How do I activate a Spring Boot profile when running from IntelliJ? - spring

I have 5 environments:
- local (my development machine)
- dev
- qc
- uat
- live
- staging
I want different application properties to be used for each environment, so I have the following properties files each which have a different URL for the datasource:
- (containing common properties)
I am using IntelliJ and running my app using bootRun in the Gradle plugin on my local machine. I will be using deploying the same application war file on all other environments which run Tomcat.
I have tried adding:
to the run configuration under script parameters.
I have tried adding
to the run configuration under VM options.
Neither work. I keep seeing the INFO message on startup say: No active profile set, falling back to default profiles: default
If I run my app from the windows command line using
gradle bootRun
but I first set the environment variable
Then everything works.
So my question is, how do I activate my local spring boot profile when running bootRun from IntelliJ ?

I added to VM Options and then re-ran that configuration. It worked perfectly.
This can be set by
Choosing Run | Edit Configurations...
Go to the Configuration tab
Expand the Environment section to reveal VM options

If you actually make use of spring boot run configurations (currently only supported in the Ultimate Edition) it's easy to pre-configure the profiles in "Active Profiles" setting.

Spring Boot seems had changed the way of reading the VM options as it evolves. Here's some way to try when you launch an application in Intellij and want to active some profile:
1. Change VM options
Open "Edit configuration" in "Run", and in "VM options", add:
It actually works with one project of mine with Spring Boot v2.0.3.RELEASE and Spring v5.0.7.RELEASE, but not with another project with Spring Boot v2.1.1.RELEASE and Spring v5.1.3.RELEASE.
Also, when running with Maven or JAR, people mentioned this:
mvn spring-boot:run -Drun.profiles=dev
java -jar XXX.jar
(See here: how to use Spring Boot profiles)
2. Passing JVM args
It is mentioned somewhere, that Spring changes the way of launching the process of applications if you specify some JVM options; it forks another process and will not pass the arg it received so this does not work. The only way to pass args to it, is:
mvn spring-boot:run"..."
Again, this is for Maven.
3. Setting (application) env var
What works for me for the second project, was setting the environment variable, as mentioned in some answer above: "Edit configuration" - "Environment variable", and:

Tested with IntelliJ Community edition 2021.x
You can create Multiple configurations, one each for a specific profile, In my case below, I have created a dev config with dev profile environment variable.
Goto Run > Edit Configuration
Choose the configuration you want to edit, in the left under Application.
On the right side > Under Environment Variable, update<your profile name> example
(observer:- the variable should be without -D flag)
Save the changes and Run the Spring boot app with the same configuration.
Note:- You can also create a new configuration or copy existing in step 2 above, using the option available in the same panel.

Try add this command in your build.gradle
So for running configure that shape:

For Spring Boot 2.1.0 and later you can use
mvn spring-boot:run,bar

I ended up adding the following to my build.gradle:
bootRun {
environment SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE: environment.SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE ?: "local"
test {
environment SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE: environment.SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE ?: "test"
So now when running bootRun from IntelliJ, it defaults to the "local" profile.
On our other environments, we will simply set the 'SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE' environment variable in Tomcat.
I got this from a comment found here:

A probable cause could be that you do not pass the command line parameters into the applications main method. I made the same mistake some weeks ago.
public static final void main(String... args) {, args);

I use the Intellij Community Edition.
Go to the "Run/Debug Configurations" > Runner tab > Environment variables > click button "...". Add:

In my case I used below configuration at VM options in IntelliJ , it was not picking the local configurations but after a restart of IntelliJ it picked configuration details from IntelliJ and service started running.

So for resuming...
If you have the IntelliJ Ultimate the correct answer is the one provided by Daniel Bubenheim
But if you don't, create in Run->Edit Configurations and in Configuration tab add the next Environment variable:
And to execute the jar do:
java -jar XXX.jar

Try this. Edit your build.gradle file as followed.
ext { profile = project.hasProperty('profile') ? project['profile'] : 'local' }

You can try the above way to activate a profile

Here are 2 ways
Using gradle project property
In build.gradle, add
if (project.hasProperty('profiles')) {
environment SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE: profiles
} else {
def profiles = 'dev'
environment SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE: profiles
In intellij gradle configuration, change the value "test" in "-Pprofiles" as appropriate to environment you want to run
Using environment property
Follow answer by #Hubert
And configure the run configuration as

Create files properties like these
then run

VM option is hidden by default.
Here is the right way to do it
Run->Edit Configurations->Select the application on the left menu->Add VM Options
and then add<profile_name>
Replace the <profile_name> with the profile, say local
Click Apply & OK.

Set under program arguments.


How to detect dev and production environment in Gradle based Spring Boot 2.0.0 app?

This question is in the context running app as war deployed to tomcat. It is not quite clear to me how can I specify parameters in or application.yml that have different values depending if the app is running in production or in dev? Like below
if env == dev then myparam1 = devvalue
if env == prod then myparam1 = prodvalue
Note that I am using Gradle and not Maven.
As refered to in the comments you could use Spring profiles for the different environments and provide separate configuration files for these profiles.
On production:
Add a file application-prod.yml with the production settings.
Start the application with option or environment variable SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=prod.
On dev environment:
Add a file application-dev.yml with the development settings.
Start the application with option or environment variable SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=dev.
Note that you can keep some common settings suitable for all environments in your application.yml and only override some specific keys in the environment config files.
In order to activate a certain Spring profile for your application in a Tomcat servlet context you can add a context parameter with the name to the <Context> element. See:

Configure Multiple SonarQube Instances in a Gradle Build

In our CI environment, we currently have one build server (based on Atlassian Bamboo) and two SonarQube instances (versions 6.0 and 6.5). Initially, our CI server was configured to communicate with the 6.0 SonarQube instance. This has been configured in the /home/bamboo/.gradle/ file on our CI server like this:<http url of SonarQube 6.0 instance>
systemProp.sonar.login=<username here>
systemProp.sonar.password=<password here>
Now we have another Gradle-based project running on our CI server which shall talk to the new SonarQube 6.5 instance. I tried configuring this but failed all the time.
Things I have done so far:
Added commandline arguments to gradle wrapper command:
I have tried adding, -Dsonar.login=, -Dsonar.password= to the Gradle command. As this didn't seem to work, I have also tried to set commandline arguments as SonarQube system properties using, -DsystemProp.sonar.login=, -DsystemProp.sonar.password=. This didn't work either.
Added properties to the build.gradle file
- Added properties to the build.gradle file like this:
sonarqube {
properties {
property "", "<http url of SonarQube 6.0 instance>"
property "sonar.login", "<username here>"
property "sonar.password", "<password here>"
...<other SonarQube analysis settings here>...
In all cases, the CI server talked to the wrong SonarQube instance (6.0). My question is, whether it is possible to configure a single project to talk to another SonarQube instance. As you have seen, we use Gradle 3.2.1 as a build tool. And we are using the org.sonarqube Gradle plugin too.
Thank you for any help.
Your first try did not work, because you set the system properties from the commandline, but setting it from the project properties later on resets the system properties to the configured values.
Your second try did not work, because the systemProp.sonar.login syntax is only suppored in files, not via -P commandline project properties.
Your third try did not work because the SonarQube scanner prefers the system property values over the value configured via the DSL, so that one can change what is configured in the build script with the help of local configuration.
You need to set the system properties in your build script manually, this then overwrite what was automatically set from the project property. Using the project file does not work as the user file overwrite the project file. So you need something like'sonar.login' = '...' in your build script. You can either hard-code it there, or then use project properties that you can set in your file or via -P parameters.
Besides that, I'd never depend on having any configuration in Gradle User dir on a build server. Most buildservers use build agents that might run on distributed machines, so you would always have to make sure that all build agents are configured the same and so on. I'd always configure in the build setup of the build server the according configuration, either by setting system properties, or environment properties or commandline arguments.
Just my 2ct.

how to set spring active profile environment variable in IntelliJ

I am using spring boot application (maven project) in eclipse. When I run test clean target of maven project, I want to load the active profiles
I have added the property,aop in and also in, this does not have any affect.
or setting this property in command line option of IntelliJ IDE as,aop does not have an effect when the command is test clean. I have also tried setting the JVM argument of the Runner in Intelligent
however #ActiveProfiles("test") works when the test case class is executed from IntelliJ IDE( right click -> run TestCaseClass).
Any clues ?
Setting the VM Options with
My Project is using MAVEN.
the easy was is
Right hand side click on MAVEN -> Expand the Profiles -> Click on desired profile.
Build and run
Please check the attached screenshot for more clarity

Is there a way to tell gradle which profiles should be used for the tests?

I use the yml configuration files pattern application-{default,dev,production}.yml.
To define which configuration application will use, I fix the environment SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE=dev so when the spring app run, it choose the correct configuration.
I have now theses two issues:
The ./gradlew build command also run the test command, test need to have the correct configuration as the application does when it start.
My jenkins does not have access to the database and the units tests keep failing.
Which make make ask:
Does the build command tries all the datasource in order ? Is there a way to specify the spring boot active profile ?
Is there another different approach for deploying spring-boots app in production from jenkins ?
Does anyone has a workaround except
./gradlew -x test build
This is not what I want.
Neither adding #ActiveProfile("dev") to my tests because this require source code modification.
Simply Create multiple property files.For Example:
Provide different properties based on profile and
Below you can specify
which profile to load in you file
def profile = "test"
bootRun {
args = [""+profile]
Put below code in the end of gradle file

spring profile not activated on STS tc Server

I have a project with Spring profile
In my web.xml, i have
to set the default spring profile.
I build the maven project with
clean install"prod"
Then, I choose the option Run As -> Run on Server to deploy the maven project to tc Server.
However, the active profile is still dev.
What is the correct way to activate a spring profile on tc Server
If you are running your app from with STS and the tc Server that comes with it, you can put the system property definition into the launch configuration of tc Server. Once you started up tc Server once, you can modify the lauch config via "Run Configurations...", select the one for Pivotal tc Server, go to the VM arguments and add the setting.
Since this is a runtime option, it doesn't have any effect while building the app via Maven (the clean install way you tried).
Configuring Tomcat
defining context param in web.xml – that breaks “one package for all environments” statement. I don’t recommend that
defining system property
I believe that defining system property is much better approach. So how to define system property for Tomcat? Over the internet i could find a lot of advices like “modify” because you will not find any configuration file for doing stuff like that. Modifying is a dirty unmaintable solution. There is a better way to do that.
Just create file in Tomcat’s bin directory with content:
and it will be loaded automatically during running start or run.
I don't know why the JAVA_OPTS method didn't work for me.
What does is adding in /conf/
