SCCM Configuration Baseline Name table - sccm

Can you please help point me to the right direction as to where I can find the table to map the Name of the Configuration Baseline in SCCM?screenshot
Thanks in advance!

I will share my experience for finding specific wmi class or DB tables for Configuration Manager. It may not be the best way, but I find it really helpful for me to get what I want.
To get WMI Class:
Open CM Admin Console in Debugview Mode. It's easy do by adding sms:debugview at the end of console shortcut property target label.
For example: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Configuration Manager\AdminConsole\bin\Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.exe" sms:debugview
After opening console in DebugView mode, you'll find that there is an extra workspace called Tools. (You'll find it's a tool to view all WMI Classes on site server)
In your case, right click the baseline and select 'Show Object Details' (this is added in debug view mode), you'll notice that you're redirected to Tools workspace and it's showing the baseline WMI Class instance , you'll see all the properties. For example, the name is listed as LocalizedDisplayName. In this case, the baseline WMI Class is SMS_ConfigurationBaselineInfo.
You then can Join any other WMI classes to this one on any property.
To get SQL DB Views:
You can use specific keyword and a simple query to find some related views and you'll then be able to find the one you need. keyword is important and can be for example a key word in above WMI Class name.
where TABLE_NAME like '%baseline%'
and table_type = 'View'
in the end if you only want to get only views.

It's rarely advisable to read anything from the tables directly, and you should instead use the views provided by MS.
Not at work at the moment, so can't check, but I suspect you'll be wanting to look at the DisplayName column in v_LocalizedCIProperties.


xperf -providers doesn't show the name of TraceLoggingProvider defined by TRACELOGGING_DEFINE_PROVIDER

I follow the tutorial to set up a TraceLoggingProvider in my application.
During the application runs, I try to use xperf -providers to see if my user event provider is there:
I cannot see the name I defined in TRACELOGGING_DEFINE_PROVIDER but only the defined GUID is shown. Is it intended?
Instead following another tutorial with WPRP file, I just use xperf -start to capture events. And the same: I can only use GUID as parameter, not the defined name! is it also intended?
Anyway, at the end I can view the result properly in WPA and the defined name of my user event provider is visible.
are all my observaton intended?
The name you use in the C++ code is unrelated to the display name on your pc.
You'd have a displayed name (instead of GUID) if this was a manifested installed provider, but TraceLogging isn't manifested (at least, not in the classical sense - an impromptu manifest is embedded into the image, and sent in the messages).

Save application settings in vb6

I wanted someone to help me decide which is the best option to save the settings of an application on vb6. I understand that this can be done with an INI file and/or modifying the registry. I need you to move the directory if one computer to another, the application stops working.
What you think is the best option?
If someone has an interesting link that can help me thank you very much!
Thank you for readme and sorry for my English!
We don't use the registry but follow these steps which has worked well for us even when crossing platforms and new versions of a language:
Save all parameters in a table in a database associated with the application. We normally call this "Code" with the fields "Type", "Code", "Description", and "Control". For example, the name of the company would be stored in the table as "PARM","CONAME","My Company Name","". If you have a dynamic list of transaction types, store them as "TRNS","01","My 1st Type","" and "TRNS", "02", "My 2nd Type", "" and so forth. The Control field is used for anything you want that's hidden from the user but possibly controls how the program responds based upon the users selection of that an example. To get the list of types, just use a SELECT statement like "SELECT * FROM [Code] WHERE [Type]='TRNS' ORDER BY [Code];".
Save the connection to the database in an encrypted ini file. We wrote the encryption and decryption functions ourselves. There are various out of the box ways to do this on various blogs.
Installing the application on another system demands access to the database and copying the ini file.

How to remove SSRS credentials in Visual Studio 2008

I have a question similar to this one, but I am using VS 2008 and an Oracle database (with Oracle SQL Developer). How do I get rid of the report credentials in VS? Thank you.
One of the easiest ways to get rid of this is to supply a username and password for the database in question on the reporting server. The URL is usually something like http://localhost/reports. Usually, users created for this type of connection have minimal read-only rights needed for the specific report. The disadvantages to this type of connection is that it's a one-user-fits-all situation. But because of the error message you are getting, it appears that your wish is to supply a specific user name and password rather than use Windows security--which is just fine.
To get here, click Security from the report drop-down list on the main page. Then, click the Credentials stored securely on the report server. Then, here's an issue that get's lots of folks--click the Apply button at the bottom to save the changes. Sometimes the Apply button is not visible and you need to scroll down to click it.
Now, if you're accessing your report through ReportViewer in VS then the following link may provide some help:
Alternately, you can create or add to a web.config file:
p.s. based on our chat, try adding the following to your web.config connection string--if you have one(with the respective user name and password)--if, indeed you're using Oracle's
providerName="Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client" connectionString="User Id=oracle_user;Password=oracle_user_password
I have not figure out how to solve this from the database. What I did was, comment out this line of code from the XML of the report:
<Prompt>Specify a user name and password for data source XXX</Prompt>
If you have the correct credential info in the <value> tag, your report should be loaded with username and password parameters without problems.

Cognos session parameters usage

I have setup LDAP authentication and set up "custom properties" in cognos configuration to get a attribute i have defined in the LDAP entry.
For example this custom property is called ORG_NAME, how do i use this ORG_NAME in report studio as a parameter to filter on? I have seen online about mapping with Framework manager.. however the particular reports i am using access the database directly and DO NOT have a framework manager package associated with them, so i need to use the ORG_NAME without using FM....
You can use the same syntax you would use in FM. So, for example:
will return the first name, and so on.
If you feel some burning need to for user-written SQL, instead of using FM, you can include the macro as a query item in your "outer" query (that gets the results from your sql query, Query2 in the image below).

Entity Framework 6 DBContext disable delete option

Anyone please help me on how to disable DELETE option in EF6?
I mean from the application, now record should be deleted (even accidentally)
Create a user/role in the database that does not have permissions to delete/modify records and use it in your application. EF itself is not meant to be a security tool and there are always options to perform a delete operation (e.g. a developer can send any arbitrary SQL query/command to the database bypassing all the 'security' measures implemented in the data access layer)
When getting the entities call with AsNoTracking() option.
eg :- Context.Users.AsNoTracking()
Edit after Stevens Comment
Its true that anyone can still go and change the entity state to Deleted manually. I would recommend, using Repository Pattern for data access and can restrict delete operation. By hiding the DbContext outside of the assembly.
