Multiple versions of Python 2.7 on Windows 10 - windows

I found many questions here about installing multiple versions of Python on the same machine, but I could not find a solution to my issue. I have Python 2.7.9 already installed (in c:\python27) and I want to perform some tests with Python 2.7.6, so I have also installed this version (in c:\python276). I run c:\Python276\python.exe --version but I am still getting Python 2.7.9

It's more likely that
c:\windows\system32\python27.dll is the Python 2.7.9 version, and that's what is getting loaded by Python.exe (any 2.7.x version). I've never tried to have multiple 2.7.x versions at the same time, but since I can't find any copies of python27.dll in under c:\Python27\, my best suggestion is to completely uninstall all Python versions, then install them in ascending version order (i.e., 2.7.6, then 2.7.9), saving copies of c:\windows\system32\python27.dll at each step. To run a particular minor version, make sure the appropriate python27.dll is the first one found on your path; you may want to capture all of c:\python27\ as well, just to be sure you have consistent versions.


Install graph-tool on Mac OS, graph drawing issue

In the end, created an env to install graph-tool thru the channel vgauthier.
Thinking by now that I might have as well used earlier version of python or installed a whole new python latest version just for this.
But as it is all part of the learning process to creating dev. env.. (at the same time worrying my Mac has too many installations with much too interlinked dependencies)
Someone kindly let me know if this rings any bell or got any suggestion:
Incompatible library version states that requires later version of libcairo.2.dylib.
Errors could have been from:
having on .condarc file, wrong priorities btw channels, so having trouble finding the right files
(modified to the order of conda-forge > ~dir/vgauthier > default
my having given up on installing pygobject after googling it is not supported on Mac OS (which was apparently wrong or I just wasnt searching well)
Solution to easy setup of graph-tool for conda-installed python users:
Get the benefit of GUI (seriously a god option) ->
To still continue with command line (still get the idea from GUI)
conda install -c pkgw-forge gtk3
conda install -c pygobject
(if there are cairo blah blah missing, look up setup directions for igraph which has more information and help, having been an older library)
Do these before installing graph-tool, which Im still wondering why I cannot remove from the system though. ;)
For others,

Issues with Python update on Mac

So, yesterday I could run python scripts just fine. I also had numpy installed and tested on my system. From here, I proceeded to install opencv on my Mac following this link.
Afterwards, I tested it and it worked fine. Then I installed pyOSC.
Then I proceeded to use two example scripts to test that it was working fine, and it was.
Then, I updated python on my system, and now it can't find OSC and numpy whenever I try to call them (from the python interpreter or another script). When I run pip list I can see that they're still installed. I'm pretty sure this is the root of the issue, I'm just not sure how to fix it without uninstalling and re-installing everything.
Any Ideas? Currently running python 2.7
EDIT I had the version of python that came with the system and I downloaded the new version of python from because I was having issues with segmentation fault 11 error.
After some googling I figured it out.
I used type -a python to see all versions I had of python.
Weirdly enough, I had the Mac System version as /usr/bin/python and then I had two entries under /usr/local/bin/python. I deleted both of these and now everything is working properly.

Using old version of Cygwin

I am trying to use the old version of 32 bit cygwin (1.7.22 - 1.7.32) which uses GCC 4.7.3 version.
Just found one (cygwin 1.7.25) but during the standard installation (running with setup-x86.exe) it shows the following errors:
The current ini file is from a newer version of setup.exe. If you have
any trouble installing, please download a fresh version from "cygwin
official page"
Is that old version not supported anymore and I can not chose right address from where it can download and install the needed packages?
I can't find a good answer. Normally what you see in the installer is what you have access to.
When you load your setup-x86.exe, get to the packages (ignore the warning), and see if you can select the version of Cygwin you need (use the search box to narrow it down). On mine I can only get a few revisions and nothing as old as you need. That being said, I do have the latest installer and can't test this for you.

Python 3.x in Cygwin?

I have the python package in Cygwin on Windows 7. However, typing
python -V
Python 2.6.8
This is a pretty low version of Python... I could use Python 3.x (whatever version is newest, preferably). I've seen some people say you have to download a .zip or .tar manually to get it (similar to this question). My questions are as follows (please note this is NOT a duplicate of the linked question):
Can I get Python 3.x somehow using the Cygwin package manager?
Can/should I get rid of Python 2.6 if I manage to get Python 3.x running? None of my code runs on anything specific to Python 2.6.
As others have noted, the version of Python 2.6 that's installed with Cygwin is recent; Python release numbers are not linear with respect to time. The Python releases page details which versions were released on which date.
You can install Python3 if you want, using Cygwin Ports. This is a collection of Cygwin packages that are not ready for general release on the main Cygwin mirrors, but have been compiled ready to be used on Cygwin. I've written some instructions over on SuperUser which describe in more detail how to do this.
(I'd avoid installing from source, as Lennart suggests, as I'd expect this will require non-trivial fixes to make it work on Cygwin.)
As noted in the above-linked SuperUser question, there's no need to uninstall Python 2.6 to install Python 3; the two run happily side-by-side.
That said, beware your claim that "None of my code runs on anything specific to Python 2.6": Python 3.x is not back compatible with Python 2.x, and code written for Python 2.x will generally not work on Python 3.x without work to adapt it. The Python 3.0.1 What's New Guide has a good overview of the changes in Python 3.x.
Update: As of Wed 25 July 2012, Python 3.2.3 is included in the standard Cygwin installer. Just run Cygwin's setup.exe again (download it from again if you need to), and you should be able to select and install it like any other package.

I have apache2 installed twice, need to uninstall one

During my newbie phases I was not aware that Max OSX had appache2 installed by default.
I manually installed it and now I have two versions running and it's extremely confusing, because at times I don't know to which version my developments point to. As of now, I have two version in the following locations:
/etc/apache2/ (I believe is the default installation)
/opt/local/apache2 (I believe this is the one I manually installed)
How do I uninstall version 2 (the one I manually installed)?
Being that it's in /opt, the directory MacPorts uses, have you tried port uninstall apache2?
