Excel Data Validation (with or without vba) - validation

I have a column of cells eg "column C" whereby I would like to input a data validation.
I would like to restrict users to key in either "Done", "NA" or "any dates eg 01/10/2016, 31/03/2013 etc"
How do I create the above data validation? I am alright with using either Excel's "Data validation" function or VBA.

Pretty simple bit of code here you could make to do whatever, highlight the cell or something, this just sets it back to blank. I would also desensitize them to caps and add some other options like "n/a"
Private sub worksheet_change(byval target as range)
If Target.Value <> "Done" And Target.Value <> "NA" And Not IsDate(Target.Value) Then
MsgBox ("incorrect entry, enter only blah or blah...")
Target.Value = ""
End If
End Sub


Accept a name in Text Box, Print it when someone click on Print Button

I have a TextBox in VB and a Command Button. I want to print the string upon clicking on command button.
I am using the following code, please tell what I am doing wrong:-
Dim name As String
name = Val(Text1.Text)
MsgBox ("Welcome" & Str(name))
When I input a string in Textbox and click on command button, result is:
Welcome 0
Leave out the val() around your Text1.Text, val() returns the numbers up to the first symbol it can't recognize as a number used in a String. See the documentation. I guess you used a 0 in your string in the TextField or no number at all, both would return 0.
Additionally, it is unnecessary to cast your String name to a String since it is already a String so you can also leave out the Str().
The val function returns the numeric representation of its argument, otherwise it returns "0". It's a bit hard these days to find the official VB6 documentation, but you may want to check: https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Visual_Basic/VB6_Command_Reference#Val
So, in your example, if you enter any number in the Text1 textbox control, you will see it in your message box. If you enter any text, you will get "Welcome 0", as you do now. Therefore, you have to remove the val function from your code, like:
Dim name As String
name = Text1.Text
MsgBox ("Welcome " & name)
maybe even simplifying it to:
MsgBox("Welcome " & Text1.Text)
So you declared a string varaible namewhich you want to fill with the text from the Text1box. So you need to spare the val(...)part.
Second, as namealready represents a string, leave out the strin the message box:
name = Text1.Text
MsgBox ("Welcome " & name)

VB 6.0 - Formating Textbox "dd/MM/yy"

I've made a question previously about this but I didn't express really what I wanted. I have a textbox that requires the user to write a Date in it. Then he can press a button and generate a report based on the entries on some other textboxes. It is really important that the date in the generated report is in this format "dd/MM/yy".
I use this code :
Dim a as String
a = Format(Textbox1.text, "dd/MM/yy")
Everything is working fine except when the user types a date in this format "dd.MM.yy" e.g 15.05.15 . When this happens, the date in the generated report is always "30/12/99". Can some1 help me understand why this is happening ?
EDIT: Regarding the Duplicate Question. In the previous question I asked how I can extract characters from a textbox and form a date in the format I want. This question is about a specific problem that happens when a specific type of format is used in the textbox (dd.MM.yy) that prints a specific date always (30/12/99).
30/12/1899 is the Date equivalent of 0, this is what you get when you try to convert a String which is not in a correct date format to a Date.
To verify this, type any old rubbish into your text box and you will get 30/12/99 as output.
Regarding using a DateTimePicker control, see my answer to your other question here
you can chose which keys you allow in the textbox.
for example as follows:
'1 form with:
' 1 textbox : name=Text1
Option Explicit
Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
' Caption = CStr(KeyAscii)
KeyAscii = DateOnly(KeyAscii)
End Sub
Private Function DateOnly(intKey As Integer) As Integer
Dim intResult As Integer
intResult = intKey
Select Case intKey
Case vbKeyBack 'allow backspace
Case vbKey0 To vbKey9 'allow numbers
Case 45 'allow -
' Case 46 'change . into /
' intResult = 47
Case 47 'allow /
Case Else 'dont allow anything else
intResult = 0
End Select
DateOnly = intResult
End Function
this just limits which keys the user can enter, you will still have to pay attention to other invalid inputs
I added Case 45 to the code above.
In the select case you specify what happens to each key input:
you allow the key unaltered by specifying nothing, as i did with the / (ascii value 47)
you can change the key to another key, as i did with the . (ascii value 46)
you can reject the key input by setting it to 0, as i did with all other keys (case else)
You can find out which ascii value a specific key has by uncommenting the first line in Text1_KeyPress so the ascii value will show in the form caption
The IsDate Function is also useful. This will check if the date entered is valid, and return True if it is.
IsDate ("21/05/2015") 'returns 'True'
IsDate ("21.05.2015") 'returns 'False'
You could use the Replace function to change "." to "/"
mydate = Replace("21.05.2015", ".", "/") ' gives "21/05/2015"

How to limit the value of the textbox in vb 6.0

I am doing a marks updating database system. I need to limit each of my textbox to be in the value of less than 100, when its over than 100 or when its not number, a message box will pop up and the data won't be save until the user change the mistake. How can I do it?
I agree with Hiren Pandya, but I thought I would add my own take as well.
Be aware that converting a string to a numerical value is not trivial, but the Val, CInt, CDBl etc. functions in VB6 can all give you behavior that close to what you want. (some of those links are for VB.Net, but can still be valuable). You want to make sure you are thinking about digit grouping, positive/negative, decimal separators, etc. when you are validating user input on your own. Most of the time, the built-in functions are good enough.
Private Sub Text1_Change()
On Error GoTo Err_Handler
Dim text As String
text = Text1.text
If IsNumeric(text) = True Then
'If you only want integers...
Dim value As Integer
value = Val(text)
If value <= 100 And value > 0 Then
'The value is good so whatever stuff you need to do
'And then leave the procedure
Exit Sub
End If
End If
'Let everything else fall through here...
MsgBox "Invalid input."
'Other stuff to prevent saving
End Sub
In the properties of the text box, set MaxLength to 2.
If you want a message, in the text box Change event, you could do...
If Len(txtBox.Text)>2 then msgbox...
then add your message in the messagebox.
I could go into more detail if you need it. Some thing like below...
Private Sub Text1_Change()
If Len(Text1) > 6 Then
Text1 = " "
MsgBox "Not more than six"
End If
End Sub

visual basic 6 access 2007 database programming cascading combo boxes

I have a table named: schoolInfo in access 2007 and it has two fields (schName and mjrName).
Now I'm trying to design a combo in Visual Basic 6 (cboMajors) which is related to the other combo (cboSchool).
As a matter of fact I want to have to cascading combo boxes. When I choose an Item in cboSchool the other combo should represents just the related majors for that school (records with schName=x and mjrName=y).
Private Sub Form_Activate()
' the Connection is a code in module contains codes are needed to make the connection between form and the database
End Sub
Private Sub fill_schools()
With rs
.Open "select DISTINCT schName from tblSchoolsInfo", cn, 2, 3
Do While Not .EOF
cboSchool.AddItem (.Fields(0))
End With
End Sub
Private Sub fill_majors()
With rs
.Open "select DISTINCT mjrName from tblSchoolsInfo where schName= '" & Me.cboSchool & " '", cn, 2, 3
Do While Not .EOF
cboMajors.AddItem (.Fields(0))
End With
End Sub
Now: the first combo get correct values but the second one is completely empty.
In the snippet of code you have given us, I can't see anywhere where you actually select the school in Form_Activate(). This means that by the end of that procedure, there will be no selection in school, so fill_majors() will execute:
select DISTINCT mjrName from tblSchoolsInfo where schName= ' '
Incidentally, is that trailing space deliberate? In which case, this won't return records even if a school is selected.
The OP solved this in dreamincode.net. He was tacking an extra space on the end of his combo box string: Me.cboSchool & " '"
I've always wanted to say this: "This behavior is by design." :)
just a suggestion did you check the
cboMajors.AddItem (.Fields(0)) <--- .Fields()

Searching Data from DataGrid Control using ADODC in VB6.0

I'm a student doing my final year mini project and am facing a problem related to searching data in the datagrid.
The error I'm getting is :
Run-time error : '3001'
Arguments are of wront type, are out of acceptable range, or are in conflict with one another
The code is :
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim item As String
item = Text1.Text
Adodc1.Recordset.Find "L_No = " & item
If Adodc1.Recordset.EOF Then
MsgBox "Record Set not found"
End If
End Sub
The above code is working when the data I'm searching is only number.
For example
When I search the data on the basis of L_Id which is a License ID an Integer value the searching is done and I'm getting the result.
When I search the data on the basis of L_No which is a License Number a string value which consists of both numbers and alphabets I'm getting the above error.
Do I have to parse the value is text1.text or do anything else?
When the field you're searching in is not a numeric type, you'll want to delimit it with single quotes:
Adodc1.Recordset.Find "L_No = '" & item & "'"
