Can we publish Bots on FB Messenger, Skype, etc without registering on Botframework - botframework

Can we publish a Bot (built with Microsoft Builder SDK) on Facebook Messenger without registering on Bot Framework?
and the Bot would not be hosted on Azure.

You need to register the Bot in order to enable it to work with the supported channels (like Facebook). This doesn't mean that the Bot will be publicly available. You can register the bot but keep it unpublished.
If you want to use the Bot in a custom channel, you might have to consider using the DirectLine API. Here is a related thread.
You can host the Bot on other cloud providers. Here is a thread discussing about hosting the Bot in AWS.


Microsoft Bot framework- Whatsapp integration

I have an Azure hosted bot and I am trying to integrate it with WhatsApp.
I know that, as per the documentation, Whatsapp channel is not supported and I would have to enable directline for the integration.
I have enabled the directline channel.
Is there any way I can achieve this? If so, what are the steps I should follow for the integration?

Sizing for Azure Chat bot when using Azure Web App for one Chat bot user

What is the sizing required for Azure Chat Bot service when using Azure WebApp when one user is logged in using chat service
The Bot Service pricing is here. There are two plans, FREE and Standard. If you send and reply messages to your bot more than 10,000 times/month, you should choose the Standard plan. But if you use only standard channels, you could choose the Free plan. The Standard channels are Microsoft first-party services (such as Skype, Cortana and Microsoft Teams) and services with publicly available Bot API’s (such as Facebook and Slack).
You also need to size the App Service Plan. If you don't need bot availability, you could choose the FREE plan.

On-premise Chatbot unable to receive msg from Teams

We have set up the following network:
chatbot setup
Our internal chatbot is written in C#, and runs in .NET core linux env.
As of now, we are able to use the Bot Framework's Web Cmd to Send and Receive from our Internal Chatbot. But we are unable to use MS Teams to communicate with our Internal Chat Bot. We have set up App ID and App Password in the MS Team's App via App Studio.
We also enabled External App and Sideloading.
Is there any way to troubleshoot this? or is there something we may have missed?
Thanks in advance
As per this documentation, You need to also enable the Teams channel for your bot in the Azure Portal under Bot Management > Channels, for this to work.

How to use REST API services in azure Bot framework

I am using Bot builder SDK 4.0 with node.js
I don't wanna use Azure bot service api, instead I will use my own node service.
Requirement :
Wanted to have a complete Custom UI/UX for my bot.
Single Azure bot application with many different bot clients running.
If you use the BotFramework with the default BotFramework adapter, you will be using the Azure Bot Service APIs like the DirectLine channel. You can use the BotFramework-DirectLineJS package if you want to build your own webclient for your BotBuilder bot.
Also note that at the time of writing, the BotFramework-Webchat package has a new version in preview which you can find here. This version is rebuilt from scratch and provides rich customization options which could be worth a try.

How to connect local WebChat client to a bot running locally?

Is it possible to talk to my bot via WebChat like I'm doing it via Emulator, Without registering and publishing the bot on Azure?
You will need to register the bot in the BotFramework portal and enable the WebChat channel. Registering the bot doesn't mean that the bot will be published to the bot directory. You don't need to publish the bot to using it.
Also, you don't need to publish the bot in Azure to use it. Instead, you could use ngrok to create a secure tunnels to localhost.
You can check the following links:
Update 21/12
Just remembered that since the WebChat is now open source, you might have an option to run it locally as described in the Below the relevant portion of the docs.
