xsql last version and support information - oracle

I am aware that XSQL is not supported anymore by Oracle (i.e. there is no release since 2004 or 2006). In other words, Oracle stopped supporting the XSQL many years back.
XDK or XSQL Link
However, I couldn't see any official page confirming the same. Could you please point me to the correct URL where I can get some information?
Some of my applications were written using XSQL. We would like to upgrade it. However, we are not sure whether it has latest version or need to look for alternate technologies.
Kindly suggest alternate technologies to replace XSQL pages with some minimum changes. We don't want to rewrite all the functionalities again from scratch due to timeline or budget constraints.


Alternates to iHub for cloud based reporting

Shortly before Open Text acquired Actuate I stood up an iHub F-Type server on Amazon so that people in my little company could have access to reports and information. Now that the acquision is completed Open Text has discontinued support and availability for F-Type and is directing users like me to full blown iHub which they make available free for 45 days (which they will, so they say, extend to 90 days) and afterwards it is a paid service and not affordable for me.
My question is...how are others providing for cloud based reporting for users in a way that is affordable? I am aware of this project that appears to offer something like what F-Type used to. Has anyone tried this ReportServer? Any thoughts or experiences you could share?
I am also open to other reporting platforms (Jasper, etc.) if they offer what I am after. This would be my least preferable option but my users wouldn't really know or care so I could do it if I needed to?
Download the latest BIRT Runtime Release Build (4.5.0), put the engine in a server, add scripts to run the reports you want.

Siebel Open UI Environment

I am looking for a quick and easy way to setup Siebel Open UI so that I can test it out before implementing it in my company's environment. We are currently using and are interested in upgrading to We have heard that Siebel Open UI will allow you to use the CRM in Google chrome and other browsers. We also heard there is more freedom to change the UI and that we don't have to stick with the SWSE templates.
Here is the link for Oracle Siebel VM. This will give you a Siebel 8.1.1 version which you will have to upgrade to the latest available IP. ( is the latest available as on this date)
Look at Bloomspire. They can easily set up Siebel environments including They are a lot cheaper than Oracle's cloud solution.
How about using the VM oracle provides?
VM sounds like a good idea, but i too couldn't find those on delivery. Oracle now has cumulative installation, meaning you only need to install it once, and it will have OpenUI. Unfortunately, OpenUI is still work in progress, so you need to apply a lot of HotFixes to make it work properly. Unfortunately , Oracle doesn't provide any way to apply them un-attended, so there is no way around some manual patching.
We've just been through an internal upgrade for OpenUI, and now running
Seems that the jump from .9 to .10 is a major hurdle..
If you are still in need of assistance, feel free to contact me.
David - www.crmantra.com

Magento: Are there stats on install base (by version) for module developers?

As the question states, I am preparing to deploy my first couple modules on the Magento Connect store and want to make sure I am targeting the best versions. Testing on 1.3 is proving to be a bit of a pain, and if only a few people use that version I would rather spend the time making the modules better!
Google hasn't helped as yet, though I think the keywords I use are getting picked up as other more specific technical questions (Google Base, for example).
Does this information exist? What about your personal experience? For me, I have only encountered installations below 1.5 Community (1.10 Enterprise) for upgrade projects. I haven't personally encountered a client that is on 1.4 and plans to stay on 1.4.
There are a signification amount of people who have older versions and wont upgrade because of the complexity and the amount of modification they have done to their stores.
Most people right now who are on community version seem to be on 1.5 or 1.6, but if you want to test older versions just download from the archive install locally and see if it works for the older versions.
Here is a link to the downloadable versions of magento, in case you decide to test on those older versions:
http://www.magentocommerce.com/download - click released archived tab at the top

Upgrading DHTMLX to a new version

I was wondering, how often does DHTMLX offer a new version and how hard do you find it to upgrade your applications to the new version. This is namely a critical part in my research, but I cant seem to find any problems with updates. This question is just to make sure that my findings are correct.
Please suffice with: version number, DHTMLX component.
I work for DHTMLX. During the past 3 years we released one major update per year. Currently we're preparing the next version which we hope will be available in beta till the end of April 2012. We try to make the new releases backwards compatible and provide the upgrade path to the latest release (like here).
I've used many controls from the dhtmlxsuite in our app for the past 5 yrs. They are pretty good at making things backwards compatible, but not always. When going from v3 to v4 just a few months ago, there was quite a lot I had to do get my code back up and running. Also there dropped a few features that were supported in v3, this is not so good in my opinion. But overall, I really like the dhtmlx controls, they are an integral part of our product which now is used all over the world by thousands of users (http://www.ecosys.net/ecosys-epc/).

Lotus Notes XPages for design and Oracle (or other RDBMS) for data

I plan to make an web application using XPages for the design (plus the Lotus Notes Elements), but instead of storing the data in Lotus Notes, I will store the data in a RDBMS (specifically an Oracle Database). As you can see, I want to create a clear separation between the design and data. Is there a way I can do this? I mean, is there a way I can use Oracle as the data source and XPages/Lotus Notes for the UI only? Thanks a lot!
There actually has been native support for RDBMS/JDBC connectivity in Xpages since July 2011. Take a look at the Extension Library on OpenNTF (http://extlib.openntf.org/) and read the blogpost announcing the functionality: http://www.openntf.org/blogs/openntf.nsf/d6plinks/NHEF-8JYMXE.
It's not yet officially supported through IBM (not part of the Upgrade Pack 1 - http://www-01.ibm.com/software/lotus/notesanddomino/nd85-UpgradePack853-1.html), but there will be support for it in the future.
The short answer appears to be "yes but no" .
XPages is JDBC compliant, so you can connect to anything, including Oracle. The snag is, you'll probably have to write the code yourself. Apparently there are plans to open source a JDBC-based Relational Database XPages DataSource but there's been no activity as such. Find out more
XPages101.net may be a good site for cutting your teeth on Xpages. They have 60 lessons you can subscribe to. They are highly recommended. You may be particularly interested in lesson 55.
DISCLAIMER: I am not affiliated with XPages101.net in any way.
The XPages environment doesn't have any particular support for relational data sources, but there are two viable options depending on how cautious your organization is about using recent and beta software and how much support code you're willing to write.
For the former case, the XPages Extension Library (http://extlib.openntf.org/) is adding in relational database support for the 8.5.3 release of Domino, which is scheduled to come out at the beginning of next month. I'm not in the 8.5.3 beta, so I haven't seen this in action, but the video on their page looks promising and the Extension Library is high-quality in general. So if you're willing to deploy 8.5.3 when it comes out and use the Extension Library, it'll likely do just what you want.
If you won't be immediately upgrading or don't want to deploy the Library, you can write your own code using JDBC drivers; there's an example of this technique here: http://www-10.lotus.com/ldd/ddwiki.nsf/dx/xpage_integration_rdb.htm . While you can't, for example, just pass a RecordSet to a Repeat control on an XPage, if you're willing to write your own ORM, you could make your objects implement the List interface use Java-Bean-style naming, which would let you use them in standard controls and write expression language like "#{someRecord.someField}".

