Why does Telnet client send data after each key stroke - windows

I made a Node js tcp server to listen on port 5000 using net
var self = this;
return this;
Whenever I create a telnet client
telnet localhost 5000
I connect to the server. The problem is every time i type, data is sent. Why does telnet not wait for me to press enter?

This is how windows shell responses to Telnet protocol by design. In order to achieve what you want, you can try Putty, a third party terminal simulator, it does a far better job than CMD in communicating through SSH/Telnet.


Command to check if can access to Websocket address & port

I'm looking for a command like:
ping google.com
But I also want to use the port, like google.com:8080
I want to know if a client can connect to my servers socket listener at a certain port.
My core problem is, 100% of users are able to connect to my websocket port at 8080, but only single digit x% are able to connect to websocket port at 2053. This is independent of device. After research I've found out that some ISPs might be blocking this port.

IRC Protocol - Registration to Server with Password

I'm trying to write a Python IRC script. It is not connecting to my UnrealIRCD server, so I tried it with TELNET:
telnet xx.xx.xx.xx 6667
Trying xx.xx.xx.xx...
Connected to xx.xx.xx.xx.
Escape character is '^]'.
After this connection, it doesn't accept the registration and times out. When I try to connect via telnet to an EFnet server, for instance, this process works fine.
So, does anyone have an idea what is wrong with the registration process?
Other clients and Eggdrop Bots can connect to the server with no problem. So I don't understand why these simple protocol commands are not working.
I assume this message was sent by the server:
You have to reply to it, with this message:
(change the payload of the PONG to match the one in the PING)
This is probably required by the server to avoid attacks.

Netcat FTP active mode file transfer not working

Im trying to download a file from a FTP server using active mode.However,it looks like my connection just"expire" or something each time.First,I open a port on my computer using netcat,ex:
nc -vv -l -p 62077
this will listen on port 62077 on my computer.Then,I open another netcat windows,log in to the FTP link using port 21,and once im in the directory where the file I want is in,I do
PORT (my IP separated by , ),(242,125(wich equals to port 62077)\r\n
However,after I enter this command,nothing happen for about 10-15 seconds,and the netcat just quit without saying anything.Nothing happen either on the netcat window that is listening on port 62077.It does that everytime,I dont know what I am doing wrong.I did the same thing with Filezilla(in active mode) and examinated the commands with wireshark,I do the exact same command as Filezilla,however filezilla will be able to retrieve the file while netcat wont.I want to retrieve it with netcat and I dont know what im doing wrong.I am using Windows 10.
thank you!
After you have established your listening nc socket, and after you have sent the USER, PASS, and PORT commands, you then need to trigger the file transfer to that listening socket using e.g.:
RETR /path/to/file/to/download
on the control connection. (Unless you actually are already doing this, but didn't mention it in the post?)
Also, just to note: you mention using something like this:
PORT 1,2,3,4,(242,125)\r\n
Right? Those parentheses might also be an issue. Instead, you might try:
PORT 1,2,3,4,242,125\r\n
without any parentheses.
Now, depending on the IP address you sent (hopefully not a private network address), the data transfer may still not happen, due to firewalls/routers/NAT on the client side of things. Given that your Filezilla download of the same file works, I suspect that those firewall/router/NAT issues may not apply.
Hope this helps!

When should an FTP server connect to FTP client after PORT command?

I want to add support for the PORT command to my FTP server. I'm reading RFC 959, but I can't figure out when it's safe to connect to the FTP client. For example, consider this sequence:
PORT 127,0,0,1,34,34
Does the FTP client start listening before issuing the PORT command, or after issuing the LIST command? Because if the server attempts to connect to the client immediately after receiving PORT, it might fail because the client might not have started listening yet.
What does the specification say? Can the server connect immediately, or should it wait until after it receives the command that will make use of the data connection?
The server shouldn't connect to the client until it gets a command that requests a data transfer, such as LIST or RETR. See section 7 of RFC 959, which shows a typical sequence of operations (RFC's didn't have the formal MUST/MAY/SHOULD specifications in those early days).
However, since the port used in the PORT command is typically an ephemeral port, the client needs to open a socket to get the OS to assign a port number. This implies that by the time the PORT command is sent, the port would have to be open. However, it's possible that it might not yet have called listen().

Receiving datagrams using Udp connection

In order to receive datagrams through an UDP connection I have created an object of type UDPClient.
receivedNotificationSock = new UdpClient();
However once done and on using the receive method:
receivedHostNameBuffer=receivedNotificationSock.Receive(ref receivedNotificationIP);
I am getting an exception saying that I must call the bind method.
But there is no bind method in the UDPClient class.
Could You guys please provide me with the code if possible as to what should be done to overcome this exception.
You need I think to know some more about sockets.
All sockets possess a port number. First, you create a socket - which is almost useless on its own. It just floats there. But then you bind it - you assign it a port number. Now it's useful - now you can send and receive data on it.
Remember, all UDP communications are defined by the quad data set of the IP and port of the source and the IP and port of the destination. A freshly created socket doesn't have an IP address or port; binding gives it an IP address and port.
Unfortunately, I'm not a C# programmer, so I can't properly answer your question. But at least you know why it's important.
Pass the port number into the constructor of your UDP client.
receivedNotificationSock = new UdpClient(21000);
You may need to change firewall settings to allow the bind, though a popup window normally opens when you first run this on your dev machine.
For Socket proramming you need to know the sequence of syscalls you need to do on client side and on the server side.
If you are writting a client :
you open a socket with a socket call.
you then connect to the server port with a connect call
once connect is successful
then you send the request to the server using either a send or sendto or a write
which results in reception of data that you can read using a receive or read
On Server Side
you create a socket
bind it to a port
start listening on the socket for incoming connections from various clients using a listen.
There is a non blocking way of listening for connections as well with a select syscall.
Once the you establish a connection you can essentially read the request and start processing it.
Here's an example in C# that may be useful to you.
