SonarQube code coverage for Erlang EUnit tests - maven

I am using Maven to run EUnit tests on my Erlang project and then making a static code analysis. I do not know how to configure the coverage report path so that SonarQube could also show my code coverage results.

In your Maven goals, append the following
For me following setting worked


How to include Unit and Integration test in Sonar Code Coverage

I am using below commands to build my maven code.
-DargLine="-DDB_SERVER=localhost -DDB_PORT=5432 -DDB_NAME=sample -DDB_USER=sample -DDB_PASSWORD=sample -DDB_MAX_POOL=10" -Dcom.sample.redis=false clean compiler:compile
Unit-Test Analysis-
DargLine=-DDB_SERVER=localhost -DDB_PORT=1234 -DDB_NAME=sample -DDB_USER=sample -DDB_PASSWORD=sample -DDB_MAX_POOL=10 -Dcom.sample.redis=false -Dcobertura:cobertura-integration-test -Dcobertura.aggregate=false integration-test test
And using below sonar properties to capture xml to publish in sonar.
Being Multi module the code coverage is showing only 9.4%. Am I missing anything. I don't see any error logs as well.How can I achieve the same using coverage tool like Jacoco.
SonarQube - Version 5.1.1 - LGPL v3
Maven has a lifecycle Maven Lifecycle where each of the targets includes the ones before it. e.g. "test" includes "compile", "integration-test" includes "test", etc. You generally need to only include the target at the tip of the lifecycle. e.g. "mvn test" means (compile AND run the tests).
I'm thinking you want to run the "mvn verify" goal, which is compile, run tests and integration tests, and then run verifications (coverage checks, etc). Cobertura has a plugin that should integrate with maven and tap into various goals to run its pieces at appropriate times. I'm guessing you are messing up cobertura by having multiple targets and trying to break it into pieces - i.e. overwriting the instrumentation or something.
Similarly, you might find using jacoco easier than cobertura. It hides the instrumentation, and integrates pretty seemlessly with maven.
Good luck.

Unit Test Coverage is not coming in Sonarqube

I have configured Jenkins 2.31.1 with Maven 3.3.9 , and I am using Sonarqube 5.6.4, when I am building my Java project from Jenkins then test cases are getting executed also I am getting report in Sonarqube but Unit Tests Coverage is coming as "-".
Can anyone explain the steps to resolve this issue? How can I get Unit Tests Coverage? What are the changes I need to do ? What are the steps to be followed? Am I missing something here?
Here is link to my git repository -

Maven with Cobertura and findbugs - tests are running twice

So I have Jenkins with the Cobertura plugin installed. I have Cobertura and findbugs in the POM and my tests are running twice...
I assume that this is because Cobertura instruments the bytecode and this causes the tests to re-run, which isn't a bad thing I guess, since the instrumented isn't the same as non-instrumented code...but I would really like the tests to be run only once.
I have tried running them locally on commandline using these commands:
mvn cobertura:cobertura
mvn findbugs:findbugs -Dfindbugs.onlyAnalyze=true
mvn cobertura:cobertura findbugs:findbugs -Dfindbugs.onlyAnalyze=true
but I can't get the tests to run twice locally, where as on Jenkins the are running twice. I am not sure why this is happening and whether I could make it stop.
I am using Cobertura to generate reports for me...I assume that to generate them it needs to re-run the tests? But it doesn't make sense since they are already being run once.
We have faced the same behavior. It seems to be default behavior of Cobertura to rerun test cases for calculating coverage.
We switched to JaCoCo tool, which proved to be better . It does not re-run the test cases for coverage report.
Indeed you have to run tests twice with cobertura-maven-plugin (or use different profiles). This behavior is due to the fact that it runs Cobertura instrumentation in its own lifecycle and uses Cobertura executable instead of Cobertura API.
If you want to generate a Cobertura report while only running your tests once, you can give a try to the qualinsight-mojo-cobertura-core plugin. This plugin uses a different approach to run Cobertura instrumentation.
You'll find a documentation on the project's page: .
Note that this plugin has still some limitations, but it may be a viable alternative in your context.
Hope it helps !

Feed sonarqube jacoco widget with csv/html reports (instead of *.exec)

I got a root maven project, under which there are many independent modules (e.g. module_A, module_B, etc.).
One of these module is my integration-tests module, and it uses all the above external modules.
In order to have code coverage for all modules used by integration-tests, I use a workaround based on maven-ant (see this blog post).
Problem is:
The above generates csv/html report, yet sonarqube jacoco widget parses only jacoco*.exec files - which results in 0% code coverage.
Question is:
here's an example project for the problem above.
You don't need to use that workaround. You can provide Sonar with integration tests coverage file with following property (you shall use it while executing sonar:sonar goal):
Here is detailed documentation:
To sum up:
Compile all your modules.
Execute integration tests with jacoco enabled.
Execute Maven Sonar build adding mentioned property in command line.
I have prepared example project generating both unit and integration coverage results, you can check it here:
You have to:
download newest Sonarqube version and start it
execute command:
mvn clean install sonar:sonar -Dsonar.jacoco.itReportPath=<absolute_path>/itest/target/jacoco-it.exec
add integration coverage widged in project dashboard in Sonar

SONAR importing cobertura.ser coverage reports to sonar server using mvn sonar:sonar?

I have a cobertura.ser file, that got generated while integration-test and system test. Now I want to import my coverage this to sonar server.
How can I achieve this, so while executing mvn sonar:sonar the coverage should consider external coberture.ser file?
Can I do this using sonar, where i can see overall coverage obtain during all test run?
You need to set the following paramater to tell Sonar to use a pre-generated report:
Secondly Sonar doesn't read the "cobertura.ser" file. It can be configured as follows to read the generated XML report (See cobertura docs):
Finally, my reference for all this stuff comes from the from the Sonar wiki:
The Sonarsource tutorials are increasingly pushing JaCoCo. This appears to be an emerging standard (replacing the older defunct Emma project)
