OBIEE 12C changing default font size - obiee

I'm currently on a project using OBIEE 12C and the customer wants to change the default font size, but we don't know how to do this. We've found this link: but we have multiple items of the file they are talking about. What is the solution to this?

What you need to do is deploy a custom skin, that you can customise. The authoritative instruction for this is in the application documentation, under Customizing the Oracle BI Web User Interface.
The approach in the page you have linked to of changing the skins in-place is not recommended as future patches may overwrite your changes – especially with 12c moving to EAR based skins. Off the top of my head the location of those files doesn't look right either, but I may be wrong.


Changes in RPD not showing up in OBIEE

My question is this. I am using OBIEE 12c and recently I changed the .rpd file in offline mode and then uploaded it to the server. However I dont see my changes there.
Interesting is the fact that when I open the .rpd in online mode in Admin tool, which shows the current rpd in OBIEE, I see my changes. I tried editing in online or offline modes, changed the names of rpds, restarted the server, but nothing helped. What could be the reason?
EDIT.. It was my fault partially. I was making changes in BMM layer and I was pretty sure that my changes will be automatically updated in Presentation layer(it was when I checked with several aggregations), however in this case, my changes did not reflected in Presentation layer. Why is like this?
P.S. I was modifying hierarchies if important

What is the best way for creating reports in MVC?

I've been reading online about either using RDLC or RDL reports however, I'm not sure if this is correct/best path for creating reports.
Any other recommendations are very much appreciated it.
MVC is a style of web development that doesn't really have anything to do with reporting. Your options are basically (1) create "reports" as web pages that dump data to the screen, or (2) use a report engine like SSRS (which uses .rdl) or BIRT. The first option is terrible if anyone ever wants to save or print the report. It's difficult to get it to page correctly or even group and sort things they way you want. Reporting engines handle all of that for you, so it knows how much data will fit onto a page given the paper size and margins you've set, and they have built-in methods for exporting the data to PDF/Word/Excel, etc. They also make it easy to add headers, footers, page x of y, etc.
For SSRS you'll need a SQL database with SSRS installed, and it serves reports up via its own version of IIS. This usually means that you'll need a hyperlink on your MVC app that points to the report's URL on the report server. You can either use ReportBuilder or Visual Studio with the appropriate settings (see SQL Server Data Tools). If the reports need to be served up to the public as opposed to within your company, you also need to be careful with both security settings and licensing on the SQL server.
BIRT is the best-known open source version of a reporting engine, but I've never used it so I have to leave that up to you to research. There are probably others.

Can I reference a theme, that resides in one database, in another database?

I was just looking into referencing css files in a theme, that reside in a different database and I was wondering:
Could I reference a whole theme that resides in a different database as well with "extend"?
The reason behind that is: Would it possible to keep themes in one central database that can be used by all kinds of applications and therefore, if there should ever be changes to the themes, they only have to be changed in one location and not in every application.
Thank you for your responses in advance.
no I don't think this is possible (happy to be wrong if someone else knows it is?)
to keep all your theme files in a central spot, an XspLibrary in an OSGi plugin is a good solution, however it is a steep learning curve if you haven't done this before. The benefit is once you know this technique it opens the door for 'centralizing' other parts of xpages.
you deploy the plugin to each server and each client if using xpinc, and the every nsf can use a theme from that plugin.
there are a few 'getting started with xpages plugins' articles popping up around. check through (I'll edit this answer later with some links)
once you know how to do an XspLibrary, you can then download the source code of the bootstrap4xpages project on OpenNTF to see how they are serving up their theme from a plugin.
it relies on the Extension library though so if you don't use the exit lib you could reverse engineer the necessary parts of that project too!
this bootstrap project was set up by Phillipe Riand who was the chief architect of XPages, so it should be a good example!
I am halfway through creating a video series on doing a theme from a plugin but have temporarily lost motivation :(. I might finish it sometime this year, if I do I will post a link to it on this answer. in the meantime I am happy to answer any questions you have about it if you want to give it a go.
otherwise, a quick and dirty solution would be put the theme files / CSS / images directly on the file system of the domino server, where the other theme files are. 'Mastering XPages' might have some advice about this but I don't have it with me right now :)
I think the short answer is you won't be able to load just a theme from a different database.
Each NSF has it's own JVM, sitting on top of the server JVM. So you can extend a theme that's sitting on the server, but not one in another NSF.
XPages Single Copy Design loads a theme from a different NSF by effectively loading the template's JVM. So it's the theme, but also all other design elements.
Jesse Gallagher's done some work in OpenNTF Domino API to allow you to load an XPage or Custom Control from another database, but I'm not sure if that would work for a theme.
If you want to design once and use in many, you can add the theme to the server itself. Looks for the OneUI elements to see where you need to store it (or it may be mentioned in Mastering XPages). You can only nest themes to five levels, but you should be fine.

Oracle ADF 12 Project Structure

I'm developing a ADF Fusion Web Application in JDeveloper 12. After the creation of the project I took a look at the file system and a bunch of directories were created.
Can anyone tell me what the .adf folder is good for? I can't find anything about it in the Oracle Docs. I'm developing with git and I'd like to know if I have to version this directory, too.
Thanks in advance!
Inside the above mentioned folder can be found two files: adf-config.xml and connections.xml. For an overview of their usage you can take a look at these links:
Oracle ADF XML File Appendix and Web Center. In both of them it states that there are stored application-level setting during design time, which can be used later during the deployment process (it seems quite important though :) ). So, even if you delete that folder it should be recreated if you make any changes and redeploy the application, BUT, if it is there it means it should be there (typical Oracle politics ;) ). So even if you are really in need of their settings (such as modify connection details to point to production server instances) it should be versioned as well.
I'm using svn, and it does version it automatically.
Hope this helps.
ADF creates several files and folders that are needed by the project.
It creates them when the project uses a functionality that needs those files.
In .adf/META-INF/ you can find adf-config.xml & connections.xml which are Application Level Settings.
But for example src/META-INF/jazn-data.xml doesn't exist until you enable Security on your application. This file is also needed and should be on SVN/Git.
ADF also creates some temporary files and folders that shouldn't be on Git/SVN.
Like: .data/.
Depending on what technologies you use from the ADF stack (ADF BC, ADF Model, ADF Controller, ADF Faces), you should understand what files and folders are created.
If you have searched for .adf/ in the official Documentation you would have found your answers.
ADF by default creates .adf and .data file, .adf file you can say is for holding various info related to your workspace in IDE i.e the connections that its having with Database, META-INF info used for customization purpose.
& .data support your MDS functionality.
we can always delete it but our Jdev will create it automatically, whenever we rebuild our application.

How to track changes made in the ERD in oracle designer

I want to track all changes made in my ERD in oracle 10g designer.
Please suggest how to achieve it.
use case: An ERD was approved in design phase. Few changes were made by development team and now in Implementation phase I need to track what all changes were made from say 3-Jan-12 to 3-Mar-2012
To add here:
1. In my project versioning of ER is not being used so ER Version diff is not an option for me.
2. In Reports, there are options for getting all entities, attributes which are created/modified in a period. But it seems it is not giving me correct results.
Oracle Designer 10g does support the SCM repository, which is the only real way of tracking changes to our models. However, documentation is thin on the ground, probably as a matter of policy since Oracle pulled the plug on Designer as a tool with a future.
Oracle SCM is very powerful but not at all intuitive. This should be obvious as we're working with rows of data rather than files like in most other source control scenarios. Anyway, the upshot is, doing what you want to do won't be easy and you'll need resilience and persistence. You might be able to find some old lags in the ODTUG Designer forum who still have some interest in the tool.
The other thing is, if you haven't already enabled the SCM you won't be able to retrieve the changes in the ERD over the last three months except through data mining.
