How do I wrap Hinging with a HingeProcess? - prism

I'm missing something. I seem to be registering ok, but my resolve blows up with the following exception.
{"The type Test.Interfaces.IProcess`1 is an open generic type. An open generic type cannot be resolved.\r\nParameter name: t"}
How do I wrap Hinging with a HingeProcess, I thought registerInstance took care of this?
public interface IProcess<T> where T : class
Expression<Func<T, bool>> Expression { get; set; }
T Entity { get; set; }
public class HingingProcess<T> : IProcess<T> where T : class
public Expression<Func<T, bool>> Expression { get; set; }
public T Entity { get; set; }
public HingingProcess(T entity)
Entity = entity;
container.RegisterType(typeof(IProcess<>), typeof(HingingProcess<>), "HingeProcess",
new InjectionConstructor(new GenericParameter("T", "entity")));
Hinging a = new Hinging();
container.RegisterInstance<Hinging>("entity", a);
var pp = container.Resolve(typeof(IProcess<>), "HingeProcess", new ParameterOverrides[] { });
Thought maybe this would work, but fails to register.
container.RegisterType<object, Hinging>("hinge");
container.RegisterType(typeof(IProcess<>), typeof(HingingProcess<>), "HingeProcess",
new InjectionConstructor(new GenericParameter("entity", "hinge")));

You have to specify the type of the IProcess while resolving
var container = new UnityContainer();
container.RegisterType(typeof(IProcess<>), typeof(HingingProcess<>), "HingeProcess",new InjectionConstructor(new GenericParameter("T", "entity")));
Hinging a = new Hinging();
var pp = container.Resolve(typeof(IProcess<Hinging>), "HingeProcess", new ParameterOverride("entity", a));


Passing variables / arguments between repeated Activities in MassTransit Courier Routing Slips

I'm looking to integrate the MassTransit Courier Routing Slip features into an existing solution using Azure Functions and ServiceBusTriggers that synchronizes data between two systems, and has to use a SOAP HTTP client. However, I'm struggling to understand how arguments and variables passed between activities are prioritized. This is best explained via a poor mock example itinerary. My assumption was that variables override existing arguments, but I think that was an incorrect assumption.
public class SyncCustomerOrderConsumer : IConsumer<SyncCustomerOrderMessage>
public async Task Consume(ConsumeContext<SyncCustomerOrderMessage> context)
var slip = this.BuildRoutingSlip(context.Message);
await context.Execute(slip);
private RoutingSlip BuildRoutingSlip(SyncCustomerOrderMessage args)
var builder = new RoutingSlipBuilder(NewId.NextGuid());
builder.AddVariable("OrderItems", args.OrderItems);
builder.AddActivity(nameof(SyncCustomerActivity), GetActivityCustomer<SyncCustomerActivity, SyncCustomerArgs>() new {
builder.AddActivity(nameof(SyncCustomerActivity), GetActivityCustomer<SyncCustomerActivity, SyncCustomerArgs>() new {
builder.AddActivity(nameof(SyncOrderActivity), GetActivityCustomer<SyncOrderActivity, SyncOrderArgs>() new {
foreach (var item in args.OrderItems)
builder.AddActivity(nameof(SyncOrderItemActivity), GetActivityCustomer<SyncOrderItemActivity, SyncOrderItemArgs>(), new
OrderItem = args.item
builder.AddActivity(nameof(SyncSourceActivity), GetActivityCustomer<SyncSourceActivity, SyncSourceArgs>());
return builder.Build();
public class SyncOrderItemActivity : IExecuteActivity<SyncOrderItemArgs>
private readonly IOrderItemWebserviceClient _client;
privater readonly IMapper _mapper;
public SyncOrderItemActivity(IOrderItemWebserviceClient client, IMapper mapper)
_client = client;
_mapper = mapper;
public async Task<ExecutionResult> Execute(ExecuteContext<SyncOrderItemArgs> context)
var args = context.Arguments;
var dto = _mapper.Map<OrderItemDto>(args);
if (args.OrderItem.External.IsNotSynced())
var response = await _client.AddAsync(dto);
args.OrderItem.ExternalId = response.Uuid;
args.OrderItem.LastSynced = response.LastUpdated;
var response = await _client.UpdateAsync(dto);
args.OrderItem.LastSynced = response.LastUpdated;
// replace the existing order items variable
int index = args.OrderItems.FindIndex(oi => oi.Id == args.OrderItem.Id);
if (index != 1)
args.OrderItems[index] = orderItem;
return context.CompletedWithVariables(new { OrderItem = args.OrderItem, OrderItems = args.OrderItems });
public class SyncOrderItemArgs
public OrderItem OrderItem { get; set; }
public List<OrderItem> OrderItems { get; set; }
public class SyncSourceActivity : IExecuteActivity<SyncSourceArgs>
private readonly IEventGridClient _client;
privater readonly IMapper _mapper;
public SyncSourceActivity(IEventGridClient client, IMapper mapper)
_client = client;
_mapper = mapper;
public async Task<ExecutionResult> Execute(ExecuteContext<SyncSourceArgs> context)
var args = context.Arguments;
// this is the original list, not the replaced list
foreach (var item in args.OrderItems)
await _client.PublishAsync(new OrderItemSyncedEvent { item });
return context.Completed();
public class SyncCustomerOrderMessage
public Customer Customer { get; set; }
public Order Order { get; set; }
public List<OrderItem> OrderItems { get; set; }
public Address ShippingAddress { get; set; }
The problem here is that the list of activities to deal with each OrderItem is defined as an argument and updated in each call to that SynOrderItemactivity. As the individual item is processed, it is supposed to replace the original item in the list and then pass the entire altered list as a variable into the next iteration of the same activity. However, the list is not the altered list, but the original one.
I guess my question is two-fold:
How do should you best design a routing slip that has a a list if the same activity, where some of the arguments have to be defined, but others are expected to come from the variable?
When it comes to arguments and variables, which ones take priority?
Unknown? I'm not even sure what this question is asking.
Arguments first, variables second. Explicitly specified arguments when adding the activity to the itinerary take precedence, missing arguments are pulled from variables if present, or left at the default/null value.

Convert Expression<Func<T, bool>> to another Predicate Expression Expression<Func<U, bool>>

I want to convert One predicate Expression(Expression<Func<Item, bool>>) to another Predicate Expression (Expression<Func<ItemEntity, bool>>) but after converting I am not able to query through LINQ.
I Already try this and this approach but nothing work properly
can anyone tells me how to do it properly, My approach for this problems.
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Reflection;
public class ItemEntity {
public int ItemId {set;get;}
public int ItemParentId {set;get;}
public int ItemName {set;get;}
public class Item {
public int Id{ set;get;}
public int ParentId{set;get;}
public int Name {set;get;}
public class Program
public static Item Convert(ItemEntity itemChild)
return new Item()
Id = itemChild.ItemId,
ParentId = itemChild.ItemParentId,
Name = itemChild.ItemName
public async Task<IList<ItemEntity>> SelectAsync(Expression<Func<ItemEntity, bool>> predicate)
// using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
// private readonly DbContext _context; // Injected globally by using Service.AddScoped<ItemContext>();
// return await _context.Set<ItemEntity>().AsNoTracking().Where(predicate).ToListAsync();
return await Task.Run(() => new List<ItemEntity>()); // actually return the result with matching predicate
public async Task<List<Item>> GetItems(Expression<Func<Item, bool>> expression)
MethodInfo convertMethod = ((Func<ItemEntity, Item>)Convert).Method;
var p = Expression.Parameter(typeof(ItemEntity));
var converted = Expression.Lambda<Func<ItemEntity, bool>>(
Expression.Invoke(expression, Expression.Convert(p, typeof(Item), convertMethod)), p);
IList<ItemEntity> res = await SelectAsync(converted);
var t = res.Select(x => Convert(x)).ToList();
return t;
public static void Main()
Program pr = new Program();
Func<Expression<Func<Item, bool>>, Task<List<Item>>> getItem = pr.GetItems;
var res = getItem.Invoke(x => x.Id.Equals(1));
Console.WriteLine("Hello World");
but I am getting error
The LINQ expression 'DbSet()\r\n .Where(i => ((Item)i).Id.Equals(__Id_0))' could not be translated. Either rewrite the query in a form that can be translated, or switch to client evaluation explicitly by inserting a call to 'AsEnumerable', 'AsAsyncEnumerable', 'ToList', or 'ToListAsync'. See for more information.
I don't able to understand it properly, as per my understanding I am using ToList() for client evaluation, but and also provide method to convert ItemEntity to Item.
I any other way to create fresh Expression Tree based on ItemEntity and then query on DBSet?
Any Help is appreciated
version used:
dot-net 5.0
Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore 5.0.6
EntityFramework 6.4.4
Database SQL Server
Try the following approach. Main idea to use filter exactly on the projected DTO before materialization.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
public class ItemEntity
public int ItemId { set; get; }
public int ItemParentId { set; get; }
public int ItemName { set; get; }
public class Item
public int Id { set; get; }
public int ParentId { set; get; }
public int Name { set; get; }
public class Program
public static Expression<Func<ItemEntity, Item>> ToItem()
return itemChild => new Item
Id = itemChild.ItemId,
ParentId = itemChild.ItemParentId,
Name = itemChild.ItemName
public Task<IList<Item>> SelectAsync(Expression<Func<Item, bool>> predicate)
return _context.Set<ItemEntity>()
//return Task.Run(() => new List<ItemEntity>().AsQueryable().Select(ToItem()).Where(predicate).ToList());
public async Task<IList<Item>> GetItems(Expression<Func<Item, bool>> expression)
var res = await SelectAsync(expression);
return res;
public static void Main()
var pr = new Program();
var res = pr.GetItems(x => x.Id == 1);
Console.WriteLine("Hello World");

How to send complex objects in GET to WEB API 2

Let's say that you have the following code
public class MyClass {
public double Latitude {get; set;}
public double Longitude {get; set;}
public class Criteria
public DateTime StartDate { get; set; }
public DateTime EndDate { get; set; }
public MyClass MyProp {get; set;}
public Criteria Get([FromUri] Criteria c)
return c;
I'd like to know if someone is aware of a library that could transform any object into query string that is understood by a WEB API 2 Controller.
Here is an example of what I'd like
SerializeToQueryString(new Criteria{StartDate=DateTime.Today, EndDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(1), MyProp = new MyProp{Latitude=1, Longitude=3}});
=> "startDate=2015-10-13&endDate=2015-10-14&myProp.latitude=1&myProp.longitude=3"
A full example with httpClient might look like :
new HttpClient("http://localhost").GetAsync("/tmp?"+SerializeToQueryString(new Criteria{StartDate=DateTime.Today, EndDate = DateTime.Today.AddDays(1), MyProp = new MyProp{Latitude=1, Longitude=3}})).Result;
At the moment, I use a version (taken from a question I do not find again, maybe How do I serialize an object into query-string format? ...).
The problem is that it is not working for anything else than simple properties.
For example, calling ToString on a Date will not give something that is parseable by WEB API 2 controller...
private string SerializeToQueryString<T>(T aObject)
var query = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(string.Empty);
var fields = typeof(T).GetProperties();
foreach (var field in fields)
string key = field.Name;
var value = field.GetValue(aObject);
if (value != null)
query[key] = value.ToString();
return query.ToString();
"Transform any object to a query string" seems to imply there's a standard format for this, and there just isn't. So you would need to pick one or roll your own. JSON seems like the obvious choice due to the availability of great libraries.
Since it seems no one has dealt with the problem before, here is the solution I use in my project :
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
namespace App
public class QueryStringSerializer
public static string SerializeToQueryString(object aObject)
return SerializeToQueryString(aObject, "").ToString();
private static NameValueCollection SerializeToQueryString(object aObject, string prefix)
//!\ doing this to get back a HttpValueCollection which is an internal class
//we want a HttpValueCollection because toString on this class is what we want in the public method
var query = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(String.Empty);
var fields = aObject.GetType().GetProperties();
foreach (var field in fields)
string key = string.IsNullOrEmpty(prefix) ? field.Name : prefix + "." + field.Name;
var value = field.GetValue(aObject);
if (value != null)
var propertyType = GetUnderlyingPropertyType(field.PropertyType);
if (IsSupportedType(propertyType))
query.Add(key, ToString(value));
else if (value is IEnumerable)
var enumerableValue = (IEnumerable) value;
foreach (var enumerableValueElement in enumerableValue)
if (IsSupportedType(GetUnderlyingPropertyType(enumerableValueElement.GetType())))
query.Add(key, ToString(enumerableValueElement));
//it seems that WEB API 2 Controllers are unable to deserialize collections of complex objects...
throw new Exception("can not use IEnumerable<T> where T is a class because it is not understood server side");
var subquery = SerializeToQueryString(value, key);
return query;
private static Type GetUnderlyingPropertyType(Type propType)
var nullablePropertyType = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(propType);
return nullablePropertyType ?? propType;
private static bool IsSupportedType(Type propertyType)
return SUPPORTED_TYPES.Contains(propertyType) || propertyType.IsEnum;
private static readonly Type[] SUPPORTED_TYPES = new[]
private static string ToString(object value)
if (value is DateTime)
var dateValue = (DateTime) value;
if (dateValue.Hour == 0 && dateValue.Minute == 0 && dateValue.Second == 0)
return dateValue.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
return dateValue.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
else if (value is float)
return ((float) value).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
else if (value is double)
return ((double)value).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
else /*int, long, string, ENUM*/
return value.ToString();
Here is the unit test to demonstrate :
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
namespace Framework.WebApi.Core.Tests
public class QueryStringSerializerTest
public class EasyObject
public string MyString { get; set; }
public int? MyInt { get; set; }
public long? MyLong { get; set; }
public float? MyFloat { get; set; }
public double? MyDouble { get; set; }
public void TestEasyObject()
var queryString = QueryStringSerializer.SerializeToQueryString(new EasyObject(){MyString = "string", MyInt = 1, MyLong = 1L, MyFloat = 1.5F, MyDouble = 1.4});
public void TestEasyObjectNullable()
var queryString = QueryStringSerializer.SerializeToQueryString(new EasyObject() { });
Assert.IsTrue(queryString == "");
public void TestUrlEncoding()
var queryString = QueryStringSerializer.SerializeToQueryString(new EasyObject() { MyString = "&=/;+" });
public class DateObject
public DateTime MyDate { get; set; }
public void TestDate()
var d = DateTime.ParseExact("2010-10-13", "yyyy-MM-dd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
var queryString = QueryStringSerializer.SerializeToQueryString(new DateObject() { MyDate = d });
public void TestDateTime()
var d = DateTime.ParseExact("2010-10-13 20:00", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
var queryString = QueryStringSerializer.SerializeToQueryString(new DateObject() { MyDate = d });
public class InnerComplexObject
public double Lat { get; set; }
public double Lon { get; set; }
public class ComplexObject
public InnerComplexObject Inner { get; set; }
public void TestComplexObject()
var queryString = QueryStringSerializer.SerializeToQueryString(new ComplexObject() { Inner = new InnerComplexObject() {Lat = 50, Lon = 2} });
public class EnumerableObject
public IEnumerable<int> InnerInts { get; set; }
public void TestEnumerableObject()
var queryString = QueryStringSerializer.SerializeToQueryString(new EnumerableObject() {
InnerInts = new[] { 1,2 }
public class ComplexEnumerableObject
public IEnumerable<InnerComplexObject> Inners { get; set; }
public void TestComplexEnumerableObject()
QueryStringSerializer.SerializeToQueryString(new ComplexEnumerableObject()
Inners = new[]
new InnerComplexObject() {Lat = 50, Lon = 2},
new InnerComplexObject() {Lat = 51, Lon = 3},
Assert.Fail("we should refuse something that will not be understand by the server");
catch (Exception e)
Assert.AreEqual("can not use IEnumerable<T> where T is a class because it is not understood server side", e.Message);
public enum TheEnum : int
One = 1,
Two = 2
public class EnumObject
public TheEnum? MyEnum { get; set; }
public void TestEnum()
var queryString = QueryStringSerializer.SerializeToQueryString(new EnumObject() { MyEnum = TheEnum.Two});
I'd like to thank all the participants even if this is not something that you should usually do in a Q&A format :)

Access to a property with Interface cast

ActionBase, ActionA, ActionB and ActionC are Entities (from a database). ActionA, ActionB and ActionC are derived type of ActionBase.
ActionB and ActionC implements ISpecialAction with a SpecialProperty.
ex :
public interface ISpecialAction
Guid SpecialProperty { get; }
public partial class ActionBase
public objectX OnePropertyBase { get; set; }
public partial class ActionA : ActionBase
public objectY OnePropertyA { get; set; }
public partial class ActionB:ActionBase,ISpecialAction
public objectZ OnePropertyB { get; set; }
public Guid SpecialProperty
return OnePropertyB.ID;
public partial class ActionC : ActionBase ,ISpecialAction
public objectW OnePropertyC { get; set; }
public Guid SpecialProperty
return OnePropertyC.ID;
My problem is that SpecialProperty is build from other Properties of the objects (ActionB or ActionC) and when the cast (to ISpecialAction) is done, OtherProperty and OtherProperty2 are null.
I tried :
GetActionBase().ToList().Where(x=>x is ISpecialAction && ((dynamic) x).SpecialProperty== p_SpecialProperty);
GetActionBase().ToList().Where(x=>x is ISpecialAction && ((ISpecialAction) x).SpecialProperty== p_SpecialProperty);
GetActionBase().ToList().OfType<ISpecialAction>().Where(x => x.SpecialProperty== p_SpecialProperty).Cast<ActionBase>();
return GetActionOnGoing().ToList().OfType<ICityAction>().Cast<ActionBase>().Where(x => ((dynamic)x).CityId == p_CityId);
remark : OfType<> doesn't works with an Interface in Linq to entities but is ok in Linq to object
How do I access my property interface without knowing the type of the object?
I might missed something but this is Ok with the code you provided :
public class objectX
public class objectY
public class objectZ
public Guid ID { get { return Guid.NewGuid();} }
public class objectW
public Guid ID { get { return new Guid(); } }
class Program
private static Guid p_SpecialProperty;
static void Main(string[] args)
var result = GetActionBase().ToList().Where(x => x is ISpecialAction && ((dynamic)x).SpecialProperty == p_SpecialProperty).FirstOrDefault();
var result1 = GetActionBase().ToList().Where(x => x is ISpecialAction && ((ISpecialAction)x).SpecialProperty == p_SpecialProperty).FirstOrDefault();
var result2 = GetActionBase().ToList().OfType<ISpecialAction>().Where(x => x.SpecialProperty == p_SpecialProperty).Cast<ActionBase>().FirstOrDefault();
private static IEnumerable<ActionBase> GetActionBase()
return new List<ActionBase> {new ActionA{OnePropertyA= new objectY()}, new ActionB{OnePropertyB=new objectZ()},new ActionC{OnePropertyC=new objectW()} };
Not sure if I exactly understand your question, but could you try using an intermediate interface, such as:
public interface ISpecialActionB : ISpecialAction
objectZ OnePropertyB { get; set; }
public class ActionB : ActionBase, ISpecialActionB
//same stuff
and casting to that instead.
var b = new ActionB{OnePropertyB = new Whatever()};
var bAsSpecial = b as ISpecialActionB;
var whatever = b.OnePropertyB; // should not be null
It' ok.
Your example run very well without problem so I searched in a other way : AutoMapper.
l_List.Actions = Mapper.Map<List<ActionBase>, Action[]>(l_ActionManagement.GetActionBySpecialId(l_Special.ID).ToList());
The problem was not interfaces or Linq queries but it was that automapper need an empty constructor and in this constructor, I need to initialize OnePropertyB and OnePropertyC to compute SpecialProperty.

Translating expression tree from a type to another type with complex mappings

inspired by this answer I'm trying to map a property on a model class to an expression based on the actual entity.
These are the two classes involved:
public class Customer
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public int Id { get; set; }
public DateTime? BirthDate { get; set; }
public int CustomerTypeId { get; set; }
public class CustomerModel
public bool HasEvenId { get; set; }
An example of a possible expression I'd like to convert is:
Expression<Func<CustomerModel, bool>> from = model => model.HasEvenId;
Expression<Func<Customer, bool>> to = entity => ((entity.Id % 2) == 0);
The problem is that I have to expose an OData endpoint via ASP.NET WebAPI but I need to make some operations on the entities before I can them, hence the need of a model class and the need to translate the expression based on the model that I could receive as an OData query in an expression based on the entity, that I would use to query EF4.
This is where I got so far:
private static readonly Dictionary<Expression, Expression> Mappings = GetMappings();
private static Dictionary<Expression, Expression> GetMappings()
var mappings = new Dictionary<Expression, Expression>();
var mapping = GetMappingFor((CustomerModel model) => model.HasEvenId, (Customer customer) => (customer.Id%2) == 0);
mappings.Add(mapping.Item1, mapping.Item2);
return mappings;
private static Tuple<Expression, Expression> GetMappingFor<TFrom, TTo, TValue>(Expression<Func<TFrom, TValue>> fromExpression, Expression<Func<TTo, TValue>> toExpression)
MemberExpression fromMemberExpression = (MemberExpression) fromExpression.Body;
return Tuple.Create<Expression, Expression>(fromMemberExpression, toExpression);
public static Expression<Func<TTo, bool>> Translate<TFrom, TTo>(Expression<Func<TFrom, bool>> expression, Dictionary<Expression, Expression> mappings = null)
if (expression == null)
return null;
string parameterName = expression.Parameters[0].Name;
parameterName = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(parameterName) ? "p" : parameterName;
var param = Expression.Parameter(typeof(TTo), parameterName);
var subst = new Dictionary<Expression, Expression> { { expression.Parameters[0], param } };
ParameterChangeVisitor parameterChange = new ParameterChangeVisitor(parameterName);
if (mappings != null)
foreach (var mapp in mappings)
subst.Add(mapp.Key, parameterChange.Visit(mapp.Value));
var visitor = new TypeChangeVisitor(typeof(TFrom), typeof(TTo), subst);
return Expression.Lambda<Func<TTo, bool>>(visitor.Visit(expression.Body), param);
public IQueryable<CustomerModel> Get()
var filterExtractor = new ODataFilterExtractor<CustomerModel>();
Expression<Func<CustomerModel, bool>> expression = filterExtractor.Extract(Request);
Expression<Func<Customer, bool>> translatedExpression = Translate<CustomerModel, Customer>(expression, Mappings);
IQueryable<Customer> query = _context.Customers;
if (translatedExpression != null)
query = query.Where(translatedExpression);
var finalQuery = from item in query.AsEnumerable()
select new CustomerModel()
FirstName = item.FirstName,
LastName = item.LastName,
Id = item.Id,
BirthDate = item.BirthDate,
CustomerTypeId = item.CustomerTypeId,
HasEvenId = (item.Id % 2 ) == 0
return finalQuery.AsQueryable();
ODataFilterExtractor is a class that extract the $filter expression from the RequestMessage we receive;
ParameterChangeVisitor just changes all the ParameterExpression to a new one having the provided string as parameter name;
In addition, I changed the VisitMember method of the answer linked above in this way:
protected override Expression VisitMember(MemberExpression node)
// if we see x.Name on the old type, substitute for new type
if (node.Member.DeclaringType == _from)
MemberInfo toMember = _to.GetMember(node.Member.Name, node.Member.MemberType, BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic).SingleOrDefault();
if (toMember != null)
return Expression.MakeMemberAccess(Visit(node.Expression), toMember);
if (_substitutions.Select(kvp => kvp.Key).OfType<MemberExpression>().Any(me => me.Member.Equals(node.Member)))
MemberExpression key = _substitutions.Select(kvp => kvp.Key).OfType<MemberExpression>().Single(me => me.Member.Equals(node.Member));
Expression value = _substitutions[key];
// What to return here?
return Expression.Invoke(value);
return base.VisitMember(node);
Thanks for you help.
I took the liberty of modifying your code just a hair but this does the trick,
public class Customer
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public int Id { get; set; }
public DateTime? BirthDate { get; set; }
public int CustomerTypeId { get; set; }
public class CustomerModel
public string FullName { get; set; }
public bool HasEvenId { get; set; }
sealed class AToBConverter<TA, TB> : ExpressionVisitor
private readonly Dictionary<ParameterExpression, ParameterExpression> _parameters = new Dictionary<ParameterExpression, ParameterExpression>();
private readonly Dictionary<MemberInfo, LambdaExpression> _mappings;
protected override Expression VisitParameter(ParameterExpression node)
if (node.Type == typeof(TA))
ParameterExpression parameter;
if (!this._parameters.TryGetValue(node, out parameter))
this._parameters.Add(node, parameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(TB), node.Name));
return parameter;
return node;
protected override Expression VisitMember(MemberExpression node)
if (node.Expression == null || node.Expression.Type != typeof(TA))
return base.VisitMember(node);
Expression expression = this.Visit(node.Expression);
if (expression.Type != typeof(TB))
throw new Exception("Whoops");
LambdaExpression lambdaExpression;
if (this._mappings.TryGetValue(node.Member, out lambdaExpression))
return new SimpleExpressionReplacer(lambdaExpression.Parameters.Single(), expression).Visit(lambdaExpression.Body);
return Expression.Property(
protected override Expression VisitLambda<T>(Expression<T> node)
return Expression.Lambda(
public AToBConverter(Dictionary<MemberInfo, LambdaExpression> mappings)
this._mappings = mappings;
sealed class SimpleExpressionReplacer : ExpressionVisitor
private readonly Expression _replacement;
private readonly Expression _toFind;
public override Expression Visit(Expression node)
return node == this._toFind ? this._replacement : base.Visit(node);
public SimpleExpressionReplacer(Expression toFind, Expression replacement)
this._toFind = toFind;
this._replacement = replacement;
class Program
private static Dictionary<MemberInfo, LambdaExpression> GetMappings()
var mappings = new Dictionary<MemberInfo, LambdaExpression>();
var mapping = GetMappingFor(model => model.HasEvenId, customer => (customer.Id % 2) == 0);
mappings.Add(mapping.Item1, mapping.Item2);
mapping = GetMappingFor(model => model.FullName, customer => customer.FirstName + " " + customer.LastName);
mappings.Add(mapping.Item1, mapping.Item2);
return mappings;
private static Tuple<MemberInfo, LambdaExpression> GetMappingFor<TValue>(Expression<Func<CustomerModel, TValue>> fromExpression, Expression<Func<Customer, TValue>> toExpression)
return Tuple.Create(((MemberExpression)fromExpression.Body).Member, (LambdaExpression)toExpression);
static void Main()
Expression<Func<CustomerModel, bool>> source = model => model.HasEvenId && model.FullName == "John Smith";
Expression<Func<Customer, bool>> desiredResult = model => (model.Id % 2) == 0 && (model.FirstName + " " + model.LastName) == "John Smith";
Expression output = new AToBConverter<CustomerModel, Customer>(GetMappings()).Visit(source);
Console.WriteLine("The two expressions do {0}match.", desiredResult.ToString() == output.ToString() ? null : "not ");
Another solution would be to use AutoMapper to map complex types and modify the resulting expression query with an ExpressionTransformer before it gets executed. I will try to explain with a complete sample:
Model classes
Some POCO classes just for holding data.
public enum CostUnitType
None = 0,
StockUnit = 1,
MachineUnit = 2,
MaintenanceUnit = 3
public class CostUnit
public string CostUnitId { get; set; }
public string WorkplaceId { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
public CostUnitType Type { get; set; }
public override string ToString()
return CostUnitId + " " + Name + " " + Type;
public class StockUnit
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public class MachineUnit
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public class MaintenanceUnit
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
The ExpressionTransformer class
Most of the time, using the Mapper static class is fine, but sometimes you need to map the same types with different configurations, so you need to explicitly use an IMappingEngine like this:
var configuration = new ConfigurationStore(new TypeMapFactory(), MapperRegistry.Mappers);
var engine = new MappingEngine(configuration);
The way to create a MappingEngine is not obvious at all. I had to dig in the source code to find how it was done.
public static class ExpressionTransformer
private static readonly MappingEngine Mapper;
/// <summary>
/// Initializes the <see cref="ExpressionTransformer"/> class.
/// Creates an instance of AutoMapper. Initializes mappings.
/// </summary>
static ExpressionTransformer()
ConfigurationStore configurationStore = new ConfigurationStore(new TypeMapFactory(), MapperRegistry.Mappers);
// Create mapping
// Maps Id from StockUnit to CostUnitId from CostUnit
configurationStore.CreateMap<StockUnit, CostUnit>()
.ForMember(m => m.CostUnitId, opt => opt.MapFrom(src => src.Id));
// Maps Id from MachineUnit to CostUnitId from CostUnit
configurationStore.CreateMap<MachineUnit, CostUnit>()
.ForMember(m => m.CostUnitId, opt => opt.MapFrom(src => src.Id));
// Maps Id from MaintenanceUnit to CostUnitId from CostUnit
configurationStore.CreateMap<MaintenanceUnit, CostUnit>()
.ForMember(m => m.CostUnitId, opt => opt.MapFrom(src => src.Id));
// Create instance of AutoMapper
Mapper = new MappingEngine(configurationStore);
public static Expression<Func<TDestination, bool>> Tranform<TSource, TDestination>(Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> sourceExpression)
// Resolve mappings by AutoMapper for given types.
var map = Mapper.ConfigurationProvider.FindTypeMapFor(typeof(TSource), typeof(TDestination));
if (map == null)
throw new AutoMapperMappingException(string.Format("No Mapping found for {0} --> {1}.", typeof(TSource).Name, typeof(TDestination).Name));
// Transform from TSource to TDestination with specified mappings
var visitor = new ParameterTypeVisitor<TSource, TDestination>(sourceExpression, map.GetPropertyMaps());
var expression = visitor.Transform();
return expression;
private class ParameterTypeVisitor<TSource, TDestination> : ExpressionVisitor
private readonly Dictionary<string, ParameterExpression> _parameters;
private readonly Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> _expression;
private readonly IEnumerable<PropertyMap> _maps;
public ParameterTypeVisitor(Expression<Func<TSource, bool>> expression, IEnumerable<PropertyMap> maps)
_parameters = expression.Parameters
.ToDictionary(p => p.Name, p => Expression.Parameter(typeof(TDestination), p.Name));
_expression = expression;
_maps = maps;
public Expression<Func<TDestination, bool>> Transform()
return (Expression<Func<TDestination, bool>>) Visit(_expression);
protected override Expression VisitMember(MemberExpression node)
if (node.Member.DeclaringType == typeof(TSource))
var memberName = node.Member.Name;
var member = _maps.FirstOrDefault(p => typeof(TSource) == node.Expression.Type
&& p.SourceMember.Name == memberName);
if (member != null)
// Return Property from TDestination
var expression = Visit(node.Expression);
return Expression.MakeMemberAccess(expression, member.DestinationProperty.MemberInfo);
return base.VisitMember(node);
protected override Expression VisitParameter(ParameterExpression node)
var parameter = _parameters[node.Name];
return parameter;
protected override Expression VisitLambda<T>(Expression<T> node)
var expression = Visit(node.Body);
return Expression.Lambda(expression, _parameters.Select(x => x.Value));
To Convert an expression we just need to call Transform Method of ExpressionTransformer class
Expression<Func<StockUnit, bool>> stockQuery = unit => unit.Id == "0815" && unit.Name == "ABC";
// Call Transform<TSource, TDestination> method.
Expression<Func<CostUnit, bool>> costUnitQuery = ExpressionTransformer.Tranform<StockUnit, CostUnit>(stockQuery);
