Electron app with pm2 packaged for Mac respawns itself - macos

I made an Electron app that uses the node.js package pm2, a process manager. It all works as expected until the application is packaged using electron-packager. Then, each instance of the application starts a new instance. If I remove the pm2.connect() instruction, everything works as expected again. What's going on?
Can pm2 not be used in packaged applications on OS X?


Can Gitlab-CI runner work with MacOSx and docker to publish in app store?

I am thinking to host a MacOSX device for building and distributing the application in the Mac Application Store.
I would prefer to run the gitlab-runner instance using a docker container, and if possible, deploy it with marathon by distance.
Is that even possible?
Last time I built native apps you needed native OS X for using the necessary tools like app signing and such. Building in a docker container is not native OS X, so that would not be possible, and Marathon is then also out of the question.
But..using a GitLab runner with the Shell executor on Mac OS should work! You can run all Mac tools (if they don't need an interactive window)
If you are using hybrid apps (React Native for instance https://github.com/ptmt/react-native-macos) you can build apps for 90% anywhere, but it becomes tricky when you need to sign stuff again.. But here are services like http://www.macincloud.com where you rent a Mac for a while!

IPA file unable to run on colleague's phone or untethered from workstation using Meteorjs+ReactJS+Mongodb

I am new to IOS development and have come across an issue and need some help.
I am trying to create an iOS application to target to work on iPhones. I am using MeteorJS, ReactJS with MongoDB for a database.
When I run the ‘meteor run ios’ command I am able to get the Xcode project.
I am also able to load the Xcode project within Xcode and generate the IPA file to demo on my iPhone using ITunes from my MacBook Pro.
When I try to run the application from my iPhone everything works - meaning I was able to connect to the local database (localhost:3001 mongodb). Also, the tests on the application only work when my phone is connected to the Mac.
Now, when I try to export the application and want a colleague to test the iPA file does not work. The IPA file gets installed on the colleague’s phone, however application does not work.
I think I’ve followed the process as required for Adhoc Provisioning profiles however I am not sure whether Im doing this right - because possibly the database is not being packaged with the IPA file?
Could someone please help / Guide?
When running a build produced by meteor run ios, the application on the phone tries to connect to a server running locally on your machine over the networked formed on the physical Lightning cable connection.
While you can configure the iOS client to connect to your machine over your local network, this solution introduces other problems you won't expect. Deploy your application to Galaxy, configure your iOS settings to use the URL on Galaxy, and make a production deployment of your iOS application. Then the iOS application will try to connect to an accessible public Internet URL (your Galaxy deployment), rather than your inaccessible local machine.
See the documentation for details.
meteor run ios-device --mobile-server=http://ip:port
worked for me

windows 10 IOT universal windows app, how do i install an app programatically

Running win10 IOT core on the raspberry pi 2 and I'm wondering if the following is possible:
1) have a headless app running that is called 'version checker'. in addition, have multiple other headless apps running.
2) if a new version of an app is available, it downloads the package
3) once new package is downloaded, it installs the app
If this is possible, where should I start?
If you are not against writing the app in HTML/JS, you could write it as a Hosted Web App.
It's really similar to a Chrome / FirefoxOS app, which caches your code on the device, and hits your site to see if there are any changes since it last loaded, and update itself if it does.
Here's a blog that I wrote a while back.

Any Mac app (osx) I build crashes immediately after opening on another mac

So basically if I build any app (even the most simple hello world app) in xcode on my dev machine, then copy the "myapp.app" file to another mac, when I open it it appears in the dock for a fraction of a second then.. nothing (they all work on the dev machine).
I'm using Xcode 5.0.2 and both machines are running Mavericks (10.9.1) on 64bit.
Any help? I'm relatively new to building apps for the mac (have done some for ios), so not sure what could be wrong!
I found the issue. For some reason if I copied the app to the non dev machine over my network it wouldn't run, if I airdop/usb etc the file it works fine. Weird.

mac app store sandboxing issues

My app has a 3rd party executable inside of its bundle which my app communicates with via NSTask. I was able to sandbox my app and everything works, but when I submit it to the Mac App Store I am told that I must also sandbox this executable. Now when I do this it breaks everything and what happens is the executable crashes and the crash report reveals that a sandbox cannot be created. This executable is in my Resources folder in my project and copies into my app when I build. So what is the solution here? If sandboxing the actual executable makes it crash but the App Store gives me invalid binary without sandboxing it what can I do?
