Apache NiFi tuning issues - performance

I've developed a NiFi flow prototype for data ingestion in HDFS. Now I would like to improve the overall performances but it seems I cannot really move forward.
​The flow takes in input csv files (each row has 80 fields), split them at row level, applies some transformations to the fields (using 4 custom processors executed sequentially), buffers the new rows into csv files, outputs them into HDFS. I've developed the processors in such a way the content of the flow file is accessed only once when each individual record is read and its fields are moved to flowfile attributes. Tests have been performed on a amazon EC2 m4.4xlarge instance (16 cores CPU, 64 GB RAM).
​​This is what I tried so far:
​​Moved the flowfile repository and the content repository on different SSD drives
Moved the provenance repository in memory (NiFi could not keep up with the events rate)
Configuring the system according to the ​configuration best practices
I've tried assigning multiple threads to each of the processors in order to reach different numbers of total threads
I've tried increasing the nifi.queue.swap.threshold and setting backpressure to never reach the swap limit
Tried different JVM memory settings from 8 up to 32 GB (in combination with the G1GC)
I've tried increasing the instance specifications, nothing changes
From the monitoring I've performed it looks like disks are not the bottleneck (they are basically idle a great part of the time, showing the computation is actually being performed in-memory) and the average CPU load is below 60%.
​The most I can get is 215k rows/minute, which is 3,5k rows/second. In terms of volume, it's just 4,7 MB/s. I am aiming to something definitely greater than this.
​Just as a comparison, I created a flow that reads a file, splits it in rows, merges them together in blocks and outputs on disk. Here I get 12k rows/second, or 17 MB/s. Doesn't look surprisingly fast too and let me think that probably I am doing something wrong.
​Does anyone has suggestions about how to improve the performances? How much will I benefit from running NiFi on cluster instead of growing with the instance specs? Thank you all

It turned out the poor performances were a combination of both the custom processors developed, and the merge content built-in processor. The same question mirrored on the hortonworks community forum got interesting feedback.
Regarding the first issue, a suggestion is to add the SupportsBatching annotation to the processors. This allows the processors to batch together several commits, and allows the NiFi user to favor latency or throughput with the processor execution from the configuration menu. Additional info can be found on the documentation here.
The other finding was that the MergeContent built-in processor doesn't seem to have optimal performances itself, therefore if possible one should consider modifying the flow and avoid the merging phase.


nifi splitRecord hung

I'm testing nifi SplitRecord with a small file of only 11 records
However, SplitRecord hangs for a long time. I don't get a clue what it is doing.
Processor Hung
SPlitRecord Properties:
more properties
Is Records Per Split controlling
the maximum, or the minimum, or exact number of records per split?
if the total number of records is less than records per split, what's the behavior of SplitRecords? does it wait until a time-out and then put all on-hold records in to a single split?
After about 10 minutes or random number of start/stop/terminate/restart
it may trigger the processor to split the data sooner.
Records Per Split controls the maximum, see "SplitRecord.java" for the code. If there are fewer records than the RECORDS_PER_SPLIT value, it will immediately push them all out.
However, it does look like it is creating a new FlowFile, even if the total record count is less than the RECORDS_PER_SPLIT value, meaning it's doing disk writing regardless of whether a split really occured.
I would probably investigate two things:
Host memory - how much memory does the host have? How much is configured as NiFi max heap? How much total system memory is in use/free? NiFi performs best when plenty of system memory is left for file cache.
Host's disks, specifically the disk that has the Content Repository on it. Capacity? IO? Is it shared with other services? FlowFile content is written to the Content Repository, if the disk is shared with the OS, or other busy services (or other NiFi repos) it can really slow content modification down.
Note: your NiFi version over 3 years old, please consider upgrading.

EC2 host type for a DynamoDB batchWrite call

I have a requirement to bulk upload an excel sheet to a DynamoDB table and the maximum number of rows are 200,000. The website for bulk upload will be used less frequently, so we can assume there are only 1 - 2 bulk uploads being processed at a given time. In the backend, I am using Apache POI API to parse the excel sheet into DynamoDB Items.
Because we can only send up to 25 items in a batchWriteItem call, the currently latency is around 15 minutes (900 seconds) to completely upload all the 200,000 items. Hence I am planning to implement multi threading to execute multiple batchWriteItem API calls in parallel. Can you help me understand which EC2 host types are best suited for multi-threading for this purpose.
Any references will be really helpful.
Normally, multi-threading would be helped by using an Instance Type that has multiple CPUs.
However, you are describing behaviour that is waiting on network rather than CPU. Therefore, it is likely that the operation you describe is not being heavily impacted by CPU Utilization.
The best way to answer your question is to recommend that you experiment with different instance types to find the one that is best for your application's combination of needs:
Pick an instance family (eg m5) and try a few different sizes
Compare this against another family (eg c5) to see whether the improved performance is worth the extra cost
Monitor the application to find the bottleneck, which would either be RAM, CPU, Network or Disk access
Please note that smaller instances have less Network bandwidth, so you might need to choose a larger instance type to avoid being throttled on network bandwidth. This might result in excess CPU that isn't being fully utilized.

Physical memory usage keeps increasing for Spark application on YARN

I am running a Spark application in YARN-client mode with six executors (each four cores and executor memory = 6 GB and Overhead = 4 GB, Spark version: 1.6.3 / 2.1.0).
I find that my executor memory keeps increasing until getting killed by the node manager; and it gives out the information that tells me to boost spark.yarn.excutor.memoryOverhead.
I know that this parameter mainly control the size of memory allocated off-heap. But I don’t know when and how the Spark engine will use this part of memory. Also increasing that part of memory does not always solve my problem. Sometimes it works and sometimes not. It trends to be useless when the input data is large.
FYI, my application’s logic is quite simple. It means to combine the small files generated in one single day (one directory one day) into a single one and write back to HDFS. Here is the core code:
val df = spark.read.parquet(originpath)
.filter(s"m = ${ts.month} AND d = ${ts.day}")
val dropDF = df.drop("hh").drop("mm").drop("mode").drop("y").drop("m").drop("d")
The source file may have hundreds to thousands level’s partition. And the total parquet file is around 1 to 5 GB.
Also I find that in the step that shuffle reading data from different machines, the size of shuffle read is about four times larger than the input size, Which is wired or some principle I don’t know.
Anyway, I have done some search myself for this problem. Some article said that it’s on the direct buffer memory (I don’t set myself).
Some article said that people solve it with more frequent full GC.
Also, I find one people on Stack Overflow with a very similar situation: Ever increasing physical memory for a Spark application in YARN
This guy claimed that it’s a bug with parquet, but a comment questioned him. People in this mail list may also receive an email hours ago from blondowski who described this problem while writing JSON: Executors - running out of memory
So it looks like to be common question for different output format.
I hope someone with experience about this problem could make an explanation about this issue. Why does this happen and what is a reliable way to solve this problem?
I just do some investigation in these days with my colleague. Here is my thought: from spark 1.2, we use Netty with off-heap memory to reduce GC during shuffle and cache block transfer. In my case, if I try to increase the memory overhead big enough. I will get the Max direct buffer exception. When Netty do block transferring, there will be five threads by default to grab the data chunk to target executor. In my situation, one single chunk is too big to fit into the buffer. So gc won’t help here. My final solution is to do another repartition before the repartition(1). Just to make 10x times more partitions than original’s. In this way, I can reduce the size of each chunk Netty transfer. In this way I finally make it.
Also I want to say that it’s not a good choice to repartition a big dataset into single file. This extremely unbalanced scenario is kind of waste your compute resources.
Welcome to any comment, I still don't understand this part well.

Cassandra partition size and performance?

I was playing around with cassandra-stress tool on my own laptop (8 cores, 16GB) with Cassandra 2.2.3 installed out of the box with having its stock configuration. I was doing exactly what was described here:
And measuring its insert performance.
My observations were:
using the code from https://gist.github.com/tjake/fb166a659e8fe4c8d4a3 without any modifications I had ~7000 inserts/sec.
when modifying line 35 in the code above (cluster: fixed(1000)) to "cluster: fixed(100)", i. e. configuring my test data distribution to have 100 clustering keys instead of 1000, the performance was jumping up to ~11000 inserts/sec
when configuring it to have 5000 clustering keys per partition, the performance was reducing to just 700 inserts/sec
The documentation says however Cassandra can support up to 2 billion rows per partition. I don't need that much still I don't get how just 5000 records per partition can slow the writes 10 times down or am I missing something?
Supporting is a little different from "best performaning". You can have very wide partitions, but the rule-of-thumb is to try to keep them under 100mb for misc performance reasons. Some operations can be performed more efficiently when the entirety of the partition can be stored in memory.
As an example (this is old example, this is a complete non issue post 2.0 where everything is single pass) but in some versions when the size is >64mb compaction has a two pass process, that halves compaction throughput. It still worked with huge partitions. I've seen many multi gb ones that worked just fine. but the systems with huge partitions were difficult to work with operationally (managing compactions/repairs/gcs).
I would say target the rule of thumb initially of 100mb and test from there to find own optimal. Things will always behave differently based on use case, to get the most out of a node the best you can do is some benchmarks closest to what your gonna do (true of all systems). This seems like something your already doing so your definitely on the right path.

Cassandra integration with hadoop for read performance

I am using Apache Cassandra for storing around 100 million records. There is one single node with the following specifications-
RAM-32GB, HDD-2TB, Intel quad core processor.
With cassandra there is a read performance problem. For some queries it takes around 40mins for giving the output. After searching for how to improve the read performance i came to know about the following factors-
Compaction strategy,compression techniques, key cache, increase the heap space, turning off the swap space for cassandra.
After doing these optimizations, the performance remains the same. After seraching, I came around for integrating Hadoop with cassandra.Is it the correct way to do the queries in cassandra or any other factors I am missing here??
It looks like you data model could be improved. 40 minutes is something impossible. I download all data from 6 million records (around 10gb) within few minutes. And think it because I convert data in the process of download and store them. Trivial selects must take milliseconds.
Did you build it on the base of queries that you must do ?
