Find directories not containing a file recursively - bash

I want to find the directories which does not having any files.Below is the sample script which will write a sample file with all the directory names.
CURRENT_DATE=`date +'%d%m%Y'`
Year=`date +%Y`
cd $File_Path
echo $Year
find /bishare/DLSFTP/$Year* -type d -exec ls -dlrt {} + > $Temp_Path/Vendors_Data_$CURRENT_DATE.txt

If I understand well, you're looking for empty directory.
You can use the -empty parameter of find command for that:
find /bishare/DLSFTP/$Year* -type d -empty


how to use find result as part of regex in bash shell

I want to find out which directory doesn't have *.dsc file in it, so I had a try:
find . -type d -exec ls {}/*.dsc
the output is as below:
ls: connot access './abc/*.dsc': No such file or directory
I'm sure that there is a dsc file in abc/ directory.
Seems bash shell will treat "{}/*.dsc" as a string but not a regex, so I had another try:
find . -type d|xargs -I {} ls {}/*.dsc
but the result is the same.
How could I get the command work as I need?
Can you try this one out :
find . ! -iname "*.dsc" -type d
!: This is used to negate the match. It will list everything but files with .dsc extension.
-type d: This will fetch all the directories.
I wasn't able to use wildcards in find + ls, but the command below works.
find . -type d -not -path . | while read -r dir; do [ -f $dir/*\.dsc ] || echo $dir; done
It test separately whether a file *.dsc exists and echoes the directory otherwise.

"dir/*: No such file or directory" with find -exec ... "{}/*"

The current directory contains files and directories. The directories have no sub-directories, but may contain zero or more files, for example:
When I execute find . -type d -maxdepth 1 I get a listing of the directories:
If I execute mv ./directory1/* . all files in directory1 are moved to the current level . so I thought I could use find -exec to do everything in one go:
find . -type d -maxdepth 1 -exec mv "{}/*" . \;
But I get this response:
mv: rename ./directory1/* to ./*: No such file or directory
How can I move all the files in subdirectories to the current level?
Globbing (replacing foo/* with foo/dirA, foo/dirB, etc) is performed by the shell, not by mv. find -exec doesn't start a shell unless you do so manually; for example:
find . -type d -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 \
-exec sh -c 'for dir; do mv -- "$dir"/* .; done' _ {} +
There's no real need to use find. You can do it with a single mv to move the files and rmdir to remove the now-empty directories.
mv */* .
rmdir */

"find" command with a variable directory

I'm trying to list the files in a directory that is given by the variable DIR. My code looks like this so far:
for i in `find $DIR -name "*.txt"
The variable DIR is already defined. I'm not sure what the syntax is here.
ls "${DIR}/*.txt"
find "${DIR}" -name "*.txt"
should do the trick. The first one only lists *.txt files in the directory itself, the second one also *.txt files in subdirectories.
I guess you want to execute a given action on all files with extension "txt" under $DIR and/or its subdirs. As usual there are different solutions.
This one:
$ for i in $(find "$DIR" -name \*.txt) ; do echo "Do something with ${i}" ; done
won't work if file path (either the file itself or one subdirectory) contains spaces.
But you can use this:
$ find "$DIR" -type f -name \*.txt | while read i ; do echo "Do something with ${i}" ; done
or this:
$ find "$DIR" -type f -name \*.txt -print0 | xargs -0 -I {} echo "Do something with {}"
or this:
$ find "$DIR" -type f -name \*.txt -exec echo "Do something with {}" \;
or... 100 additional solutions.
Not sure what you want.
find $DIR -name "*.txt" -print
will list all the files that end with .txt and are located in $DIR or its subdirectories. You can omit the -print as that is the default behaviour anyway.
If you have a simple thing you want to do with this file, you can use find's -exec function:
find $DIR -name "*.txt" -exec wc -l {} \;
Or you can use a loop:
for f in `find $DIR -name "*.txt"`; do
wc -l $f
mv $f /some/other/dir/
note: as #mauro helpfully pointed out, this will not work if the DIR or the file names contain spaces.

A script that iterates over all files in folder

There is a script on a server that I need to run over all the files in a folder. To run this script over one file I use this shell script:
for input in /home/arashsa/duo-bokmaal/Bokmaal/DUO_BM_28042.txt ; do
name=$(basename "$input")
/corpora/bokm/tools/The-Oslo-Bergen-Tagger/./ "$input" > "/home/arashsa/duo-bokmaal-obt/$name"
I'm terrible at writing shell scripts, and have not managed to found out how to iterate over files. What I want it is to make the script iterate over all files in a given folder that end with .txt and not those that end with _metadata.txt. So I'm thinking I would give it the folder path as argument, make it iterate over all the files in that folder, and run script on files ending with .txt and not _metadata.txt
Use find and the exec option.
$ find /path/to/dir -exec <command here> \;
Each file or directory can be obtained by using {}.
Example usage: $ find . -exec echo {} \;, this will echo each file name recursively or directory name in the current directory. You can use some other options to further specify the desired files and directories you wish to handle. I will briefly explain some of them. Note that the echo is redundant because the output of find will automatically print but I'll leave it there to illustrate the working of exec. This being said, following commands yield the same result: $ find . -exec echo {} \; and $ find .
maxdepth and mindepth
Specifying the maxdepth and mindepth allows you to go as deep down the directory structure as you like. Maxdepth determines how many times find will enter a directory and mindepth determines how many times a directory should be entered before selecting a file or dir.
Example usages:
(1) listing only elements from this dir, including . (= current dir).
(2) listing only elements from current dir excluding .
(3) listing elements from root dir and all dirs in this dir
(1)$ find . -maxdepth 1 -exec echo {} \;
(2)$ find . -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -exec echo {} \;
# or, alternatively
(2)$ find . ! -path . -maxdepth 1 -exec echo {} \;
(3)$ find / -maxdepth 2 -exec echo {} \;
Specifying a type option allows you to filter files or directories only, example usage:
(1) list all files in this dir
(2) call shell script funtion func on every directory in the root dir.
(1)$ find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec echo {} \;
(2)$ find / -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec func {} \;
name & regex
The name option allows you to search for specific filenames, you can also look for files and dirs using a regex format.
Example usage: find all movies in a certain directory
$ find /path/to/dir -maxdepth 1 -regextype sed -regex ".*\.\(avi\|mp4\|mkv\)"
Another filter is the file size, any file or dir greater than this value will be returned. Example usage:
(1) find all empty files in current dir.
(2) find all non empty files in current dir.
(1)$ find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -size 0
(2)$ find . -maxdepth 1 -type f ! -size 0
Further examples
Move all files of this dir to a directory tmp present in .
$ find . -type f -maxdepth 1 -exec mv {} tmp \;
Convert all mkv files to mp4 files in a dir /path/to/dir and child directories
$ find /path/to/dir -maxdepth 2 -regextype sed -regex ".*\.mkv" -exec ffmpeg -i {} -o {}.mp4 \;
Convert all your jpeg files to png (don't do this, it will take very long to both find them and convert them).
$ find ~ -maxdepth 420 -regextype sed -regex '.*\.jpeg' -exec mogrify -format png {} \;
The find command is a strong tool and it can prove to be fruitful to pipe the output to xargs. It's important to note that this method is superior to the following construction:
for file in $(ls)
some commands
as the latter will handle files and directories containing spaces the wrong way.
In bash:
shopt -s extglob
for input in /dir/goes/here/*!(_metadata).txt

Bulk rename directories with prefix Unix

I am trying to bulk rename directories with a prefix in Unix. Prefix like abc-
So if current directory is 123, I want to make it abc-123, etc
I've tried
for d in $(find . -name '*' -type d) ; do
mv $d $(echo $d | sed 's/$d/abc-$d/g')
but that doesn't work. Do very little shell scripting so any help would be appreciated.
rename command is not available
Thank you!
If I understand your question, you could do it with one line and find -exec like so,
find . -type d -depth -execdir mv {} abc-{} \;
for d in $(find . -depth -type d); do
b=$(basename $d)
p=$(dirname $d)
mv -v $d $p/abc-$b
Note that the -depth argument is really important: it ensures that the directories are processed from bottom to top, so that you rename child directories before their parents. If you don't do that then you'll end up trying to rename paths that no longer exist.
Also I recommend replacing line 4 with
echo "mv -v $d $p/abc-$b"
and running that version of the loop first so you can see what it will do before trying it for real.
