I am executing JMeter test script using the command line. So JMeter has provided a command that generates dashboard using log.jtl file.
In the dashboard, There is some APDEX (Application Performance Index) table, statistics table, and graphs.
is there any setting or properties so that table in the dashboard will show required column and enable/disable graphs?
JMeter Dashboard was changed, Latest version 3.3 allow you to configure report generator using property file:
All report generator properties can be found in file reportgenerator.properties. To customize these properties, you should copy them in user.properties file and modify them.
There is no such possibility as of Apache JMeter 3.0
But you can submit an enhancement request giving more details on your need.
I am not able to show the report to the management team in proper format. if you guys have any standared format or global format then please suggest me.
JMeter's .jtl results file is basically a CSV file containing Sampler start time, elapsed time, connect time, whether it was successful or not, and so on, the columns can be chosen via Results File Configuration
So you need to ask your management what form of "report" do they expect and generate tables and charts they're looking for.
Some options you can use fully or partially:
JMeter Listeners which can read the .jtl file, do some calculations/plotting and save the output in form of CSV or PNG files
JMeter Plugins Command Line Tool which does the same but provides possibility of automation and some extra charts on top
Graphs Generator Listener
It's possible to generate HTML Reporting Dashboard out of the .jtl results file
There is BlazeMeter Uploader plugin (can be installed using JMeter Plugins Manager) which uploads your test results to BlazeMeter and you can export a management-friendly report from there
And last but not the least you can use MS Excel or equivalent to produce whatever output you want
I want to generate a report in JMeter exactly like Blazemeter. Do we have any listener in JMeter or any plugin. I did search on google but didn't find the exact solution. If anyone has idea then please suggest.
Take a look at Taurus tool, it provides possibilities to:
Run existing .jmx script
Get online interactive report in your browser
Load existing .jtl results file to BlazeMeter
There is The Complete Taurus Course in the BlazeMeter University.
Alternative option would be using Backend Listener to store your test results in InfluxDB and visualize it using Grafana. There are several existing JMeter dashboards, you might find one of them covering your needs or use it as a basis for your customizations.
I have multiple jmx files which are committed to gitpipeline for CI. End users are not fine with reports showing OK/KO and requested us to change the same and also asked us to add few details like total time take for the execution, description of the test and environment/hostname used.
Solutions am looking for -
how to change OK/KO when the JMX is executed using maven. What properties do i need to change/add in order to achieve this for maven?
Is there a way to customize the report to have additional details like "Total Duration", "Environment", "Description of Test" under Test and Report information section or anywhere else?
If it is not achievable using the default report available, are there any other JMeter report plugin's for maven?
As of JMeter 5.2.1 the KO and OK labels are not controllable by any JMeter properties, you will have to go into /bin/report-template/content/js/dashboard.js.fmkr and change the labels there
Similarly for extra columns, you will need to add them manually in the aforementioned file.
Get familiarized with Apache FreeMarker template engine, this is what JMeter is using under the hood in order to produce the dashboard.
Alternatively you can consider a 3rd-party results analysis solution like BM.Sense which reports test duration out of the box and provides possibility to add comments to the execution.
I have done a test JMeter and am able to get results.csv or result.jtl.
How do I load it into JMeter from the GUI and command line?
What do you mean by "load"? You have the results, now you need to analyze them. It can be done in different ways depending on how you plan to represent results and what metrics do you need to report, for example:
Using Microsoft Excel or equivalent like Libre Office Calc
Using JMeter GUI:
Open JMeter GUI
Add Listener of your choice to the Test Plan (for example Aggregate Report is quite good)
Using "Browse" button locate your results file and load it
JMeter will parse the results file, perform necessary calculations and display the metrics. If you need you can click "Save Table Data" to export the results for later re-use
You can plot some charts reflecting the test metrics using Graphs Generator Listener
You can generate HTML Reporting Dashboard like:
jmeter -g your_result_file.jtl -o /where/you/want/the/dashboard/to/be/generated
You can use a 3rd-party analysis service like JAnalyzer or BM.Sense
You need to add listener to create jtl and result files.
Write in listener filename: results.csv
Is there any possibilities to get my below mentioned Graph Results in JMeter test, which is executed in non GUI mode. I can extract its values using csv, but we need to run the test in non GUI mode to get dashboard results also. Any possibilities for this ?
Given you run your JMeter test in command-line non-GUI mode like:
jmeter -n -t test.jmx -l results.jtl
Once test is finished you should be able to open JMeter GUI, add Graph Results listener, locate results.jtl file using "Browse" button and you will see the chart.
Also there is an option to generate some charts in unattended manner using Command-Line Graph Plotting Tool available via JMeter Plugins project, see Automatically generating nice graphs at end of your Load Test with Apache JMeter and JMeter-Plugins guide for details.
I am trying to write web app based on Django to work with test results, do an online monitoring, etc. (kinda dashboard) for load tests which runned in Jmeter console mode (incl. distributive testing).
Maybe you will want to participate in development or so :):