i := 0; i < num; i++ {
field := fields.Field(i)
switch v := field.Type.(type) {
case mypackage.MyType:
The above code does not compile with this error:
field.BindPersistentFlag undefined (type reflect.StructField has no field or method BindPersistentFlag)
field is of type reflect.StructField, it's not the field's value, it is its struct field descriptor.
You need to type-switch on the field's value:
Note that the above is the field's value wrapped in reflect.Value, so extract the value with Value.Interface():
for i := 0; i < num; i++ {
switch v := values.Field(i).Interface().(type) {
case mypackage.MyType:
And call BindPersistentFlag() on v, as that will be of type mypackage.MyType inside the case.
You need to use the value and recover an interface out of reflect:
In your case it would be simpler to switch over the interface:
switch v := values.Field(i).Interface().(type) {
case Type:

Extracting Generic Struct Values by Reflection

I'm trying to extract all of the values for a struct into a string slice.
func structValues(item Item) []string {
values := []string{}
e := reflect.ValueOf(&item).Elem()
for i := 0; i < e.NumField(); i++ {
fieldValue := e.Field(i).Interface()
values = append(values, fmt.Sprintf("%#v", fieldValue))
return values
I'd like to use this function with any struct, so I thought I could just change the type signature to func structValues(item interface{}) but then I got a panic:
panic: reflect: call of reflect.Value.NumField on interface Value
Working example:
I'd like to use this function with any struct ...
You can do this, but note that it gives up type-safety. Moreover, the only way to do this is to allow a call with any type, not just any type that is some structure type, so you have to check that what you got was in fact some struct type:
func structValues(item interface{}) {
if reflect.ValueOf(item).Kind() != reflect.Struct {
... do something here ...
Having made that check—or deferring it slightly, or omitting it to allow reflect to panic instead—you then need to replace reflect.ValueOf(&item).Elem() with the simpler reflect.ValueOf(item).
If you wish to allow pointers to structures as well as actual structures, you can make that happen pretty simply by using reflect.Indirect first. The result is:
func structValues(item interface{}) []string {
e := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(item))
if e.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
panic("not a struct")
values := []string{}
for i := 0; i < e.NumField(); i++ {
fieldValue := e.Field(i).Interface()
values = append(values, fmt.Sprintf("%#v", fieldValue))
return values
Leave out the reflect.Indirect if you want to make sure that callers do their own indirection when they have a pointer.
(Note that the panic here is not very friendly. If you want proper debugging, consider either just printing the struct directly with %v or %#v, or for something much more thorough, the spew package.)
Complete example here on the Go Playground uses your type Item struct from your own link.

How to use reflect to set every field of struct to non-nil value in go

Suppose I have some type, and I want to instantiate a variable of this type, with every value non-nil.
type Event struct {
HappenedAtMs int64
ReceivedAtMs int64
FieldA *FieldAType
FieldB []*FieldBType
Here is what I am currently trying:
eventFields := reflect.TypeOf(Event{})
event := Event{}
for i := 0; i < eventFields.NumField(); i++ {
nonEmptyType := reflect.New(eventFields.Field(i).Type).Elem()
However, upon running this code, all the fields in the event variable are still set to nil. How can I achieve what I want?
The reflect package needs a pointer to the struct for it to be able to set its fields. The fields also need to be exported which you can check against using the CanSet method.
To initialize a pointer type with reflect you can simply do reflect.New(T.Elem()). To initialize a map, a slice, a func, or a chan type to non-nil you can use the MakeMap, MakeSlice, MakeFunc, and MakeChan functions respectively. To initialize an interface type to non-nil you can create an anonymous struct type, using reflect.StructOf, with a single embedded field of the target interface type, by embedding the interface type the struct type automatically satisfies the interface and an instance of it can be used to set the field to non-nil.
event := Event{}
rv := reflect.ValueOf(&event).Elem()
for i := 0; i < rv.NumField(); i++ {
if f := rv.Field(i); isNilable(f) && f.IsNil() && f.CanSet() {
switch f.Kind() {
case reflect.Ptr:
case reflect.Slice:
f.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(f.Type(), 0, 0))
case reflect.Interface:
sf := reflect.StructField{
Name: f.Type().Name(),
Type: f.Type(),
Anonymous: true,
rt := reflect.StructOf([]reflect.StructField{sf})
// TODO handle the rest of nilable types

cast interface{} to []interface{}

How can I cast an interface{} to []interface{} ?
rt := reflect.ValueOf(raw)
switch rt.Kind() {
case reflect.Slice:
src := raw.([]interface{}) //this operation errors out
for _,_ := range src {
//some operation
I get an error panic: interface conversion: interface {} is []string, not []interface {}
I want make this method generic enough to handle any type, not a fixed type.
I'm very new to Go and I'm stuck with this problem, most likely I'm doing it wrong. Any suggestion how can I get around this ?
Some operation is json.Marshal which return byte array.
What I'm really trying to do:
I have a function that receives interface type, if it is an array/slice then I would like to run json.Marshal on each item rather than apply it as a whole. Basically, I'm trying to break up the JSON blob if the first level object is an array, and yes it needs to be generic.
As the error message states, a []string is not an []interface{}. See the FAQ for an explanation.
Use the reflect API do to this generically:
v := reflect.ValueOf(raw)
switch v.Kind() {
case reflect.Slice:
for i := 0; i < v.Len(); i++ {
elem := v.Index(i).Interface()
// elem is an element of the slice
Run it on the Playground.

interface{} variable to []interface{}

I have an interface{} variable and I know it's a pointer to slice:
func isPointerToSlice(val interface{}) bool {
value := reflect.ValueOf(val)
return value.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && value.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Slice
But I'm finding difficult to type cast it into an []interface{} variable:
if isPointerToSlice(val) {
slice, worked := reflect.ValueOf(val).Elem().Interface().([]interface{})
// 'worked' is false :(
This doesn't work. Any idea how can I solve this?
If you just want to convert a slice to []interface{} you can use something like this:
func sliceToIfaceSlice(val interface{}) []interface{} {
rf := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(val)) // skip the pointer
if k := rf.Kind(); k != reflect.Slice && k != reflect.Array {
// panic("expected a slice or array")
return nil
out := make([]interface{}, rf.Len())
for i := range out {
out[i] = rf.Index(i).Interface()
return out
You can simply use type assertion to obtain the value stored in an interface, e.g.
if isPointerToSlice(val) {
var result []interface{}
result = *val.(*[]interface{})
} else {
fmt.Println("Not *[]interface{}")
The type of the value stored in the interface as you claim is pointer to []interface{}, which is *[]interface{}. The result of the type assertion will be a pointer, just dereference it to get the slice []interface{}.
Using short variable declaration:
result := *val.(*[]interface{}) // type of result is []interface{}
Try it on the Go Playground.
Also your attempt also works:
slice, worked := reflect.ValueOf(val).Elem().Interface().([]interface{})
fmt.Println(slice, worked)
Here's the edited the Playground example which proves your solution works.
But using reflection is unnecessary (as it can be done with type assertion).
Also note that *[]interface{} and *[]someOtherType are 2 different types and you can't obtain a value of *[]interface{} if there is something else in val.
Icza's answer is great and will work especially if you can't know for sure you are getting an interface slice, however if you don't want to bother with the reflect package at all and want to keep imported code low, you can use type switching to obtain the same functionality using only built-in methods.
Using this method, you can shorten your code to just:
package main
import (
func main() {
s := []interface{}{"one", 2}
p := &s
func do(val interface{}) {
switch val.(type){
case *[]interface{}:
var result []interface{}
result = *val.(*[]interface{})
The downside is if you don't know the exact type of slice you are receiving beforehand, then this will not work unless you list all possible types for handling and assertion.
