How to use the web api url across the mvc application - ajax

here is my piece of sample code
function AuthenticateLogin() {
$.getJSON('http://localhost:52293/api/APILogin/', function (data) {
if (data != null) {
The hosting url is below, which will be used across the mvc application, might be the controller/action will be varied across the application.
for example, here i have hard coded the above url in all places, If I'm moving the application to other machine,then it is not good to change the url again in each and every places. so, is there any way to handle this ?

Give your API action a static name:
public class APILoginApiController {
[Route("", Name = "Login")]
public ActionResult Login(string userName) {
// ...
Then in your Razor JavaScript, you can utilize the UrlHelper by calling Url.HttpRouteUrl to dynamically build your URL for you.
$.getJSON('#Url.HttpRouteUrl("Login", new {})', function (data) {
// ...
The advantage of this approach is that if you change anything about how the route is formulated, it's in the [Route] attribute on the action. Matching the name like that will use the routing engine to always create the correct path. Otherwise, you're still stuck with (partial) hard-coded paths throughout your JavaScript.
If your route requires any variables, then that is provided within the empty anonymous object as the second parameter for HttpRouteUrl().

You should not hardcode the full absolute url like that. You may consider using the relative url. To generate relative url, you may consider using the Url helper methods
If your code is inside an external js file, you should consider using the helper method to generate the relative url in your razor view(s) and store it in a js variable which you can use in your external js files.
In your razor view
var myApp = myApp || {};
myApp.siteBaseUrl = "#Url.Content("~")"; // Get the app root
Now in your external js files
$.getJSON(myApp.siteBaseUrl+'api/APILogin/', function (data) {
// do something
You can also use Url.RouteUrl helper method to generate the urls to the api endpoints. For example
var myApp = myApp || {};
myApp.productsApiUrl = "#Url.RouteUrl("DefaultApi",
new { httproute = true, controller = "Products"})";
Now somewhere else in the js codde, you can use it like
$.getJSON(myApp.productsApiUrl , function (data) {
// do something with products data
This approach allows you to pass route values when you make the call and the helper method will build the url for you (based on the route definition)
myApp.productsDetailsUrl = "#Url.RouteUrl("DefaultApi",
new { httproute = true, controller = "Products", id= 210 })";

Related Core RC2 Web API POST - When to use Create, CreatedAtAction, vs. CreatedAtRoute?

What are the fundamental differences of those functions? All I know is all three result in a 201, which is appropriate for a successful POST request.
I only follow examples I see online, but they don't really explain why they're doing what they're doing.
We're supposed to provide a name for our GET (1 record by id):
[HttpGet("{id}", Name="MyStuff")]
public async Task<IActionResult> GetAsync(int id)
return new ObjectResult(new MyStuff(id));
What is the purpose of naming this get function, besides that it's "probably" required for the POST function below:
public async Task<IActionResult> PostAsync([FromBody]MyStuff myStuff)
// actual insertion code left out
return CreatedAtRoute("MyStuff", new { id = myStuff.Id }, myStuff);
I notice that CreatedAtRoute also has an overload that does not take in the route name.
There is also CreatedAtAction that takes in similar parameters. Why does this variant exist?
There is also Created which expects a URL and the object we want to return. Can I just use this variant and provide a bogus URL and return the object I want and get it done and over with?
I'm not sure why there are so many variants just to be able to return a 201 to the client. In most cases, all I want to do is to return the "app-assigned" (most likely from a database) unique id or a version of my entity that has minimal information.
I think that ultimately, a 201 response "should" create a location header which has the URL of the newly-created resource, which I believe all 3 and their overloads end up doing. Why should I always return a location header? My JavaScript clients, native mobile, and desktop apps never use it. If I issue an HTTP POST, for example, to create billing statements and send them out to users, what would such a location URL be? (My apologies for not digging deeper into the history of the Internet to find an answer for this.)
Why create names for actions and routes? What's the difference between action names and route names?
I'm confused about this, so I resorted to returning the Ok(), which returns 200, which is inappropriate for POST.
There's a few different questions here which should probably be split out, but I think this covers the bulk of your issues.
Why create names for actions and routes? What's the difference between action names and route names?
First of all, actions and routes are very different.
An Action lives on a controller. A route specifies a complete end point that consists of a Controller, and Action and potentially additional other route parameters.
You can give a name to a route, which allows you to reference it in your application. for example
name: "MyRouteName",
url: "SomePrefix/{action}/{id}",
defaults: new { controller = "Section", action = "Index" }
The reason for action names are covered in this question: Purpose of ActionName
It allows you to start your action with a number or include any character that .net does not allow in an identifier. - The most common reason is it allows you have two Actions with the same signature (see the GET/POST Delete actions of any scaffolded controller)
What are the fundamental differences of those functions?
These 3 functions all perform essentially the same function - returning a 201 Created response, with a Location header pointing to the url for the newly created response, and the object itself in the body. The url should be the url at which a GET request would return the object url. This would be considered the 'Correct' behaviour in a RESTful system.
For the example Post code in your question, you would actually want to use CreatedAtAction.
public async Task<IActionResult> PostAsync([FromBody]MyStuff myStuff)
// actual insertion code left out
return CreatedAtAction("MyStuff", new { id = myStuff.Id }, myStuff);
Assuming you have the default route configured, this will add a Location header pointing to the MyStuff action on the same controller.
If you wanted the location url to point to a specific route (as we defined earlier, you could use e.g.
public async Task<IActionResult> PostAsync([FromBody]MyStuff myStuff)
// actual insertion code left out
return CreatedAtRoute("MyRouteName", new { id = myStuff.Id }, myStuff);
Can I just use this variant and provide a bogus URL and return the object I want and get it done and over with?
If you really don't want to use a CreatedResult, you can use a simple StatusCodeResult, which will return a 201, without the Location Header or body.
public async Task<IActionResult> PostAsync([FromBody]MyStuff myStuff)
// actual insertion code left out
return StatusCode(201);
I believe there is an example for you here.
Remembering that I'm using .NET 6
public IActionResult CadastrarCerveja([FromBody] Cerveja cerveja)
using (var ctx = new CervejaContext())
return CreatedAtAction(
new { IdCerveja = cerveja.Id },
public IActionResult LerCerveja(int IdCerveja)
var ctx = new CervejaContext();
var cerv = ctx.Cervejas.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == IdCerveja);
if (cerv == null)
return NotFound();
return Ok(cerv);

AngularJS: Setting Global Variable AJAX

I am looking for best practices with AngularJS:
I need to share a json ajax response between nested controllers.
Right now I have a working version that simply sets a $scope.variable with the response in controller1, and the other controllers access it by calling the same variable.
I have tried creating a global service, but the problem is I make the ajax call in a controller, and before the ajax call is finished, the global variable defaults to null for all the other controllers.
I am just trying to understand what best approach is in this situation.
Create publisher/subscriber service or factory and subscribe methods from your controller2 and 3 to data change. Just like this:
.factory('GlobalAjaxVariable', function() {
var subscribers = [];
function publish(data) {
callbacks.forEach(function(clb) {
return {
setData: function(ajaxData) {
addSubscriber: function(clb) {
You can put the value in $rootScope.variable and after access it from any other controller (as $scope.variable)

Backbone JS and CodeIgniter REST Server

I have a standard CI web app, but I've decided to get the chaotic javascript in order using backbone. I had a whole pile of serialized forms/jQuery AJAX requests to various controller methods: authenticate, change_password, register_member, request_new_password, etc.., and don't quite understand how REST works instead. I'm using Phil Sturgeon's REST library for CI
Should every backbone model have a different api url? And what am I supposed to actually call the controller methods?
class RestApi extends REST_Controller
function get()
But it just 404s.
I just don't get how to replace the routing to fifty of my old methods based on a handful of HTTP methods. Does the name of the backbone model need to match something on the server side?
You have to name your functions index_HTTPMETHOD. In your example it would be:
class RestApi extends REST_Controller {
// this will handle GET http://.../RestApi
function index_get() {
// additionally this will handle POST http://.../RestApi
function index_post() {
// and so forth
// if you want to POST to http://.../RestApi/somefunc
function somefunc_post() {
the url-attribute of the model should match the server-side 'url' which returns the JSON that will make up the model's attributes. Backbone.js has default functionality to this, which is to match the model's collection url with it's id attribute. The collection url requirement can be foregone by overriding the urlRoot -function, in order to operate model's outside of collections.
If you want to be independent of the id -attribute as well, you sould override the url -attribute/function to provide your own url that matches to the model on the server, like this:
url: 'path/to/my/model'
url: function() { // Define the url as a function of some model properties
var path = this.model_root + '/' + 'some_other_url_fragment/' + this.chosen_model_identifier;
return path;

Generating url for a resource in web api outside of ApiController

Looking for a way to construct or generate a url for a specific resource in web api. It can be done in the controller since it inherits from ApiController hence you get the UrlHelper.
I am looking to construct resource url out of the context of the ApiController.
Here is what I did:
Requires HttpContext/Request, so might not work in Application_Start.
Only tested in WebApi 1
Only works for routes registered in GlobalConfiguration (but if you have some other one, just pass it in instead)
// given HttpContext context, e.g. HttpContext.Current
var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, context.Request.Url) {
Properties = {
{ HttpPropertyKeys.HttpConfigurationKey, GlobalConfiguration.Configuration },
{ HttpPropertyKeys.HttpRouteDataKey, new HttpRouteData(new HttpRoute()) },
{ "MS_HttpContext", new HttpContextWrapper(context) }
var urlHelper = new UrlHelper(request);
What about the UrlHelper classes:
The MVC one has some useful static methods accepting routing information or it can be used as an instance created by passing in a RequestContext (which is available in most MVC filters and various other places). The instance methods should be exactly what you need to generate urls.
The HTTP one accepts a ControllerContext (which is also available in most HTTP filters and various other places).
I'm not sure about the ApiController, as I haven't used it before. This may then be redundant for you, but then again, it may not be. Check out your Global.asax.cs file, specifically the RegisterRoutes function. Initially, you should see the following mapping:
routes.MapRoute ("Default", "{controller}/{action}/{id}", new { controller = "MyController", action = "Index", id = "" });
So by default your application is set up to handle routes in the following format:
A controller class set up like the following should enable you to receive requests in that format.
class {ControllerName}Controller : ApiController
public ActionResult {ActionName} (string id)
// fetch your resource by its unique identifier

How do I use RequestHandler to accept data from ajax?

I try to send data form ajax to cakephp cotroller
function loadtooltip(obj, $user_id) {
var req = Inint_AJAX();
req.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (req.readyState==4) {
if (req.status==200) {
displaytooltip(obj, req.responseText);
};"POST", "", true);
req.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
this controller
Class TooltipsController extends AppController{
var $name = 'Tooltips';
var $uses = array('Reply','User');
var $component = array('RequestHandler','Javascript','Ajax');
var $layout = 'tooltip';
function tooltip($user_id=NULL){
$tooltip = $this->Reply->User->findById($user_id);
I need somebody to help me to modified code
the way you're doing at the moment in the controller, you won't me able to get the user_id, because it is a var passed through GET method of http.
This variable would be accessible if you make a GET request for example for this url: where 1 would be your $user_id.
If you send the request as POST, you can access the values in this var $this->data
This way you will be able to process the request based in the var that you pass to the controller.
Another problem that you will face that this controller will need to render a view, so i suggest that you take a look at, there you can see how you can create a route that will make the controller parse another view, it a different custom layout, like the json (the one i suggest in this case), and then you can show in this view only the json value.
Last, but important as well, i would suggest to that you use jQuery to do the javascript part, i think it will be easier, you can check it at
