How to render a container dynamically in react-redux? - react-redux

I am new to redux-react so excuse me if it is a stupid question.
I have a page which shows the list of some products in a table.
When I click on a product, I want to show details about that product in a panel overlaying the main page.
The problem is that the detail page has already a component and container class.
If I want to render the component I have to mix the main page and detail page containers together which I don't want. I want to keep each page component and container separate.
When I render container I get the error
Invariant Violation: Could not find "store" in either the context or props. Either wrap the root component in a , or explicitly pass "store" as a prop.
I don't know how to pass it and I googled about it I couldn't find a solution for my case. I don't want to initialize a new store.
Here is my click function to show the detail page.
<div className="my-panel" id="my-panel" data-toggler=".is-active">
<ProductDetailContainer />
<button className="button" data-toggle="my-panel">Close</button>
here is my product detail container code:
export class ProductDetailContainer extends RootContainer {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
productDetail: {}
componentDidMount() {
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
//some code here
handleRefresh() {
//some code here
render() {
return (
<div className="row small-12 columns">
ProductDetailContainer.propTypes = {
productDetail: PropTypes.object
export function mapStateToProps(state) {
return {
productDetail: state.productdetail
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(ProductDetailContainer);


How to filter through content of component with a string passed through the props?

With a text field in the parent component, I want to filter through multiple child components where the string is being passed through the props. The child components have been outputted through a map function which is importing data from an API into the props also. I have the user input console logging after being passed as props to the child (searchTerm). My problem is that I can't hide the display of individual components based on the user's input. The trouble I'm having is that when one decides to hide itself - they all do. I've tried indexOf and have found include() to be more useful. I'm worried about my approach to the problem and would appreciate some wisdom from more seasoned react developers.
//parent component
render() {
return (
<input type="text" className = {styles.searchField} id="searchField" placeholder = "Search..." onChange = {this.getUserInput}/>
<div className={styles.container}>
{, index) => (
<Tile key ={index} searchTerm ={this.state.searchTerm} buy ={element.amazon_product_url}
img ={element.book_image} summary ={element.description} url={element.book_image}
book_author ={} book_title ={element.title} />
//child component
class Tile extends React.Component {
public state:{display:boolean} = {display:true};
public getContainerContent = () => {
const containers: NodeListOf<Element> | null = document.querySelectorAll("#container");
containers.forEach(element => {
if (element.innerHTML.toLocaleLowerCase().includes(this.props.searchTerm) !== false) {
else if (this.props.searchTerm == "") {
else {
this.setState({ display: false });
public componentWillReceiveProps = () => {
render() {
const renderContainer = this.state.display ? styles.container : styles.hideDisplay;
return (
<div className={styles.container} id="container">
<img src = {this.props.img} alt="book cover"/>
</div> );
I think the problem stems from the getContainerContent method in your child component.
Why would a single child component be concerned with data that belongs to other child components?
A way you can solve this is to first declare in the parent component which props are you going to match the filter against when displaying child components.
Then, you could iterate over these declared props and decide whether the component should display a child component or not.
// parent comp
private shouldDisplayElement (element, searchTerm: string): boolean {
const propsToMatchFiltersAgainst = ['book_title', 'book_author', 'buy', /* etc... */];
let shouldDisplay = false;
for (const p of propsToMatchFiltersAgainst) {
if (`${element[p]}`.toLowerCase().includes(searchTerm.trim())) {
shouldDisplay = true;
return shouldDisplay;
// parent's render fn
<div className={styles.container}>
{, index) => (
this.shouldDisplayElement(element, this.state.searchTerm)
? <Tile
book_author={} book_title={element.title}
: null
This way, given the current situation, you don't need to use the getContainerContent method in your child component anymore.

In list component, how to implement a component to change the number of results displayed

I was thinking about making a simple component with a Select and the list of results that should be displayed.
After reading the code, that seems impossible, because if I change the url, then update is triggered by componentWillReceiveProps, and this method does not check for a change of perPage
Change the prop perPage of the List component does not work either because the List use this prop only if the query does not already contains perPage
Here is an example of what I want to do :
import { List } from "admin-on-rest";
class SourceList extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
perPage: 10
render() {
return (
onClick={() => {
this.setState({ perPage: 50 });
<List {...props} perPage={this.state.perPage}>
... Here would be the content of the list

how to combine checkbox with text input in reactjs

i am trying to build a Ui component in Reactjs which combines a checkbox and a text input attched to it (instead of a text label) so that if the checkbox is checked , the user can change the text input , and if its unchecked the user will not be able to do so
the final goal is to render outside of the component all of textinputs valus which left checked as a list or as a menu item.
Its should look like this :
Checkbox with Text input
anyone knows how should i do this ? im new to reactjs and got a bit confused how to pass logic between two components(as in here between the checkbox and the text input and between the "combo" component and the outer rendered list) .
thanks in advance !
well i managed to build the component but i cant make the children call the parent handler (handlerCheckbox , handlerInput)in order to actually make the magic happen.
anything im doing wrong ?
this is the child:
class CheckboxTxtInput extends React.Component{
handleCheckboxChild(e) {
return (
<input type="checkbox" onChange={this.handleCheckboxChild} defaultChecked={this.props.isChecked} />
<input type="text" value={this.props.inputValue} disabled={!this.props.isChecked} onChange={this.handleInputChild}/>
This is the parent:
export default class Text extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
textItems: [{id:0,inputValue:'text',isChecked:true},{id:1,inputValue:'text',isChecked:true}
this.handleCheckbox = this.handleCheckbox.bind(this);
this.handleInput= this.handleInput.bind(this);
handleCheckbox(e,id) {
var stateCopy = Object.assign({}, this.state);
stateCopy.textItems[id].isChecked =;
var stateCopy = Object.assign({}, this.state);
stateCopy.textItems[id].text =;
render () {
return (
<hr className="divider-long"/>
<UI.sectionDividerLabeled label="Show/Hide Text"/>
<hr className="divider-long"/>
<p>Here you can show\hide your text</p>
<CheckboxTxtInput id={this.state.textItems[0].id} isChecked={this.state.textItems[0].isChecked}
inputValue={this.state.textItems[0].inputValue} handleInput={this.handleInput}
handleCheckbox={this.handleCheckbox} />
<CheckboxTxtInput id={this.state.textItems[1].id} isChecked={this.state.textItems[1].isChecked}
inputValue={this.state.textItems[1].inputValue} handleInput={this.handleInput}
<CheckboxTxtInput id={this.state.textItems[2].id} isChecked={this.state.textItems[2].isChecked}
handleInput={this.handleInput} handleCheckbox={this.handleCheckbox}/>
<CheckboxTxtInput id={this.state.textItems[3].id} isChecked={this.state.textItems[3].isChecked}
inputValue={this.state.textItems[3].inputValue} handleInput={this.handleInput}
<RenderText />
The simplest, React-like way to do this is to have a parent wrapper component - say LabeledCheckbox which contains your Text input and your Checkbox components.
When either of the child components do something, they call a callback provided by the parent, and the parent maintains the state for the two components, passing that state down into the props of both children.
The children in this case would never maintain their own state, instead simply calling callbacks and being prop-fed.
Create one component with checkbox and input field with the state of the checkbox and text field.
And then you can reuse it where you want.
You can do something like this :
class CheckboxTxtInput extends React.Component{
this.state = {
checkbox: false,
inputValue: ""
return (
<input type="checkbox" onChange={this.handleCheckbox.bind(this)} checked={this.state.checkbox}/>
<input type="text" value={this.state.inputValue} disabled={this.state.checkbox} onChange={this.handleInput.bind(this)}/>
class Test extends React.Component {
return (
<div><CheckboxTxtInput /></div>
React.render(<Test />, document.getElementById('container'));
Here is the fiddle.
Hope this helps.

Redux-Form: Not able to change value of input elements

I've been trying to implement a form in MapsAddrForm.jsx using Redux-Form and I can't seem to change the value of my input element. When the page loads, the input element does not respond to keyboard input, and when the form field submits, it returns an empty object to the parent component DistrictFinder. Beyond these two files, I've also added form:formReducer as an argument to combineReducers much like the simple example in the Redux-Form tutorials. Is there any way to restore the ability for the DistrictFinder to receive data objects from the address form? For reference, I'm using React 15.1.0, React-redux 4.4.5, ES6, and Redux-Form 5.3.1, all compiled using Webpack.
import React, {Component} from 'react';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import {reduxForm} from 'redux-form';
class MapsAddrForm extends Component {
constructor(props) {
render() {
const {fields: {address,address2}, handleSubmit} = this.props;
return (
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
<input type="text" placeholder="Your address" {...address}/>
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
export default reduxForm({
form: 'addressForm',
fields: ['address']
import React, { Component, PropTypes } from 'react'
import MapsAddrForm from './MapsAddrForm.jsx'
import { connect } from 'react-redux'
import { changeAddress } from '../actions/index.jsx'
class DistrictFinder extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.handleAddrSubmit = this.handleAddrSubmit.bind(this);
handleAddrSubmit(data) {
console.log("Address received: " + JSON.stringify(data));
render() {
const {address, district} = this.props
return (
<div class="GMaps">
<h1>Find your district!</h1>
<MapsAddrForm onSubmit={this.handleAddrSubmit} />
<p>My district number is: {district}</p>
DistrictFinder.propTypes = {
district: PropTypes.string.isRequired,
dispatch: PropTypes.func.isRequired
function mapStateToProps(state) {
const { district } = state.infoChange;
return {
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(DistrictFinder);
I ran into this as well on redux-form#6.2.0
After looking at the source for one of the examples, I noticed the call to combineReducers has an explicit key "form" to the object argument. When I added this explicit key, the fields became editable.
// Correct
const reducer = combineReducers({
form: reduxFormReducer // mounted under "form"
If you have an existing app, like I do, you likely have this style es6 syntax from the various redux starters.
// Incorrect: results in the witnessed bad behavior
const reducer = combineReducers({
See the combineReducers call at
It'd be interesting to see if this could be a constant that could be passed in and leveraged by the lib. "form" feels like a easily corruptible "namespace".

Apply binding once in knockout component

In my web application I have (let's say) 2 tabs, both are custom knockout components. Their visibility is controlled by the following syntax:
<div id="page" data-bind="component: { name: currentTab }"></div>
where currentTab is an observable with the name of the current tab.
In both tabs I have visualisations with D3.js, using custom bindings. The problem is that these custom bindings are reinitialised after opening a tab. Is there a way to only load them once so that they don't need to be redrawn?
Note that the component's viewmodels aren't reinitialised, as they are created with the { instance: new viewModel() } trick:
define(['knockout', 'text!./tab-one.html', 'jquery'], function(ko, template, $) {
function ViewModel() {
var self = this;
return {
viewModel: { instance: new ViewModel() },
template: template
You may need to change slightly your approach:
<div id="page">
<div id="tab-1" data-bind="visible: (currentTab() == 'drawing-1'), component:{name:'drawing-1'}"></div>
<div id="tab-2" data-bind="visible: (currentTab() == 'drawing-2'), component:{name:'drawing-2'}"></div>
As alternative, you can add some more flexibility to your components if you provide a viewmodel, for example to encapsulate the logic of the visibility inside the component itself, and moreover - if you can also eventually skip the first redraw at component initialization:
This is just an example, but you can see the idea:
ko.components.register('drawing', {
viewModel: function(params) {
// Behaviors
this.active1 = params.currentTab == 'drawing-1';
this.active2 = params.currentTab == 'drawing-2';
this.draw = ko.computed(function() {
if (!ko.computedContext.isInitial()) {
// do some changes to the drawing
'<div data-bind="visible: active1">'+
// drawing 1
'<div data-bind="visible: active2">'+
// drawing 2
