After updating Xamarin and Xcode, failing to run app on iOS device - xcode

I recently updated Xcode and Xamarin and when I deploy my project to my simulator on iOS it works well. But when I however try to use my phone that has been working succesfully for many months now it does not work and I get this error in the log:
System.IO.FileNotFoundException: /Users/Carlos/Projects/Myproject/iOS/obj/iPhone/Debug/build-iphone8.1-9.3.2/ibtool-link/LaunchScreen.storyboardc/02J-Ip-oVM-view-Ze4-5b-2t2.nib does not exist
My bundle identifier matches my provisioning profile that I have made on apple.
I have tried to delete the obj and bin folders in the projectmap/mainmap (not the obj and bin-folders inside the iOS folder) but without any success. I have also rebuild the project and cleaned it but the problem still remains.
When I create a brand new project however it works. So it seems to be a problem with old projects only.
In the map on my old project I cannot even find "ibtool-link" and if I check the newly made project I just made i can see it there and other maps as well. Can I solve it by copying them over? Or is there a better solution?
Any ideas what it might be?

You might try the suggestions (I saw at least 2 different ones) in this post which are:
simply right click on the xib and open it in IB. I then turn around and close it in IB and that gets me past the error.
make sure 'Main Interface' empty in info.plist.
Remove Bin and Obj folder.
Also you might try deleting the build cache on your mac by going to /Users/<Your User Account Name>/Library/Caches/Xamarin/mtbs/ and then delete the folder that is the same name as your solution (there might be 2, one with iOS in the name, delete both). This will get recreated when you rebuild your solution.


Xcode project with a certain Product name crashes at launch

After I finished my Xcode project (macOS app), I wanted to change its name, folder names and other stuff... Everything messed up and the project wouldn't build so I decided to save all the project files in a folder, create a new Xcode project and place the original files there.
So the new project builds completely fine, but it crashes at launch with this message
container_create_or_lookup_for_current_user(): 8
But the weirdest part is that even if I create an empty project but with the original product name/project name, Xcode won't run the app. Same error.
How can I solve this?
I cleaned the build folder, deleted Derived data, restarted pc.
UPD. When I edit scheme and set debug process as ROOT, app doesn't crash
Deleting old app folders in ~/Library/Containers fixed the issue.

Mistakenly remove reference of the whole project in Xcode

I am working on an iOS project but mistakenly I just remove reference of the whole project in Xcode. After that, I have tried to add all of these folders and files but now the scheme is gone that's why I can't build the project anymore. Can we fix this horrible problem?
This is an ugly work-around, but it has been known to work.
Start a new project with the same name (just stored in a different place)
Remove all the code from the project navigator, including the storyboard
Import all the files and the storyboard from the original project.
Double-check the storyboard (I had problems with loss of segue IDs)
It took time, but at least it made the codesign problem go away.

Xamarin displaying wrong images

I have a xamarin forms project that started behaving strangely... It started randomly replacing images with different images from the resource folder. It seems to only be happening in the Android project, iOS is behaving correctly. I've removed the recently added images and readded them, clean, rebuild, nothing sees to be helping. The images that are getting changed are not being overwritten, and the code references the correct file.
Has anyone run into a similar issue before? Thoughts on how to possibly fix this?
It is a common behaviour, What I usually do is:
Restart Xamarin Studio
Go to your project Android location and Delete the bin/Obj folders.
Do a full clean, rebuild of your project
Delete the Android app from the device
This is the my day to day script. Hope it helps!

Images files still appearing in app even after deleting every supporting files Xcode 6.4

I deleted all my supporting files form Xcode's project and still when I run the app some how some images are still there/appearing but when i search in the search box for the file at the bottom left of the project. It says that there no file of that name in my project does anyone know why or how this is happening? And theres nothing in assets I'm using Swift if it helps Thanks
Old things that you delete from the project are not deleted from the built app, or from the intermediates along the way. To do that, you need to clean all the caches, and also clean out any old built versions (e.g. clean the simulator, and also delete from the device if you've been testing on a device).

XCode 4.5.2: Cannot run on the selected destination - Facebook SDK

Cannot run on the selected destination
The selected destination does not support the architecture for which the selected software is built. Switch to a destination that supports that architecture in order to run the selected software.
I am using the Facebook-iOS-SDK from GitHub:
tested latest commit (2a030e795aed343e7614e149a5ebdfa78b223a72) and sdk-version-3.0.8 tag, both having the same problem. Tested the Hackbook, Scrumptious, FriendPickerSample on both iDevices and iSimulator.
It was working before (on older version of XCode), so it could be the xcode upgrade, but my other projects work fine. I've tried multiple solutions on this site which works for others but not on mine, does anyone encounter this before with Facebook-SDK specifically? Thanks in advance!
EDIT: I have found the issue, if you install the FacebookSDK and you add the resources folder to get the facebook image buttons there is a Info.plist file. XCodes goes weird with this info.plist file. I have deleted it, made a clean and now it works perfect :)
The same behavior here. On another projects it runs perfectly but in this one I have always the same problem. After some XCode restarts sometimes it runs ok, sometimes I "click" on run and then nothings happens, sometimes it runs...
The best option is to move the project to other path. Adding and removing the libsql3.0 from lib dependencies sometimes works too.
Sadly, it seems like this is a bug on XCode, it will build and run fine for once every couple of restarts and with the entire project directory moved to other path. This is very sad because apple always make good products for consumer but all their developer software are crappy compared to big M's
I ran into this problem. It seemed to start right after XCode hung and I had to force quit. This was a day before the 4.6 update. I hoped that that update might fix the problem. And I did get one successful build before I started getting that message (actually in 4.6 there are two different but similar messages that seem to alternate.
I solve the problem by letting XCode update the project settings. I first noticed this possibility when I made a duplicate copy of my project and open that, but it is clear that this option is also available in the original. Here is what I did
In the Issues Navigator just under my project "MyProject project" I had a message MyProject.xcode
Validate Project Settings
Update to recommended settings.
I click on that and I was presented with a dialog box with 4 checkboxes some explanatory text and the option to perform changes. I just let Xcode make those changes and everything has been fine since.
Remove info.plist from Facebook Resources folder. Changed the location of XCode project and Reset the iPhone it is working :) Buggy XCode !!
