Xcode [8] Editor scrolls on its own? - xcode

EnvironmentXcode 8MacOS 10.11.6MacBook Air (circa 2013)
ProblemI've noticed recently that the Editor in Xcode seems to periodically scroll-up on its own. Which I, at least, find very annoying.
I've looked at a couple of other postings:
Xcode scrolls text while typing
XCode auto-scroll when pressing Command after a text selectionBut neither of them seem to provide a solution for me, as I'm not pressing the Command key and I'm not using multiple fingers on the touch-pad.
It seems to happen most frequently when I'm working on code near the bottom of the file, I haven't been able to narrow down the cause-and-effect scenario more than that just yet.
Has anyone else noticed this?
Has anyone figured out a way to stop it?
Is there a reasonable way to report this to Apple? There doesn't seem to be an Xcode section on the http://www.apple.com/feedback/ site.

Try to disable your XCode theme if you have one. We ended up with that bug by doing this trick!

For XCode 10.1 changing the font size to 12 for the selected theme did the trick.


Xcode's UI control border width bug

Sometimes I'm experiencing weird bug in Xcode. Some of UI controls gets ridiculously thick border which makes them really hard to read.
For example color picker.
I don't know what triggers this behaviour. After restarting Xcode it's normal again.
Do you know how to fix it? I'm running Xcode 9.1
You answered your own question. Just restart Xcode and the issue will be fixed.
It's an Xcode bug. If you want, you can file a bug with Apple to let them know it's an issue.

Disable snap-back when scrolling in Interface Builder (Xcode 5)

I'm not sure if this is a feature or a bug (it feels like a bug), but ever since I upgraded to Xcode 5, whenever I scroll all the way to the right of my storyboard canvas area, the view snaps back to the start (or far left).
I have googled this but to know avail. I wondered if anyone else is experiencing this issue, and if so, how do you deal with it. In other words, I'm looking to disable it, or some kind of a workaround.
Update Xcode to Version 5.1.1 and the issue is resolved.

Tooltips flicker on OSX

I'm creating a cross-platform GUI using JavaFX 2.0, and some of the controls that I use require tooltips to be displayed when the mouse hovers over them. I've got the tooltips displaying fine on my Windows 7 machine, but on OSX (10.7.3) the tooltips appear and then dissapear immediately, and the only way to get them to display again is to move the mouse off the control and then back on.
Is this a known issue with tooltips under OSX, or is there something special that needs to be done?
Many thanks,
Looks like a known issue RT-14798 "Mac: tooltips disappear right after they are displayed", which was fixed on January 26, 2012. Download the latest JavaFX OS-X early access release and, if you are still having an issue, reopen the bug. Signup is required to access the bug tracker, but anybody can signup and create or comment on bugs and issues.

Where is assistant editor gone?

i cant find how to turn on Assistant Editor in XCode 4.
On tutorial examples i see special button http://i.stack.imgur.com/yUAYe.png
in Editor panel:
http:// i.stack.imgur.com/yspVC.png
But i cant find Editor panel in my copy of XCode:
Something going wrong, i think.
What can i do to switch to split screen mode (assistant editor)?
P.S.: Sorry for links on images instead of real one. And for one broken link, its all about spam prevetion system and lack of reputation.
It looks like you are running Xcode 3, not Xcode 4.
You are not running XC4 in that screen shot.

How to fix Titanium's broken menu bar on mac osx

I started developing an desktop-app with Titanium Appcelerator for mac. Everything is fine except the broken menu bar. So I launch the app and get this weird looking menu bar, where every item is placed two times. I didn't create a menu, it's a default project.
Does anybody know how to fix this problem?
It's been a while since this was asked, but I want to contribute an answer so we can close this off:
This was fixed with Titanium Desktop 1.2.0. It was something we were doing wrong, and have since fixed.
You can read more here, if you are interested: http://jira.appcelerator.org/browse/TIDESK-549
